1996-071 EMS Transport Billing Services• RESOLUTION N0. 71-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING BILLING SERVICES FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT PERFORMED BY THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Agreement with the City of West Palm Beach attached as Exhibit "A", which Agreement is for the purpose of obtaining billing services for emergency medical transport performed by the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 2. The Mayor and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized and • Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. directed to execute the Agreement with the City of West Palm Beach set forth in Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its / 1 J adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th DAY OF DECEMBER 1996. (VILLAGE SEAL) ~~ ~~~~ o MAYOR VILLAGE CLERK J SENt 6Y: Xerox TeleCOpier 7020 2-20-97 : d:39PM : 407 691 7d69:x 5 part of the Village shall constitute full compensation to the City for its services rendered under this Agreement. The agreement shalt remain in effect an a month to month basis and may be canceled by either party by giving a 60 day notice of intent to terminate. It is understood that all outer political entities of Palm Beach County, Florida, under the satne conditions and for the same price, may accept this agreement instead of requesting bids for this service should they deem it in their best interest to do so. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM REACH, FLORIDA l/ l /»f~ ~s i~i.1~ . • ATTEST: ATTEST: Mayor ~~ Village Clerk CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor City Clerk CITY gTTOgNEY'S OFFICE Approvetl ea to form antl leppl auificlency 3 of 3 By' Gate; 1 SENT DY:Xerox Telecooier 7020 2-20-97 : a:37PM 607 881 76o9:x 2 KIiSULUTIUN NU. $5.91 ;\ ItiitiUl.U Ilpti UF'1llli C'ff\~ C'U\lb(l55{UN UF'I'Illi C'll'Y OI' \\'Eg'1' PALM DIiAC'li. I LURtU:\ Al'IIIORI7.WU :\~D DIRECTING 'fI1E MAYOR AND CITY CLERK 1'U f.Xlf('I'llf :\\ I\'I'IiR1.OC.aI :\GRf(?\IGN7 \\'1TH'i'lIR VILLAGP OF NOR'I'll PALM III:\( II It) I'kU\'IUI. 1:\II~.RGI'.NC'S' MIiDICAI. IRANSI'URI' BILLINU SL•'RVIC'ES; PKU\'IUIN(i r\\ EI'PEC'1'IVL' DAl'E. I1 F. IT RF.SOLVF.D D5' THE. C11'1' COMDIISSION OF THE CITY OF NEST PALh1 IIEACH, fLORlll.a that: SECTION t: Thr hlayor and City Clerk are hereby mnhorized and directed to execute an interlocal Agreement with the Village of North Pelm Bench to provide emergency medical tnmspon billing seniees. A copy of such Inmrlocal Agreement Is attached hereto as Exhibit "A." ti~((tN 2: Upon esccution of two (2) originals of the Inttrlocal Agreement. the City Clerk shall transmit all originals to the Firc Chief for his further handling. • A fully executed original shell be returned to the City Clerk for retention as a public record of the City. SISC'FION ~: This Resolution shnll mke effeu In occordonce with law. sli I':\SSIiD:\`:UAD()1'1'ED'fii1S /0 "DAY OF ~ ,1997, ICORI'ORa'I'E SEAL) CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH BY ITS CITY'COMMISSION n'I"I'ii51': ' P ESIDI G OFFICER \~ ('ill' CLF.KF~.~~~~ F r,•~AV~:ER•RESOW7twORTH~ALRf31INN7 3:~7pm -~;\• pripRNEV'S OFFICE. -•qv:4 xs M lorm ,,•,: ~•1S143 _~..