1995-046 Prescription Drug PlanJ , 1 RESOLUTION NO. 46-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, TO PROVIDE FOR AND MAKE AVAILABLE A PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN FOR ALL FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North 1 Palm Beach does hereby provide for and make available a prescription drug plan for all full-time employees of the Village in accordance with the plan set forth in the letter from McCreary Corporation dated January 27, 1995, and attached as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect on October 1, 1995. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1995. (Village Seal) ' ATT~ ~ ~ VILLAGE CLERK ~~~~ ~ MAYOR EXHIBIT "A" ~ NI~CREARY CORPORATION January 27,1995 Mr. Shaukat )Qten Vll1a~ or North Yalm Beach S07 L.S. Highway N1 ~';~nh Palm Beach, FL 33406 1'7rar Shaukat: Enchte•ci is the Information you requested on a drug card program. Followln~ is an ~t,planation ~E how thQ plan world. Prescription tlrtlg9 that ata purchased at participating pharmedes, wilt be discounted as indicated on the ptnpotd attached. For example, an employee purchases a generic dntg. 'ftw pharmadtt will collect S4.W Erom the employee, and the remaining amount which Indvdos ~ 309L diseouttt off of the Average Wholesale Price (AWI'), as well as thv disptmsing tees and adminiattation cost, will be blued to McCreary C.orporadon. McCtsary Corporation wiU then roimbursc Snip Card in the same manna u wa would any other vendor, on behalf of the Village. A1co included in this program is a Mail Order pn,grem, which provldec a more cost vftecHve means of obtaining ptrsaipdnn drugs, [or up to a 40 day supply. As 1 previously tndictQd to you, the ptesaiptiott drug card program rhould not have atuch of an affect on claim peymtnb. The diamunts recetvvd 1n this program, ctwuld offwt any increased tt9age by having dedtxdbles waived. Sltaukat, T wanted to further mention that the co•paym~nta paid by the participants, are ttut appllad to the deductible under the medical plan. If yuu decide to implenwnt this program, you may want t0 inform participants, an !ha! there i+ no mictmderstancllng. If you have any further questions, pivasa foal fray to <:all mC. Sincerely, ~ Susan L. Nca~~~~~ 6eneAts Spetdaust 700 Gerv~l Puxway. Scut. Flond~ I~YP~ ~ (~07) 267.7650 ~ FAX (~0;) 28'~ 1387