1999-011 Pay Range & Job Description Study• RESOLUTION 11-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH HUMAN RESOURCE PERFORMANCE CONSULTANTS, BRANDON, FLORIDA, WHICH AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING A PAY RANGE AND JOB DESCRIPTION STUDY FOR VILLAGE EMPLOYEES; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the agreement with Human Resource Performance Consultants, Brandon, Florida, attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement is for the purpose of conducting a pay range and job description study for the Village employees. • Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are authorized and directed to execute the agreement with Human Resource Performance Consultants set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1999. (Village Seal) • ATTEST: ~, VILLAGE CLERK • AGREEMENT PAY RANGES AND JOB DESCRIPTION STUDY For • THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH By HUMAN RESOURCE PERFORMANCE CONSULTANT (HRPC) • February 1999 HUMAN RESOURCE PERFORMANCE CONSULTANTS Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach 501 U. S. Highway l North Palm Beach, Florida 33408-4906 The following constitutes our entire agreement for services to be provided by (Contractor) Mac McDowell, Sole Owner, Fictitious Registration Number 697276000068, Human Resource Performance Consultants (HRPC), Consultant, for (Client) The Village of North Palm Beach. Services to be provided/products to be developed under this agreement are specified in Exhibit A, attached hereto. Client agrees to make available to Contractor, at Client's expense, any and all materials and facilities reasonably necessary for Contractor to perform such services. Term. The period and/or schedule during which Contractor shall perform the services for Client hereunder is set forth in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and is hereby made a part hereof. Fees: In consideration for the services to be performed for Client by Contractor, Client agrees to pay, promptly and fully, the fees described in Exhibit C, attached hereto and made a part hereof, in accordance with the provisions set forth therein. Client agrees to pay 25% of the total fees set forth on Exhibit A on the date hereof as a down payment to be applied against the final bill for the services. Client shall have full ownership of and all rights in and to the work product(s) after full payment has been made. Consultant is an independent Consultant, not entitled to any benefits or privileges as an employee. Consultant alone is responsible for compliance with federal laws and regulations relating to taxes and Social Security payments. ~~ P. O. Boa 2683, Brandon FL 33509-2683 (813)657-8128 Fa:(813)657-9127 E-MAIL: HrpcmmQaoi.com • This agreement represents the entire agreement between us and shall not be subject to any waiver, modification, or discharge except in writing signed by both of us. No representations or conditions are made by either of us except as expressly contained in this agreement. This agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. If the above terms are in accordance with our understanding and agreement, please sign where indicated below and return one copy Sincerely Consultant (Date) A ree to a ted: ,2 ~ ~ !~ lient (Date) • Enclosure: Exhibit ATTEST: i Cat een Kelly, C Village Clerk • • EXHIBIT A SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED The Services to be performed for all non-contract employees by Contractor pursuant to the Agreement to which this Exhibit A is attached are as follows: Preliminary Organizational Analysis- Meeting with the Village Manager to obtain information on organization, mission. issues, critical position, benchmark organizations, etc. Meeting with the Human Resources Senior Staffto gather information on current job descriptions, pay ranges and classification system; identify strengths, problems, and other information Meeting with Full Senior Management Group and other key personnel to obtain their perspective, etc. Data Gathering -- • • Analyze each classification in the organization by interviewing employees comprising of each job and/or classification to capture the actual task being performed by employees in the classification. Hold joint employee-supervisor meeting in order to gather additional data and reconcile any differences. • Conduct salary survey to determine internal and external equity in salaries to include pay ranges. Analyze Data- • Generate report validating current job descriptions or recommended revisions • Identify out of class positions and compression • Evaluate job classifications for reduction, consolidation, etc. • Determine exempt/non-exempt positions and have reviewed by Labor Attorney • Conduct analysis of base salaries • Compare Village salaries and pay ranges with other comparable agencies Recommended/Product Development -- Draft recommendations of job descriptions, pay ranges and other compensation matters, in collaboration with appropriate employee committees and others Prepare final report and products, to include but not limited to Job descriptions, • pay ranges, etc. • EXHIBIT B TERM The Services to be performed pursuant to the Agreement to which this Exhibit B is attached shall commence on or about, March 1, 1999 and shall continue until final report is rendered by Contractor on or about, June 21, 1999. This agreed term shall remain in effect, unless extended for just cause, and agreed upon by both parties. EXHIBIT C FEES AND PAYMENT Fee due and payable to Contractor by the Client pursuant to the Agreement to which this Exhibit B is attached shall be as follows: • Payment Period 25% of Total Fee of $18,650 25% of Total Fee of $18,650 25% of Total Fee of $18,650 Balance Due Down Payment 30 Days after commencing work 60 Days after commencing work Upon rendering of final report •