1997-071 FPL Easement for Ball Field Lights - Community Center• RESOLUTION NO. 71-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE AN EASEMENT TO FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH EASEMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING LIGHTING FOR THE NEWLY INSTALLED LIGHTS AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY CENTER BALL FIELDS; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the easement to Florida Power & Light Company attached as Exhibit "A", which easement is for the purpose of securing lighting for the newly installed lights at the North Palm Beach Community Center Ball Fields. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the easement to Florida Power & Light Company set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. • PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF DECEMBER 1997. MAYOR (Village Seal) ATTEST: ~ ~ VILLAGE CLERI s • • Print Address: 501 U.S. Hiclhwav One. NPB FL 33408 0 St: i lage C er s xg >fsignawre> Princ Aadress: 501 U.~. Highway One, NFB FL 33408 (Corporate Swl) Work OrdenVO. 9i•0213 EASE~IEYT This Inttrumenr Prepared Oy Section S Twp J2 S. Rge rl E Name: Thomas C. Vokoun Parcel IDi Company Name: Lindahl, Brownin¢ Fertari & Hellstrom, Inc. (~~laintaincd by County Appraiser) Address: 2J00 SE Montcrcv Road -Suite 300 Stuart. FL 34996 The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of SI.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power do Light Company, its licenses, agents, suetnssors, and azsigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of overhead and underground electric utility facilities (including wires, poles, guys, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage. az well u, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them within an eaxment 10 feet in width described az follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH Together with the right to permit any other person, firm or corporation to attached wires to any facilities hereunder and lay cable and conduit with the easement and to operate the same for communication purpoxs; [he right of ingress and egress to said premises at all times; the right to clear the land and keep it cleared of all trees. undergrowth and other obstructions .vithin the casement area; to trim and cut and keep trimmed and cut all dead, weak, leaning or dangerous trees or limbs outside of the euement area which might interfere with or fall upon the lines or systems of communisations or power transmission or distribution and further grants, to the fullest extent the undersigned has the power to grant, if at all, the rights herein above granted on the land heretofore described, over, along, under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said property. fN WITTiESS WHEREOF, the undersigned haz signed and xaled this instrument on,~!_(~, 19~~ Signed, sealed and delivered ilia a of'North Palm Beach in the presence oC: OYpWONOCXM?tXOp STATE OF Ftori, be fors me this jQ day Village are I)': dy0 ~ S 441N!)tRliYdf signature) PrintNamc: Gdil H. VastOla AND COUNTY OF her. _ .19 97 known to me The foregoing instrument west acknowled ¢ed and q(tlprtd of ~t:fieatien, and whoditt (did not) cake an oath. (T)•pe of Idcnti~cation) • fly Commission Expires: .~jJ ~ T~ A ~yT.:'%i~, MELISSA A. TEAL LCQ~,dCaP~ / 4!/ ~, MY COMMISSION i1 OC 861B~ ;lown•Publie. Signature ~. ' FXPINES: Juy 1S, 2001 ~~jff,,J ~. ~E.Q/ 4~•~ ~' ~~~~~ Print Name (Witness) W' [gnat re) Print Name: SaAUGt y/}~ (W imess) • • THIS IS NOT A SURVEY ., CErv TERUNE OF PROPOSED r0' FOOT rPl EASE!eEar e ~ TRANSFORMER rv m PDkR OF TERYNUS ...~~~~~ OI ~ _ I a• _ ' ' \ I I I /] 111 Fit .o." OI ~ Ili I 1;if I O I I I O ~ I I U r ~ VILLAGE OF ~I ~ NORTH PALM BEACH ~ I I i CIVIC CENTER II I I I I POINT OF BEGINNING I I I ~II WI N N ~ 1 ~I I - - ~ \I 58a.55' ~ N02'06'10"E V N02'06'10"E nT I~ n~ EAST RIGHT Of WAY LINE I SOUTH LINE NE1/a, 8/42/43 ~ p _ O PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD POINT OF 'COMMENCEMENT ' SW CORNER OF THE NEI/a 8/42/43 ~-~ • BEARING BASE: ' INE NORM UNE Or SOVTNxEST QUARTER Or ME NCWTNEAST IXIARTER Q< SAID SECTION p, IS TAKEN 70 BEAR SOU TN pp•23'2p' EAST ANO All BEARWGS SNON4! NERECW ARE RELATIVE THERETO. SURVEYOR ANO MAPPER'S SIGNATURE r. UMESS R BEARS 1NE SIONATVRE ANO ORKRNAt RAISCO SEAL O< A n W O a LKENS[0 SURVErOP AND '"UiFP[R, THIS YM/RCPORT K fOTI WrORWTKINAL PURPpi[S ONLr ANO IS NOi vAL10. 3. NO [A.~N Or ME PV9SC R COBS BEEN wDE pr TNrt OrrltE REN$IONS: . J PROJECT NAME: /~ ~~ SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR: rNouws C, vDlrwN. oROr[s a:uL s k yppPER NLLACE OF sur[ or rwRlrA rq. •Se7. L.B.r.N. cERruKart rq. Le ass NORTH PALM BEACH UNDAHL, BROWNING, FERRARI k NE115IROY, WO SCDIt $httt Field 0004 CDNSULIINf. (r{.W[(RS. SURVEYORS k uAPPEas I " s ' FI Ia T42S R43E ~' s.to s.c. ~oNracr Iro.o. s!Aa wo . 0 ~ JS I OI 2 , P9• 63 o Z vwwr, rLaKN s.»• ~ p•o :u-NM! rAS: (saU se•-afos Dole Compuaa JC Oro.inq Work OrOer 4 I asI 14Y a[KM Arnu• snvAr rwr ncAC[ o+[[cwa[[ I I _5-97 CMCkeo TV NO' FPL No• 95-218 ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FPL EASEMENT C~ A TEN F00T WIDE EASEMENT FOR FLORIDA POWER AND UCHT PURPOSES LYING OVER A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 42 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA; THE CENTERLINE OF SAID EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 88'13'54' EAST, ALONG SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 105.00 FEET TO_A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD; THENCE NORTH 02'06'10' EAST, ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE, A DISTANCE OF 729.74 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02'06'10' EAST, ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE, A DISTANCE OF 584.55 FEET TO A POINT ON A UNE 20.00 FEET SOUTH OF, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES T0, AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH UNE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE SOUTH 88'25'28' EAST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL UNE, A DISTANCE OF 101.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE SOUTH 01'34'32' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1.47 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85'20'37' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 190.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01'34'46' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 92.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS. SAID EASEMENT BEING BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY SAID UNE PARALLEL WITH AND 20.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF 7HE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8; AND BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY A UNE PERPENDICULAR TO THE CENTERLINE OF SAID EASEMENT PASSING THROUGH THE POINT OF TERMINUS. RLtiI$IONS: • SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR: VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH UHO,VIL BROMTIIHG, FFRRAPo ~ HEli5fR0Y, INC Scole Sheel Field Book co~sut.rwc [ta,h[cas. wnv[ro+s t ursv[+s ~ ' Ta gg 1 >•40 Field JS 2 O! 2 2S,Ra3E P9 63 t9 b sruwtt, na+~a lase • ~ peq ae-Hue rs: pep, see-gels Dole Computed JC Orowinq Work Order ~ ~ •[st rru eac+ ,w~t[+ swat rat ru+c[ aac.o+[[ 11 -5-97 Checked TV NO' FPL Nd• 95-218 ~ ~