1998-008 Easement to Seacoast (Ballfield Waterlines)• RESOLUTION NO. 8-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE AN EASEMENT DEED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH EASEMENT DEED GRANTS A PERPETUAL UTILITY EASEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER LINES TO THE COMMUNITY CENTER SALLFIELDSj AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. • BE ST RESOLVED SY THS VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Easement Deed as Exhibit "A", which Easement Deed grants a perpetual easement in favor of Seacoast Vtility Authority for the installation, operation and maintenance of water lines to the community center ballfields. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Easement Deed to Seacoast Utility Authority aet forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. • PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th DAY OF FEBRUARY 1998. MAYOR (Village Seal) ATTEST: C~ VILLAGE CLERK • u Retum To: Bruu Oregg $eaCOasl UIJiry Authority 4200 }food Road Palm Beach Gardens, P1334[0 • EASEMENT DEED THIS EASEMENT DEED made and entered into this ] 2th day of February , 1998, between VILLAGE OF NORTIi PALM BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") whose address is 501 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 and Seacoast Utility Authority (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee") whose address is 4200 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 33410. WITNESSETH: • L~ That Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant to the Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual utility easement which shatl permit the Grantee to enter upon the property herein described at any time to install, operate, maintain and service water lines and appurtenant facilities in, on, over, under and across the easement premises. The easement hereby granted covers a parcel of land lying, situate and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, and being more particularly descrbed as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Grantor hereby covenants with Grantee that it is lawfully seized and in possession of the real property herein described and that it has good and lawful right to grant the aforesaid easement free and clear of mortgages and other encumbrances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set its hand and affixed its seal as of the date first above written. WITNESSES: GRANTOR: Signed, sealed and delivered i e presence of: W' ness Signa ure !Ss^(13ti1 ~~h. RT Print Name Witness Sigt ure Print Name ail H. Vastola, Mayor t t: athleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk ' • • SPATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /7s5~ day of fE6,Ui,/,t!/ 1998, by Gai1/4f. Vastola and Kathleen F. Kelly, Mayor and Village Clerk respectively of th- e V g of North Pahn Beach, a Florida municipal corporation who are both personally known to me and who did not take an oath. "M"r'"••., ~R. ~'' MELISSA A. TEAL MY COMMISSpN I CO 85193! +r. ' ~• E%PIaES: duN 19, 2001 `2,.... Ban0eE ThN Nobly Pubic UnUennllen DEEDMPBCOMM.wp 1~!G~ Notary Signature Print Name Notary Public -State of Florida Commission No: C'C6SS~~.~ 9 My Commission Expires: ,ru/y/3~ aOV/ z EXHIBIT "A" Paae 1 of 2 r~ L J r ~ U • a ~I z ~I N WIC UT w ~ LJ 41 3 ~I z ~ w O Q O ~ W ~I ZI w ~I N N N ~I DESCRIPTION SKETCH THIS IS NOT A SURVEY I I I POINT OF TERMINUS I I 12.oo'-~I 1-- 111 I I /''CENTERLINE OF 12' WIDE I / UTILITY EASEMENT III ses•oo'ot^E I I I 359.00' I I I 6.00• 6.00' CENTERLINE OF AO' W10E UTILITY EASEMENT-~ 588'00'01 "E ,z.oo EAST RICMT OF WAY LINE PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD 1~h VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH III CIVIC CENTER I I III I I I I III I'I III I I I I I I I I REFERENCE POINT "A" I I I I N02'06'10"E 729.74'• I L~--2o.00' I _I_N02'O6'10'EE ~ ~~~ ~ t38.2g' V-~ POINT OF BEGINNING SOUTH LINE OF NE 1/4, SECTION 8/42/43 SW CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 SECTION 8/42/43 BEARING BASE: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 8,15 TAKEN TO BEAR SOUTH 88'13'54' EAST AND ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE THERETO. SURVEYOR AND MAPPER'S SIGNATURE 1. UNLESS IT BEARS THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAI. OF A FLORIDA O1-29-98: REVISE FOR VARIABLE WIDTH UCENSEO SURVEYOR AND MAPPER, THIS MAP/REPORT K FOR INFORMATgNAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT VALID. REVISIONS: 2. N0~5L'RC~ OF THE P~.IC~RECORDS HA$ BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. .-_ ,__- ....._ 1TE Oi FLORIDA N0. q82, L.B.LM. CERTIFICATE OAHL, BROWNRIO, FERRARI Ai HELtSTROM, CUNSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYOfl9 k YAPPEflS 9T00 S.E. MONTEREY flOAD, SURE 300 $IUMT. RORIDA 31996 (561) 966-3663 rrx: (561) 9B6-J936 ' PµY B(ACN N%1(R S1VM1 CORL %CRCC d([[CNI N0. L8 959 1 "=40' Field N~A ole Computed j2 01-23-98 Checked N ;..Oi, 2 ..o,,,N A^ o b Pq. ~ z ~-, Drowino Work Order No~PBCC No' 95-218 • • • ' E%HIB7:T "A" Page 2 of 2 UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION: A varioble width eosement for utility purposes lying over o portion of the Norlheost 1/4 of Section 8, Township 42 South, Ronge 43 Eost, Polm Beoch County, Florido the centerline of sold eosement being more porticulorly described os lollows: Commencing of the Southwest corner of sold Norlheost 1/4; Thence South 88'13'54" Eost, olong the South line of sold Norlheost 1/4, o dislonce of 105.00 feet to o point on the Eost right-of-woy line of Prosperity Forms Rood; Thence North 02'06'10" Eosl, olong sold Eosl right-of-woy line o dislonce of 729.74 feet; Thence continue North 02'06'10" Eost olong sold Eosl right-of-woy line, o dislonce of 138.29 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of soid centerline; Thence South 88'00'01" Eost leoving soid Eost right-of-woy line olong the centerline of thot portion of soid eosement being 40.00 feel in width 20.00 feel on both sides of the centerline, o dislonce of 12.00 feet to o REFERENCE POINT "A"; Thence continue South 68'00'01" Eosl olong the centerline of lhot portion of soid eosement being 72.00 feet in width 6.00 feel on both sides of the centerline, o dislonce of 359.00 feet to the POINT OF TERMINUS. Soid eosement being bounded on the Wesl by the Eosl right-ol-woy line of Prosperity Forms Rood and bounded on the Eost by o line possing through the POINT OF TERMINUS perpendiculor to the cen tertine of soid eosement. Soid eosement contoining 4,788 squore feet more or less. Ot-29-96: REVISE FOR VARIABLE WIDTH REVISIONS: PROJECT NAME: SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY 12' WIDE UT1LItY EASEMENT W17HIN V.N.P.B. CIVIC CENTER l1NDAHL BRO'wNINC, FERRARI k HELLS7ROM, INC Scale Sheet Field Book CONSULbNC ENGME[RS. SURJEYORS 6: 118PPERS N/A Fula N/A 2 OI 2 N/A i N00 S.E. NOMLREY ROW, SUITE J00 Pq• VI SiVMt, fEORiDA ]L998 DOte COm ull0 DfdWln ~ N (561) 188-J8a) fN(: (561) 286-J998 ~ 2Z 9 Work Order 4 wfsl Puu ouch ,iURn[R SINN[ roRr nrncE o"LCCNOBLE O1-23-98 Cneekea N N VNPBCC NG. 95-218 a