SERMA Financial Statements Sept. 30, 2003 & 2002 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SOUTH EAST RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION - PROPERTY AND CASUALTY GROUP September 30, 2003 and 2002 CONTENTS Page REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEETS 2 STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS 3 STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS 4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5 - 11 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 13 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EA.RNII~TGS -BUDGET AND ACTUAL 14 - 15 SCHEDULE OF PREMIUMS FROM MUNICIl'ALITIES 16 SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE PREMIUMS 17 SCHEDULE OF CLAIMS DEVELOPMENT 18 RECONCII,IATION OF CLAIMS LIABILITIES BY TYPE OF CONTRACT 19 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ON COMPLIANCE AND INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNIvIENT AUDITING STANDARDS 21 - 22 MANAGEMENT LETTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 23 - 24 Grant Thornton T Accountants and Business Advisors REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Board of Directors South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group (the "Association") for the years ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, and the related statements of revenues and expenses and changes in retained earnings, and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Association's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group for the years ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In accordance with Government Auditing Standa~•ds, we have also issued a report dated December 16, 2003, on our consideration of South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group's internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, and contracts. This report is an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with, our report on the financial statements. LLP North Palm Beach, Florida December 16, 2003 2700 South Commerce Parkway 777 Brickell Avenue 11300 US Highway One Suite 300 Suite 1100 Suite 400 Weston, FL 33331-3630 Miami, FL 33131-2867 North Palm Beach, FL 33408-3229 T 954.768.9900 T 305.341.8040 T 561.684.9496 F 954.768.9908 F 305.341.8099 F 561.684.9476 W www.grantthornton.com W www.grantthornton.com W www.grantthornton.com Grant Thornton LLP Grant Thornton LLP Grant Thornton LLP US Member of Grant Thornton International US Member of Grant Thornton International US Member of Grant Thornton International South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group BALANCE SHEETS September 30, ASSETS 2003 2002 Cash $ 14,471 $ 4,677 Investments 5,656,240 5,063,393 Receivables Other 96,985 24,483 Total receivables 96,985 24,483 Other assets 27,926 18,279 Total assets 5.795.622 5.110.832 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 118,882 $ 79,373 Due to Wilton Manors - 13,157 Due to Lake Park - 16,957 Unpaid claims and claim expenses 4,432,114 3,821,559 Total liabilities 4,550,996 3,931,046 Retained earnings 1,244,626 1,179,786 Total liabilities and retained earnings 5,795.622 5.110.832 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 2 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS Years Ended September 30, 2003 2002 Revenues Premiums collected from municipalities $ 6,080,653 $ 3,469,746 Recoveries and subrogations 192,034 287,991 Deficiency assessment - 6,699 Interest income 76,421 107,116 Total revenues 6,349,108 3,871,552 Expenses Insurance claims 2,935,507 1,794,628 Insurance premiums 2,283,298 1,304,287 Claims administration 574,058 368,532 Workers' compensation fees 361,669 203,192 Professional fees 33,273 30,358 Loss prevention 88,183 75,914 Administrative and general 8,280 735 Total expenses 6,284,268 3,777,646 Net (loss) income 64,840 93,906 Retained earnings -beginning of period 1,179,786 1,088,642 Distribution of prior year earnings - (2,762) Retained earnings -end of period 1.244,626 1,179.786 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 3 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Years Ended September 30, 2003 2002 Cash flows from operating activities Net (loss) income $ 64,840 $ 93,906 Refund of prior year's earnings - (2,762) Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities (Increase) decrease in assets: Accounts receivable (72,502) (10,773) Other assets (9,647) (18,279) Increase (decrease) in liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 39,509 20,476 Surplus Assessments payable (30,114) 2,762 Unpaid claims and claims expenses 610,555 (222,512) Deferred revenue - (725,502) Net cash provided by operating activities 602,641 (862,684) Cash at beginning of year 5,068,070 5,930,754 Cash at end of year .5,670,711 5.068,070 Reconciliation to balance sheet: Cash $ 14,471 $ 4,677 Investments 5,656,240 5,063,393 $ 5,670,711 5.068.070 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 4 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 2003 and 2002 NOTE A - SUIVIMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The significant accounting policies followed by South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group ("SERMA" or the "Association") are summarized below. The Reporting EntitX SERMA is a public entity risk pool, created by an interlocal agreement as authorized by Florida Statute 163. The purpose of SERMA is to pool the resources of its members so as to provide a comprehensive risk management program including insurance coverage whose cost is less than the cost of each municipality obtaining insurance separately. The members of SERMA include the following municipalities: City of Coconut Creek City of Lake Worth City of Parkland Town of Lake Clarke Shores Village of North Palm Beach Town of Davie Effective September 30, 2001, the Town of Lantana elected to withdraw from the SERMA pool. In accordance with the interlocal agreement, after withdrawal, the town continues to be fully responsible and obligated for their portion of covered claims and expenses for covered claims that were incurred during the term of their membership with SERMA. Each member remains liable for its share of the premium deficiency as it relates to claims incurred prior to the dates noted herein. The town is also entitled to return of surplus (deficit) as if it were still a member of SERMA, in accordance with the Association's by-laws. Effective October 1, 2002, the Town of Davie joined the Association as a new member. Employer's Mutual, Inc. (EMI) has contracted with SERMA to act as administrator to receive, disburse and manage all funds due to or payable from the Association. Fund underwriting, rate-setting policies, and reinsurance purchases are established after consultation with the administrator. Members are subject to supplemental assessments in the event of deficiencies except that to the extent that deficiencies result from a specific claim against a member in excess of the reinsurance available, such deficiency is solely the responsibility of that member. (continued) 5 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -CONTINUED September 30, 2003 and 2002 NOTE A -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES -Continued The Reportin Entity -Continued The municipalities included in SERMA are also covered by Florida Statutes under the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity which effectively limits the amount of liability of municipalities to individual claims of $100,000 or $200,000 for all claims relating to the same incident. The financial statements presented contain only the accounts and transactions of the Association. In evaluating the Association as a reporting entity, the Program applied the provisions of Statement No. 14, The Financial Reporting Entity of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The concept underlying the definition of the financial reporting entity is that governmental organizations are responsible to elected governing officials at the federal, state and/or levels; therefore, financial reporting by state and/or local governments should report the elected officials' accountability for those organizations. The financial reporting entity consists of the primary government and all organizations for which the primary government is financially accountable. The primary government consists of the organizations which make up its legal entity. A component unit is a legally separate organization for which the elected officials of the primary government are financially accountable. In determining whether organizations are considered component units of a governmental entity, which warrants the inclusion of a legally separate organization in the reporting entity of another government, several guidelines are followed. If a primary government appoints a voting majority of the organization's officials, has the ability to impose its will on the organization, and has a potential for the organization to impose a financial benefit to or burden on a primary government, the primary government is financially accountable for that organization. The governing board of the Association is composed of high ranking, full-time employees from each of the member Municipalities. The Board has complete "authority to hire management and all other employees. The Association has no authority to levy ad valorem taxes and receives its funding through member contributions. These contributions are based upon the value of covered property and prior claims experience. Individual member Municipalities have no claim to Association surpluses or budgetary authority. Based upon application of these criteria, South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group has determined that the Association is an independent entity and, accordingly, is not a component unit of any of the member Municipalities. (continued) 6 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -CONTINUED September 30, 2003 and 2002 NOTE A -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES -Continued Basis of Accounting The accompanying financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with accounting practices applicable to governmental risk-sharing pools operating under the enterprise concept. Accounting for this fund follows those principles specified by the Government Accounting Standards Board ("GASB") as it pertains to a proprietary fund. Under the accounting hierarchy specified by Statement of Auditing Standards No. 69, SERMA follows all GASB pronouncements and Financial Accounting Standards Board statements and interpretations issued before November 30, 1989, except those that conflict with a GASB pronouncement. Reclassifications Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform with current year's presentation. Cash Cash consists of demand deposits at commercial banks. All demand deposits were held in institutions designated by the Treasurer of the State of Florida as "qualified public depositories" under Chapter 280.04, Florida Statutes, and were accordingly collateralized as required by that Statute. Investments The Association's selection of investment instruments is governed by Chapter 166.261, Florida Statutes. Florida statutes authorize the Association to invest in the local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund administered by the State Treasurer; negotiable direct obligations of or obligations unconditionally guaranteed by the U.S. Government; interest-bearing time deposits or savings accounts in financial institutions located in Florida and organized under federal or Florida laws; obligations of the Federal Farm Credit Bank, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Federal Home Loan Bank or its district banks; or obligations guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association and any additional investments specifically authorized by the Association. (continued) 7 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -CONTINUED September 30, 2003 and 2002 NOTE A -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES -Continued Investments -Continued The Association's investments consist of the State Treasurer's, State Board of Administration (SBA) investment pool. The investment pool was established for local government entities in Florida to pool surplus funds for investment purposes. In connection with the statement of cash flows, the Association has defined cash and cash equivalents to include its investment in the pool since the funds can be deposited and effectively withdrawn at any time without prior written notice or penalty. The State Treasurer invests in various instruments, the approximate mix of which follows: Percent Held at September 30, 2003 Treasury bills, bonds and notes 9.10% Federal agency obligations 32.07 Repurchase agreements - Commercial paper 44.89 Certificates of deposit - Variable rate notes 13.94 100.00% Unpaid Claims Liabilities The Association establishes claims liabilities based on estimates of the ultimate cost of claims (including future claim adjustment expenses) that have been reported but not settled, and of claims that have been incurred but not reported. The length of time for which such costs must be estimated varies depending on the coverage involved. Estimated amounts of salvage and subrogation and reinsurance recoverable on unpaid claims are deducted from the liability for unpaid claims. Because actual claims costs depend on such complex factors as inflation, changes in doctrines of legal liability, and damage awards, the process used in computing claims liabilities does not necessarily result in an exact amount, particularly for coverages such as general liability. Claims liabilities are recomputed periodically using a variety of actuarial and statistical techniques to produce current estimates that reflect recent settlements, claim frequency, and other economic and social factors. A provision for inflation in the calculation of estimated future claims costs is implicit in the (continued) 8 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -CONTINUED September 30, 2003 and 2002 NOTE A -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES -Continued Unpaid Claims Liabilities -Continued calculation because reliance is placed both on actual historical data that reflect past inflation and on other factors that are considered to be appropriate modifiers of past experience. Adjustments to claims liabilities are charged or credited to expense in the periods in which they are made. Recoveries Recovery income is comprised of funds recovered from re-insurance companies and the "Special Disabilities Fund" ("SDF"). SDF funds are recorded on the cash basis due to the uncertain nature of collectability. Reinsurance It is the Association's policy to use reinsurance agreements to reduce its exposure on all types of insured events. The stop loss for workers compensation claims occurring during policy years ended September 30, 2003 and 2002 was $400,000. The stop loss varies for other reinsurance agreements depending on the type of insured event. Reinsurance permits recovery of a portion of losses from reinsurers, although it does not discharge the primary liability of the Association as direct insurer of the risks reinsured. The Association does not report reinsured risks as liabilities unless it is probable that those risks will not be covered by reinsurers. Use of Estimates in Financial Statements In preparing financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, the Association is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. NOTE B -CLAIMS ADMIlVISTRATION The payment of claims of SERMA are processed by the administrator, EMI. Claims administration fees paid to EMI for the years ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, totaled $574,058 and $368,532, respectively. 9 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -CONTINUED September 30, 2003 and 2002 NOTE C -UNPAID CLAIMS LIABII.,ITIES As summarized in Note A, the Association establishes a liability for both reported and unreported insured events, which includes estimates of both future payments of losses and related claim adjustment expenses. The following represents the composition of the aggregate liabilities for the Association during the past two periods: 2003 2002 Unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses at the beginning of the year $ 3,821,559 $ 4,044,071 Incurred claims and claim adjustment expenses: Provision for insured events of the current year 3,478,003 1,661,999 (Decrease) increase in provision for insured events of prior years (542,469) 132,626 Total incurred claims and claim adjustment expenses 2,935,507 1,794,628 Payments: Claims and claim adjustment expenses attributable to insured events of the current year (1,139,149) (364,005) Claims and claim adjustment expenses attributable to insured events of prior years (1,185,803) X1,653,135) Total payments (2,324,952) (2,017,140) Total unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses 4.432.114 3.821.559 The unpaid claims liability at September 30, 2003 and 2002 is composed of the following: 2003 2002 Specific reserves $ 2,549,114 $ 2,109,559 Incurred but not reported claims 1,883,000 1,712,000 4.432.114 3.821.559 10 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -CONTINUED September 30, 2003 and 2002 NOTE D -CONTINGENCIES According to the Bylaws of the Association, distributions and assessments can be made as of September 30, 2000 as certain levels of profitability have been achieved. Distributions and assessments are available to be made to certain cities which participated in the pool during fiscal years ended 1995 through 1999. The Board decided to make distributions and levy assessments beginning in January of the year 2001, where by the distribution or assessment will be levied once per year for the following three years. The Board decided to levy only the assessments on the member city's that have withdrawn from the Association. All of the existing member city's surplus or deficiency will be deferred and re-evaluated at a later date. Each city's surplus or deficit will be determined in accordance with a formula that is included in the by-laws. 11 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Board of Directors South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole of South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group as of and for the years ended September 30, 2003 and 2002, which are presented in the preceding section of this report. The supplementary information presented hereinafter is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the audit procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. ~ ~.P North Palm Beach, Florida December 16, 2003 13 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNr_NGS -BUDGET AND ACTUAL, Year Ended September 30, 2003 Variance - Favorable Bud etg Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues Premiums collected from municipalities $ 6,080,650 $ 6,080,653 $ 3 Recoveries and subrogations - 192,034 192,034 Interest income 200,000 76,421 (123,579) Total revenues 6,280,650 6,349,108 68,458 Expenses Insurance claims 2,970,000 2,935,507 34,493 Insurance premiums 2,216,000 2,283,298 (67,298) Claims administration 575,000 574,058 942 Workers' compensation fees 351,000 361,669 (10,669) Professional fees 32,000 33,273 (1,273) Loss prevention 131,000 88,183 42,817 Administrative and general 5,000 8,280 (3,280) Total expenses 6,280,000 6,284,268 (4,268) Net income 650 64,840 64,190 Retained earnings -beginning of year 1,179,786 1,179,786 - Distribution of prior year earnings - - - Retained earnings -end of year 1.180.436 1.244.626 64.190 14 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS -BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance - Favorable Budget Actual Unfavorable) Revenues Premiums collected from municipalities $ 3,469,746 $ 3,469,746 $ - Recoveries and subrogations - 287,991 287,991 Deficiency assessment - 6,699 6,699 Interest income 225,000 107,116 (117,884) Total revenues 3,694,746 3,871,552 176,806 Expenses Insurance claims 1,785,000 1,794,628 (9,628) Insurance premiums 1,215,268 1,304,287 (89,019) Claims administration 375,000 368,532 6,468 Workers' compensation fees .193,000 203,192 (10,192) Professional fees 25,000 30,358 (5,358) Loss prevention 73,500 75,914 (2,414) Managed care network services - - - Administrative and general 5,000 735 4,265 Total expenses 3,671,768 3,777,646 (105,878) Net income 22,978 93,906 70,928 Retained earnings -beginning of year 1,088,642 1,088,642 - Distribution of prior year earnings - X2,762) (2,762) Retained earnings -end of year 1,111,620 L179,786 $ 68,166 15 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group SCHEDULE OF PREMIUMS FROM MUlvICIPALITIES September 30, 2003 2002 City of Coconut Creek $ 800,785 $ 778,559 City of Lake Worth 2,085,819 1,813,756 City of Parkland 261,058 227,007 Town of Lake Clarke Shores 55,657 48,397 Village of North Palm Beach 692,331 602,027 Town of Davie 2,185,003 - Premiums collected from municipalities 6.080,653 3,469,746 16 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE PREMIUMS September 30, 2003 2002 Excess property $ 1,319,277 $ 756,717 Employment practices 28,339 18,570 Crime bond 9,140 9,140 Special risks 11,172 5,586 Flood 25,768 14,678 General liability, accident liability and worker's compensation 889,602 499,596 Total insurance premiums 2.283.298 1,304.287 17 South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group SCHEDULE OF CLAIMS DEVELOPMENT As of September 30, 2003 Fiscal and Policy Year Ended September 30, 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 (In Thousands) Net earned required contribution and investment revenues $ 4,019 $ 4,203 $ 3,878 $ 3,122 $ 3,544 $ 3,628 $ 3,582 $ 3,577 $ 6,157 Unallocated expenses 1,472 2,065 1,804 1,370 1,335 1,425 1,561 1,983 3,349 Estimated incurred claims and expense, end of policy year 2,209 2,072 2,306 1,325 1,774 2,251 2,231 1,662 3,478 Paid (cumulative) as of• End of policy year 491 505 600 324 455 701 621 364 1,139 One year later 882 1,004 1,243 501 1,021 1,201 1,097 658 - Two years later 1,260 1,285 1,967 651 1,268 1,816 1,686 - - Three years later 1,568 1,446 2,317 1,047 1,346 2,014 - - - Four years later 1,720 1,454 2,401 1,177 1,369 - - - - Five years later 1,718 1,540 2,688 1,222 - - - _ _ Six years later 1,744 1,589 2,731 - - - - _ _ Seven years later 1,744 1,589 - - - - _ _ _ Eight years later 1,774 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Restated incurred claims and expense End of policy year 2,209 2,072 2,306 1,325 1,774 2,251 2,231 1,662 3,478 One year later 2,149 2,026 3,014 1,439 1,994 2,329 2,254 977 - Two years later 1,934 1,932 2,777 1,388 1,692 2,232 2,554 - - Three years later 2,013 1,762 2,809 1,276 1,666 2,131 - - - Four years later 1,923 1,660 2,855 1,401 1,532 - - - - Five years later 1,875 1,624 2,819 1,402 - - - _ _ Six years later 1,869 1,618 2,844 - - - _ _ _ Seven years later 1,832 1,609 - - - - _ _ _ Eight years later 1,819 - - - _ _ _ _ Increase (decrease) in estimated incurred claims and expense from end of policy year (390) (463) 538 (77) (242) 120 (323) 685 - 18 South East Risk Management Association - PropertY and Casualty Group CLAIMS LIABU,ITYES BY TYPE OF CONTgA,CT gECONCUTATION OF September 30, Total Workers' Compensation ~ Thousands Property and Casualty ~ 'Th°usands 20-_ 20`Q2 _ (In Thousands) 20- 0- 20`_____02,_ 20i_ 20~--. 4 044 071 5 185 $ 1 6_ 6~ z $ 1 7~g ~ 3 8--'-'~ ~--- ustment $ 2$ 1y837 $ 2$ 3~1_,__, Unpaid claims and claim adj expenses at beginning °f Pascal yeax Incurred claims and claim adjustment 1,074,708 3,478,003 1,661,999 expenses: 808,842 587,291 2,669,161 Provision for insured events of 132 629 current fiscal year rovision g 1 516) 542 469 _.._--~-- (Decreases) increases a r or fiscal 585 350) ~---1--- for insured events of p X854 2___-x-145 ~-~ 993 192 2 9y35 5Q7 17--z-4~-. years 8-----y96 8`436 2 0811 ~-~- Total incurred claims aen es claim adjustment exp payments: (216,978) (1,139,149) (364,005) Claims and claim adjustment (147,027) (892,421) expenses attributable to insured (246,728) events of current fiscal yeax 1 185 803 (1 6~ 53 135) ustment 505 282) 8~) Claims and claims adj 815 737 -~---~- expenses attributable to insured 680 521 2 324 952 2 017 140 events of prior fiscal years 1 397 703 (1 0376) 927 249 9734) Total payments d claim 7 7 2 4 432 14 3 82 55 Total unpaid claims an 2 53 0 adjustment expenses at end ~ 2 Oy 304 2 5 857 ~~- of fiscal year 19 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ON COMPLIANCE AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT A UDITING STANDARDS REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ON COMPLIANCE AND INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENTAUDITINGSTANDARDS Board of Directors South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group We have audited the fmancial statements of South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group, as of and for the year ended September 30, 2003, and have issued our report thereon dated December 16, 2003. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Compliance As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, and contracts, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an object of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered the South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group's internal control over financial reporting in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purposes of expressing our opinion on the financial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal control over financial reporting. Our consideration of the internal control over financial reporting would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that misstatements in amounts that would be material in relation to the financial statements being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. We noted no matters involving the internal control over financial reporting and its operation that we considered to be material weaknesses. 21 This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Board of Directors of South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group, management and appropriate governmental agencies and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than those specified parties. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited. GL~ North Palm Beach, Florida December 16, 2003 22 MANAGEMENT LETTER REQUIRED BY SECTION 10.554(g) OF THE RULES OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Board of Directors South East Risk Management Association Property and Casualty Group We have audited the financial statements of the South East Risk Management Association - Property and Casualty Group, (the "Association") as of and for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2003, and have issued our report thereon dated December 16, 2003. We have issued our Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance and Internal Control Over Financial Reporting dated December 16, 2003. Disclosures in this report, if any, should be considered in conjunction with this management letter. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, and Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Additionally our audit was conducted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General, which govern the conduct of local governmental entity audits performed in the State of Florida and require that certain items be addressed in this letter. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554 (1) (g) la.) require that we comment as to whether or not inaccuracies, shortages, defalcations, fraud, and violations of laws, rules, regulations and contractual provisions reported in the preceding annual financial audit report have been corrected. There were no inaccuracies, shortages, defalcations, fraud, and violations of laws, rules, regulations and contractual provisions disclosed in the preceding annual financial audit report. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554 (1) (g) lb.) require that we comment as to whether or not recommendations made in the preceding annual financial audit report have been followed. There were no recommendation made in the preceding annual financial audit report. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554 (1) (g) 2.) require that we comment as to whether or not the Group has complied with Section 218.415, Florida Statutes, regarding the investment of public funds. The Group has complied with Section 218.415, Florida Statutes. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554 (1) (g) 3.) require disclosure in the management letter of any recommendations to improve financial management, accounting procedures and internal controls. There were no recommendation to report. 23 The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554 (1) (g)4.) require disclosure in the management letter of the following matters if not already addressed in the auditor's reports on the internal control structure or compliance: there were no violations of laws, rules, regulations and contractual provisions which may or may not materially affect the financial statements that were discovered during the audit; there were no illegal or improper expenditures which may materially affect the financial statements; there were no improper or inadequate accounting procedures (e.g., the omission of required disclosures from the financial statements); there were no failures to properly record financial transactions; or other inaccuracies, irregularities, shortages, or defalcations discovered by the auditor. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554 (1) (g) 5.) also require that the name or official title and legal authority for the primary government and each component unit of the reporting entity be disclosed in the management letter, unless disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. The South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group, was established pursuant to Chapter 171, Laws of Florida. There are no component units related to the South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group. As required by the Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554 (1) (g) 6a & c.), the scope of our audit included a review of the provisions of Section 218.503(1), Florida Statutes, "Determination of Financial Emergency." In connection with our audit, we determined that the South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group, is not in a state of financial emergency as a consequence of the conditions described by Section 218.503(1), Florida Statutes. The financial condition assessment procedures pursuant to Rule 10.556 (8) were applied in this determination. This management letter is intended solely for the information of the South East Risk Management Association -Property and Casualty Group and management and the State of Florida Office of the Auditor General and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. ~L~ I North Pahn Beach, Florida December 16, 2003 24