2000-025 Requires Weekly Accrual of Vacation Time• RESOLUTION 25-2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 9.02.01, VACATIONS, OF THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE VILLAGE, WHICH AMENDMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND REQUIRES VACATION TIME TO ACCRUE ON A WEEKLY BASIS EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1999; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby amend Sectiai 9.02.01, Vacations, of the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Village, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached, which amendment requires vacation time to accrue on a weekly basis effective October 1, 1999. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF MARCH, 2000. (Village Seal) ATTEST: (~7j1~ VILLAGE CLERK MAYOR • a. General 1. The Village determines and schedules the vacation period of each employee eligible for a vacation. Consideration is given where possible to the preference of the employee as to the time of his or her vacation. 2. No one shall take a vacation of such length as to jeopardize the effectiveness of the duties of that position. The Department Head and/or the Village Manager shall determine, based on the conditions specific to the period sought for the vacation, whether or not the length of the vacation 1s appropriate. If deemed inappropriate, the Department Head and/or the Village Manager may limit the length of any given vacation request. b. Rtigibility Requirements Vacation days accrue, but may not be taken during the employee's probationary period. All full-time personnel who have completed their probationary period shall be entitled to take vacation with pay in accordance with the following accrual schedule: ATTACHMENT A 9.02.01 VACATIONS 0 but less than 7 years 7 but less that 12 years 12 years and over 10 days (80 hours) 15 days (120 hours) 20 days (160 hours) Vacation shall be computed during the probationary period of probationary employees, but vacation cannot be taken until the probationary period is completed. • c. In the event a paid holiday should occur during an employee's vacation period, the employee's vacation time shall not be credited against the paid holiday. Employment terminated without cause, or by layoff, or by retirement, illness or injury, shall not affect payment of earned vacation time. An employee shall not lose his vacation with pay if incapacitated due to an injury or illness incurred in the line of duty. The vacation time shall be reassigned upon return to duty. If employment is terminated by death, the estate of the employee shall receive payment for the earned vacation time. d. Vacation time shall be credited and reported per pay period to indicate hours accrued, less hours taken, reflecting net vacation hours available per pay period. e. Vacation schedules shall be approved by the Department Head. f. The maximum number of vacation days an employee may accrue is the unused days accrued during the employee's previous rivo year period. Any employee other than an employee who is discharged for cause, who voluntarily terminates, retires or dies while employed by the Village shall receive payment equal to 100% of the unused days of vacation accrued during the two year period prior to termination, retirement, or death. •