2000-020 Supports BOAF Position of FL Building CodeRESOLUTION NO. 20-2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THAT THE FLORIDA • STATE LEGISLATURE APPROVE AND ADOPT THE BUILDING OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA'S POSITION ON THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, WHICH POSITION IS SET FORTH aN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Building Official Association of Florida has unanimously adopted and published a position paper on the proposed Florida Building Code; and ... WHEREAS, the Building Officials representing the municipalities and counties of the State of Florida are sworn to provide protection for the safety and welfare of the residents and have taken an oath to protect the persons and property within the State of .Florida: and ... WHEREAS, the Florida Building Commission has submitted to the Florida State Legislature a proposed statewide minimum building code that will diminish the ability and authority of total building officials to formulate and enforce building codes and thus, impair the health, safety and welfare of all the residents of the State of Florida: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby adopt the position on the Florida Building Code of the Building Officials Association of Florida as published and as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached. Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby respectfully requests that the Florida State Legislature support the recommendations of the Building Officials Association of Florida as set forth in Exhibit "A": attached. Section 3. .The Village Clerk is directed to forward this Resolution to the Florida State Legislature, the Governor, the Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs, the Florida League of Cities, The Palm Beach County League of Cities, the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation, the Palm Beach County Commission, the municipalities in Palm Beach County, the Building Officials Association of Palm Beach County and to the Building Officials Association of Florida. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY OF MARCH, 2000. (Village Seal) EST: (~~ VILLAGE RK ' M YO ea~oe~ta~eioooo • BUILDING OFFICIALS ASSOCAxION OF FLORIDA Position on the Florida_Buildiag Code February ll., 2000 in the early stages of the development of a unified statewide building code, the Building Of&cials Association of Florida was a lead supporter. The association understood that the Florida Building Code would be built on a simple model for statewide adoption of a nationally recognized model code, with modifications selected for the needs of Florida. The Building Officials Association of Florida is the only professional organization in the State that has the experience and hue standing to comment eB'ecdvely on building codes and the building code change process. The Florida Building Commission has struggled with creating the Florida Building Code. It has become evident that some of the goals set by the legislature cannot be achieved within the parameters of the legislation, and within the tinaeframe set by the legislature. Additionally the process of £ttting together all of the present regulations affecting construction, including code enforcement, has created issues utilmown to the legislature at the time Chapter 98-287 was created. The legislaturc should Utank and acknowledge the Florida Building Commission for the difficult task they undertook. The legislature should take advantage of what was teamed during the codes review process. In consideration of tha current circumstances, and based on adopted policy of the Building Officials Association of Florida, the following recommendations should be considered. The legislature should look for opportunities during the 2000 Legislative Session to adopt a minimum statewide code for Florida which contains the following elements: • Requue the Florida Building Commission to adopt the International Building, Electrical, Administrative, Gas, lvlechanical, Plumbing, and Residential Codes. Require the Florida Building Commission to modify the International Codes for Florida specific conditions. • Provide an opportunity for Broward and Dade Counties, due to their historic local methods of dealing with building codes, to join the statewide building code system. • Aelete the creation of a new statewide product approval system and restore the current system which is integrated throughout the State and has no fiscal impact. We • believe there is no compelling evidence to create a new system