2000-028 Recreation Master Plan Update Agreement•
Afidiael T. Redd, President
Frank G. IIaynhmn, rice President
March 31.2000
Dennis Kelly, Village Manager
Village of North Palm Beach
501 US Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Re: Recreation Assessment Plan Update
Village of North Palm Beach
Dear Mr. Kelly:
We once again appreciate the opportuntty of working with the Village of North Palm Beach as your
Professional Design Consultants for the North Palm Beach Recreation Assessment Plan and submit
this agreement for execution.
Accordingly, MRA offers the following scope of professional services and deliverables:
Task One • Project Start-up /Site Investigation & Analysis
A. Review and analyze all existing information regarding the project to accurately detennine the present
condition, potential, external factors, limitations, etc. with the Client.
B. Review and analyze all available engineering Information InGuding surveys and reports with the
Client. Determine any engineering and environmental limttations to the site based on available
information from the engineer, and review with the Client.
C. The consultant will revise the existing Base Map as per the latest recreation Improvements as well as
the land acquisition from Seacoast Utiltties. The base map shall depict accurate street rights-of-way,
property lines and building outlines, (as available from existing data) and other pertinent information
at an appropriate scale. This contract does not provide for any survey work.
D. Conduct a workshop meeting with participation by the Village CounGl, Recreation Advisory Board,
Village staff, and others selected by the Village for the purpose of discussing proposed elements
within the park.
631 U.S. Highway One, Suite 300 - A
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Voice: 561.663.2500
Fax: 581.863.2505
E-mail: Reddplan@aol.eom
• Multi-purpose field
• Boat docks
• Dry boat storage at least equal to existing facilities
• Fishing piers/docks
• Signage
• Shade structures
Village of North Palm Beach
Recreation Assessment Plan Update
March 31, 2000
Task Two -Schematic Design /Site Plan Preparation
A. MRA will meet with the Village Staff for a workshop. Based on the workshop results and a review of
survey data on hand, MRA will prepare a preliminary schematic site plan, which incudes an analysis
of the effectiveness of all the existing Village recreation facilities to serve the present and future
population of the community considering their size, location, accessibility, and other characteristics.
The site plan will inGude elements not limited to the following:
• Hardscape (plazas, etc.)
• Parking
• Curb and curb cuts -general location, etc.
• Site furniture
• Landscaping (Conceptual)
• Pavement treatments
• Pedestrian walks
• Other elements as directed by Gient
• Athletic fields/courts
• Passive family/picnic areas
• Roller hockey facilities
• Roller blading
B. Revisions to elements within the Anchorage Park Plan wilt be provided in graphic and narrative
C. All public and client meetings as required by the ~Ilage for the completion of this project are inGuded
in this contract.
1. Professional services will be billed as the Village agrees to pay MRA compensation for fls services
under the terms of this Agreement a fee to be described below.
Task One -Project Start-up /Site Investigation & Analysis
Task Two - Schematic Design /Site Plan Preparation
2. This proposal includes all expenses and costs.
3. The completion date proposed for this contract is as 90 days from the date of the contract signing.
4. MRA reserves the right to submit work done on this project for landscape architectural design awards
and for general public relations purposes.
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Village of North Palm Beach
Recreation Assessment Plan Uptlale
March 31, 2000
5. All public and client meetings as required by the Village for the completion of this project are included
in this contract
6. A draft of the Master Recreation Plan report will be presented to the Village Council, Recreation
Advisory Board, and Village Staff for review. Revisions will be made as required, and are anticipated
to be minor in nature.
7. Ten (10) bound copied of the Updated Final Recreation Master Plan report inctuding a rendered
Master Plan drawing depicting existing and proposed facilities will be prepared and submitted to the
Village Council.
8. Revisions to the Report after acceptance by the Village will be billed hourly based according to the
MRA's Standard Hourly Rates. (Attached)
• Technical Plans required for Permitting
• Working Drawings/ Construction Documentation
• Construction Administration /Supervision
• Tree or Boundary Surveys
• Legal descriptions or legal representation.
• Aerial photography.
• Boring, tests, surveying, permit fees.
• Architectural sketches, renderings or architectural services beyond conceptual format.
• Substantial changes to the scope of services at any time during the project.
• Public zoning workshops and approval meetings or presentations after submissions.
If you are in accordance with the contents of this letter, please sign and return the enclosed copy as it
shall constitute our binding agreement. I am certainly available to discuss any questions you may have.
MRA appreciates your consideration for this project. We look forward to having this opportunity to work
with you in what we hope will be a mutually benefictai working relationship.
Si ~- ~
Michael T. Redd, ASLA
Approved a ccep ed s • ay Of,~~~v 2000.
_ By;
Jo p A. Trin ali
Title: Mayor, Village of North Palm Beach
Page 3 of 4
Village of Nonh Palm Beach
Recreation Assessment Plan Update
March 37, 2000
• Principal
^ Vice President
• Senior Associate
^ Associate
• Senior Landscape ArchitecUPlanner
^ Landscape ArchitecUPlanner
^ CADD Computer Including Operator
• Technical Team/Drafting/Research
• Computer Time (word processing)
$ 90/hour
$ 85/hour
$ 90/hour
$ 75/hour
$ 85/hour
$ 65/hour
$ 40/hour
W:\PROPOSAL\North Palm Recreation\Kelly331-00 Add Services Agreement Final.doc
Page 4 of 4
May 15, 2001 Fr nk G.rlc!}aer T.,Red e P esidenr
Dennis Kelly, Village Manager
Village of North Palm Beach ~/d~i~0l~'~`~A7f'
501 US Highway One / ,/
North Palm Beach, FL 33408 !~/~j/~~
Re: Recreation Assessment Plan Update ~~9CC~,G2
Anchorage Park Additional Services _` 5~
Village of North Palm Beach U,E3S/O~
Dear Mr. Kelly:
Thank you for requesting this proposal for additional services to the in-force contract dated 3.31.00.
Please accept this as an expression of our continued interest in working with the Village of North Palm
Beach. This proposal covers the proposed revisions to Anchorage Park Conceptual Master Plan dated
9.12.00, prepared by Michael Redd 8 Associates. (MRAPA)
Accordingly, MRAPA offers the following scope of professional services and deliverables:
Design Considerations
The following modifications or changes are as per the Recreation Advisory Board based on decisions
made during their sponsored public meetings.
1. Re-examine parking lot configuration and its proximity to the existing Anchorage Park Activities
building and the location of the south entrance.
2. Eliminate floating dock, insert a permanent elevated walkway waterside of the mangroves starting at
the proposed gazebo going west to the fishing pier, but separate from the pier, then extending around
the corner to the existing wet slips.
3. Re-examine the location and size of the kayak/sailing storage building to reduce the impact to the
adjacent property owners and improve the overall efficiency of the building.
4. Make sure that the South Florida Water Management concerns are addressed. Onsite drainage and
catchment areas.
5. Look into a Phased plan to expedite the process with Phase I being the demolition of the Sewer Plant.
6. Include a landscape buffer on the easement in the southeast corner of the property.
Task One -Schematic Design /Site Plan Preparation
A. Based on past meetings and results and a review of survey data on hand, MRA will prepare a
preliminary schematic site plan, which will include elements not limited to the following:
• Multi-purpose field ~ Fishing piersldocks
Boat docks Signage
Dry boat storage at least equal to existing raoilities Shade struIXures
631 U S. Highway One, Suite 300 -.4
North Palm aeach, FL 33408
Voice: 561.863.2500
Fax: 561.8b3.2505
E-mail: Reddplan~daol.com
Village of Nonh Patm Beach
Anchorage Park Additional Services
May 15, 2001
• ~ Hardswpe (plazas, etc.)
Curb & curb cuts -general location, etc.
• Site furniture
• Landscaping(Conceptuaq
• Pavement treatments
st_ ~~.soctn~rFS, P.A.
• Pedestrian walks
• Athletic fields/courls
• Passive lamlty/picnic areas
• Roller hockey facilRies
• Other elements as directed by client
B. Revisions to elements within the Anchorage Park Plan will be provided in graphic format.
C. All public and client meetings as required by the Village for the completion of this project are included
in this contract.
Fees and Reimbursable Expenses
1. Professional services will be billed as the Village agrees to pay MRA compensation for its services
under the terms of this Agreement a fee to be described below.
Task One • Schematic Design /Site Plan Preparation
TOTAL: E1,200.00
2. This proposal includes all expenses and costs.
3. The figures listed above are subject to discussion and change if the development program drastically
changes during the services of this agreement.
4. The completion date proposed for this contract is as thirty (30) days from the date of the contract
5. All public and client meetings as required by the ~Ilage for the completion of this project are included
in this contract.
This Proposal Does Not Include The Following:
• Technical Plans required for Permitting
• Working Drawings/ Construction Documentation
• Architectural sketches, renderings or architectural services beyond conceptual format.
• Substantial changes to the scope of services at any time during the project.
• Public zoning workshops and approval meetings or presentations after submissions.
If you are in accordance with the contents of this letter, please sign and return the enclosed copy as it
shall constitute our binding agreement. I am certainly available to discuss any questions you may have.
We look forward to having this opportunity to work with you in what we hope will be a mutually beneficial
working relationship.
D. Cunningham, AS
Landscape Architect
of .7une 2001.
• Title:
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