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1999-052 BellSouth Contract for Phone System
RESOLUTION NO. 52-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN EQUIPMENT, INSTALLATION AND TRAINING CONTRACT AND CABLING CONTRACT WITH BELLSOUTH COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, INC. AND A NETWORK INSTALLATION CONTRACT WITH BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC., WHICH CONTRACTS ARE ATTACHED AS COMPOSITE EXHIBIT "A" AND ARE FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING AND INSTALLING A COMPREHENSIVE TELEPHONE SYSTEM WITHIN THE VILLAGE FOR GOVERNMENTAL USE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1 • The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the equipment, installation and training contract and cabling contract with BellSouth Communication Systems, Inc. and the network installation contract with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., which contracts are attached as composite Exhibit "A" and are for the purpose of securing and installing a comprehensive telephone system within the Village for governmental use. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the equipment, installation and training contract and cabling contract with BellSouth Communication Systems, Inc. and network installation contract with BellSouth • Telecommunications, Inc. set forth as composite Exhibit "A" attached for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY OF SEPTEMBER . ~ggg. (Village Seal) ATTES n VILLAGE CLERK ~ • • EXIIIBIT A 1. Equipment, Installation, and Training Contract 2. Cabling Contract 3. Network Installation Contract n U • 1. Equipment, Installation, and Training Contract r ®BELLSOUTH` Joint Project Plan • Joint Project Plan BellSouth Communication Systems 1 ® BE~,LS~(fT]-/° Joint Project Plan • Mr. Doug Smith Village of North Palm Beach 501 US Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Dear Mr. Doug Smith: Congratulations on your decision to purchase NEC system for your location at North Palm Beach, and Florida. We at BellSouth Communication Systems have a century heritage of excellent service and proven performance in the telecommunications industry and are confident that you will be pleased with your purchase as a sound business decision. Our vast experience in installing new systems for customers all over the South has taught us numerous lessons. A major "lesson" Is that early Joint planning, done correctly, will produce a smooth "cutover", and if this Is not done, a smooth "cutover" is made difficult, if not impossible to achieve. We consider this a joint planning process between Village of North Palm Beach and BellSouth Communication Systems. Since both our organizations will be Involved in the installation and training, it is important that we walk the timeline together. Prior to installation, we will conduct an implementation meeting. At this time, you will be introduced to your Implementation team. We w111 discuss the critical dates and critical activities that we have learned must be done correctly. Attached Is a list of requirements for a typical equipment room. You will be responsible for ensuring that your equipment room meets all of the requirements prior to installation. Your implementation team will discuss these requirements with you during the implementation meeting. The following pages briefly describe several implementation activities. I have underlined those Items that are most important for you to know. Since we are working within a "critical path" timeline, any delays may affect our ability to deliver. Therefore, it is incumbent on both of us to make the ggreed upon )get dates set during the initial implementation meeting. Your implementation team and I are always available to discuss any changes or questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and rest assured that together we will make the transition to the new age of telecommunications apleasurable experience. Sincerely, Vince Gallagher Sales Executive • BellSouth Communication Systems 2 u • ®BELLSOUTH° Joint Project Plan Joint Project Plan 1. Delivery of Equipment One of the values you receive by purchasing your equipment from BellSouth Communication Systems is that we are no longer tied to a single manufacturer and are able to select the best equipment that many manufacturers have to offer. We warehouse certain equipment but some major components are shipped directly from our manufacturers to our customers. This means that, in some cases, more than one delivery will be made to your premises. We coordinate the deliver date(s) to correspond with the equipment room "ready date" and the cutover date. Your only requirement will be to accept these deliveries and have the shipper store them in the secured eauipment room space. We always require inside delivers so you will not have to move any of the equipment. If any of the boxes appear to be damaged. opened. or missing. please indicate that condition on the bill of lading. You are not responsible for the contents of the box being correct. Our technicians will inventory all the equipment in the boxes prior to the installation. You are only responsible for checking the number of boxes delivered against the delivery schedule and securing them since they are not Qpened prior to our performing the inventory. We normally take Inventory immediately after the final shipment. Your Service Consultant will furnish you with our requested delivery dates as soon as we place a firm order. 2. Equipment Room Requirements The telecommunications system you have selected is one of the most technologically advanced systems available today. This system will enhance your business operations much as computers and calculators have in the past. Since the system provides the traditional telephone needs of the past and modern features of today with software driven programs, its environmental needs must be provided correctly. We have worked with each manufacturer to ensure that all environmental considerations and variables are addressed, then compress that Information into equipment room requirements for the system. Attached is a list of requirements for a typical equipment room. Your implementation team will discuss these requirements with you during the implementation meeting. You should have the space completely prepared by the agreed upon date. We will Inspect the room to assure it is ready as soon as you or your representative notifies your Service Consultant of its completion. If your electrician or contractor has any questions, you should direct them to call your Service Consultant who will arrange for them to speak or meet with the appropriate person. It is imperative for our completion date to be met, that the equipment room "ready date" be met. If you determine a completion problem, please contact us as soon as possible so we can renegotiate the delivery and all other critical dates as necessary. 3. Project Manager/Service Consultant We will, of course, have a team of trained personnel that will work on your installation. Some will appear on your premises and even more will be working behind the scenes. Your Project Manager and Service Consultant will ensure that all these people work together. You should make an effort to funnel all questions, etc., through your Service Consultant. BellSouth Communication Systems 3 ®BELLSOUTH° Joint Project Plan • 4. Training This is the single most important coordination effort in which our customers must assist. We have determined, via many different trials, that one of the best long-term approaches to training is User Training. We will provide Standard User Training at no additional cost. Service Consultants are responsible for conducting all customer education at your location. Your Service Consultant works with you to coordinate scheduling, format, size of classes and who should attend. Training schedules can be arranged to minimize disruption of your operations. You also should inform your employees about the new system and some of its features, and stress their responsibility to learn how to use the new capabilities. We suggest an Information memorandum to the department heads and all employees prior to cutover. Your Service Consultant will be glad to assist you in its preparation. 5. Changes We are aware that any growing company has constant personnel moves and changes, requiring simultaneous telephone rearrangements. At the same time, you need to be aware that your new system, as a software driven system, must be programmed prior to cutover. We will work closely with your firm to determine how your employees need their individual stations to operate (i.e., what features, restrictions, etc.) We will then compile the information and prepare a software input document. This process is time consuming, and obviously has to be done correctly or the system will not perform as you wish. We suggest a meeting or letter in the near future to the department heads involved in the new system. This will give them the time necessary to decide the needs of their departments prior to our station data gathering. It will also give them time to plan changes to coincide with the system installation. This will greatly reduce the requirement to make changes in the system software just prior to "cutover". To avoid confusion, we will ask a presentative from your firm to approve the floor plans indicating the type and location of each communications device. In order to make your requested cutover lime and date. we need finalize all our input data by the date agreed upon during the initial project meeting. Any changes made after the agreed upon freeze date may incurr additional charges. Changes discovered after the freeze date that cannot be made during the installation period will be made as soon after cutover as possible. Your Service Consultant will meet with you to discuss who you want to make the Important station decisions as well as to learn from you what latitude they will have in making them. 6. After Cutover Our installation and maintenance personnel will provide you with our repair telephone number (800) 925-2525 which is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. These people have access to all of our technician's beepers and home numbers and will dispatch major problems immediately. They can also remotely access your switch and diagnose most problems (and sometimes correct them) before the technician is dispatched. This assures that the correct technician is dispatched if a premises visit is necessary. abili(y to determine whether the "trouble" is a tralningproblem before calling Repair. 7. Project Schedule • During the initial project meeting, we identify all critical activities and due dates associated with your project and discuss any questions you have. BellSouth Communication Systems 4 Page S O/ 6 © BELLSOUTH' Standard Equipment Room Requirements • Power Requirements Joint Project Plan All systems require dedicated power branch circuit with a 50 to 150 AMP capacity, depending on the size of the system, from the building entrance panel or first main panel within transformer. The power circuit will need to mclutle a third wire isolated ground contained m the same contlud as the hot and neutral lead. The dedicated circuit will feed 9II circuits that provide power to a~ peripheral attached to the PBX. This means the dedicated branch circuit wilt need to terminate on a power panel distributing exclusively to the telephone equipment room A separate Around circuit will need to run from the main ground bus to the equpment room terminated on a ground bus accessible by the System Technician. The dedicated ground will be used for hazard grounding of the system. The equipment room and commercial power will need to be ready by the time the equipment arrives on•sRe, unless specified otherwise. Other Customer Responsibilities include: Equipment room to house PBX (minimum 30 inch working space surrounding PBX for cabinet access) • Adequate space for the maintenance terminal and working space for the administrator or technician 4X8 wall space for frame for asmall-medium sized PBX (0.250) stations Any anchoring device to be embedded into structural concrete to be used for telephone equipment • Floor that is able to support the weight of the PBX Ventilation or air conditioning that will alkrw the temperature of the equipment room to remain between 55' - 80°F Equipment room must be kept dry • Ak m equipment room must be reasonably Oust free • Basic furnishings for work space and stand-alone peripherals such as: • maintenance terminal(s), printer(s), modem(s), customer owned technical guides, etc. Considerations need to be made with regard to the lwilding/equipment room access during receipt of equipment Equipment Room Qualification After the customer has accepted and signed the contract a technician will conduct a site survey to qualify the equipment room. The technician will inspect the ernironmental and logistical conditions and other general specifications. During the initial implementation meeting with the customer all crAical actnnhes (mcludmg those associated with the completion of the equipment room), person(s) responsible for the activity, and due dates will t>e identified. • BellSouth Commurncetion Systems 5 • ®BELLSOUTH' Joint Project Plan Joint Project Plan This form acknowledges receipt of the afore mentioned Joint Project Plan document and implies no other binding agreements which may change, augment, or supersede those agreements made in the BellSouth Customer Master Agreement and Equipment Schedule. '~ •~ X ~7 Cu omer Date BellSouth Communication Systems 6 From. VIhICE GALUGMER To. Doue Smih pate. !/20189 Time: J:07:34 PM Page 2 of ~ • Schedule For The Purchase Of Equipment And/Or Service OBELLSOUTH' Customer Name VILLAGE OF NO PALM BEACH Customer Location 112841 001 Agreement 003307 Installation 560 US HIGHWAY 1 Equipment Order Malntenanee Order ' City, State, Zip NO PALM BEACH, FL Quote ZDKCFGL990429162412 ^ Refurbished Customer Reference Customer Initials (For Informational Purposes Only) ty Exccpt As Otherwise Noted Warranty Length Months Typc: Full (FW S) Dcpot (DtVS) Other Equipment Descrl flon otes Total Equipment Price Malntenanee Servlea Type Full•FMS Oepot•DMS No. o1 UnItU StatloN Pons Prlee Per UnIU StatloN Pons Total Malntenanee Price 25 REUSED WIRING CHARGES NONE 1 CHANGES REMOTE NEAR 2400 NONE 1 CABINET 2080 AC PIMA-UB FMS 1 CARD 24CHL TI PN-24DTM-C FMS 7 PN~4DLC0 4 PORT CARD FMS 1 CABLE MAT DB25F 512P/CPf)0 FMS t CABLE iSFT D825F DTE FMS 1 CARD REGISTR SENDER 8RS7A FMS 1 CARD MUStC ON HOLD 2PORT FMS 1 CARD SMDR/PMSNMS INTFCE FMS 3 CARD COMMON CHNL HANDLER FMS 2 CARD FRMWRE PROC:1510lI/d FMS 1 CARD BUS B PIM FXPN WlCBL FMS 1 DOC NS2000 FEAT b SPECS NONE 1 DOC 20001SON FEAT SPECS NONE 1 DOC NS SYSTEM MAN CCIS NONE arlSC Rev. IT Page 1 From: VINCE GALUGHER To Doug Smth Date. 8120199 Tune: 3:07:34 PM Page 3 of 1 1~ u ly Esttpl As (Aherwltt Sated wartanly Length \fenths T ypr. Ftdl fFW'S) Depot (D0.'S) Other Equipment Dastriplion otes Total Equipment Price Maintenance Servlee Type Full•FMS Depot•DMS No. of Units/ Statlonl Pons Pries Per Unit/ Sta11oN Pons To[al Malntanante Price 1 DOC NS20001SDN SYS MAN NONE 1 NEA%2000 NS SYSTEM MAN NONE 1 LP BUSINESS 6 H/M 1910 FMS 1 LP512NPGRAOE 1930(FDO) FMS 1 DOC MCI SYSTEM MANUAL NONE 21 AC ADAPTER FMS 1 NEAXMAIL A0.40 d-BPORT FMS 22 DTP-160.1(BK)SET FMS 21 O.T. INSTALL PREMIUM .SHR NONE 1 ENHANCED WARR LIGHTNING NONE 1 REMOTE STE LICt-SPER STE NONE 1 POLLING SFTWRE 1-S SITES NONE 1 PC ANYWHERE FOR WINDOWS NONE 1 GBS WIN LAN PACK(5 PACK) NONE 1 XIOX PBI728 POLL-BUFF FMS 42 O.T. INSTALL PREMIUM .SHR NONE 1 DATASMART MAX T7 DSU FMS 1 OPTIONAL PCMCIA CARD 1087 FMS 1 10' 8P/D815F CABLE FMS i CABLE DTE BPi0815M LOFT FMS 3 t0' V.35-V.35 CBL M•T•M NONE 3 ADAPTER D825P V.35S DS M% NONE 3 CARD 2PRT OPX/DID PN-AUCA FMS Page 2 From: VINCE GALUGMER To Daq Smth Date. &2099 Time: 7:07:34 PM . Equipmen i men[ Maintenance Payment Equipment 536.tst 6a Cash C ro ~ MonsYy lnStalWtion 55.56416 Total MOnl tYy Diner l Is Maintenance °~ With Order ^ Atvway Shipping 521976 Charge °,6 AI Desvery ^ I]vanerty EzcaNYg Tazes LYSL %At Culover TO[al PriDe 541,965.60 Total Number Ez<lrarp razes 01 MonUs Lease / / :Ma~rtras°'v~) Customer kr6ak Mairuenance Service Telephone Color ~ commencement Date (Applies to all lelephonas unless Estimated Culover Date otherwise noted In the • ant description.) Customer ktiaak Additional tquipmrn may h rc Iru<d to ul'rt tin Pape 4 of 4 5110.57 24 q ~ aSt esUSOn art m exetff OI dIC egmppet Capacriy' O shown eDOVt, uP to the Mltal'S maxmlwn cep ' N. TINCCFGL99042916?J 12 Ote^tPt yes Maintenance SeMee ^ No 23-1I3t;~svC Tax Exempt Cerahcason Number After Wartany ^ Accepted ~eclned 1~~~/~~~ Cos r Wtia Ekcmcal Damage Repay SeMce for Key Systems Orly ^ Accepted ^ Deefned Customer INtiak Persuant to the terrta and conditons of the Agreement referenced above, Qtstomer agrees to purchase and BellSouth Communication Systems, Inc. agrees to provide Fqugsment and/or Services descrsbed um this Order. Thu Order shall automatically incorporate therein all the terra and conditions of the agreement, and any and all lerrru and conditions on any CUStomer order forms, purchase orders or other Gltstortler documents shall be deemed dekted. If (.Lstomer ekcts the "Lease" option and for any reason the kase u not fuialved Qnlomer agrees to pay "Cash' per BeOSouth's then standard payment tertm for the Equipment and/or services covered by this order. BellSouth By " ~/ + ~' Authorised Si tore -(-' Date° l~~/(f( Name (Type or Pnnl) ' f Title Name (Type or Pnnl) .rrsc Rav. ss Page 3 Systems, Inc. Date ~_ Title • u Schedule For The Purchase Of Equipment And/Or Service OBELLSOUrH~ Customer Name Customer Location Agreement VILLAGE OF N.P.B.,000NTRY 112841 003 003307 Installation Equipment Order Maintenance Order 901 US HIGHWAY 1 City, State, Zip Quote NO PALM BEACH, FL ZDKCFGL990421161953 ~ Refurbished Customer Reference Customer Initials (For Informational Purposes Only) ty Except As Otherwise Noted Warranty Length Months Type: Full(FWS) Depot(DWS) Other: Equlpmenl Description otes Total Equipment Price Maintenance ServlceType Full=FMS Depot~DMS No. Of Units/ StatloN Ports Price PerUnIU StatloN Ports Total Maintenance Price 1 46 PORT BASIC PKG. FMS 1 CARD 24CHL Ti PN-24DTAA-C FMS 4 PN-4DLC0 4 PORT CARD FMS 1 VSP/$P/MP 72L3NPGRADE FMS t CABLE MODEM-REMOTE ACCESS FMS t CARD 2CHNL DIG ANNOUNCE FMS t CARD SMDR/PMSNMS INTFCE FMS 1 CARD COMMON CHNL HANDLER ~ FMS i DOC 20001VS SYSTEM VOL I NONE 1 DOC 20001VS SYSTEM VOL II NONE 1 DOC 20001VS SYSTEM VOLIII NONE 1 DOC 20001VS FEAT/SPECS NONE 1 DOC IVS2000 FEAT & SPEC'S NONE 1 DOC IVS2000 SMDR SYSTEM NONE YI I 1 NEAX20001VS S STEM MA N NONE arESC Rev. 35 Page 1 • ty Except As Otherwise Noted Warranty Length Months Type: Full (FWS) Depot (DWS) Other: Equlpmenl Deserlpllon otes Total Equlpmenl Price Maintenance Serviee Type FuII~FMS Depot~DMS No. of Units/ StatioN Ports Price Per UnIU StatloN Ports Total Maintenance Prlee 1 NEAX10001VS SYSTEM NONE 13 DTP-16D-1(BK)SET FMS 1 NEAX1000 48 PRT QUICK MAN NONE 1 DOC MCI SYSTEM MANUAL NONE t DTERM SERIES E USER GUIDE NONE 7 GROUND BAR 1 PER Mt BLK FMS B PROTECTOR CO/2500 ANALOG FMS 1 ENHANCED WARR LIGHTNING NONE 1 DATASMART 658 T1 D/I DSU. FMS 1 10' V.35-V.35 CBL M-T-M NONE 1 10' SP/D815F CABLE FMS 1 CABLE DTE 8P/DB15M 10FT FMS 4 O.T. INSTALL PREMIUM .SHR NONE 1 DTP-16D-i(BK)SET FMS 16 150' t LV3 4PR A.P. NONE 7 CHANGES REMOTE NEAR 2400 NONE 42 PBX PORT PRICING FMS erESC Rev. 35 Page 2 Equipmen e 1 ayment Maintenance Payment Equipment 515,507.25 • Cash ^ Monthly Installation 53,508.59 Total Monthly ustomer nitials Maintenance With Order %AtDelivery ^ Annually ^Quarterly Shipping 5136.00 Charge EzG irp Taxes 5196.72 _ °k At Cutover Total Price EzGWirg TezeS 519,151.64 o u r Of MOnIhS zd u Lease ~ / (Maintenance Tertn) Customer Initials Maintenance Service Telephone ColOf 8~4~ Commencement Date (App)les to all telephones unless Estimated Cutover Date otherwise noted In the a Ipmen description.) Customer Initials Additional equipment may be required to increase line/station size in excess of the equipped capacity as sho above, up to the system's maximum capacity. ZDKCFGL990421161953 Exempt ^ No lbU-a3'113f~3-svc. Tax Exempt Certification Number Maintenance Service After Warcanty ^ A pled edinad~`2~~ 1~ a1 Cus mar nlti s Electrical Damage Repair Service for Key Syste Only ^ Accepted-~/~ ^ Dedined Customer Initials Persuant to the tams end conditions ofthe Agreement referenced above, Customer agrees to purchase and 13e11South Cortmtnication Systetts, Inc. agrees to provide Equipment and/or Services descnbed in this Order. This Order shall automatically incorporate therein all the tams and conditions ofthe agreement, and any and all tertrs and conditions on any Cu s tourer order fours, purchase orders or other Qtstomer documents shall be deemed deleted. If Customer elects the "Lease" option and for any reason the lease is nOt fmaliaed Customer agrees to pay "Cash" per BelLSouth's then standard payment terns for the Equipment and/or services covered by this order. Customer 6y o ..~• A horized Signature Data /!~/~G x~ward /`I. FrS~e1/.~~~ /~la 6ro . (l Name (Type or PrInQ Tile BellSouth Com unication ystems, Inc. Acxeptad b By X ~~~/ Y/,~ Aulllorized Signature ~ Date Name (Type or Print) Title arESC Rev. 35 Page 3 ~J • Schedule For The Purchase Of Equipment And/Or Service OBELLSOUTHe Customer Name VILLAGE OF NO PALM BEACH Customer Location 112841 002 Agreement 003307 Installation 645 PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD Equipment Order Malntenance Order City, State, Zip NO PALM BEACH, FL Quote ZDKCFGL990429161239 ~ Refurbished Customer Reference Customer Initials (For Informational Purposes Only) ty Except As Olherwiu Noted Warranty Length Months Type: Full (FWS) Depot (DWS) Other: Equipment Description otes Total Equipment Price Malntenance Servlt.e Type FuII~FMS Depot•DMS No. of Unite/ StatloN Ports Price Per UnIV StatloN Ports Total Malntenance Price 1 48 PORT BASIC PKG. FMS 7 CARD 24CHL Tt PN-24DTAA-C FMS 3 PN-4DLC4 4 PORT CARD FMS 1 VSP/SP/MP 128NPGRADE FMS 1 CABLE MODEM-REMOTE ACCESS FMS t CARD 2CHNL DIG ANNOUNCE FMS 1 CARD SMDR/PMSNMS INTFCE FMS 1 CARD COMMON CHNL HANDLER FMS I 1 DOC 20001VS SYSTEM VOL I NONE il 1 DOC 20001VS SYSTEM VOL II NONE l 1 DOC 20001VS SYSTEM VOLIII NONE 1 DOC 2000IVS FEAT/SPECS NONE 1 DOC IVS2000 FEAT 8 SPEC'S NONE 1 DOC IVS2000 SMDR SYSTEM NONE 1 DOC IVS SYSTEM MAN CCIS NONE 1 NEAX2000 IVS SYSTEM MAN NONE arESC Rev, 35 Page 1 ~J • ty Except As Otherwise Noted Warranty Length Months Type: Full (FWS) Depot (DWS) Other: Equipment Description otes Tolai Equipment Price Maintenance Service Type FuII~FMS Depot~DMS No. of Unitsl StatloN Ports Price Per UnIU Stationl Ports Total Maintenance Price 1 NEAX10001VS SYSTEM NONE 11 DTP-16D-1 (BK)SET FMS 1 NEAX1000 48 PRT QUICK MAN NONE 1 DOC MCI SYSTEM MANUAL NONE 1 DTERM SERIES E USER GUIDE NONE 1 GROUND BAR 1 PER Mi BLK FMS 8 PROTECTOR CO/2500 ANALOG FMS 1 ENHANCED WARR LIGHTNING NONE 1 DATASMART 858 Tt D/l DSU FMS 1 10' V.35-V.35 CBL M-T-M NONE 1 10'8P/DBi5F CABLE FMS 1 CABLE DTE SP/D615M 10FT FMS 4 O.T. INSTALL PREMIUM .SHR NONE 1 DTP-16D-1 (BK)SET FMS 1 150' 1 LV3 4PR A.P. NONE 12 REUSED WIRING CHARGES NONE 1 CHANGES REMOTE NEAR 2400 NONE 38 PBX PORT PRICING FMS arESC Rev. 35 Page 2 • Equipment/ rv' s yment Maintenance Payment Equipment St4,534.97 Cash ^ Monthly Installation 52,227.84 Total Monlhty stomer rtials Maintenance With Order ^ Annually Shipping 5127.84 Charge 5180.72 ExU irq Taxee At Delivery ~ Quarterly (~' °k At Cutover Total Price 516,890.65 o um er Exdudtnp Taxes of Months 24 Lease / / (Mainlenanp Term) Customer initials Maintenance Service Telephone Color RI_.~ Commencement Date (Applies to all telephones unless Estimated Cutover Date otherwise noted In the a ment description.) /~~ Customer Initials Additional equipment maybe required to increase line/station size N excess of the equipped capacity es shown above, up to the system's maximum capacity. ZDKCFGL990429161239 Exempt Yes Maintenance Service Electrical Damage Repair /,^., ~ ^ No//~'~~/;; After Warranty Service for Key Syst~e/ms Only ftrl/~03-~~710Y )-.'~9•^i ^ A pled /~~// ^ AccePlad /t~jis Tax Exempt edined'4~~~~% J ^ Dedined ~j~ Certiflcalion Number Customer Ini is Customer Initials Petsuant to the tams and conditions ofthe Agreement referenced above, Cltstotrteragrees to purchase end 13eIISouth Comrtunication Systetts, Inc. agrees to provide Fquipmentand/or Services descnbed in this Order. This Order shall automatically incorporate therein all the tams and conditions ofthe agreement, and any and all terns and conditions on any Custorrer order fours, purchase orders or other C,ltstomer documents shall be deemed deleted. If Gttstomer elects the "Lease" option and for any reason the lease is not finalized Customer agrees to pay "Cash" perBellSouth's then standard payment terns for the Equipment and/or services covered by this order. • Customer BellSouth Communic on Systems, Inc. Accepted b e ~ ~ Y / '/ Y uthorized Sign lure Dale LI/~~/Q9B A thoriz ignature Date ~~d~~ /~t. ~'~s~t+PlrD/Lt u ko~l /r ! _ irk ~/~~ c~~ Name (Type or Print) ~~ Ti71e Name (Type or Print) ~ Title arESC Rev. 35 Page 3 Exhibit C CUSTOMER SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT his Customer Software License Agreement is between F.LLSOUTH COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, INC., an authorized NEC America, Inc., Associate (hereinafter LICENSOR") and Village of North Palm Beach , erema er ` 2.03 The LICENSEE shall not copy the Licensed Product except as necessary for archival/back-up purposes. When the LICENSEE makes any copy of the Licensed Product, such copy must include the copyright notice appearing on the Licensed Product fumished to the LICENSEE. 1. DEFINITIONS 2.04 The LICENSEE shall not transfer possession of the Licensed Product, nor any rights conferred 1.01 "CPU" means a central processing unit in the herein to any third party, except to a third party System or Subsystem as described by the who acquires title to the LICENSEE'S related Software License Attachment. hardware PRODUCTS, provided such transferee has executed and provided to NEC America, 1.02 "Computer Program" means any instruction or Inc., a signed copy of this Agreement and has instructions in object-code format for controlling tendered to NEC America, Inc., the then current the operation of a CPU. license transfer fee. 1.03 "Licensed Product" means: 2.05 LICENSEE hereby assures LICENSOR that a. The Computer Program furnished LICENSEE does not intend to, and will not hereunder to the LICENSEE as set forth knowingly, without prior written consent, if Schedule A attached. required, of the Office of Export Administration b. The Computer Program manuals, of the United States Department of Commerce, documentation and any other material for Washington D.C. 20230, transmit, directly or the licensed Computer Program. indirectly the Licensed Product to Iran, Iraq, Syria, the People's Republic of China or any THE TERM "LICENSED PRODUCT"' DOES NOT Crroup Q, S, Y, or Z country specified in MEAN OR INCLUDE THE SOURCE-CODE Supplement No. 1 to Section 770 of the Export FORMAT FOR THE COMPUTER PROGRAM Administration Regulations issued by the United SET FORTH ON SCHEDULE A. States Department of Commerce or to any other country to which such transmission is restricted 2. GRANT OF RIGHTS by such Regulations. 2.01 LICENSOR hereby grants the LICENSEE, and 2.06 LICENSEE hereby agrees that it shall not the LICENSEE hereby accepts, a personal, non- reverse compile, disassemble, alter, add to, transferable and non-exclusive right to use the delete from, or otherwise modify the LICENSED.PRODUCT on one (1) CPU at a LICENSED PRODUCT, except to the extent time, or a single system where multiple CPU's that such modification capability is an intended are provided in the configuration set forth on feature of the LICENSED PRODUCT. Schedule A, solely for its internal business purposes. The LICENSEE understands that the 3. LIMITED WARRANTY AND REMEDIES Licensed Product furnished to the LICENSEE is fumished solely for use in conjunction with the 3.01 For a period of fourteen (14) months from date related hardware PRODUCTS sold by of shipping at the LICENSEE'S site specified in LICENSOR to LICENSEE. The LICENSEE Schedule A, LICENSOR warrants that the has no right to use the Licensed Product so Licensed Product will conform to published furnished on any CPU other than that such CPU performance specifications applicable as of the or for any purpose not specified herein. date of this agreement and will be free from defects in workmanship, under normal use and .02 No right, title or interest to the intellectual service, when correctly installed and maintained. property in the Licensed Product is hereby transferred to the LICENSEE, except as expressly granted herein. 3.02 LICENSER'S liability for any LICENSED PRODUCT which is shown to be defective during its warranty period is limited to: • a. replacing the LICENSED PRODUCT or part thereof with a functionally equivalent LICENSED PRODUCT or part, b. repairing the LICENSED PRODUCT, or c. issuing credit for the LICENSED PRODUCT The choice of which of the above warranty remedies to utilize concerning any particular LICENSED PRODUCT shall be LICENSORS. 3.03 In the event that any LICENSED PRODUCT is shown to be defective during the warranty period, the LICENSEE shall: a. notify LICENSOR or any other authorized NECAM Associate providing service to LICENSEE Promptly in writing of any claims, b. provide LICENSOR or such other authorized NECAM Associate and/or NEC America, Inc., with an opportunity to inspect and test the LICENSED PRODUCTS claimed to be defective, and c. (if repair or replacement of the LICENSED PRODUCT is selected) return the LICENSED PRODUCT to LICENSOR or such other authorized NEC Associate or NEC America, Inc., in accordance with instructions provided. 3.04 The above warranty excludes coverage for LICENSE PRODUCTS which were installed, repaired or maintained by an unauthorized service provider or which were subjected to misuse, abuse, improper installation or application, ~ improper maintenance or repair, alteration, accident or negligence in use, improper temperature, humidity or other environmental condition (including, but not limited to, lighting or water damage), storage, transportation or handling. 3.05 THE LICENSED PRODUCT WARRANTY CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, • EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PREVENTION, DETECTION OR DETERRENCE OF TOLL FRAUD, COMPUTER VIRUSES OR OTHER UNAUTHORIZED OR IMPROPER USE OF THE SOFTWARE PRODUCTS. 3.06 LICENSER'S liability for any LICENSED PRODUCT malfunction, shall be limited to performing one of the remedies specified herein, provided that the malfunctioning LICENSED PRODUCT is covered by the applicable warranty, LICENSOR and LICENSEE hereby agree that if such limitation is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdication, then LICENSOR'S liability shall be limited solely to a U.S. dollar amount equal to the cost of the malfunctioning LICENSED PRODUCT to the LICENSEE. These remedies shall be exclusive and shall be the LICENSEE'S sole remedies against LICENSOR or NEC America, Inc., or any of its affiliates, Associates or suppliers for LICENSED PRODUCT malfunction. 4. INFRINGEMENT 4.01 LICENSOR represents and warrants that no patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, trade name or other proprietary right has been or will be infringed by the LICENSEE's use of the LICENSED PRODUCT pursuant to this license. 4.02 If such infringement is alleged or does occur, LICENSEE shall be defended against any and all claims arising from such allegations of findings of infringement. LICENSOR shall, at its expense and sole decision, as the sole remedy to which LICENSEE shall be entitled: a. procure for LICENSEE the right to use the LICENSED PRODUCT, or b. replace such LICENSED PRODUCT with a comparable, non-infringing product, or c. modify such LICENSED PRODUCT to be non-infringing, or d. terminate the LICENSE for the LICENSED PRODUCT and refund the LICENSE fee for such LICENSED PRODUCT to LICENSEE. 5. TERM AND TERMINATION 5.01 This Agreement shall take effect on the date LICENSED PRODUCT is shipped by NECAM, and shall remain in effect until terminated as provided below. 5.02 If the LICENSEE should breach any of its 6.02 obligations under this Agreement, LICENSOR may (in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity) terminate this Agreement • upon written notice to LICENSEE. 5.03 Upon termination of this Agreement, the LICENSEE shall immediately discontinue the use of the LICENSED PRODUCT and shall return all copies of the LICENSED PRODUCT to LICENSOR. 6. MISCELLANEOUS 6.01 This Agreement, including the addenda listed below, sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, neither party shall be bound by any conditions, definitions, warranties, understandings or representations with respect to such subject matter other than as expressly provided herein or as duly set forth on or subsequent to the date hereof in writing and signed by a proper and duly authorized representative of the party to be bound thereby. The following Addenda/Exhibits are a part of this Agreement: Addenda/Exhibits Licensor Licensee Initials Initials Z ~~~ IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR OR NEC AMERICA, INC., OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES OR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, SUCH AS (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) "DOWNTIME", EXCESS COSTS OR LOST BUSINESS REVENUES RESULTING FROM A LICENSED PRODUCT MALFUNCTION FROM UNAUTHORIZED OR IMPROPER USE OF LICENSED PRODUCT INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TOLL FRAUD OR COMPUTER VIRUSES OR FROM LOSS OF USE OF LICENSED PRODUCT DUE TO INFRINGEMENT CLAIMS. 7. STATISTICAL INFORMATION 7.01 NECAM requests that the LICENSEE complete the Statistical Information contained within that section on Schedule A to this agreement. This information may be used by NECAM for marketing purposes. WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement through their authorized representatives. LICENSOR: NAME: ~Yi~l..~~ ~~~~~~ ,~/ TITLE: c~~ DATE: ~ ~7_ yy LICENSEE: ,IIQ I'a ~ BY: . NAME : /~ ~1 S TITLE: X /1'I a far DATE: X ' 9~/~~Q J 5.02 If the LICENSEE should breach any of its 6.02 obligations under this Agreement, LICENSOR may (in addition to any other remedies available • at law or in equity) terminate this Agreement upon written notice to LICENSEE. 5.03 Upon termination of this Agreement, the LICENSEE shall immediately discontinue the use of the LICENSED PRODUCT and shall return all copies of the LICENSED PRODUCT to LICENSOR. 6. MISCELLANEOUS 6.01 This Agreement, including the addenda listed below, sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, neither party shall be bound by any conditions, definitions, warranties, understandings or representations with respect to such subject matter other than as expressly provided herein or as duly set forth on or subsequent to the date hereof in writing and signed by a proper and duly authorized representative of the party to be bound thereby. The following Addenda/Bxhibits are a part of this Agreement: Addenda/Bxhibits Licensor Licensee Initials Initials ~:~- IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR OR NEC AMERICA, INC., OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES OR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, SUCH AS (BUT NOT LINIITED TO) "DOWNTIME", EXCESS COSTS OR LOST BUSINESS REVENUES RESULTING FROM A LICENSED PRODUCT MALFUNCTION FROM UNAUTHORIZED OR IMPROPER USE OF LICENSED PRODUCT INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TOLL FRAUD OR COMPUTER VHtUSES OR FROM LOSS OF USE OF LICENSED PRODUCT DUE TO INFRINGEMENT CLAIMS. 7. STATISTICAL INFORMATION 7.01 NECAM requests that the LICENSEE complete the Statistical Information contained within that section on Schedule A to this agreement. This information may be used by NECAM for marketing purposes. WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement through their authorized representatives. LICENSOR: BY: NAME: TITLE: DATE: LICENSEE: BY: NAME: TITLE: DATE: 5.02 If the LICENSEE should breach any of its obligations under this Agreement, LICENSOR may (in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity) terminate this Agreement • upon written notice to LICENSEE. 5.03 Upon termination of this Agreement, the LICENSEE shall immediately discontinue the use of the LICENSED PRODUCT and shall return all copies of the LICENSED PRODUCT to LICENSOR. 6. MISCELLANEOUS 6.01 This Agreement, including the addenda listed below, sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, neither party shall be bound by any conditions, definitions, warranties, understandings or representations with respect to such subject matter other than as expressly provided herein or as duly set forth on or subsequent to the date hereof in writing and signed by a proper and duly authorized representative of the party to be bound thereby. The following Addenda/Exhibits are a part of this Agreement: Addenda/Exhibits Licensor Licensee Initials Initials 6.02 IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR OR NEC AMERICA, INC., OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES OR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCH)ENTAL OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, SUCH AS (BUT NOT LINIITED TO) "DOWNTIME", EXCESS COSTS OR LOST BUSINESS REVENUES RESULTING FROM A LICENSED PRODUCT MALFUNCTION FROM UNAUTHORIZED OR IMPROPER USE OF LICENSED PRODUCT INCLUDING BUT NOT LBYIITED TO TOLL FRAUD OR COMPUTER VIRUSES OR FROM LOSS OF USE OF LICENSED PRODUCT DUE TO INFRINGEMENT CLAIMS. 7. STATISTICAL INFORMATION 7.01 NECAM requests that the LICENSEE complete the Statistical Information contained within that section on Schedule A to this agreement. This information may be used by NECAM for marketing purposes. WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement through their authorized representatives. LICENSOR: BY: NAME: TITLE: DATE: LICENSEE: BY: NAME: TITLE: DATE: J • Q a m Z~ W d =a a^ E U a~ W ¢ CWO V J ,.. h •d ~ U aEa> w Z N O a Qa J N > O O Q W N = Z U O ho Q W N_ d { C N A > ~ 8 ~ iii ~ r..+ c ~ >. m r5 2S m£ E E ~ ~' c ~ N •~ d r ~ ~j C f0 Y " ~ y ~ m E $ E N N d V C Q+ ~ E C N ~ m 8 Sgs ~ ~ 'E~ ~ ~~ t yy .y A ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N P ~ N ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ U O V1 p J N tco E ~' 8i 'y 8¢ J ~ ~i c ~' o CO E d d d m m ~ $ c~ k~ o` ~~ a~ cy _~ ° ~~0~ ~ 8g {k .~ `o c 888888 ~~E~ a~,y dc$3 dg v~ Z~> ~+- l0 Y ~ O O ~ O ~ O O N N ~ ~ ~~ ~~ °~ ~ N c°o ~ U U U U U U U c R~ c N ~', ~ Z m g W a ~ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ~ ~ m m w o ~ 8 ~ N ~ o ~ m z a ¢ IV V ~ LL ~ a a n _ ~' a N IJ ~ N ai N LLI LL I ~ M ~ WI ~ E ~ ~ LL ~ ffi n ~ ~ 8 ~' Z m "- n• 2 E a ~ c ~ y-- ~' ~ = E m ~i y ~ Z ~ Z ~ c ~ g ZZ :, ~ c Z~ p U ~ r ~ ~ W a U U v ~_ ~' ~ ~ ~ z ui ,~ m E ~ aTi~+ rn m m m ~ LL F°- }g £~7 ~c c g $ d ti a~ j? j ~ ~ 41 F ~ a~ O~ j v m C ~ da v v; 2 c ow 8U•~ z U •- ~ o cLL ~ ~ Z c ~ N ~ ~ C U ° N Q. Q N •> . Q ^ V N N o a c ~ € ~~;°~~~ a•r. o on N v o~ m E O ~ J C ~ ~ N f0 ~ C N N d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LLEOacit$ M N _~ N ~ N_ N y ~ O N C ~_ ~ ~ a a aCi : ~ c ~ c~~.~~ ~C .~-. 3 p~I'O L •Q (/J Q aj L N ~a~E~a~ aci L~ 2 n _n oNi w. ~S d O U ~ t ~ N ~i~cy'i3v N .y- ~` O C O U - U O a 9 0 o E o F ~'c ~ moU O c ~ ~ Y a Q d c cpi c d ~ y c c ~ ~ W y' N O U N R' d O y ~ ~ ?~ C c G y ~ ° y L°~~Uaz~ U N ~ T m pC >. C ¢ N ' U N O ° dt°', 2 0 ~w N O ~ F t0 ~m~L°~~ m T° n« £ c ~ ° o N m w y oy-~ ~i N d N ~ U ~'~ ~ SZ C N ~ N C ~EQrfO.E~. 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Q+ ~ Q1 rpp V O y N ~ (.1 ~ ~ d a m'~~ L~ v Ca°' ~ Ec w y y N F ~ g ~ ~p S ` ~ ~i c a '2E0 @~@ d y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ « ~ Y cy ~Q ~ ~ £o y ~ ~ c c•~~' ~ 3a cc ~~ o E ~Bi g ~~' L°~ d m ,~~ r~~~ _Qy~ ~'~ ~.g ~~ grR a•~ 8 ~ c ~ ~ ~ $ ~ o~ o, > > > v ~ ~ L o~ s L o`~ ~m 8 a ~ $v vvvvvvv "~~~ g y8 ~~~~o ~g z~ aaaaaaa ~~~~o ~~ ~ n ¢ IV , oa~ M M M LL ~p N C n n a ~ a _ y nl a N 1J N y jv IJLI IJL I1" I ~ m LL to .-. fn ~ LL t Q ~ 7n d ~ L ~ ~ $ 'Cy +Y ~ ~ ~ cgi ~ ? W C pp pp t ( N N m ? a - a E ~ - ~ A r~ d 0 ~ a y ~ 2 i ~ C ~y r. 1 Z~ ~ ZZ Z ~ O =g ~ O Z ' ~ ~ n a ~ = ~ c~ ~ ~ a cv v c ~ i 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LL y CQ ~ a ~ _ ~Q ~ ~' L~' ~ C ' z ap ~ ~ v o ~ p V c o ¢! ~ r~ i ~ ~ v N ~ d ~ ~ y ~~~pp ~ ~ U r7i Z d W L W ? J ~+ v C am ~ ~ ~ d . . L d V _1 J c ... fn F ~ I~ L- O J ,= ~a v y2~' oz ~U~1° ~ o .g'~~° ~z ~~tn cToi V N d ~ N ~> . ¢ is U N N a c a ~ co?c~c ;p a o aC •- N'p p~Z ~ m E c tr yAQ y !n 'm m N c N g'a ~'o?v f0 ~ ~ ~~ N L « ~ LL E ° aci :c •-s2-, c E 3 c M ai l0 ~ y l0 dy~~ ~Cp p ~ C ~U ~~O d a>:°c•~u rn~>'~ n_ C ~ 3 ~ ,Vy~ ~ ~~ ~ Q ~j N Q~ V N ~ d E vi D y ~~~~~' d 4 x 2 n c nayi~.==3d w ~i y ~yy ~ € v O y U n$ N •.~0opoEoH ~~~~~U ~'ccmop o~~tQN E~ yarn ~ E y r ¢ c'~ caw m T A ~ C J N r0 O U N K N g °' ~ ~ ~ aci N ~c ;¢.Z Q~i~ O ~ y = C Q N O V~ O V N ~? O N W ~ C C O w mT~ny"8C ~ C C ~ y y d O ~ ~ c~0 E ~a~ 8i~~~~Z y 8 C d ~ Vi C m E Q ~ yTy T F y ~ 2l a U ~ d y ~'tv~'gy roz 3 ~ ~= o w3~~~84~~ = y ~ ~ y V 7 > ~ V o L U Z a • 2. Cabling Contract From. VINCE GALUGHER To. Doug Smith Date. 8/19/89 Time: 2:30:81 PM Page 2 of 3 BELLSOUTH COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, INC. TELECOMMUNICATIONS WIItING PROPOSAL Submitted lo: Service Address: • The ~'fllage of North Palm Beach 501 US highway 1 hor[h Palm Beach, FL 33408 Proposal Date: 8/19/1999 BiCS Engineer: Vikki Spangler Proposal and Pricing Valid for 60 Daps from Proposal Date PtiRSL'ANT TO M1fASTER AGREEMENT NO. _97A00307_ 13F;1,LSOtiTI1 WILL PR0~7DE AND INSTALL TILE FOLLOWING: • Directional bore 30" to 36" under ground one 4" PVC Condull with ptillboxes and marking tape from north wall of City hall to new emergency trafllce light on west side of L'S highway 1. Directional bore 30" to 36" under ground one 2" 1't"C conduit with pull box and marking tape from west wall of city Hall (phone room closet) to northeast corner of Library. • Suppip end installation of electrtcal conduit and Nema 3R bows for entrance to /~~ both City hall and Libran•. Supply and installation o 2 strand 62.5/125 micron multhnode fiber opttc cable from new Public ~k~4DF closet to We sen•er room in City Hall. One 12 strand from file server room In City Hall to 2nd Moor north east corner computer room in Library. • Supply fiber optic patch panels, bulkheads, tei•mhlatlon (ST type 3M hot melt / connectors) and testing with power meter and Bght source. /y~ • Suppplc and Iristallat' f one 50 pair PE-89 gel Wiled voice grade copper cable YYYY'"' from new Public \3°e~lts~figDF closet to telephone closet in City Ha1L One 25 pair gel filled voice grade copper cable from telephone room in City Hall to telephone D-Mark in Library. • All copper cables wlll have lightning protection at both ends. • Cost does not Include permit fees. Recommended that Village applies, will be no charge to VWage and wW ezpedlte procedure N'e hereby propose to provide and install the above listed materials in accordance with the above specifications for the sum of: 544,500.00 excluding applicable sales tax. Payment will be made as follows: upon completion All material is warranted under the hfaater Agreement to be as speciried. All work will be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications will be executed only upon written Change Orden prepared by BellSouth and signed by Customer showing the cost and lime impact of the changes. All agreement contingent upon strikes, accident, or any other factors beyond our control. This proposal is subject to acceptance within 60 days and is void thereaher. Signature:_Vilclcii $pwrlglpe- Date:_8/19/1999 Vikki Spangler, BICS Engineer BellSouth Communication Systems, Inc. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, speciacations and conditions are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined abos•e. r~ u 3. Network Installation Contract • Sales arson 1lctail Re ort Quote Number: B$S990820140548 Prepared By; Valerie Kehler Customer: Public Service 6ubJect; Megal,ink(FL) Flcx5nw (IPMS) (FL) ~` x Gov(: Inata at o11~ n Montbl Payma;lTam: I9lo 71 Manfha Basic FlexServ Service DSI Channel Connection/DSO Stvltching FlexServ (CMS) M2 (FL) 1 DSLIA SI25.00 570 00 PQrmen! Term; f9 !0 71 Months . Besse FlaxServ 9ervlce DSO Voice Grade Channel Cararectlan DSl Chamcl ConnoCtloWDSO Switching 4 DSLVA 5740.00 545 00 FlesServ([pMS)k3(Fy 1 DSLIA 5125.00 . S7D DD Paymen! Term: 19la 71 Months . Basle PlexScrv Servtee DSO Voicc Gradc Channel Connection DSl ChannolConuection/DSOSwitching 17 DSLVA S385,00 SI23 73 FloxServ (tPM3) W4 (FL) 1 DSLIA S125.00 . 570 00 Pnymen! Term; I9 to 71 Monfhs . Basic FlezServ Service DSO voice Grade Channel Connection Analog OPX/OPS (Fl,) - 1 Circuit J DSLVA 5175.00 556 25 Circuit Location kl . Tirrnpa!lon: JQl/dlld Ccnhal Oj~ce: WPBHFL/tOdlE _ BELLSOU7><I TEL Et:~OMMlN . GFL 2231 OPR/OP9 Local Channel Signaling •'IyPa A (0-199 ohms) I P21ID( 5340.Op 521.15 Circuit LocaBon An 1 SAL 544,00 5$.4D Terminu!lon: Cenaol OJJTce _ FlexS'erv (/PA;(s) CcnhalOJjlce: WPBNFLRBBIE.BELLS'O(/TgTEL6CpyMIN A l na CFL og OPX/OPS k2 (FL) _ ~ Clrculte circuit Lacatlon #1 Terminatlun: S6!/d~d CentralOJ/ke: WpgyFL~tlI£.BELLSOUTHT£LECOMM • INC-FL 2231 OPX/OPS Local Cha:mel I ~~ 5340.00 521.15 BELLSOUTH ®Buslness Systems ~z~G~2'd_. 8GE'gJ G0I i • Sa1ce eraon Detatl Re ort Quote Number: DDS990820140548 Prepared Dy: Valerie Kehler Customer: Public Service Subject: Megal,ink (FL) Si alin - - -°_...r 8n B -'l)'pe A (0.199 alone) ~ , --- Clrcult Locetlon N2 3 SAL 5132.00 516.20 Terrntnarlon: CenbalOJ/Iet- FlexServ (lPMSJ CenualOJ)7ce: WPBXFLRBdII;.BELLSOUTyTELECOMMIN A C-FL nalog OPX/OPS N3 (PL) _ ! Clrcute Clrcult Inrnuon NI TernJnadon: SGl/dId Cen~ralO,/Jlce.~ WPBHFLRBBIE. BELLSOUTH 2'ELECOMMlNGF 223 L 1 OPX/OPS Loeal Channel Slgnaling.'IypaA(D•199ohms) 1 ~~ 5340.00 S21.15 circuit Locetlon N2 1 SAL 544.00 55.40 Terntlnnr(on: CenrralOJJlct - FlexScrv (LPMSJ Cenfrol0,~7ce: {YPBHPLRBBIE-BELLTOUryTELECOMMlNC N F - L ARs ONegaLlok Channel, filc:5erv) (FL) Eulmnge: WEST PALMBEACN (Rare Croup 9J RatePlun: FlarRate DID NAR Combination NAR 2 NQP 50.00 532,50 Ilwtting 2 NQM 50.00 532.50 DID Block of Nwnbers 4 tITO 50.00 S35A4 DID Trunk Tonnination, each Inward Ohty Tnudc 1 NDZ S9 (5,00 54,00 Pulsing Option - DTMF 2 NDT S180.00 543.60 Line Conaeetlon Charge 2 SSD$D SD.oD SI5.00 Line Connection Charge (Addtl, Instaoee) 1 S56,00 50,00 Bnd User Common Line (EUCL) 3 536.00 50.00 Telecoaununications Reley Service 4 9ZR 50.00 S31.60 Presubecrtbed laterexchange Carrier Charge IYICC) 4 50.00 S0.36 Clrcult Locetlon ql 2 CC3BM 50.00 58.62 Ternt/narlan: Cenrra! OJFte - FlnrServ (lPMS) CenfralOfice: WPBHFLRBdIE-BE'LLSOUTH~LECOMMlN : F f L NARa (MegaLink Channel, FleaServ) N2 (FL) Excaagge: WEST PALMBEACN (Rare Giaap 9J Rafe Plan: FlafRae DID NAR . Combination NAR 4 NQP 50.00 Sbs,pp 7 NQM 50.00 5113.25 BELLSOUTH ®Buainess Systems ... ..-_ ~~E'd_ 8LE'ON bOrElSfb$6 553NIS(18 Sales erson Detail Report Quote Number: $BSggO- g2p)gps48 Prepared By: Valerlo Kohler Customer: Public Service Subject: MegaLtnk (PLj DID Block of Numbers I I . D1D Trunk Terminntion, each Inward Only Trunk 1 NDZ 5913.00 54,00 Pulsing Option • DTMF 4 ~T 5360.00 587.20 Line Connection Charge 4 63DBD 30.00 530.00 Lino Connection Charge (Addtl. Instaaeo) 1 SS6.00 50,00 End User Cotntnoa Line (EUCL) l0 5120.00 50.00 Telecommunications Relay Servioo 11 92R 30.00 586.90 Presubscribed intorexchange Cattier Charge (PiCC) 11 S0,00 3p,gg Cireult Lowtioa #1 4 CC3BM 50.00 S17.24 Ternrlnatloa: CentralO~ce - FltxServ (IPMSf CenlralOJJlcc: WpBgpLRBd4E-BELLSOUTHTELECOMMINC-FL MegaLlnk (FL) - I GYrcuit Op/lon: PolnrfoPalnrMegnLlnk Clear Chaatnel Capability _ None (Dd Format) 1 ServicaEstnblishmentCharge 50.00 50.00 Cireult Location Hl 1 MGLSfi 5375.00 50.00 Ternrinatlon: 16!/d4d (!.4012 nr(far) CcnrralOJJlce: WPBH.FYiRBd4E-BBLLd'OUTHTBLEGbltfhf/NC-FL Digital Local Chnnnol Paamenr Term: 49 fo 71 Months Flret 1/2 Mile r` Additional 12 Milo 1 1LDPZ 5330 00 59503 PremisesVlsitCherge 2 1LDPA : 00 382.00 ClrcuitLocatlottN2 1 MGLPV 540.00 50.00 Terinlnorlan: CrntralOfJ7ce - FlrxSeri (IPMSJ CenrralOjjlce; WPBHFLR884E-BELLSOU2NTEL6COMMlNbFL MagaLialc NZ (FL) _ 1 Cireult r7pr(on: Pofnr ro Polnr MerrrLlnk Clear Chamol Capability .None (Dd Fotmnt) 1 Service Patablishment Charge 30.00 50.00 Circuit Location til 1 MOLSE 5375.00 50.00 2'irminarion: Shc/d4d (Ld770nrllesJ Central OA7ce: WPBHFLitBd4E _ BEL4SOUTN T6LECOMMWt =FL Dtgital Local Channel . Payment Term; 49 ro 71 Months aM m.y nu M eE~csourH ®BusJness Systems • Sales eraon Detail Re art Quote Number: BB5990820140548 Prepared By; Valerie 1Cahler Customer: Public Service SubJect: Megaiink (FL) AdditlonallhMile ~ t~urc Premises Visit Charge 3 ILDPA 50.00 5123 00 CircultLocatlonM2 1 MGLPV 540.00 50.00 Ternrtnntlon: Central OjJfee - FtcxScrv pPMSJ CennalOJ~ee: WPBNFLRUdIE-BLZLSOVTHTELECOMMINC-FL MegaLlnk b3 (FL) -1 Clrcult Opffon: PoLd to Point MegnL/nk Clear Channel Capability -None (D4 Farmat) 1 Service Establishmeht Charge S0,00 S0.00 Clrcult 1-ocatlon tH l MGLSE S175.00 50.00 rennlnoftox: 561/676 (7.ld6imUes) Centrnf OjJfce: WPBNFLGRDSO _ BELISOU7H TELECOMMtNC-FL Dlghal Local Chanaol Paymanr Terrh.• !9 fo 77 Monfhs First 1h Milo 1 1LDPZ Additional In Mlle 5350.00 S95.05 Premises Visit Charge 4 ILDPA 50.00 5164.00 Clrcult Location k2 i MGLPV 540.00 50.00 lerminnrlon: Cenaat OJJrce - FfensYrv pPMSJ Central Ojfice: WPBRFLi28dIE- BELLSOU7'ft TELECOMMINC-FL 1 Interol'tlce Channel (3.82 miles) WPBHFLRB to WPBHFLGR (3.67 fn!!a) Fixed Charge Chmge per Mile 1 ILNO1 5100. 559.75 4 1LNOA 50,00 589.40 Totab 58,168,00 52,077.21 CK6 M 7 • 1200 Prosperity Farms Rd. North Palm Beach, FL aectsourH ®Buslness Systems 1/S•d 8LE'OfJ bRrFiCf'bCF. SG7IJTClY1 ll lfVlCll~n ~.~~rae.~ eeer•a~•evx~ i • Snlea eraon Detn`ort Quote Number: BBS990820140548 Prepared By: Valerie Kehler Customer: Public Service ~ Bub ect: 1 MegaLin]< (FL) 361.848 ..... va-.vvi"J KZ FL - 3 elcLx t RecrcatiouCenter 603 Anchorage pr, North Patin $each, FL SGl•848 - __ r ra+ ~ ~ UI cuLxt Osborne Park 715 Prosperity Forms Rd, North Patin Beacly FL 361-848 ~++z- . a,[rcm[ ctu.xt Publie8afety 36o U 9 Highway I North Palm $each, FL 361.846 -- n n~ ru • 1 GIrCYir cuL x ~ Publie 9ervlee 643 Ptosporlty Farms Rd. North Palm $each, FL 33408 • waww BELLSOUT'H Business Systerhs Li9'd BLE'ON _b0IEr5£bS6 • 5a_ leeperson Detail Report ! QuotcNumber: BBS990820140546 ~ Prepared $y: Valerie Kahler Customer: Public Service 5gbject: MegaLink (PL) CIU, a 2 ontr Ice ermmanon 361-BOB Me aLlnk N3 L -1 Circuit t:kt,a1 Country Club 901 U S Highway 1 North Palm 6cxh, FL 33408 C~a 2 ntral we ermina on 561-8q8 NAIts a aLlnk Channel FlexServ CKL M 1 Cattral Office Termination 561-868 NAIta (MeltaLink Chnnnel Flex5erv) clcl.M1 Cehtra OfiicaTettnlnatlan 361-848 • BELLSOUTH ~il~.a ohm ~ aowieua aro awg ~, ~. ~,~,~, ~,,,~ a,,,,,s,,, ~ ®Buslness Systems AUG.-20'991FR1) 13 45 P. 001 Poat•IY FeM Note 7671 M:e a ~ To inm COAIpt ~. PIiMM f r,10"" 1 LETTBR OF ELECTION The ttadereignod 6ubeorlber requests HellAouth Tolooommttnitwttlone, Ina. (Compeny'~ provide F1ex6arvA eervioe at the_ wPBFLORr~6o & WPBPLR oanire! oPAce and Fubecrlhor'e loca4loa at 901 U9 1 645 Proenn~tty Ferma Rd 560 Lt5 t '- ]mportant teriffprovielone relatiag to FlexBerv are set forth hetelri: 1. The Compmy wiU furnish, htetell, tnaintaln and provide maintenanoa of porU for FlexBerv !n tuxwrdturoo with the Comp4t~'a lawtidly tLed tarlffe, The tariit§ provldo the bttaia for th(e Ajteemont wlth the 8ubecHbor. The Agraeattutt period shall begin tlto day Flmtl9orv ie tnetel3od. 2. T'he 8ubeariber egress to pay the Company for the provltdon of FlexBerv ("gorvioe"). The 8arviu eltall be offered for vedable rare pedads with rates bnecd oo leagthe of 36 mtmtha (payroeat perlode may be selaated from 24 months to 48 months at 36 month ettee), 60 months (payment periods may be eeleoted 5om 49 mor-the to 72 Montlte at 60 moathe rata), to t4 menthe (payment pedode may bo ealeotad ttom 73 atotdLe to 96 months at the 84 month txtoe). Thle monthly rate wUl oontlnue for the elected eorvloe potiod and will pot bo eu1lloot to Company inltlatod ohsbgo during ettoh parlod. The mottlhly rotes In etYbot at the limo the 8ervloe ie iaeldled atrd/or ae of the eetvloo oMar nppUoation date will bo to ePi'eot uatll We expiratitm of the eervioe period chosen by the Bubectlbot. Othot rites applicable to otbot eervioee provide the Compar4y, inoludiag but sot limited to, iadividutrl exttltange network eooaee and private line eheanol aetvicee, that are oonneotod to FloxBerv, may be laareaeed during this period. • 9ti6'd BSE'Obl Pees 1 bBIEISEVt6 SS3NI9r19 HLr10S~13B tef92:6 666t'02'9f1ef AUG. -20' 991FR1) 09:05 • 3. Recognition of previous earvlco will bs gluon to rho Subscriber who tonowe an existlag contract arraogemeat, Yor tbo came of larger system(s) eud all associated rate elements at rho same laoatlon(s), provided that rho length otthe new contract atrsugoment is a miaitnum 24 month service period or egvalyexeeeds the remaking service period of the orlgkoal o0e>>raot arrangement, whichever is greater. 4. lteoognitlon ofprevloue service will be gluon to the moath•to•utonth 6ubeetiber with a smvlce date of January 1,1994 or later who eonverte to a oontraot atrahgeraeat, provided the mktdmum service period has bona mst. 8or the Bubecrlber whoeo servios data is Ienuaty 1,1994 or eartler, reoogoitlon will be given for the previous service back to 7eauary 1,1994. Por rite Subscriber whoeo service date ie later than January 1,1994, tboognitloa for rho previous service will ba given back to the actual tmtvloo date. S. The seMoe period for thin Agreement shall be d~~9 +--.-Jmnatha. ~p Agreement period taoludee.,,~_ moatlta for reooga#lon of previous rorvico. I'ho recurring and aonrecutrhtg ahargea for kteml undo! this Agreeunent ate. Aeearlpdoa Qty, Noa•reoarring ltecurrkag U80C 8~E QUATB • Pane 2 P. 009 sr.et•d t3se~oN eetetseoss Ss~r+rsne Htnos~~3a utsz:e r~r•ea•orw AGG. -?0' 991FR1) 09.05 \J e. h+ rite event that aqy item of the S¢tvice !e tetmidatod prior to the explrntion of We service period, the Subscriber shall pay a tetmiuaNon liability charge ae epeoifled !m the tariff ffi Florida, Qeorgia, sari Routh Catollna, mouse of service that moot all criteria ae stated in 82,4 of rho private Lino Sorviaee Tariff ehaU not be subject to Termination Liability, 7, At the expiration of We service period, the Bubecdboi tray oentJnua the Service according to renewal options provl4ed under the tu'I>i! if the BubecrIbtx dose not elect an additiotuJ service period, or does not request dieoondmusnce of service, than rho above 90tvloe wiU bo coltHnued at the tnotttbly rak outreatly Ut effect fnr month-to•fionth terse. service paloda may also bo renewed prior to expk+uiou in acoordanoe with ro;ulatioae and rates then ist aftLet, B. Buspenelon of service i/not permitted for FlexServ, 9. Tho Subscriber agrees to pay at>y added costa inourreQ by the Company due to a Subscriber iltittakd change in the location of the F1exServ prior to rho time it fa placed is aerviee, l0. In the avant rite 9ervioe requested bytbe Subscriber is oenoeled prier to the ostnblielwrant oFBetvioe, but alter the date of ozdetlnj reflected haraim, the Subscriber Is required to t'elmbumre We Cempemy for all expanses lnotvrod lm handling rho troqueat before rho notice of oaaoellatlom ie received, 8uoh charge however, le mot to exceed the sum of all charges whiob would apply ff rho work involved in complying with the request had bees completed, 11. Equipment may be n'etteferred to another Subscriber at the same looagon upon wtltkn eoacutreaoa of the Company, The maw Subeeribor tm wholm the etavlee ie transferred w;U be stibjact to ap tariff pmvlelomd and equipment oonflgumtiome currently !n offset tbt the proeent Subscriber. • t'aee 3 P. 010 9T~TT'd 6SE'ON b01ETLEbSfi SS3NISf18 H1f10S~13a Wti62 i6 666T'02'9(tb ACG. -20' 991FR1) 0906 1'tde AgTOemont le eft'eotive whoa exeoutcd by the Bubearibor add eeoepted by the Company, end is eubJeat to and ooatrolled by tha pmvidone of tlu Compaay'e 1swAilly filed terlSb, including any ohaages ffierola ea a~ay be made from time to tlmo, Customer Noma S1Qaatute Printed Namo ~ Printed Name r ~ I• J 9T~2i'd 8SE'ON fION14, INC Date TYtle Pge4 601ESSEh56 553NISf18 Hir105113g Wtl6Z:6 666t'0Z"Jfkf P. 011 ACG.-20'991FR11 13 45 LEi'I'EtR OF ELEC'IYON The undorsigaed Subearibor requests BeUSoutb Teleoommutueadoue, Inc. (Company") provide MeeeLlnlca eorvloo (MI.) at the WP9FT.Okn60 do WPB RARAR oonttal o81oe and SUbeoribea'e location at 901 Ll6 1. 6d5 ntoenorlty P «.~. Rd 560178 t ~ ' - - .,. Important tarlffprovieione relating to ML ere set forth hotsln: i. Tha Company wiU fl+ruiah, lnetaU, mei»taia and provide maiuteaanoe of aJ+aunel aervicas for MI, in acootdaaoe with dio Compat>rv'a lawAllly Aled tari$'a. The teriffo provide the basis for thin Agroosnottt witlf the 8ubscribor, Tho Agreement pedod aball begin the dsy Mf:. is lnetellod, 2. The Subeariber sgrea W pay the Company for rho Ptnvlelon of MI, ("SorvIce°). The Service eha11 be ot?btad for variable rate periods with rates based oa lengths of 36 months (payment periods may be eeleoted ltom Z4 months to 48 months at 36 swath rata), 60 months (payment periods maybe soleoted from 49 montba to 72 months at 60 months ratty), or 64 eaoaths (payment padoda may be selected from 73 months to 96 months et the B4 month tatoa). Thle moatlily rate wil! oondnue for rho elected aelvloa period end wiu not be eub)oct to Gompeny Wdated ohanBe during such period. Tho monthly rates for faeUlty mileage, bolt eyelom capacity sad fsehue eodvadaa is otlkct at the tlmo tbo Service le laetallod and/or ea of the service order apptioadoa date will be 1n offaot untU the expksdon of the eervlee period ehoeen by the Subscriber. Other rates appliosble to other services provldod by the Company, including but not limited to, ituilvldtral ezehange network avceee end private line ohotwel tu+rvioa, that are eoruteotod to ML, may be inoroaead dwlpg this period. 14~r1 (f~11 3. Reoognldon of previous rervice wUl be given to the Sub • Peae 1 9SiEi'd F3SE'ON VOSfrSEhS6 SS3FItc.~flg H1rtOS1138 who tenswe ea 666t'02'911b P. 00: AUG. -20' 991FR1) 0906 exlsthTg contract arrangement, for the eatno or largev eyatom(e) snd all aaeociated rain elemettte u the eamo location(s), provided that tho longth of the new contract attehgement i. a toialmum 24 month aetvice period or equals/axeeode the rotuatning eotvloe period oftho orll{lml ooatraot atrangeTaoat, whlohevor io grekter, 4. Reoognltlon ofptevioua earvlce will bo glvea to tho month-to-month 9ubaoribor with a awioe date of January 1,1994 or later who eonverta to a oonh>tot attmgemeat, provldod the mialmum service period has boon met. For the Slubeorlber whose aervloe date le January 1,1994 or euUor, recogaitlon wiU be given !bt the previous seevloe bavk to Janaary 1, 1994. For the 8ubaorlbar whose rorvioe date to litter thaa Ianuary 1,1994, rocogoitlon for the previous eervioe Will be glvett back to the actual service data 3, The service petlod for this Agtoement eheJl be 49 ttwaths, This Agreoment period Ineludee ,~,.^ months for reoognltlon of previous service. The rooutsing and nonroourrhtg ehargea for itsma wider this Agreement uo: Nenncurria8 Aocurring I.ooa! Channel 9138 QUOTE LttetoStoe Chetmel • "Nooreourriag charges on the loogl ohuuule will be walvod if this canttaot is dgned by 9.30.99 Pogo Z P. 013 9Ti0T'd l3Sf 'ON 60tftSE>S6 S$}~IIS(7g µ10p51139 -b0f t6 666T'02'90tl AUG. -?0' 991FR1) 09 0' • a. In rho event that aoy atom of dte 6ervioo is terminated prior to the expitadon of dte wtvloe period, the Subsalber shall pay a 4emdaadon llabgity aharga u speclfled in the terltl; In Florida, Qeotgia, and 9ottth Catoliaa, moved of eetvloe that meet all otitetia ae etakd la 82.4 of the private Line 8etvicea Tariff shQl not be eubjeot to Termtnadon Liability. 7. At the expiration of the setvloe period, fhe tiubeodbet stay continue the Service acoordlug to renewal opdons provided under the tatfff, Ifthe 9ubdotlber door not elect ab additional service period, or does not request diacondouanw of eervlce, then the above 9ervioe wUl be oontinuad at rho monthly rate otmendy in affect fbt month-to-month rates. 6atvlce periods may also be renewed prior to sxplradon !n ecoordstue with roguladoni and tatee then id effect. 6.8wpoaeion of service id not perrgittod for MI.9ervlco. 9• The 6ubsarlbet agreed to pay any added ousts inoturad !~, rho Company due to a 8ubscrlt>c,r taidated vhengo la the locodon of the MI. plot to dts tune It is placed In sorvlw. 10. In rite event the 9orvlca regtwetod by We 8ubeotlbor ie oertoeled prior to the eatablldltmont of Bcrvloe, but otter the date of vrdoting raAeeted horde, the 8ubsorlber is required to telmburx the Company for all expetteoe lnoutred 1n handbag rho requa+t before the nodve of cancellation is received. 8uoh charge holdover, is not to exeeod rho rum of ail ohargee which would apply if the work involved !n oomplyhtg with the request had been wmplotad. 11. Equipment may be hansforred to another Bubaotibor at the seine location upon written eoaourranoo of the Company. The new 9ubeotlber to whom the Service ie trenaferTOd will be aubjeot to aL tariff ptovidione and ogWpment oonfigtvadone ctusently is effect for the ptecort Bublorlbet. 7~ ~r ..~ qi~~q~ Signature Date rod Name TI o • Poge 3 P. 014 9tiZi 'd BSE'ON D0TfT5EPS6 553NI5t18 H1nOSll3B 4p0E i6 666T'82'9f1b AGG.-20'991FR1) 09 Oi 71rie Agroeenent ie effoctlvc when executed try the 8ubscrlbet and aooopted by the Cotnpaoy, and ie eubJeot to and oontmlled by the provisions of We Company's lawAilly filed tariPFe, inoluding aqy changes therein ae mqy be made ttom time to time, Q~P~ 6iynatute ~ ~~~ ~~f,~i~/~^~Date ~1~~ QQ PHAtedName ~r,~(ti!~/Gl /~ ~~SSeV i'n•'J T_` TStle _ /~G Ua~ 9iguature Printed N~ • 9T~9I'd Page 4 ~~~ COIfISEbS6 SS3NISn9 FilllOSll39 Wtf0E:6 566i'02 ".Xai P. 015