1996-044 Olympic Torch Relay (Dispensation for Bus.)• RESOLUTION NO. 44-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, HONORING THE 1996 SUMMER OLYMPICS TO BE HELD IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA, AND CALLING UPON ITS CITIZENS TO PAY TRIBUTE TO THE OLYMPIC TORCH RELAY THAT IS TO TRAVERSE U.S. HIGHWAY N0. 1 WITHIN THE VILLAGE LIMITS ON SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1996; PROVIDING DISPENSATION TO BUSINESSES INCLUSIVE OF RESTAURANTS THAT FRONT ON U.S. N0. 1 WITHIN THE VILLAGE TO ALLOW SERVING OF FOOD AND BEVERAGE ON VILLAGE SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO SUCH BUSINESSES AND ON THEIR RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES INCLUDING PARKING LOTS ON JULY 6, 1996, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 5:00 A.M. AND 12:00 NOON; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Olympics are being held in Atlanta, Georgia, during the • summer of 1996; and WHEREAS, the Olympics are being preceded by an Olympic Torch Relay that will traverse U.S. Highway No. 1 within the Village limits on Saturday morning, July 6, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Village Council is desirous of calling upon its citizens and business owners to pay tribute to the relay and to provide dispensation to businesses fronting on U.S. No. 1 within the Village to allow serving of food and beverage on Village sidewalks adjacent to such businesses and on the respective business properties. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FI,OHIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby call upon its citizens and business owners to pay tribute • to tl~e Olympic Torch Relay that is to traverse U.S. Highway No. 1 within the • Village limits on Saturday morning, July 6, 1996. Citizens and business owners are encouraged to display the United States flag during the Olympic Torch Relay. Section 2. All businesses inclusive of restaurants fronting on U.S. Highway No. 1 within the Village are hereby authorized and granted dispensation to serve food and beverage on Village sidewalks adjacent to such businesses and on their respective properties including parking lots on July 6, 1996, between the hours of 5:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon. U.S. No. 1 businesses fronting on an alleyway are encouraged to authorize citizens to park their cars on their parking areas during the observance of the Olympic Torch Relay. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its • adoption and shall expire at 12:00 Noon, July 6, 1996. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13th. DAY OF June 1996. (Village Seal) ~,~~ MAYOR ,~ T: / ~ VILLAGE CLERK •