1997-067 NP Marketplace Certificate of AppropriatenessRESOLUTION NO. 67-97 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VII,LAGE COUNCII, OF THE VII,LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE SITE PLAN FOR A SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT KNOWN AS NORTH PALM MARKETPLACE LOCATED AT U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 1 AND CAROLINDA AVENUE WITHIN THIS VII,LAGE, WHICH SITE PLAN WAS PREPARED FOR STILES CORPORATION CONSISTING OF SEVEN (7) SHEETS AND ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF AS EXHIBIT "A"; ISSUING A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS FOR NORTH PALM MARKETPLACE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IS RESOLVED BY THE VII.LAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the site plan for this shopping center project known as North Palm Marketplace located at U.S. No.l and Carolinda Avenue within the Village, which site plan was prepared for Stiles Corporation consisting of seven (7) sheets and attached as Exhibit "A" • Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby issue a final Certificate of Appropriateness for the project known as North Palm Marketplace and requires the lands to be developed in accordance with the approved site plan including the following conditions: (1) In the event FDOT approves a traffic light on U.S. #1, the developer will pay all associated costs to install said light. (2) Signage is to be referred to the Planning Commission for approval in accordance with Village Codes. • (3) The out parcel perimeter landscaping is to be completed at time of main project. s (4) A tri-party agreement among abutting owners to construct and maintain the private east-west driveway is to be completed and included as part of the site plan approval. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF DECEMBER • 1997. 1 MAYOR (Village Seal) ATTEST: L~ VII.LAGE CLERK • EXHIBIT "A" • • NORTH PALM MARKETPLACE CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SHEET A-1, SHEET A-6, SHEET A-7, SHEET A-8, SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEET 3 OF 3 SITE PLAN ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN DATED 8/22/97 DATED 8/22/97 DATED 7/21197 DATED 8/21/97 DATED 12/1/97 DATED 12/1/97 DATED 12/1/97 •