1999-036 A/C Repair/Installation at Country Club RESOLUTION NO. _ R6_oo A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH HI TECH COOLING, INC. ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPAIRING AND COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION OF THE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1 The Vllage Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Agreement with Hi Tech Cooling, Inc., attached as Exhibit "A" which agreement is for the purpose of repairing and completing the installation of the air conditioning system at the North Palm Beach Country Club. Section 2• The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement with Hi Tech Cooling, Inc., set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. • PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 17th DAY OF .WINE , 1999. • (Village Seal) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK ~~%/// • Jtln-30-99 11:56 HI TECH COOLING INC 561 340 0551 p-OZ PROPOSAL Hi Tech Cooling, Inc. 673 SW. WhitrlloreDrive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 Phone: (361) 340-0343 Fax: (361)340-0331 State License Number CAC033830 Job Number. Date: June 30, 1999 Page: Of Village of North Palm 14eac 643 Prosperity Famis Road Pbone: 361-626-0212 Fax: 561-626-3869 TO North palm Beach County Club Job #9607 w Yh ~M 1 •4.-b~~-_-. -_ _. Hi-Tech Cooling scope of Work on the North Palm beach County Club consists of the following listed on 2 and 3. pages We have not subtrllttod a price for itert>s A 2a or # 8 llstod under the Choler Plant section. if you have any questions please fal free to call me at the number listed below. Thluilc you for thls opportunity to bid with you OUR PRICE ~g9,868.00 peromtage of work tx+mplited and rtortntl tvnitrucNon draw whedule. NtOls the mmnl~~ f~~u_.e __ _ _ _ AV'nlbrtion Mdo~iMioo tpll etOW tPOriaaoEgl~ipkn boomPMMd lelu6rbellitt MMklYeliln oYrellr oo7~rdloibtP~Mptioor ro6n fib. Hl rppnb~6 M oPos ~~ h~ oftre oolb rn71 lr rsealpd adY tlPOrl wrtIm order rtli rill beaoae M sxtlf ~ Ptr t4odvd ~~ ooxxd ly WaAa. Corr,P~wyon te'nlonae ~~ ~ ~Y+bolop~ oor ooe-ot On~w b wty 6n. wrsdo. wd aMr °~7o erarW bore tlK ^~Y inuanor. Our uwrlcrn oR Nly ~CCE-rANCE OF PROK7yA1,: 711r ebow pioy, treci0atirer ~ Payment will M orWt n outlLe olovs. Ilbuyn tu3 b loekr ~~~ W ~~~ MQ rm bwoby ep~ptod, Yoa rM outlsrlmd reroeeees is eyui(Irpelr witlwVi oadoo end (T) the bays einp 7mee1 br tM~O~ q{y~~byt (1) HI Teeh CoolLli, Ls. rn Wdtlioo b otltr lo.odies, m. i0ed. Pam%Wd sY Jew. Ae7 enW for ony W esd e1i nQ led~dm tXwmyl kc t Mie 6eIMfN bdnuinb4rdlo its watomm ~~ ftbtS MOrRY eed/w lhb ofrlurtda AUthQlrod $IYrli Date: G G~~ NOTE: 7hia pr iy be withdrawn ,. '/ , .~~' b]Oit+~fnotaooiptedwlthia30dtrys and/orprioemtydifkr ~DateAccepted_Jul~l, 1999 L 18 HI TECH GOOL ING INC 561 340 0551 t'.03 • COBI,'RV & ASSOCIATES, IIYC. CONSUL717VG LNGiNEiERS EH•OOOJ6i7 r. o. s., art Alp 9ortep. rwtu uaasosr, hal ~s~-r-a r~x (voq w-ru: !away I5. 1999 i ltefireau: North Palm Bath Country Club Air Conditlonfn8lnrtallatioa lob Vo. 9607 8dow is • lut of hens for ~ and/or wmpktion at the above project. Plate provide a price to provide Lbor aad material for ebe work listed below bayed an par cite vltzit on lanwry S, 1999. f~~~ . 1. Reetow any galvanized or bladt iron piping, install dielectric couplings Between pumps aad piping acid betws~an the chiller aced ddUtx plpirlg. 2. IReinaulete all rhllled water pip:ag in rids ana using rubatex or equal. 2a. Provide o xpameP-1uJ~ ~VPt+lf the Uestrlorlon !rr ah[t mfa ro joo»c g/av in hrr of the rwEa-ex. 3. lnaWi pipe supports eo the chdJed waterpipirg at the pumps, at last two free e-aadiag support. on the piplog and atlas one additional bracket oe'the buUdittg Mall Io addeioo to the es9pLeg. InsuH Y3-bola to hold pip}ri~?a pLe-pee otylinal deuiit oa pLpu oa aU breslaettc e, Irutall Oh~g spedaltia oa puarp a~2 is aeeordance wit!: the pump detail. 3. Pcrtbrta dtagrpstics on chiller to aatste ptwper opentiaa e. Check vriring oa beta puttees for proper rotatipn opauioa and eoatrol. 7. Haw pump 6asea and ocher a;poaed metal pahmed with atoned. ,~. i. Pro.~lde a separa~ pia b lraaol/ a wwb yp trWr ayirtar inelrwOn~ Aoelil7ow prwnrer and em-snon nst!•la- the cAfller. bp~g 1. Asinsulate all piping uang rubetac or squat ettGSN the Piping is the eitic which is prsaeatly ineu6ted with !bun glass. 2. Provide proper s Per orioiaal specl6utbw ared stacdatd afeohanioal code. 7. tternow the mixtete of blank iron. gaNytlse0 pipe aad atp(aoe with bras- or copper fhtxn the unit eometaioa upstream. Itlaull di re eeup6og betweea copper/ bna ant tM iron pipe connection on the unit. •. Compl.te the itvtallation of the hot water piping grtem and itrdate. J. Rapa-r cendeneete Plt+e penetrations thru aolltt and provide proper trim out deutehooaa. • • Jun-07-99 16:18 HI TECH COOLING INC 561 340 0551 f 3. 6. i. 9, !0. Remove flexible duce owc the exareme north unit and install sheetrnetal per orsginal ,pets Recanaea diflasa, in tM bar a: u tv tM new bar urot dugwork. (This involves working tttru the dogtwuae oa the roof over the bar as I discussed with Bad. ) Repair dua leaks on nc+v siteetroetai attd repair dua insulation. Ihen are several p1eGS of Oexibb duet with improper turn utd bends. These wad to be replaced wills ttheetateu- duff per erijinal ~ Nora that there am a couple area ehu are Ughe deerattcea whtxe ws may still seed to we the flex, howeva it will txcd ro be property installed std tatretRdeted. ItutaD property sized fresh tit duct on AIi-ti. Tiu prasrttiy iwtalled dun to unit u not !asps Onough, Repair ductwarY oe axluuat fin over tlta locker room era. Relate 11te fkrt ova th-kRchea area and rocotuteti duatsexk pet the odjina! dtayit{gi 1nneU one aoR air ditfuear io the diNnj room area to tetateh the other 7. Tba one "odd' dttTussr needs ro be ouroed over ro the city and I tet7! pick it W !}but theta to mum it to the rnwst-aura. it b a borrotved wttph>. Provide proper dua supports f6r all afiadaetal tnd fleta'61e dude install flCxibie dua cvatteetioty betweas dttces~ork ~ tIN dr haadliaj uttks. ~+soiaLlliOk t . Cheek the units for proper ftlepatudon, 2. '` lmnll new 1x~Y consttuead dtttin Patti wilt brazed drain pas 5ttittga. 3. Re-work cottdawted drdae bout pttetttry and secaodety for proper pitch end cotusections. e. Rswork piD~ti "t»es" at the units, lasts!! proper rubetex or et)+tal insuldioa s. Retrork plpitt j to slow for unit linen to be rtntowd. e. ewd on our t5ndap In the chills phln; cheek all motors for props roation 7. rest and balance syxesQt. rsaomlSxats~ 1. Provids digital oonaol pawl per orijinal ~. Install propel coaled davioee a Called lbr isp~flt~ations. rJWled water and hot w ~~ speei8atioos. 1fPvnrble tuo the eta oootrd valvq that ware tr+etaikd by the otijinal corttraCtor. tf it is not Poaibk to use thea>, rhea r eplace and turn tke e,daing valves rosy the the vNage. Reapeer}bQy Submitted, REC/dc Richard E. Coburg P.E. president P.04 •