R2023-46 E-Key System PurchaseRESOLUTION 2023-46 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING THE SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE OF A COMPLETE E -KEY SYSTEM FROM THE KNOX COMPANY FOR USE BY THE FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village's Fire Rescue Department requested approval of the sole source purchase of a complete EKey System from the Knox Company to provide for electronic locks with coded key fobs and remote monitoring; and WHEREAS, the Village's purchasing policies and procedures require Village Council approval for all sole source purchases in excess of $25,000; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Village and its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council approves the sole source purchase of a complete EKey System from the Knox. Company at a total cost of $49,686.49, with funds expended from Special Projects Account No. Q5541-66490 (Fire Rescue — Machinery and Equipment), and authorizes the Village Manager to execute the required agreement and take all steps necessary to effectuate the purchase. Section 3. . This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF JUNE, 2023. ATTEST: ILLAGE CLERK 1601 W.Deer Valley Road Phoenix, Az 85027 Tel: 623-687-2300 Fax: 623-687-2290 Email: info@knoxbox.com CUSTOMER INFORMATION FORM BUSINESS CONTACT INFORMATION Business name: DBA name (if applicable): Phone: Fax: E-mail: Address: City: State: ZIP Code: BUSINESS ENTITY U.S Government please select Federal State Local Canadian Government Commercial Native American Other: BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS Are you tax exempt? Yes (please fax or email to Knox above) No Do you require PO? Yes, hard copy (please send to Knox) PO# ONLY NO, Knox requires you to sign a sales quote for all orders $750.00 and above before an order can be processed New York and New Jersey Customers ONLY !!! Do you require voucher? Yes, original with original claimant’s signature Yes, fax or email copy with claimant’s original signature Yes, fax or email with Claimant’s signature No voucher required at all How do you want to receive your invoice? Email (provide email if different from A/P) : Mail (provide address if different from A/P) : PURCHASING CONTACT First and Last Name: Phone: Fax: E-mail: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CONTACT First and Last Name: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Company name: Address: State: ZIP Code: The undersigned,being duly authorized representative of the company named above,agrees that I am authorized to sign on behalf of the company,and all information given is accurate and correct.Terms are Net 30 past due balances will be assessed a finance charge of 1.5%per month.Customer accepts liability for all collection fees and court cost related to collection of delinquent accounts.All payments must be in U.S.Dollars only.In the event any balance is not paid when due,may result in a delay of any further products being sold to the Purchaser until account is paid in full.We do a ccept Check,Money Order,Visa,Mastercard,AmericanExpress,Discover and ACH. First and Last Name: Title: Signature:Date: Village of North Palm Beach North Palm Beach Fire Rescue 561-882-1141 561-431-5848 firechief@village-npb.org 560 U.S. Hwy. 1 North Palm Beach Fl 33408 Kim Cawley 561-841-3308 561-431-5848 kcawley@village-npb.org Samia Janjua 561-841-3360 sjanjua@village-npb.org Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Hwy 1 Fl 33408 Charles Huff Village Manager DocuSign Envelope ID: B07B6059-6C7C-4350-9E52-D12F00566005 6/22/2023