2000-035 Prosperity Farms Road Landscape CommitteeRESOLUTION 35-2000 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING AN AD HOC COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF SEVEN (7) RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE LANDSCAPING AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD; APPOINTING COUNCILMAN DON NOEL AS CHAIRMAN. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL SHALL SELECT SIX (6) ADDITIONAL VILLAGE RESIDENTS TO SERVE ON THE COMMITTEE WITH THREE (3) RESIDENTS TO BE FROM THE PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD AREA; PROVIDING THAT THE VILLAGE MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE AND A REPRESENTATIVE FROM DISTRICT ONE OF THE PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMISSION SHALL BE EX-OFFICIO TO THE COMMITTEE; ESTABLISHING CRITERIA TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR THE DISSOLUTION OF THE COMMITTEE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby create an ad hoc committee consisting of seven (7) residents of the Village for the purpose of securing recommendations for the landscaping and other matters related to Prosperity Farms Road. Section 2. Councilman Don Noel is appointed Chairman of the committee. The Village Council shall select six (6) additional Village residents to serve on the committee with three (3) residents to be from the Prosperity Farms Road area. Section 3. The Village Manager or his designee and a representative from District One of the Palm Beach County Commission shall be ex-officio to the committee. Section 4. The committee shall address as a minimum the following criteria: a. Prosperity Farms Road landscaping. b. Landscaping sections on three or four lanes. • c. Address status quo of Prosperity Farms Road or expanding to five lanes. d. Review the past practice/historical perspective of Prosperity Farms Road. Section 5. Upon the committee furnishing its final report to the Village Council and the • representative from District One of the Palm Beach County Commission, the committee shall be dissolved. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th DAY OF MAY , 2000. (Village Seal) ~ ` MAYOR ATTEST: - , ~'i~'~ VILLAGE CL K •