2005-108 Support of Leg. for Maintaining Home Rule-Level of Service RESOLUTION NO. 108-2005 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA SUPPORTING THE ENACTMENT OF GENERAL STATE LEGISLATION PROPOSING AN ENTIRELY NEW SEC.163.08, FLORIDA STATUTES, RELATED TO THE REQUIREMENT FOR A DUAL REFERENDUM VOTE OF THE ELECTORS IF A COUNTY EXTENDS COUNTYWIDE LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARDS FOR THE PROVISION OF ANY MUNICIPAL SERVICES WITHIN ANY MUNICIPALITY; PROVIDING SUPPORT FOR A PROPOSED LOCAL BILL LIMITING PALM BEACH COUNTY'S AUTHORITY TO ADOPT ANY COUNTYWIDE LEGISLATION WHICH WOULD HAVE THE EFFECT OF PREVENTING MUNICIPALITIES FROM PROVIDING FIRE-RESCUE DISPATCH SERVICES OR WHICH WOULD AUTHORIZE THE USE OF COUNTYWIDE REVENUES TO FUND THE COUNTY'S FIRE-RESCUE DISPATCH SYSTEM; FURTHER PROVIDING SUPPORT FORANY RELATED GENERAL OR LOCAL BILL WITH SIMILAR INTENT AND OBJECTIVES WHICH FURTHERS THE INTERESTS OF MUNICIPALITIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR HOME RULE POWERSANDABILITYTO DELIVER TRADITIONAL MUNICIPAL SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR DISTRIBUTION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Village Council supports the enactment of general state legislation which would provide that the establishment of countywide level of service standards for the provision ofmunicipal services within any municipality in the county is considered a transfer of power requiring approval by vote of the electors of the transferor, and approval by vote of the electors of the transferee; and WHEREAS, the Village Council also supports a proposed local bill for adoption by the State Legislature which would limit Palm Beach County's authority as a charter county to enact any legislation which would prevent municipalities from providing fire-rescue dispatch services to their residents or which would allow the County to utilize countywide tax revenues to fund the County's fire-rescue dispatch system; and WHEREAS, the Palm Beach County's Legislative Delegation will be reviewing the proposed local bill at its hearing to be held on December 13, 2005, to consider endorsement of this or similar legislation during the coming legislative session; and WHEREAS, the Village Council desires to take official action evidencing its support for both the special act and the proposed general legislation relating to these matters. • ti ~J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The "Whereas" clauses set forth hereinabove related to proposed legislative enactments are incorporated herein by reference and the Village Council ofNorth Palm Beach hereby appeals to the Florida Legislature to enact the proposed state legislation or enact similar legislation which will have the same effect ofprotecting the home rule powers ofthe municipalities ofthe state related to the provision of traditional municipal services such asfire-rescue services. Section 2: The Village ofNorth Palm Beach Clerk is directed to send copies ofthis Resolution to the Palm Beach County League of Cities, Inc., the Florida League of Cities, Inc.; the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation; the Governor and members of the Florida Cabinet. Section 3: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2005. ~~Uii 1~;/ ~''; ~~ >~ .~ •, ~ ~.~)~11~).1 ' i~ ,, ~ '~~ ATTE'~T: "'~ '~` :~ _~- VILLAGE CLERK •