R2023-52 Police Department Radio Equipment and Accessories Purchaser, RESOLUTION 2023-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF POLICE DEPARTMENT RADIO EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES FROM COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. PURSUANT TO PRICING ESTABLISHED IN AN EXISTING HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CONTRACT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Police Department requested the purchase of six (6) radios for police vehicles, portable radio equipment and installation from Communications International, Inc. pursuant to pricing established in an existing Hillsborough County Sheriff s Office Contract (ITB No. 15-20); and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Village and its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves the purchase of six (6) radios for police vehicles, portable radio equipment and installation from Communications International, Inc. pursuant to pricing established in an existing Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Contract (ITB No. 15-20) at a total cost of $39,866.84, with funds expended from Account No. A5711-34660 (Police Department — R & M Communication Systems). The Village Council further authorizes the Village Manager to take all actions necessary to effectuate the purchase. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PAS ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF JU AT�`�'� 0 VILLAG CLERK Quotation Page 1 of C1 COMMUNICATIONS Quotation ID Q00026238 INTERNATIONAL Date 06/12/2023 An Employee Owned Company Expiration date 07/07/2023 Communications International, Inc. Terms N30RenestedB4450USHighway19y VERO BEACH, FL 32967 Salesperson Mikkie Etienne Phone (561)688-0330 E-mail metienne@ask4ci.com Bill to Delivery address Village Of North Palm Beach Village of North Palm Beach 560 US Hwy 1 560 US Hwy 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 NPBPD XG-75M FY23 Installs Pricing per HCSO Contract RFP 15-20 Line Item Description Quantity Price Discount Net Price Extended Price MAMW-SDMXX MOBILE,XG-75M/M7300,764- 4.00 2,510.00 28% 1,807.20 7,228.80 870MHZ,HALF DPLX 4) Marked Patrol Veh. Pricing per HCSO Contract RFP 15-20 MAMW-PKGNT Feature Package,OpenSky & P25 Trunked 4.00 1,750.00 5% 1,662.50 6,650.00 MAMW-NPL3V Feature, 64B -DES Encryption 4.00 425.00 5% 403.75 1,615.00 MAMW-NPL3R Feature, Max(1024+) Sys/Grp Option 4.00 0.01 0% 0.01 0.04 MW-PL9E FEATURE, SINGLE -KEY AES 1.00 0.01 0% 0.01 0.01 ENCRYPTION MAMW-NCP9F Control Unit, CH -721, System, Remote 4.00 900.00 28% 648.00 2,592.00 Mount MAMW-NZN7R M7300 Remote Mount Accessory Kit 4.00 360.00 28% 259.20 1,036.80 MAMW-NMC9D Microphone,Noise Canceling,CH-721 CU 4.00 160.00 28% 115.20 460.80 MC103334051) MB8U MOUNT, 3/4", RG58U, NO CONN 4.00 23.23 10% 20.91 83.63 TRAB7603 760-870 Phantom Antenna, Black 4.00 66.91 10% 60.22 240.88 RFT12022T TNC Male Crimp Connector for RG -58U 4.00 5.77 10% 5.19 20.77 Troy: FP-ERIC-KRY-RD 3" Faceplate 4.00 50.00 0% 50.00 200.00 L3Harris CH -721 Misc Install Materials ($25 per Veh.) 4.00 25.00 0% 25.00 100.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: AA9E0D64-86ED-4C28-BBBB-7159156773F6 Quotation Page 2of4 C1 COMMUNICATIONS quotation ID 000026238 INTERNATIONAL Date 06/12/2023 An Employee Owned Company Expiration date 07/07/2023 Line Item Description Quantity Price Discount Net Price Extended Price Labor - Setup (1.5 Hours per Radio) 6.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 Labor- Install (3 Hrs per Veh.) Standard 12.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 Rear Mount Install MAMW-SDMXX MOBILE,XG-75M/M7300,764- 1.00 2,510.00 28% 1,807.20 1,807.20 870MHZ,HALF DPLX Unmarked Admin Veh. Specialty install (Side of center console, passenger) Pricing per HCSO Contract RFP 15-20 MAMW-PKGNT Feature Package,OpenSky & P25 Trunked 1.00 1,750.00 5% 1,662.50 1,662.50 MAMW-NPL3V Feature, 64B -DES Encryption 1.00 425.00 5% 403.75 403.75 MAMW-NPL3R Feature, Max(1024+) Sys/Grp Option 1.00 0.01 0% 0.01 0.01 MW-PL9E FEATURE, SINGLE -KEY AES 1.00 0.01 0% 0.01 0.01 ENCRYPTION MAMW-NCP9F Control Unit, CH -721, System, Remote 1.00 900.00 28% 648.00 648.00 Mount MAMW-NZN7R M7300 Remote Mount Accessory Kit 1.00 360.00 28% 259.20 259.20 MAMW-NMC9D Microphone,Noise Canceling,CH-721 CU 1.00 160.00 28% 115.20 115.20 MC103334051) MB8U MOUNT, 3/4", RG58U, NO CONN 1.00 23.23 10% 20.91 20.91 TRAB7603 760-870 Phantom Antenna, Black 1.00 66.91 10% 60.22 60.22 RFT12022T TNC Male Crimp Connector for RG -58U 1.00 5.77 10% 5.19 5.19 Misc Install Materials ($25 per Veh.) 1.00 25.00 0% 25.00 25.00 Labor - Setup (1.5 Hours per Radio) 1.50 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 Labor - Install (3 Hrs per Veh.) Standard 3.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 Rear Mount Install MAMW-SDMXX MOBILE,XG-75M/M7300,764- 1.00 2,510.00 28% 1,807.20 1,807.20 870MHZ,HALF DPLX Brinx Armored Truck for SWAT - Handheld Controller & 2 Speakers (front and back) Pricing per HCSO Contract RFP 15-20 MAMW-PKGNT Feature Package,OpenSky & P25 Trunked 1.00 1,750.00 5% 1,662.50 1,662.50 MAMW-NPL3V Feature, 6413 -DES Encryption 1.00 425.00 5% 403.75 403.75 MAMW-NPL3R Feature, Max(1024+) Sys/Grp Option 1.00 0.01 0% 0.01 0.01 DocuSign Envelope ID: AA9E0D64-86ED-4C28-BBBB-7159156773F6 Quotation Page 3of4 C1 COMMUNICATIONS Quotation ID Q00026238 INTERNATIONAL Date 06/12/2023 An Employee Owned Company Expiration date 07/07/2023 Line Item Description Quantity Price Discount Net Price Extended Price MW-PL9E FEATURE, SINGLE -KEY AES 1.00 0.01 0% 0.01 0.01 ENCRYPTION MAMW-NCP9P CONTROL UNIT, HHC-731, XG-75M/M7300 1.00 900.00 28% 648.00 648.00 MAMW-NZN9G Kit, HHC-731, Installation Accessories 1.00 472.78 28% 340.40 340.40 MB8U MOUNT, 3/4", RG58U, NO CONN 1.00 23.23 10% 20.91 20.91 TRAB7603 760-870 Phantom Antenna, Black 1.00 66.91 10% 60.22 60.22 RFT12022T TNC Male Crimp Connector for RG -58U 1.00 5.77 10% 5.19 5.19 LS102824V10 Speaker,Mobile,4 Ohm,OpenSky 1.00 40.00 25% 30.00 30.00 Labor - setup (1.5 Hours per Radio) 1.50 90.00 0% 90.00 135.00 Labor - Install (8 hrs per Veh.) Specialty 8.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 Install SWAT Veh CA -009562-030 Cable Assembly, CAN,30 FT Straight -Right 1.00 115.00 25% 86.25 86.25 Crime Scene P/U Install existing radio (provided by Customer) with all new cables and antenna. Pricing per HCSO Contract RFP 15-20 CA -012616-001 Cable,DC Power,CH721 Control Unit 1.00 120.00 25% 90.00 90.00 CA -012365-001 Cable,DC Power, M7200/7300/5300 1.00 100.00 25% 75.00 75.00 LS102824V10 Speaker,Mobile,4 Ohm,OpenSky 1.00 40.00 25% 30.00 30.00 MB8U MOUNT, 3/4", RG58U, NO CONN 1.00 23.23 10% 20.91 20.91 TRAB7603 760-870 Phantom Antenna, Black 1.00 66.91 10% 60.22 60.22 RFT12022T TNC Male Crimp Connector for RG -58U 1.00 5.77 10% 5.19 5.19 CIIPA2U Battery,Lithium Polymer, P5400/7300/XG-75 25.00 163.00 15% 138.55 3,463.75 MAEV-NNC5X Antenna, 764-870 MHz, 1/4 Wave Whip 20.00 40.00 25% 30.00 600.00 KRE10115062) MAEV-NNC5K Antenna, 806-870 MHz, Flex End -Fed Gain 20.00 30.00 25% 22.50 450.00 KRE 10115061) V2-10465 Evolution Speaker Mic, Coiled Cord, 20.00 272.73 15% 231.82 4,636.41 Antenna, P5300/5400 DocuSign Envelope ID: AA9E0D64-86ED-4C28-BBBB-7159156773F6 Quotation Page 4of4 C1 COMMUNICATIONS Quotation ID 000026238 INTERNATIONAL Date 06/12/2023 An Employee Owned Company Expiration date 07/07/2023 Order Acceptance - Please sign below Signature Printed name Date Pre-tax Total $39,866.84 This quotation does not include tax Applicable taxes will be calculated during invoicing By signing this quotation and/or submitting a purchase order pursuant to this quotation you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by Communications International, Inc.'s terms and conditions of sale, service, and technical support. Orders may be subject to shipping & handling charges. All warranties are manufacturer's warranties. Terms and Conditions: www.ask4ci.com/termsandconditions This proposal does not reflect (include) material/labor cost escalations beyond a standard inflationary rate (SIR) of 6.5%. We reserve the right to recover cost impacts above (SIR). Equipment will be invoiced upon delivery. DocuSign Envelope ID: AA9E0D64-86ED-4C28-BBBB-7159156773F6 7/13/2023 Chuck Huff