1997-021 Comp Plan Amendments to DCA• RESOLUTION NO. 91-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING STAFF TO TRANSMIT AMENDMENTS 96-2 AND 96-3 TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ATTACHED AS COMPOSITE EXHIBIT "A", TO THE FLORIllA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach has prepared and adopted an evaluation and appraisal report to evaluate the • effectiveness of the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the evaluation and appraisal report has been revised to include an analysis of the effect of statutory change in the definition "Coastal High Hazard Area" as required by the Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, amendments 96-2 and 96-3 to the Comprehensive Plan of the Village of North Palm Beach are ready for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. BE ZT RESOLVED BY THE. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North • Palm Beach, Florida, hereby authorizes and directsstaff to transmit small scale amendment 96-2 and large scale amendment 96-3 • to the Comprehensive Plan for the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, attached as Composite Exhibit '~A", to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review and approval. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 27th DAY OF MARCH 1997. (Village Seal) r~ (~~ MAYOR ' u ATTE 71C, VILLAGE CLERK AMENDMENT NPBCP 96-2 Small-Scale Amendments To The Future Land Use Map Series Village Of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan I. INTRODUCTION The following Small-Scale Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Series of the Villa a Of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan (NPBCP) are necessary to incorporate changes resulting from the approval of a revised Planned Unit Development ordinance for the proposed Prosperity Harbor South residential community. The following Small-Scale Amendments are included within NPBCP 96-2: Village Amendment Designation Planning Area 96-2•~ MacArthur Parcel 1 6A 96-2.2 MacArthur Parcel 2 6A ' The location of each of the above Small-Scale Amendments, in 'relation to the Village corporate limits, is illustrated on MAP 1. The location of each, in relation to Village Planning . Areas, is illustrated on MAP 2. II. ANALYSIS A. Small-Scale Amendments Summary The Small-Scale Amendments are summarized (Current Future Land Use Plan Designation, Size, Development Status and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Designation) in TABLE 1, below. TABLE 1 SMALL-SCALE AMENDMENT SUMMARY VILL. MAP ' PLG. CURRENT FLU* SIZE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED FLU* REF . AREA DESIGNATION Acres STATUS DESIGNATION 96-2.1 6A Low Density 2.65 Undeveloped Recreation/ 96-2.2 6A Residential Recreation/ 3.82 Undeveloped Open Space Low Density Open Space Residential TOTAL 6.47 FOOTNOEES: • FLU* - Village Of North Palm Beach Future Land Use Plan. Source: LRM, Inc.; 8/96 -~- • Detailed descriptions of each of the Small-Scale Amendments are presented in TABLES 2 and 3. B. Natural Features Analysis 1. Topoaraphv: The elevations of properties in Planning Area 6A range generally between 5 feet and 10 feet msl. 2. Soils: The soil type of the property associated with Small-Scale Amendment 96-2.1 is Basinger, Fine Sand , while the soil type of the property associated with Small-Scale Amendment 96-2.2 is Arents (Urban Land Complex). Development limitations ratings- are available for Basinger, Fine Sand (Ref: Soil Survey Of Palm Beach Couh~ Area Florida; USDA, 1978). Limitations are rated severe due primarily to wetness. No development limitations are available for the Arents (Urban Land) soil type. The development limitations of the Basinger,' Finde Sand soils are not of great concern, since the "proposed Future Land Use Map designation of the related Small-Scale Amendment (96-2.1) is Recreation/Open Space. 3. Vegetation: The land cover maps show the sites • of all of the Small-Scale Amendments categorized as Urban. However, a vegetation survey indicated the presence of a Live Oak hammock on the Small-Scale Amendment 96-2.1 property. Designation of this site as Recreation/Open Space will help to preserve this feature. 4. Flood Prone Areas: The properties associated with Small-Scale Amendments 96-2.1 and 96-2.2 are located within Flood Zone A5. Any construction in the Village is required to maintain a first floor elevation of 8.5 feet msl, which will protect the structure from the base flood. 5. Wetlands: Neither of the properties associated with the. Small-Scale Amendments 96-2.1 or 96-2.2 contains identified wetlands. 6. Wildlife Habitats:- -Neither of the properties associated with Small-Scale Amendments 96-2.1 or 96-2.2 contain identified endangered or protected wildlife habitats. C. Land Use Analysis ~. V411 CI11 ru cure Lana Use Plan Development Potential: Each of the properties which are the subject of a Small-Scale • Amendment are currently under the jurisdiction of the Village of North Palm Beach Future Land Use Plan. The current future ~ land use designation of each is listed in TABLE 1. -2- 2. Proposed Future Land Use Plan Development Potential: Each of the properties which are the subject of a Small-Scale Amendment will, upon adoption, remain subject to the jurisdiction of the Village of North Palm Beach Future Land Use Plan. The proposed future-land use designation of each is listed in TABLE 1. 3. Current Population Protection Yield: Applying acreage and density figures from TABLE 1, the current buildout population projection for 'properties subject to the Small-Scale Amendments is as follows: CURRENT POTENTIAL POTENTIAL REF. DESIGNATION Acres UNITS POPULATION* 96-2.1 Low Residential 2.65 15 32 96-2,2 Rec./Open Space 3.82 NA NA TOTAL 6.97 15 32 * - Dwelling units x 2.13 persons per unit. 9. Proposed Population Protection Yield: Applying acreage and density figures from TABLE 1, the proposed buildout population projection for properties subject to the Small-Scale Amendments is as follows: PROPOSED POTENTIAL POTENTIAL REF. DESIGNATION Acres UNITS POPULATION* 96-2.1 Rec./Open Space 2.65 NA NA 96.2.2 Low Residential 3.82 22 46 TOTAL 6.47 22 96 * - Dwelling units x 2.13 persons per unit. Future Land Use Map potential population growth resulting from Small-Scale Amendments 96-2,1 and 96-2.2 is increased from 32 residents to 46 'residents. However, Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval associated with the Prosperity Harbor South community (Small-Scale Amendments 96-2.1 and 96-2.2 are both located within this proposed community) will assure that growth potential is unchanged as a result of the Amendments. 5. General Analysis: Small-Scale Amendments 96-2,1 and 96-2.2 represent a swap of Future Land Use categories between the two associated properties. Small-Scale Amendment 96-2.1 will effectively increase the size of the North Palm Beach Community Center by 2.65 acres, while 96-2.2 will create additional waterfront lots (Prosperity Harbor) within the proposed Prosperity Harbor South planned residential community. -3- D. ~ecial Designated Areas Analysis Neither of the Small-Scale Amendments are located within the following specially designated areas: Aquatic preserve; historic or archaeological preserve or district; coastal high hazard area; designated groundwater aquifer recharge area; or wellhead protection zone. E. Public Facilities And Services Anal sis A review of the proposed Small-Scale Amendments in terms of existing Village of North Palm Beach level-of-service standards results in the conclusion that no additional impacts upon services will result. Small-Scale Amendments 96-2.1 and 96-2.2 represent a Future Land Use designation swap, and the associated PUD approval assures that no additional impacts are to be anticipated. III. FINDING It is recommended that the Village staff find that the above Small-Scale Amendments meet the following requisite criteria, pursuant to Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes, as amended: (c)"(1) The proposed amendment involves a residential land use of 10 acres or fewer, with a density of 10 units per acre or less, singularly or in combination with any other land use category not to exceed 10 acres in total." "(a) The cumulative effect of the acreage for all small scale development amendments adopted by the local government shall not exceed sixty (60) total acres annually." "(b) The proposed amendment does not involve the same property more than once a year," "(c) The proposed amendment does not involve the same owner's property within-200 feet of property granted a change within the prior 12 months." "(d) The proposed amendment does not involve a text change to the goals, policies, and objectives of the local government's comprehensive plan, but only proposes a land use change to the future land use map for a site-specific small scale development activity." "(e) The proposed amendment is not located within an area of critical state concern." residential land f use, Ifthe hresident3a 1 land nusen haslnaodensity of 10 units or less per acre. -4- IV. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Village staff recommend approval of the Small-Scale Amendments. V. BASIS FOR THE RECOMMENDATION The Small-Scale Amendments are generally consistent with the provisions of the Village Of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. More specifically: (1) The Small-Scale Amendments are within the Urban Service Area, and therefore do not contribute to urban sprawl; and (2) the Small-Scale Amendments are consistent with Policy 5.3 of the Capital Improvements Element in that they do not contribute to a condition of public hazard, as defined therein, do not exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deficits, as described therein, and are compatible with land uses, as shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. -5- L • a _ --> U a w ro m ~ ooU r7 n ~ _ ~ ~ q y O ~ ,~ 2 ~, O pCEAN i - C7 J ~`pNT~G P ~ i ~ r i m - ~ ,~ 1 r~~O ,~~r .a pro ~ ~i ~ ~ '_' !.~ J '~ l Y,E ' ,, Y i ( ~ e E ~__ S{i ,_~ .1 11 ~'~~' ~, €. 8: .. ". S ' fir. :~ ~ ~ ~ i~ '~ ~o ~o ~~ rn m 'i ~ ;~ % s, ,~; a' :~,~, ~~ -6- • ~O ~~ • ~ V N N ~ 7 t ~ ~ c i i m ~ ~ ~ ~ •i Y 6 B q ~~ 7 = N iC ~ < < ~ ro z° ~ m~a ~ - LL U ~~ -~._ 8 •~ / , ,.. JQ ~ .~rol ATLANSIG ' / ~ '~~~.. -~ - J ro ~~~•~ ~~Ntw ~~A ~~~~~ ~~ / .~ ~.... " ~~~ i !~ ~' may} ~ I\ i ~~ 1 %\ ~r~~4rV '. 4~ ._., ~t ~~ .~i _ ~ 1, ,/ ., ~ ~~ , ~~ .~,~~ ~ I , ! ~~ i ~,~ -,--: , j ~%, •- N \ ~/ •~ N N 1 ~ I I I m rn /,~ 1 I , ~"//~ 'n ~. ~~/ i ~ ii'- 1 ~v ax ~I~ O .•.I I ~ h 1.1 C 1-1 E 7 7 ~ O 71 Q U 4 7 _'] _ • TABLE 2 DESCRIPTION OF SMALL-SCALE AMENDMENT 96-2.1 A. NAME OF APPLICANT: WCI Communities, Inc. B. PARCEL SIZE AND LOCATION IN RELATION TO LOCAL STREET NETWORK• 1. Parcel Size: 2.65 acres. 2. Location: Abuts the east boundary of the Village of North Palm Beach Community Center parcel, approximately 610 feet east of Prosperity Farms Road (at the southern boundary of the Community Center property). C. CURRENT AND PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE PLAN AND ZONING: 1. Current• a. Future Land Use Plan (North Palm Beach): Low Density Residential (Fewer than 5.80 units per acre). Parcel is part of the property subject to Future Land Use Element Special Policy 5.11, which limits development potential to a total of 108 residentrial units (Ref: Comprehensive Plan Amendment 92-1.5A). ' b. Zoning (North Palm Beach): Planned Unit Development with an underlying RL-Residential District. 2. Proposed• a. Future Land Use Plan (North Palm Beach): R/OS - RECREATION/OPEN SPACE. b. Zoning (North Palm Beach): Planned Unit Development with an underlying RL-Residential District. D. ABUTTING PROPERTY LAND USE SUMMARY: Existing Future Land Use Location Jurisdiction Land Use Plan Designation North North Palm Beach Residential RH-Residential South North Palm Beach Vacant RL-Residential East North Palm Beach Vacant RL-Residential West North Palm Beach Community Center R/OS-Recreation/ Open Space E. SUBJECT PROPERTY LAND USES: 1. Existing Land Use: Vacant. 2. Development Concept: Expansion of North Palm Beach Community Center. 3. Population Projections: NA. -8- • TABLE 3 DESCRIPTION OF SMALL-SCALE AMENDMENT 96-2.2 A. NAME OF APPLICANT: WCI Communities, Inc. B. PARCEL SIZE AND LOCATION IN RELATION TO LOCAL STREET NETWORK: 1. Parcel Size: 3.82 acres. 2. Location; Abuts the east side of Prosperity Farms Road at Prosperity Harbor. C. CURRENT AND PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE LAN AND ZONING: 1. Current• a. Future Land Use Plan (North Palm Beach): R/OS- Recreation/OpenSpace. b. Zoning (North Palm Beach): Planned Unit Development with an underlying RL-Residential District. 2. Proposed• a. Future Land Use Plan (North Palm Beach): RL-LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. b. Zoning (North Palm Beach): Planned Unit Development with an underlying RL-Residential District.. D. ABUTTING PROPERTY LAND USE SUMMARY: Existing Location Jurisdiction Land Use Future Land Use Pl an _Designation North North Palm Beach Vacant RL-Residential South North Palm Beach Vacant RL-Residential East North Palm Beach Water . Water West North Palm Beach Residential RL-Residential E. SUBJECT PROPERTY LAND USES: 1. Existing Land Use• Vacant. 2. Development Concept• Eight single-family residential lots. 3. Population Proiections• 17 residents. ~• -9- FIGURE 3-10 96-1.e -~i. ~ . ~ ~ . 1 1 1 1 1 i, ~ 1 ' ' .:1 ~ ~~ T~ 1'. ~: ca 92-1.2 1' :;1 PROSPERITY FNRBOR NORTH 1',: ;_11 33.1 Acres 11, :~1 98 Sf Wits 11: ;:,1 R-3f[tyl to RL(N.P.B> i1_ ~~ ...11 i" ~ ~ ..... , - - - - - 11111111=1 11~111111~ 1 _., ~ ~; . ~ ,, ~~'~.a SAN1:111AA1' BAY" ' 29.R Acre 2321f Wits > ,~?:,`.:;.: 3 Aces IF W I to AR `' :92-1. SA PROSPERITY lWRBOR SOIRR 63.17 Acres 108 SF Uni!s RVR'VRN to RL . ~~ I I K.Y• i;oreorsb lisit ~_ Plsaaiay Ans lopmrv ~..«..........,„ Refer to l.sad the Tsbles 7-1 sad 7-2 Rehr b ireefsl folly 3.2 ~...~• AsfadWt Reeadsrr, es ~ ea s, ~ MAP AMmID1~IT6 92-1 .2 -Prosperity Rarbor North 92-1 .3 -Sanctuary Hay 92-1.4 -Sanctuary Cove 92-1.SA- Prosperity Aarbor South 92-1.58- Village Park 96-1.4.-Prosperity Aarbor North 96-2.1 _ MacArthur 1 96-2.2 -MacArthur 2 ~. ~ 7~ •' 4~ t 96-2.1 2,65 Acres RL To ROS RC ,~~ ~ PLANNING AREA 6A ~' FiJTURE LAND USE MAP I.' ~=~ ?JTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES Ic I~ 1999 .~- .~, j~~ ~ 1 3_82 Acres ~~a.ar... ~ w~aacat:-- 80S~Tp~RL _~~,~~ ~e: LRM, lac. ; Amendments 92-1; 96-1; 96-2 - NOFT'r-I PALM If SH.QCf'i wtonw.~ .N •° =la sl4 + I u U RltdT 3-25 -10- VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA PROPOSED COMPRENENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FIRST APPLICATION FOR THE YEAR 1996 (Amendment 96-3*) September, 1996 Prepared For: The Village of North Palm Beach Prepared By: Land Research Management, Inc. * - Amendments 96-1 and 96-2 were Small-Scale Amendments. • ! ~, TABLE OF CONTENTS • SECTION PAGE 1.0 . Introduction. . ~ ~ 1-1 2.0 Analysis of Map and Text Amendments . 2-1 2.1 Future Land .Use Map Series and Text Amendment 96-3.1. . . ~ . 2_4 2.2 Future Land Use Map Series and Text Amendment 96-3.2. _ . • - 2_6 2.1 Future Land Use Map Series and Text Amendment 96-3.3. ~ . 2_7 3.0 Analysis of Cumulative Impacts of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment. ~ ~ ~ 3_1 3.1 Village Character ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3_2 3.2 Future Land Use _ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3_2 3.3 Traffic Circulation ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3-6 3.4 Housing . • 3_g 3.5 Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water And Groundwater Aquifer Recharge. 3-9 3.6 Coastal Management. .. 3-11 3.7 Conservation. ~ 3-12 3.9 Intergovernmental Coordination. ~ ~ 3-13 3.10 Capital Improvements. 3_19 9.0 Consistency with Regional and State Plans 4-1 4.1 Regional Plan Consistency 9-1 4.2 State Plan Consistency 9_1 S,0 : Conclusion. 5-1 APPENDIX - AMENDMENT NPBCP 96-3 LIST OF TABLES NUMBER PAGE 1 Summary Of Proposed NPBCP Amendment 96-3. 1-1 2 Comparison Of Cumulative Impacts Of Proposed Amendment 3_1 3 Comparison Of Traffic Generation Rates. 3-6 4 Revised Housing Stock Projections ~ 3-B 5 Comparison Of Infrastructure impacts. 3-9 6 Comparison Of Recreation & Open Space Impacts 3-13 LIST OF EXHIBITS NUMBER PAGE 1 NPBCP Amendment 96-3 Location Map ~ 1-2 2 NPBCP Amendment 96-3 Detail Map 2-2 3 Future Land Use And Zoning Designations Of Abutting Properties. ~ ~ 2_5 4 Vegetation Inventory. 3-4 5 Distribution Of Net Trips Generated • t By NPBCP Amendment 96-3 3-7 . 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Village of North Palm Beach is currently considering the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment consisting of: (1 ), An amendment to the Future Land Use Map Series; and (2) an amendment to Comprehensive Plan text. This document provides data and analyses required by Sections 9J-5 and 9J-11.006(1)(b) 1. - 5., Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), as they pertain to the proposed amendment. Proposed NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is necessary to incorporate the following Village actions within the Comprehensive Plan: (1) An annexation undertaken during July, 1996; and (2) repeal of the original Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance and approval of a revised PUD, ordinance related to the project known as "Prosperity Harbor North". The annexation action (Ordinance 24-96) added 2.29 acres of additional land to "Prosperity Harbor North", while the revised PUD approval (Ordinance No. 31-96) incorporated the additional land area resulting from the annexation and increased the overall number of approved dwelling units from a total of 98 to a total of 129; a net increase of 31 dwelling units. The location of proposed NPBCP Amendment 96-3 i.s illustrated on EXHIBIT 1 and described in TABLE.1, as follows: TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED NPBCP AMENDMENT 96-3 Name: Prosperity Harbor North. Size (Acres): 35.72. Development Status: Undeveloped, with an approved PUD limiting development to a maximum of 129 units (Village Ordinance No. 31-96). Current Future Land Use Designation: RL - Residential Low Density (33.43 acres*) within the Village of North Palm Beach and industrial (2.29 acres) within the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County. * - Previously limited to a maximum of 98 units by Special Policy 5.8 (NPBCP Amendment 92-1.2) of the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. Section 2.0 consists of brief summaries and analyses of proposed NPBCP Amendment 96-3, in terms of the requirements of Section 9J-11.006 (1)(b)1. -5., F.A.C. 1-1 ,. • u ~ ~`- 0 S .,~ U N a ro w ~ m o ~ t7 d ~ M ~ F ~o F=- ~ rn N Z ~ C . LL W gdg O Ry OMAN ~ " C7 y i AS~ANSi` '.- ~ ._ . ' U . ~ . ~ .w'" ~ ' ~;t ~~~ ~ 1~- y ,NpP~ JP~` 1 ~ - / i ~ i ~/ ' I _,. ~. ~I ',,\ ~ M i ~~. I i ~,~% y ~, %: _~ 7 Y e Y S F - ~.~ t !~i ,_ . ~ t1 ~' `^~~'. ~! \ . ~I ~~ `f~.. ~- "1. ,. I ~` ~~T a /' j'r 'I ,_2 • Section 3.0 presents analyses of the cumulative impacts of the proposed amendment in terms of each Element of the Village of North Palm Beach Su ort Documentation (as updated by the Evaluation and Appraisal Report; 9 96) and 1989 Comprehensive Plan, as amended. Section 4.0 contains an assessment of proposed NPBCP Amendment 96-3, in terms of the Regional Policy Plan and State Comprehensive Plan. The APPENDIX to this document contains proposed NPBCP Amendment 96-3. 1r~ u • 1-3 r 2.0 ANALYSIS OF TEXT AND MAP AMENDMENTS This section provides data summaries and analyses of each of the proposed 96-3 Amendments, pursuant to the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(1)(b)1. - 5., Florida Administrative Code, including: 1. The proposed future land use plan map designation of the subject property; the boundary of the subject property and its mapped location in relation to the surrounding street and thoroughfare network; 2. A map of the present land use designations of the subject property and abutting properties on the future land use map; 3. The size of. the subject property in acres, or fractions thereof; 4. A description of the availability of and demand on the following public facilities: Sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation and recreation, as appropriate; and 5. Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed land use amendments with the land use element objectives and policies, and those of other affected elements. NPBCP 'Amendment 96-3 consists of three separate but related amendments. The geographical scope of each of the amendments is illustrated on EXHIBIT 2. Amendment 96-3.1 consists of a Future Land Use Map Series amendment and a text amendment revising Special Policy 5.8 of the Future Land Use Element. The Amendment 96-3.1 Future Land Use Map Series amendment consists of: (1) Deleting Amendment 92-1.2 from FIGURE 3-10, Future Land Use Element; and (2) delineating the revised boundary of the Prosperity Harbor North PUD. on FIGURE 3-10, Future Land Use Element as well as the revised acreage and maximum number of buildable units associated therewith. The Amendment 96-3.1 text amendment consists of revising Special Policy 5.8, Future Land Use Element to read as follows (NOTE: words •s~~raek--ttrrougit are to be deleted and words underlined are to be added): "Special Policy 5.8: Residential development on the property defined by Amendment -9$v1:S- 96-3.1 on revised FIGURE 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of-9$-129 residentia3 units." 2-1 .~ ro x 0 ro H H K '+7 y O EXHIBIT 2 NPBCP Amendment 96-3 Detail Map +«~.«~.-~~ - NPBCP Amendment 96-3.1 (Prosperity Harbor North) - NPBCP Amendment 96-3.2 NPBCP Amendment 96-3.3 2-2 Amendments 96-3.2 and 96-3.3 consist solely of a Future Land Use Map Series amendments. Amendment 96-3.2 is a revision to the future land use category (RL to RH in North Palm Beach) underlying a portion of the Prosperity Harbor North PUD to permit townhouse development thereon. Amendment 96-3.3 is a revision to the future land use category (Industrial in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County to RL in North Palm Beach) underlying a portion of the Prosperity Harbor North PUD to accommodate property annexed to the Village. Regardless of the underlying future land use categories which control the type of residential product built, the maximum residential development potential (129 units) of Prosperity Harbor North is controlled by Amendment 96-3.1. The balance of this section contains descriptions and analyses of each proposed amendment or the cumulative impacts thereof, as appropriate, in terms of the five criteria described above: References to other related sections of this document are provided, as necessary. 2-3 2.1 FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES AND TEXT AMENDMENT 96-3.1 A. NAME OR DESIGNATION: Prosperity Harbor North P.U.'D. B. PARCEL DESCRIPTION OR LOCATION: Vacant 35.72 acre parcel located north of Monet Road, between Prosperity Farms Road and the Intracoastal Waterway (Ref: EXHIBIT 1). C. PROPOSED LAND USE AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS: Future Land Use - Low Density Residential (29.27 acres) and High Density Residential (6.45 acres). 2onin - R-1 Residential (29.27 acres) and R-3 Residential (6.45 acres) with an umbrella P.U.D. limiting development to 129 residential units, including common boat slips. D. ABUTTING LAND USE SUMMARY:. Location Jurisdiction North ~ Palm Beach County Palm Beach Gardens South North Palm Beach Palm. Beach County Palm Beach Gardens East Palm Beach County West Palm Beach County Palm Beach County Palm Beach Gardens Existing Land Use Single-Family Residential Professional Office Marina; Vacant Vacant Single-Family Intracoastal Waterway Mobile Home Park Single-Family Office/Day Care Center Future Land Use Plan and Zoning designations of abutting properties are illustrat2d on EXHIBIT 3. E. SUBJECT PROPERTY LAND USES: 1. Development Concept: Proposed 79 zero lot-line single- family homes and 50 townhomes, with waterfront lots and common boat slips. 2. Population Projections: Year 2000 - 275 residents; buildout - 275 residents. F. LAND USE SUITABILITY: Refer to'Section 3.2 G. INFRASTRUCTURE IMPACTS: 1. Traffic Circulation: Refer to Section 3.3. 2. Potable Water: Refer to Section 3.5. 3. Wastewater: Refer to Section 3.5. 4. Drainage: Refer to Section 3.5. 5. Solid Waste: Refer to Section 3.5. 6. Recreation/Open Space: Refer to Section 3.8. H. COMPATIBILITY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The proposed amendment is deemed compatible with the Village of North Palm Comprehensive Plan. Details are presented in Section 3.0. 2-9 2.3 FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES AND TEXT AMENDMENT 96-3.3 A. NAME OR DESIGNATION: Prosperity Harbor Annexation. B. PARCEL DESCRIPTION OR LOCATION: Vacant 2.29. acre parcel located within the 35.72 acre Prosperity Harbor North P.U.D. (Ref: EXHIBIT 1). C. PROPOSED LAND USE AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS: Future Land Use - Low Density Residential (2.29 acres). Zoning - R-1 Residential within an umbrella P.U.D, limiting single-family development to 10 residential units. D. ABUTTING LAND USE SUMMARY: Location Jurisdiction Existing Land Use North North Palm Beach Vacant South North Palm Beach Marina East Palm Beach County Intracoastal Waterway ' West North Palm Beach Marina Future Land Use Plan and Zoning designations of abutting properties are illustrated on EXHIBIT 3. E. SUBJECT PROPERTY LAND USES: 1. Development Concept: Proposed 10 single-family units within the Prosperity Harbor North PUD. 2. Population Projections: Year 2000 - 21 residents; buildout - 21 residents. F. LAND USE SUITABILITY: Refer to Section 3.2 G. INFRASTRUCTURE IMPACTS: 1. Traffic Circulation: Refer to Section 3.3. 2. Potable Water: Refer to Section 3.5. 3. Wastewater: Refer to Section 3.5. 9. Drainage: Refer to Section 3.5. 5. Solid Waste: Refer to Section 3.5. 6. Recreation/Open Space: Refer to Section 3.8. H. COMPATIBILITY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The proposed amendment is deemed compatible with the Village of North Palm Comprehensive Plan. Details are presented in Section 3.0. lJ 2-7 • 3.0 ANALYSIS OF CUMULATIVE IMPACTS OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT This Section provides data summaries and analyses of NPBCP Amendment 96-3, pursuant to the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(3), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), which states that all comprehensive plan amendments must meet the requirements of Section 9J-5, F.A.C. Factors affecting the cumulative impacts of NPBCP Amendment 96-3 include an increase in acres, dwelling units and potential population resulting from revisions to the proposed Prosperity Harbor North PUD. The cumulative impacts, in terms of the above factors, were previously fixed by NPBCP Amendment 92-1.2. A comparison of the previously fixed impact factors, with those resulting from proposed NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is presented in TABLE 2, below: TABLE 2 COMPARISON OF CUMULATIVE IMPACT FACTORS NPBCP NPBCP Net Effect 92-1 .2 96-3 Of 96-3 Acres ~ 33.43 35.72 +2.29 • Future Land Use Mix (acres) Low Residential 33.43 29.27 -9.16 High Residential 0 6.45 +6.45 Total Acres 33.93 35.72 +2.29 Dwelling Units Single-Family 98 79 -19 Townhome 0 50 +50 Total. Units 98 129 +31 Population Potential * 209 275 +66 * - Dwelling units x 2.13 persons per unit. Assumes 1008 resident occupancy rate. The subsections that follow present a review of the 1989 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan .in terms of proposed NPBCP Amendment 96-3. Actual amendments. 96-3.1, 96-3.2 and 96-3.3 are presented in ATTACHMENT A. Since NPBCP Amendments 96-3.1 - 96-3.3 all relate to a contiguous property under one ownership and a single development concept • (Prosperity Harbor North PUD), impacts will be assessed as_a unit, as opposed to individually. The impact factors ,presented i.n TABLE 2 are used as the basis for the assessment. 3-1 • 3.1 VILLAGE CHARACTER Proposed NPBCP Amendment 96-3 constitutes the first calendar- year revision to the 1989 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan, as amended. The Amendment consists of the incorporation of a recent 2.29 acre annexation, as well as an increase in the number of approved dwelling units within the Prosperity Harbor North PUD (Note: The PUD revisions are contingent upon the approval of NPBCP Amendment 96.3). The cumulative effects, as summarized in TABLE 2, include the expansion of the corporate area of the Village by 2.29 acres, as well as increasing the residential buildout potential by 31 dwelling units. (Note: Residential development in the Prosperity Harbor North had been previously limited to 98 dwelling units. by Special Policy 5.8 of the Future Land Use Element, which was enacted by NPBCP Amendment 92-1.2). NPBCP 96-3 is located in Planning Area 6A, between Prosperity Farms Road and the Intracoastal Waterway. The proposal, as detailed in the Prosperity Harbor North PUD, is to develop a waterfront residential community, oriented to utilizing the inland waterways of the Village. The development is consistent with the water-oriented character of the Village along the Lake Worth, Intracoastal Waterway and North Palm Beach Waterway. • 3.2 FUTURE LAND USE A. Data Summary An analysis o£ topography, soils and minerals, flooding, and native vegetation in the Village is presented in the 1989 Village of North Palm Beach Support Documentation. This document and supplementary data prepared for the Evaluation And Appraisal Report (EAR), as well as that which was prepared for the Prosperity Harbor North PUD approval,, are, used in the following analysis. 1. Topography: The approximate elevation of the subject property ranges from 5 to 10 feet N.G.V.D. 2. Soils And Minerals: The general soil type of the subject property is predominantly Arents-Urban Land Complex, with occurrences of Tidal Swamp (mineral) and Quartzipsamments (shaped) along the Intracoastal .Waterway. All of the property is currently undeveloped. The .Soil Survey of. Palm Beach Countv, Florida (1978) describes the soils as follows: Arents-Urban Land Complex - Consists of " .. golf courses,. • subdivisions, condominium developments, roadways, businesses or industrial areas, reclaimed borrow pits and other areas filled over but not yet developed." 3-2 • Quartzipsamments - Consists of "... nearly level to gently sloping, well drained, deep, sandy soils in areas where natural soils have been altered by cutting down ridges and spreading the soil material over adjacent lower soils, by filling low areas above natural ground level, and by filling low areas above natural ground level...". Tidal Swamp - Consists of "... nearly level, very poorly drained, sandy material that supports a dense growth of mangrove trees. It consists of sandy marine sediments that are flooded by salt or brackish water during daily high tides". 3. Flooding Potential: for the subject property is A5. the AS-A7 Zones is 7 feet, 4 inchi Development Regulations require a feet, thus providing additional flooding. The Flood Zone designation The base flood elevation in 's. However, the Village Land first-floor elevation of 8.5 protection in terms of base 4. Native Vegetation And Wildlife: An environmental assessment was prepared for Prosperity Harbor "North during April, 1995 through June, 1996 by CZR, Inc. (CZR) of Jupiter, Florida: CZR biologists completed a total of approximately 145 man-hours (on this site and another site located to the • south) performing wildlife surveys, biological sampling, wetland delineations, submerged resource surveys, vegetative mapping and water quality sampling. The vegetation inventory map, excerpted from CZR's final report is included as EXHIBIT 4. Uplands are the dominant habitat type on the property and can be characterized as forested and non-forested disturbed uplands and oak hammocks. Wetlands on the site are mostly exotic infested tidal mangrove systems. Upland Habitats - The majority of the site has been disturbed by the placement of spoil material from the historic dredging of the North Palm Beach Waterway and Intracoastal waterways. There are two types of disturbed habitats on-site; non-forested and forested. The non-forested areas are characterized by remnant spoil piles and low grasses and weeds less than one foot in height. The forested habitats are heavily infested with exotic vegetation. Thee dominant species are Brazilian pepper and Australian pine. The oak hammock communities support both live oaks and laurel oaks, as well as scattered strangler figs, jambolan plums, Brazilian pepper, Australian pines, cabbage palms and wild muscadine. wetland Habitats - The wetland is a tidal mangrove/Brazilian pepper community occurring along an excavated • channel dug in historic freshwater wetlands that drains the low lying areas. The excavated ditch has allowed tidally born mangrove seeds to become established and grow. The excavated 3-3 • • V 3-4 • ditch has resulted in the conversion to a mangrove wetland system comprised of black, white and a few scattered red mangroves. The tidal wetland system is of extremely poor quality due to inadequate tidal connections and the resultant invasion of Brazilian pepper. The areal coverage of Brazilian pepper is estimated at 908, with the remaining 108 comprised of mangrove species. Ground cover vegetation occurs only at the extreme west end of the system and is comprised of scattered sea oxeye, cinnamon fern and leather fern. Wildlife usage of the property is limited due to the historic disturbance of native habitats resulting from spoil disposal and the heavy invasion of exotic vegetation throughout the site. Of the 18 potentially occurring wildlife species, none were identified as present and nesting on the site. Upland and wetland habitats which will be preserved as a result of implementing the Prosperity Harbor North PUD will be greatly enhanced by the removal of exotic vegetation. The removal of these species and maintenance of the areas will allow the return of native vegetation and"the associated wildlife which use such habitats. 5. Existing Land Use inventory: NPBCP Amendment 96-3 includes 2.29 acres (Amendment 96-3.3) recently annexed into the Village. The annexed parcel is not listed on the Florida Master Site File or National Register of Historic Places. The net effect of NPBCP 96-3 is to increase the Village's inventory of vacant land by 2.29 acres. 6. Current Population Estimate: NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will not increase the curr2nt population level of the Village. B. Analysis 1. Delineation of Village Planning Areas: NPBCP 96-3 will affect the corporate limits and the boundary of Planning Area 6A by the addition of the area addressed by Amendment 96-3.3. 2. Existing Land Use Map Series: NPBCP 96-3 will affect the Existing Land Use Map of Planning Area 6A by the addition of the vacant land area addressed by Amendment 96-3.3. 3. Seasonal And Resident Population Projections: NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will affect the population projections by the addition of 66 residents by the year 2000. Population projections were recently updated as part of the Village's E.A.R • process, as follows: Year 2000 - 12,833 residents; and 2005 - 12,833 residents. Buildout of the Village was assumed during the 1995-2000 period. The addition of 66 residents resulting 3-5 • from NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will increase population projections to the following levels: Year 2000 12,899 residents; and 2005 12,899 residents. NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will have no effect upon the assumption of when buildout will occur. 4. Vacant Land Analysis: NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will affect the current inventory of vacant land by the addition of 2.29 acres. 5. Land Use Projections: From TABLE 2, NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will affect developed land use projections for the Year 2000, as follows: Residential Low Density - decrease of 9.16 acres; and Residential High Density - increase of 6.45 acres. C. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 96-3 Element of the 1989 exception of Special the Prosperity Harbor 96-3.1 will increase and retain Comprehensi is consistent with the Future Land Use .Comprehensive Plan, as amended, with the Policy 5.8, which limits development of North PUD to 98 dwelling units. Amendment the development limitation to 129 units ve Plan consistency. 3.3 TRAFFIC CIRCULATION • A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will not have significant traffic impact on the Village roadway system, impacts were previously assessed under NPBCP Amendment 92-1.2 for 98 units. The current proposed Amendment will increase the maximum number of dwelling units from 98 to 129 (total of 31 units). An analysis of trips generated is presented in TABLE 3, below: TABLE 3 COMPARISON OF TRAFFIC GENERATION RATES NPBCP NPBCP 92-1,2 96-3 Dwelling Units Single-Family 98 7g Townhome 0 50 Total Units 98 129 Trips Generated Single-Family* 980 790 Townhome** 0 350 Total Units 980 1,140 • * - Single-family units x 10 trips per day. **- Townhome units x 7 trips per day. Net Effect Of 96-3 -19 +50 +31 -190 +350 +160 3-6 EXHIBIT 5 Distribution Of Net Trips Generated By NPBCP Amendment 96-3 • >. 17~ - Project Traffic Percent 33 - Project Trips 0.066 - Percent Project Of LOS D Capacity 3-7 Lt:l;r;NU • Projected distribution of the 160 excess average daily trips on the roadway network in the vicinity is presented on EXHIBIT 5. Current roadway levels-of-service (LOS) on Village roadways, per TABLE 17, Page V-19, of the Village's Evaluation And Appraisal Report (E.A.R.) range from "C" to "A", depending upon the roadway and the segment thereof. Prosperity Farms Road, in the vicinity of the subject site, is currently operating at a LOS "B". The minimal amount of traffic generated, per EXHIBIT 5, on roadways in the vicinity will not have any substantial effect on their operating levels-of-service. C. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is consistent with the Traffic Circulation Element of the Comprehensive Plan,. as amended, and no additional text amendments are proposed. 3.4 HOUSING A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 96-3 does not affect the Village's current housing inventory. • B. Analysis Housing projections were prepared for the Village's E.A.R., as follows: Density Projected Number Of Units Category 1995 2000 2005 Low 2,296 2,519 2,519 Medium 381 613 613 High 4,.113 4,303 4,303 TOTAL 6,790 7,435 7,435 . Housing projections to accommodate the needs of Village residents, using data from TABLE 2 (increase of 50 high density units and decrease of 19 low density units), will be affected as follows by NPBCP Amendment 96-3: TABLE 4 REVISED HOUSING STOCK PROJECTIONS Density Projected Number Of Units Category 1995 2000 2005 Low 2,296 2,500 2,500 • Medium High 381 4,113 613 4,353 613 4,353 TOTAL 6,790 7,466 7,966 3-8 • C. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is consistent with the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and no additional text amendments are proposed. 3.5 SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, DRAINAGE, POTABLE WATER AND GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will not have significant impact on the Village infrastructure system. Impacts were previously assessed under NPBCP Amendment 92-1.2 for 98 units. The current proposed Amendment will increase the. maximum number of dwelling units from 98 to 129 (total of 31 units). Potential population resulting from NPBCP Amendment 92-1.2 was 209 residents, while that resulting from NPBCP 96-3 is 275 residents (an increase of 66 residents). A comparative analysis of impacts generated is presented in TABLE 5, below: TABLE 5 COMPARISON OF INFRASTRUCTURE IMPACTS • Population NPBCP 92-1.2 NPBCP Net Effect 96-3 Of 96-3 275 +66 209 Potable Water Demand (gpd)* 30,723 Sewer Demand (gpd)** 21,736 Solid Waste Demand (tpy)*** 91 90,425 +9,702 28,600 +6,864 103 +12 * - Maximum day generation: Population x 147 gpcd. ** - Maximum day generation: Population x 104 gpcd. ***- Yearly generation in tons: Single-family units x 0.926 tpcy; multiple-family units x 0.588 tpcy. B. Analysis From TABLE 5, the net effects of NPBCP Amendment 96-3 are as follows: Potable water - increase in maximum daily demand of 0.0097 MGD; sewer demand - increase in maximum daily demand of 0.0069 MGD; and solid waste demand - increase in yearly demand of 12 tons. • A review of related capacity analyses presented in the North Palm Beach E.A.R. indicates that capacity is available to service the net increase in impacts generated by NPBCP Amendment 96- 3. 3-9 • The land area within NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is currently undeveloped and specific drainage plans have not been completed. The Village has adopted land development regulations (LDRs) to assure that adequate drainage facilities are constructed and that related environmental issues are addressed. Pertinent LDRS that will be applied to NPBCP Amendment 96-3 during the design and construction phases include: 1. LOS standard - Facilities must accommodate a 3-year frequency, 29-hour duration design storm rainfall event, as defined by the South Florida Water Management District; 2. Legal positive outfall - Facilities must have access and connection to a point of legal positive outfall; 3. Flood hazard reports - Projects within flood hazard zones will be required to calculate flow protection elevations to assure safety from the regulatory flood; 4. Post-development runoff criteria - Post-development runoff rates, volumes and pollutant loads shall not exceed pre- development levels, as defined by Chapters 90E-9, 90E-90 and/or 40E-41, Florida Administrative Code; 5. Water quality - Landscaped areas, grassed areas, or • other natural vegetated areas shall be provided to receive runoff from buildings or other impervious areas to absorb or percolate associated pollutants; 6. Retention systems - Where these systems are required, design shall include water and habitat quality enhancement features; and , 7. Construction practices - Construction sits Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be employed to minimize surface water pollution during development and construction. The application of the above LDRs will insure that the development of NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will be completed in a manner consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. No impacts upon natural groundwater aquifer recharge in the Village are anticipated as a result of NPBCP Amendment 96-3 for the following reasons: (1) Septic tank and individual well installations within new developments in the defined Urban Service Area are expressly prohibited by the Comprehensive Plan; and (2) the subject site is not located within Wellfield Zones 1, 2 or 3, as defined by the Palm Beach County Wellfield Protection Ordinance. • 3-10 • C. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is consistent with the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and no additional text amendments are proposed. 3.6 COASTAL MANAGEMENT A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 96-3 has direct access to tidal waters of the Intracoastal Waterway, and thus is considered to have potential impacts upon the coastal area. The subject site has been identified as containing mangroves; however, the related environmental assessment study (Ref: page 3-3) concluded that the quality of the mangroves is extremely poor. Further, the study concluded that wetland and upland habitat preservation areas, per the approved PUD, will result in enhancement of native species and removal of exotic species. The related Prosperity Harbor -North PUD will include common boat slips reserved exclusively for the use of property owners. As a result, it will not be included in the inventory of Marinas • and Boating Facilities in TABLE 7-1 (page 7-6) of the Support Documentation, although ft will be noted as a water-related land use. B. Analysis The Coastal Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan includes a discussion of the land use, natural resources, estuarine pollution, natural disaster planning (hurricane evacuation and post-disaster redevelopment), beach and dune systems, public access and infrastructure in the coastal zone. The proposed land use for NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is discussed in Section 3.2. A discussion of natural resources, including the identification of mangroves, is also presented in Section 3.2. No water-related resources are identified. None of the following are identified as issues related to NPBCP Amendment 96-3: infrastructure within the coastal high-hazard area; public access to beaches or post-disaster redevelopment concerns. C. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is consistent with the Coastal Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and no additional text amendments are proposed. 3-11 • 3.7 CONSERVATION A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 96-3 has the potential to impact natural resources or issues addressed in the Conservation Element. A detailed inventory of resources is presented in Section 3.2. Further, a private marina with direct access to the Intracoastal Waterway is proposed as part of the related Prosperity Harbor North PUD. B. Analysis The Conservation Element contains a discussion of natural resources, the estuarine system, wetlands, wildlife habitats, soils, hazardous waste concerns and water needs in the Village. The land uses proposed in NPBCP Amendment- 96-3 are similar in type and impact to existing development in the Village. NPBCP Amendment 96-3 includes proposed common boat slips and their incorporation into the Village should not impact existing estuarine conditions. impacts to the estuarine system, wetlands and wildlife habitats will be further addressed by federal, state and local agencies prior to development. • Soil characteristics do not preclude development of NPBCP Amendment 96-3, nor does it impact hazardous waste disposal or significantly affect water needs in the Village. C. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 96-3~ is consistent with the Conservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and no additional text amendments are proposed. 3.8 RECREATION & OPEN SPACE A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 96-3 has no effect upon the data summary presented in the Support Documentation. B. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will not have significant impact on the Village recreation and open space needs. Impacts were previously assessed under NPBCP Amendment 92-1.2 for 209 residents. NPBCP- Amendment 96-3 will increase the maximum population to 275 residents (an increase of 66 residents). A comparitive analysis of impacts generated is presented in TABLE 6, below: • . ~ 3-12 • COMPARISON OF TABLE 6 RECREATION 6 OPEN SPACE IMPACTS NPBCP NPBCP Net Effect 92-1.2 96-3 Of 96-3 Population 209 275 +66 Neighborhood Parks Demand (acres)* 0.418 0.550 +0.132 Community Parks Demand (acres)** 0.418 0.550 +0.132 * - Population x 2 acres/1,000 population. ** - Population x 2 acre/1,000 population. Neighborhood and community parka demand will be increased by 0.132 acre each by NPBCP Amendment 96-3. Village buildout supply versus demand for. neighborhood ;and community parks will not be affected by NPBCP Amendment 963. A suYplus currently exists (3 acres of neighborhood parks and 156 acres of community parks) and is projected to be maintained through buildout. • C. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is consistent with the Recreation & Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and no additional text amendments are proposed. 3.9 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 96-3 has no effect upon the data summary presented in the Support Documentation or updates thereto presented in the Village s E.A.R. B. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 96-3 has no effect upon the data summary presented in the Support Documentation or updates thereto presented in the Villages E.A.R. Further, NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is not located within a designated Area of Critical State Concern. C. Goal, Objectives and Policies • NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is consistent with the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and no additional text amendments are proposed. 3-13 3.10 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS A. Data Summary NPBCP Amendment 96-3 has no effect upon the data summary presented in the Support Documentation or updates thereto presented in the Village's E.A.R. The element-by-element review presented in Sections 3.1 to 3.9 did not identify any additional capital improvements requirements that need to be included herein. B. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 96-3 has no effect upon the data summary presented in the Support Documentation or updates thereto presented in the Village s E.A.R. C. Goal, Objectives and Policies Based upon the analyses prepared in this document, NPBCP Amendment 96-3 will not- result in the need to implement additional capital expenditures to: (1) Correct existing deficiencies; (2) accommodate future growth; or (3) replace obsolete facilities. . NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is consistent with the Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and no additional. text amendments are proposed. • 3-14 • 4.0 CONSISTENCY WITH REGIONAL AND STATE PLANS According to Chapter 9J-5.021, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), the Village's Comprehensive Plan must be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Section 187.201, Florida Statutes and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan. Chapter 9J-5.021(2), F.A.C. states that " for the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropriate comprehensive regional policy plan the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies." 9.1 REGIONAL PLAN CONSISTENCY NPBCP Amendment 96-3 was reviewed in terms of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan in order to determine consistency. Based on this review, it is determined that no significant regional issues are related to, or impacted by, NPBCP Amendment 96-3 and it is found consistent with regional goals and policies. 9.~ STATE PLAN CONSISTENCY . Goals of the State Comprehensive Plan are listed in TABLE 1- 1 of the Village's Comprehensive Plan, as amended. A review of NPBCP Amendment 96-3, with respect to these goals, as well as recent amendments thereto, results in the conclusion that it is found consistent with state goals. t 9-1 • 5.0 CONCLUSION The following findings and recommendation are presented: FINDING NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is generally consistent with the provisions of the Village Of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. More specifically: (1) NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is within the Urban Service Area, and does not contribute to a condition of urban sprawl, as defined by Chapter 9J-5.006(5), Florida Administrative Code; and (2) NPBCP Amendment 96-3 is consistent with Policy 5.3 of the Capital Improvements Element in that it does not contribute to a condition of public hazard, as defined therein, does not exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deficits, as described therein, and is compatible with land uses, as shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Village approve 96-3. • r' 5-1 NPBCP Amendment • APPENDIX - NPBCP AMENDMENT 96-3 1. NPBCP AMENDMENT 96-3.1 NPBCP Amendment 96-3.1 consists of a Future Land Use Map Series amendment and a Future Land Use Element text amendment, as follows: A. Future Land Use MaP Series Amendment (NOTE: Refer to attached Revised FIGURE 3-10, Future Land Use Map Series, Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan). Amendment 96-3.1 consists of the following map amendments: (1) Deletion of Amendment 92-1.2 from FIGURE 3-10; and (2) delineating the revised boundary of the Prosperity Harbor North PUD on FIGURE 3-10, as well as the revised acreage and- maximum number of buildable units associated therewith. B. Future Land Use Element Text Amendment (NOTE: Words -str~ro#--~#rFOtxgh- are to be deleted and words underlined are to be added). Special Policy 5.8 of the Future Land Use Element is . revised to read as follows: "~ecial Policv 5.8: Residential development on the property defined by Amendment -9-2v}-:~ 96-3 .,1 on revised Figure 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of -9$- 129 residential units." 2. NPBCP AMENDMENT 96-3.2 NPBCP Amendment 96-3.2 consists of a Future Land Use Map Series amendment, as follows: Future Land Use Map Series Amendment (NOTE: Refer to attached Revised FIGURE 3-10, Future Land Use Map Series, Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan). Amendment 96-3.2 consists of the following map amendment: Change of a 6.45 acre parcel within Prosperity Harbor North from Low Density Residential (Nor.th Palm Beach) to High Density Residential (North Palm Beach). 3. NPBCP AMENDMENT 96-3.3 • NPBCP Amendment 96-3.3 consists of a Future Land Use Map Series amendment, as follows: A-1 • Future Land Use Map Series Amendment (NOTE: Refer to attached Revised FIGURE 3-10, Future Land Use Map Series, Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan). Amendment 96-3.2 consists of the following map amendment: Change of a 2.29 acre parcel within Prosperity Harbor North from Industrial (Palm Beach County) to Low Density Residential (North Palm Beach). • A-2 FIGURE 3-10 • . ~ ~ r ~ r ..............1.....1.......,. 1 PROSPERITY tWRBOR NORTH - 1 ~'~w' 72 Acres = 1 '~8`SF~-Y~f4f-- un is 1 -~R~1464r1~ RL(N.P.B) t •------°------------ ,c-, .J . SANCTUARY BAY" '':"` .'';`;' 29.8 Acres -232 MF Units ';RVRN to RN ._ 3 Acres HF Uni to RN PROSPERITY tWRBOR 63.47 Acres 108 SF Units ,. ----~- ~, ~~ 9~ 7} FUTURE LAND USE MAP FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES 1999 ,. . ~~.. R-i.A VIUAiE nra 1.q Avu _ 6/el It aq SOURCE: LPIt, Inc. Rtv: ,A+endlent 92-1 PRO ~PERITT HARBOR F >. ....1.........m F a NORTt-i PAL.M 6EACH e*t.anlan. 1 z!o ~ e!a ,! o ~ /E!T PLANNING AREA 6A KEY: Corporate Iioil _________ Plannlnq Arta BovndarY ruuumm~mr Refer to land Ust Tablts 3-1 and 3-2 Rifer to Special Policy 3.3 •••••• ~? Alaendaeot Boundary ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ttAP AItE4rat~trs 96-3. 1 -9~P~i~4-- Prosperi tr Harbor North 92-1.3 -Sanctuary Bay 92-1.4 -Sanctuary Cove 1 92-I.SA -Prosperity Harbor South ,~ \ 92-I.SB - V111aye ParK A-3 SEP 5 '96 14:46 FROM CRC PLAIJNI'rG 1~ u 137CI COMMUNIT'1P.S September 9, 15196 Mr. James Fleis:•hmatln Land Resear~;h :~Qltnagement, Inc. 1300 North Cong~•ess Avenue Suite C West Palm $eaf:h, PI, 33409-6316 Dear Jim:- PAGE.90! .3300 eMp+ersrry nave Coro! Sprrngr, Plorltk+ 33065 (95~ 7S2•IIOO Please cnnsider this letter as WCI's authorization to act as our ageat •with respect to the prepatatiun, subauttal and adoption of certain amendments to the Village of North Palm Beach's Comprehensive Plan rela'dflg to the property commonly known as Prosperity Harbor North and South. ' Sin rely, „~ ~~',~~ ./'~ Paul J. Angelo Vice President PJA:pc _~~`~:~. Post•It" brand tax transmittal m w 1<s F0o ~~ emo ]E7~i aaQ.c . roan ~'AuC. ANo-'~(o GE'c. ai' aT no,,. e j ~ _ I I fL ~ - 3V~1- o G k ~...~ _~ ~JCI COMMUNITIES September 6, 1996 Mr. James P. Fleischmann Land Reseazch Management, Inc. 1300 North Congress Avenue, Suite C West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Re: Prosperity Harbor Dear Jim: 3300 Unlcrrslty ONve Cora! SpMngs, Florida 33065 (954) 752.1100 Enclosed please find the MacArthur Foundation consent authorizitlg WCI Communities or its authorized representatives or agents to submit the necessary comprehensive plan ~e~dments for Prosperity Harbor North and South. Si Vice President PJA/gpl Enclosure ~s ~'"~ ' " \r~r^' ~~ J liar, :'GA 6oulrvud. Suite ~i1tl Telephone: (107) 626.1800 Post Office Box 109680 Faz: (107) 621.1905 Palm beach Gardens, Florida }3110-9680 THE JOHN D. AND CATHERINE T. • MACARTHUR FOUNDATION August 28, 1996 Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, Florida 33Q08 Re: Appointment of WCI Communities Limited Partnership, as Agent, for the filing of Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment with the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that the undersigned is the owner in fee simple of the property described on the • attached Exhibit "A". The undersigned does hereby appoint WCI Communities Limited Partnership, or its designee, as authorized representative and agent to act on behalf of the undersigned in connection with the filing of an applications for comprehensive plan amendment with the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, concerning the property described on attached Exhibit "A" and known as Prosperity Harbor North. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print Vame: _ .l~lfjl`lfr ~~6-{'171 Q c.~!$ Print Vame~ ~ F (Z IRC tic JOHN D and CATHERINE T. MacARTHUR FOUNDATION an Illinois not-for-profit corporation Dale E. Smith, Director of Florida Operations j.'I<eal`pnvatetOBWgtautl! Jot • Village of North Palm Beach August 28, 1996 Page Two STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ON THIS DAY personally appeared, before me, Dale E. Smith, as Director of Florida Operations of John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, who is personally known to me and who did not take an oath. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed myhand and official seal, this~~ day of , 1996. ~ ~~~ ~~ __ ~ ~ Notary Public p~Piiv PGeG DANEAMARIERSMITH 211 £;+(~ (~ OOMMISSION NUMBER ~ ,:~, <' CC490826 9~F b `6~ p~~ MY COMMISSION E%WRES ~F F~~ AUG. 22,1999 .,..Viceal` privatc~08~agtautlt.dce Legal Description of Parcel 8.04 • A parcel of land lying in Section 5, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: That part of the North Half (N 1/2) of the South Half (S 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 5 lying westerly of the West right-of•way line of the Intracoastal Waterway and lying East of the easterly right-of-way line of Prosperity Farms road, as shown in Road Plat Book 2, pages 136 and 137; TOGETHER WITH the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter, (SW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE I/4) of said Section 5; TOGETHER WITH that part of the North 169.5 feet of the West Half (W 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 5 lying easterly of the East line of those lands described in Deed Book 877, Page 439, Palm Beach County records; TOGETHER WITH the West Half (W 1/2) of the West Halt (W 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 5; TOGETHER WITH the West thirty feet (30) of the following described parcel: Commencing at the center of said Section 5; thence easterly along the East-West Quarter Section line a distance of 1,293.76 feet to the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE I/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE i/4) of said Section 5; thence South 00 degrees 08 30' West along the West line- of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 5, (the West line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section S is assumed to bear South 00 OB' 30' West and all other bearings are relative thereto) a distances of 1,343.65 feet to the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 5 and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described parcel; thence South 88 degrees 16' 41' East along the South line of the southwest • Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 5, a distance of 144.46 feet; thence North 02 degrees 13' S4" West, a distance of 157.46 feet; thence North 88 degrees 16' 41" West, a distance of 137.95 feet; thence South 00 08' 30" West, a distance of 157.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM a parcel of land conveyed to the county of Palm Beach, Florida as described in Official Record Book 6428, Page 443, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Containing in all, 33.42 Acres, more or less. Pnx u. OUC • Legal Description of Parcel 08.05 A parcel of land located in Section 5, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida and being more particulady described as follows: That portion of the North 165 feet of the South half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said section 5, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, lying West of the Westerly right of way line of the Intracoastal Waterway as shown on a map recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, in Plat Book 17, page 29, containing 2,3 acres, more or less, and being the remainder of the parent tract of which right of way parcel 22 is part, said tract having been previously described in deed recorded in Deed Book 649, page 37. . Containing in all, 2.3 acres, more or less. `,« 's MARINA ~~ ,,;~~=os:os '~~, ::2:29