2000-024 Bid Award for Driving Range Landscaping• RESOLUTION 24-2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF L & D NURSERY, PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $85,136 FOR LANDSCAPING OF U. S. 1 AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB; FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED FROM L8059-66210 (CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATION) BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of L & D Nursery, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida , in the amount of $85,136 for landscaping on U.S. 1 at the North Palm Beach Country Club, a copy of which is attached to this Kesolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from L8059-66210 (Construction and Major Renovation). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF MARCH, 2000. ATTEST: 1~ ~ ~i~,~,(~~111~ ~ VILLAGE CLERK ~` MAYOR • THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Tvler Dlxon who on oath says that she is Classified Advertisin¢ Mana¢er Inside Sales of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising, being a Bid in the matter of U.S. Hi¢hwav 1 / Drivln¢ Rance Landscape Project --- Court, published in said newspaper in the issues of January 17. 2000. Aff iant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach , in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before this 18 day of J nua A.D. 000. -~-~~~ G~1 ~'~ Personally known XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced !:: vn?r:; r;,,~ :, ~r.-rnr-rirrt~ vn, air: ~rrirn»rnS ,. .v' a hScl .:r Infi ~< I1 .-` ~ ~ No~r~ r ~ ~' 4bttu ~f Flo~idz >S • r.~ ,... u..,,,.. L>;. 17;154(1(%1 is , :~ • ~L 0 LL .C 4 V 4 ~ s °' u. m E n ~ ~~ '~ u 0 Z? O~ N tv a 0 0 c+> N :% L' C aZ 7 ~ QU v ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 0 3 ~~ o N ~ O ~ 0 >> Qo m PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH•PALM-BEACH, FLORIDA (Continued) REIVLARKS/EXCEPTIONS: Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS 7l ebor~h Jarrell ~f -es;de~+' FS6Gl 112i`' Tei~ Nor~t, l+JeS} pc.l M (3e ail., (L 33~// 2 FIRM: SIGNED BY: TITLE: P('eSlcle~+1 ~ UuNC~ WITNESSES: ~~ pp ~ ADDRESS: ~ ~ //.~ ~-R ~ Ode d h-oo lrr ~jift G~ `~-qr~L~ A/a. ~ 3 ~L -7- I ` ~~ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS See attached ~S /3~ °o PRICE: -_J North Palm Beach Country Club Landscape Bid for the Driving Range Buffer Florida Landscape Design ' 6671 W. Indiantown Road Suite 56-144 Jupiter, Florida 33458 1-888-743-4696 Instructions For Bidders: This project will be completed in three phases as follows: Removal of existing trees, palms, and shrub material. Building of a 4' high berm over the remaining stumps. Installing the landscape per plans and specifications. The landscape contractor will need to follow the progress of the first two phases and start installation immediately after berm has been final graded. The landscape plan shows a "Typical 300' Detail Planting Plan" that will be repeated 4 times. All trees shall be laid out first and the layout must be inspected and approved by the Landscape Architect prior to installation. The shrub bed layout will also be reviewed at this time, as well as access routes, staging areas and sources of watering (hose bibs or quick couplers). Partial bids will not be accepted; bids must be inclusive for the entire project. Trees and palms must be "marl grown" or they will not be accepted. All trees, palms, shrubs and container-grown material must meet or exceed the specification. The work shall commence no earlier than April 1, 2000 and no later than April 30, 2000 shall. The total project must be completed within 30 days within initial start date or forfeit a 5500.00 a day penalty for each day thereafter. Acts of God or any other form of inclimate weather will be taken into account. Bids must be completed on the bid form provided by filling out the unit price and total for all the items. A cover letter stating any concerns or alternatives may be submitted along with the bid to the Office of the Village Manager. Village of North Palm Beach. 501 U.S. 1, North Palm Beach, Florida, 33408. Thank you for your time and efforts in bidding this highly visible project. Sincerely, Buzz Jaskela Florida Landscape Design 10/22/99 J NAME: NUMBER: QTY KEY 180 BOU 344 CES 416 CHR 44 CN 28 COD 12 CR 96 DUR 292 EUG 12 FB F L O R I D A L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N FILE: NPBBUF N.PALM BEACH C.C.-BUFFER 1109 BOTANICAL NAME HEIGHT SPREAD COMMON NAME DESCRIPTION OF PLANTING CAL/CNT -------------------------------- ------- ------ BOUGAINVILLEA "DWARF RED" DWARF BOUGAINVILLEA FULL SPREADING BUSH, RED FLOWERS PLANT 24" O.C. CONOCARPUS ERECTUS SERICEUS SILVER BUTTONWOOD FULL TO BASE DENSE SHRUB PLANT 24" O.C. OR AS SHOWN CHRYSOBALANUS ICACO RED-TIP COCOPLUM FULL DENSE SPREADING SHRUB PLANT 24" O.C. COCOS NUCIFERA "GREEN MALAYAN" MALAYAN COCONUT "FLORIDA FANCY" FULL TRllNK 4-6'C.T 20 @ 20', 16 @ 22', 8 C~ 24'O.A.HT. CODIAEUM VARIEGATUM CROTON "BRAVO" FULL DENSE MATURE PLANT PLANT 24" O.C. CONOCARPUS ERECTUS GREEN BUTTONWOOD "FL. FANCY" FULL DENSE CROWN 4' SINGLE STRAIGHT TRUNK DURANTA ERECTA 'VARIEGATA' VARIEGATED GOLDEN DEWDROP FULL DENSE SPREADING SHRUB PLANT 24" O.C. OR AS SHOWN EUGENIA UNIFLORA SURINAM CHERRY FULL TO BASE DENSE HEDGE PLANT 24" O.C. FICUS BENJAMINA WEEPING FIG "FL.FANCY" F~:L ucNSE SYMMETRICAL CROWN; PLANT AS SHOWN AND STAKE DATE: 10/22/99 UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE 12-18 18-24 tiq,SO ,~/,7~Q.oo I 3 GAL W 24-30" 18-24" 3 GAL ~q•o0 ~ 3,Og6. b0 18-24" 18-24" ~~DO ~ 3,3a~.00 3 GAL 20-24' 12-14' to°/BBB ~tia°.°° ~ I`6, 48U,°~ 18-24" 18-24" ~q.oo .~ Zsa,oo 3 GAL 12-14' 7-9' 3"/B&B ~#issz.oo .~ a,~SK.pO 18-24" 18-24" 00 ~6~(.Oo ~. 3 GAL 24-30" 18-24" 3 GAL ~ ~~ oo ~ °~~ 336. °~ 16-18' 8-10' /raao.°~,~ a, 6~-ID.°o 5 "/B&B 1P QTY• KEY ~0 HAM 140 MYR 44 NO 200 PLU 12 RE 10 SM 25600 SOD1 10 TC 40 X 1 XX BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME DESCRIPTION OF PLANTING ------------------------- HEIGHT SPREAD CAL/CNT HAMELIA PATENS 'AFRICAN' FIREBUSH FULL DENSE SPREADING SHRUB PLANT 24" O.C. MYRICA CERIFERA WAX MYRTLE FULL TO BASE DENSE SHRUB PLANT 24" O.C. NERIUM OLEANDER "CALYPSO PINK" OLEANDER FULL DENSE FLOWERING BUSH PLANT AS SHOWN PLUMBAGO AURICULATA IMPERIAL BLUE PLUMBAGO FULL DENSE SYMMETRICAL SPREAD PLANT 24" O.C. ROYSTONIA ELATA FLORIDA ROYAL PALM "FL.FANCY" FULL HEAVY HEAD & TRUNK PLANT AS SHOWN AND STAKE SWIETENIA MAHAGONI MAHOGANY FULL DENSE SYMMETRICAL CROWN ALTERNATE WITH TABEBUTA TREES STENOTAPHRUM SECUNDATUM ST. AUGUSTINE SOD SQ.FT.OF SOD SHALL BE LAID PER PLA'. KEEP SOD IS" FROM ALL SHRUBS/TREES TABEBUTA CARAIBA YELLOW TABEBUTA FULL DENSE SYMMETRICAL CROWN ALTERNATE WITH MAHOGANY TREES CU.YDS. OF "ATLAS - OVERBURDEN" SHALL BE USED AS PLANTING SOIL AT A RATE OF 1 CU.YD. PER 50 SHRUB; AND 1/2 CU.YD. PER TREE & ROYALS BACKFILL ALL COCONUT PALMS WITH THE EXISTING CLEAN FILL THAT IS USED TO BUILD THE BERM THEN STAKE ALL PALMS PER THE PLANTING DETAIL 18-24" 18-24" 3 GAL UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE ~$,D~ ~P~,IA~CJ.oo 24-30" 18-24" ~ ~,~ ,~ ~ IaC>.vo 3 GAL 7 GAL ~F 12-18" 18-24" ~~,pD .(~ ~~GDO.oo 3 GAL 9' GW 10-12' y~ Iy~IOS,a~ ~~~~S6o.°o 30"/B&B 12-14' 6-8' ,~ ,300,00 ~ 3,Cbo,°o 3 /B&B 12-14' 6-8' .~a3N.°O ~a,3yO,oo 3"/B&B ~ l6 as ~ 6sv, °o ~v c ~ U. o0 C QTY KEY BOTANICAL NAME HEIGHT SPREAD COMMON NAME ----- ---- DESCRIPTION OF PLANTING CAL/CNT -------------------------------- ------- ------ 8 Y CU.YDS OF SHREDDED CYPRESS MULCH ~ SPREAD 3" DEEP AROUND ALL SHRUBS 18" BEYOND SHRUB BED & A 4' DIA. CIRCLE AROUND ALL TREES 1 YY FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED PER SPECIFICATIONS. AGRIFORM TABLETS WHEN BACKFILLING AND GRANDULAR ON TOP OF MULCH PRIOR TO INSPECTION 30 Z DAYS OF HANDWATERING IS REQUIRED WATER WILL BE SUPPLIED BY THE QUICK-CONNECTS TO THE GOLF COURSE SPRINKLER HEADS OR BY WATER TRUCK. 1 ZZ ALL TREES & PALMS MUST BE STAKED UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE ,tau ~ .~a,sga.~° WITH 2X4 S NAILED TO WOOD BATTENS ~ WITH A FOOT BRACE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE 2X4 UNDER GROUND FOR SUPPORT ~aS~, DO ~ a,~oo,oo (~, 00 ~,r~ JUb TOTAL: a 3/ Zoo ° ° ~ I?/10 w NPB COUNTRY CLUB 361 626 ADDENDUM VILLAGE OF NORTFI PALM RF..ACH NOTICE OF SOLICITATION U.S. Highway i /Driving Range Landscape Project BID OPENING DATE MONDAY, FEDRUARY 21, 2000 3:00 P.M. Addendum to bid specifications for U.S. Highway 1 /Driving Range Landscape Project. All bids must include a S% bid bond to accompany bid submittal. f, Please sign below and retum+by fax to (~61) 626-9570 to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum.