2000-053 Amends Certification Pay PolicyRESOLUTION 53-2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 4.06(e) ENTITLED "CERTIFICATION AND LICENSE PAY" OF THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE VILLAGE ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION 29-97, WHICH AMENDMENT IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN ATTACHMENT "A" ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby amend Section 4.06(e) entitled "Certification and License Pay" of the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Village adopted by Resolution 29-97, which Amendment is set forth in Attachment "A" to this Resolution and made part hereof. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect October 1, 1999, but shall not be implemented until the affected bargaining units have provided a waiver letter or the parties have concluded the impact bargaining process if requested. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2000. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK ATTACHMENT "A" 4,06(el "CERTIFICATION AND LICENSE PAY" The following categories and criteria aze used in the determination of Certification Pay: 1) GENERAL (l:+ve-~ types as follows): a) As required byjob description. b) Additional to that required byjob description. c) Not required byjob description. Annual Continuing Education Units (CEU) required. d) Not required byjob description. No annual CEU's required. e) Not required byjob description. FederaVState law requires certification to per-ferrt perform a specific act. fl Public Safety Certification 2) SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: a) As required byjob descri ton. Required byjob description because required by State Statute. No additional pay above entry level. Exam required. Annual CEU required. Example: ~}ie~Sa€ety-g€fteee Building Inspector b) Additional to that required byjob description. Exam required. Annual CEU. Must benefit the Village. Maximum of six per individual. Recommended by Department Head-approved by Village Manager. Budget item. Example: ~}ie-Sa€ety$€fteeF 1?i~en3a» edte Building Inspector Plumbing Inspector Building Plans Examiner c) Not re°uired byjob description nn gal (`nntim ing FAuratinn t r.,~rs ( Fr n u' a .Must benefit the Village. Maximum three per individual. Recommended by Department Head-approved by Village Manager. Budget item. Example: Finance CPA -State of Florida CGFO -Florida Government Finance Officer Association CGFM -Association of Government Accounting Managers Example: Recreation Leisure Professional -Florida Recreation & Parks Association Example: Golf Course Golf Course Superintendents of America Association Example: Public Services Registered Professional Engineer ATTACHMENT "A" (continued) Page 2 4.06(e) CERTIFICATION AND LICENSE PAY d) Not req iu red byjob descrintion *r ,at r~r~r[ Quired, Must benefit the Village. Maximum one per individual. Recommended by Department Head- approved by Village Manager. Budget item. Example: Village Clerk IIMC - International Institute of Municipal Clerks e) Not required by ioh descr;ption F~° rrCtate laws reouire certification [o perform specific acts. Exam required. Re-qualify periodically. Must benefit the Village. Maximum two per individual. Recommended by Department Head-approved by Village Manager. Budget item. Example: Parks Employee Mosquito Control Operator Pesticide Operator Example: Maintenance Max-Technician Building Air Conditioning Refrigerant Technician f1 Public Caferv r`err;Ar~~:^.. n•,i, r r Quired by job description or addi[ionai to that required by fob decennhon xam r Quired nnual i I reouired Recommen ed by Department Head-anoroved by Village Manaq r n, ger :ro... Thic rof° i ir~il des the followine c .rr;f ~ar;nnc• EmereenCV MCdI(:At Terhni~;an lFAATI i fi t Fire Inspector Paramedic Police Officer 3) COMPENSATION: al ateeories b through e. One time base salary increase of $1,000 per certification up to the maximum certification allowed in each category-~[eeNt ex_cent category "e", which is $500 per certification. b) Cateeorv f. One time bate catan+ inc*~9 ^F 1 000 pe ~'c x pt paramedic certification Compencan~n fnr Pnrnmad:° ,,•r ~• er nnn •~ -gj~yee is aireadv recervme FMT cert,fcahon ply and $2 000 if mp~QVee is not receiving EM T certific_ ati~n nav,