1998-047 Fuel Storage Retrofit Proposal from EDSI• RESOLUTION NO. _ 47-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL DIGITAL SERVICES, INC. (EDSI) FOR RETROFITTING AND TESTING OF UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE FACILITIES AT THE PUBLIC SERVICES SITE IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,850.00, A COPY OF WHICH PROPOSAL IS ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION AND MADE PART HEREOF; FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED FROM ACCOUNT A5522-34650 (VEHICLE MAINTENANCE); AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby accept the proposal of Environmental Digital Services, Inc. (EDSI) for retrofitting and testing • of underground fuel storage facilities at the public services site, a copy of which proposal is attached to this resolution and made part hereof. The monies are to be expended from Account number A5522-34650 (vehicle maintenance). Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS (Village Seal) ATTEST: ~ , ~l~- Village Clerk 1998. • E ~S~ October 2, 1998 551309159 {rw.Nmon'. Mo,in.~ :]UO Oe..,ld Ro.. ioou calm Mo<h :~a.h~.. [~, 7J~`J Sei s79d00o ro, sei•eJO~oiso v45p<OEVCS Mr. William Itdr~eri public ServiDes Supertunatdem Village of North palm Beach 613 lsrosperity Farms Road North Palm beach, Florida 33108 I2E: pROPOSAi, UST Upgrade for CampUetrce sure itegEElatioaa Dear 1Hr. Reinar EDS Ilk; EDSi. is pleased b submit this proposal for the upgrade of your existing fud facility. Spaifically, EDSi. proposes do perform the folbwing activities: • 1. Notify regulatory agencies and pull the roQdred permits. 2 Saw Wt existing comae for aooess to the tanks and cxistia8 piping, rcawve and ditpoee. 3. Extmau the area and pipe trrnclses, diaoorutect and rauwe exiatiny pilling for disposal. 4. Inaall new ?oral Comairniient tank sump for the aubnxraiblc pump and rclattd components. s. Inwll new dispenser pans and cheer valves for the existing dispensers. 6. Install new Emiro-Flex plpdng from the tunic to the dispsdaers. 7. Hackflll the txcavated arts with tartired "P" Qavels. 8. Install new tral5c bearing manhole at:r the tank ntmp. 9. Resurface excavated area with oooctete to match existing stab. The To/al Coat For T6L Work 56,850.00 TM abm a described work will bring yotu fuel facility in aomplitnee with aD oument atsu regulations. EDSi. approciales the opportunity [o work for The Vd18$e a' Noetk palm Beach. If you have any questions or need fuller inloemation please tall me al (361) 630. 8009. Sincerely, Si. Danicl e. Hoobkr~ presid:xu PAGE 9, •