08-28-2013 VC B WS-MMINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 28, 2013 Present: William L. Manuel, Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Vice Mayor Robert A. Gebbia, President Pro Tem David B. Norris, Councilman Doug Bush, Councilman Ed Green, Village Manager Melissa Teal, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Sarnia Janjua, Human Resources Director Loren Slaydon, were present. Mayor Manuel wished the Recreation Director a happy 30th anniversary. Mr. Green stated that the purpose of the meeting was to review changes to the Country Club and General Fund budgets, discuss the proposed FY 2014 Parks & Recreation and Public Works departmental budgets, and consider the millage rate. WORKER'S COMPENSATION Human Resources Director Slaydon advised that the Village solicited quotes for workers' compensation coverage. The current carrier provided a quote of $306,000. The Florida League of Cities provided a quote of $251,679, which would be a cost savings to the Village. Discussion ensued regarding the coverage provided by new carrier and the term for the agreement. Mr. Green stated that Council approval would be needed to enter into an agreement with the new carrier. Consensus was to move forward with the Florida League of Cities. COMPENSATION STUDY Director Slaydon reported that the Village retained the services of Evergreen Solutions, LLC to develop a full compensation study. Upon completion, the recommended change in salary ranges and pay grades were to be incorporated into a Pay Plan proposal. Director Slaydon discussed in detail the recommended changes in salary and pay grades, as recommended by Evergreen Solutions. Director Slaydon explained that the Pay Plan proposal would be formally adopted later. Village Council thoroughly reviewed the recommended personnel and category changes and discussed the following: • Some range adjustments are quite large • Hiring at new rates versus tenure of current employee • Employees leaving for higher paying jobs Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 28, 2013 Page 2 of 5 • How much will this cost the Village? • Discussed seasonal and part time employees o Continue to receive raises, no evaluations t • Reclassification of certain job categories/descriptions • Revised job descriptions • Further review of revised job descriptions o Large increases • Benchmark positions • Reduction in employee turnover • Fire Inspector Position o Large increase ■ Fire Chief Armstrong justified large increase for inspector position ■ Retiring fire personnel ■ Highly technical position ■ Changing fire fee schedule ■ Council not in agreement with significant increase for fire inspector • Survey completed by department heads o Concerns over method of criteria / data collection • CALEA Manager position — part time in Police Department o Concerns of same classification/pay as Department Heads o Police Chief Jenkins justified the position salary ■ Maintains standards for Accreditation ■ Carries rank of Police Captain Council discussed the CALEA Manager position in detail, and are not in agreement with the recommended pay increase. Mr. Green clarified that this is a part time position and is not the same pay grade as Department Heads. Discussion ensued regarding changing the name to CALEA Manager part time. • Salary range for Fire Captains versus Police Captains • HR Manager and Director classifications o HR Director requested salary increase for herself o Extensive discussion regarding responsibilities for this position In summary, Village Council requested that the following salaries be re-evaluated: Director of Golf Ops, Library Director, HR Coordinator, Fire Inspector. FINANCE Finance Director Janjua briefly discussed some housekeeping items. Director Janjua outlined adjustments made to the Country Club Budget, the worker's compensation insurance renewal, and the updated rate for property and casualty insurance. Director Janjua explained that she set up a Reserve in the General Fund for building renovations. Director Janjua discussed the current millage rate 6.9723. PARKS & RECREATION • CIP Projects o Vehicle replacement o Air handler o Bleachers Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 28, 2013 Page 3 of 5 PARKS & RECREATION continued f o Lightning detection system ' • Revenues and Expenses o Revenue approximately $88,000 o Expenses $54,000 • No charge for every event • Break even for leagues • Not at full capacity for Marina • Low participation in recreation programs o Additional follow up to reevaluate o Invite Recreation Board to workshop • Grant funding • Tennis Center memberships o Losing money o Reached out to other municipalities o Revenue up 20% this year o Teaching o Comparison to non -membership clubs in the County o Comparison to losing money for restaurant ■ Virtually the same issue ■ Tennis Center provides a service o Pro Shop ■ Vendor not doing well. ■ Property tax bill ■ Square footage used ■ Renegotiate lease agreement ■ Review his revenue stream ■ Not selling as much as he thought ■ Bringing in business - stringing rackets • Pool o Not much change o Increase in program activities. o Contractor o Consider increasing fees o Membership fee for usage of pool o Losing money Council requested a follow up on the following: how to improve tennis operation, and pool usage by non-residents. PUBLIC WORKS • Organizational Chart presented o Change in position titles ■ No pay increases Superintendent position eliminated • Revenue no changes anticipated • Divisions by detail presented • Jitney o Extreme expense Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 28, 2013 Page 4 of 5 PUBLIC WORKS continued • Capital projects by priority o Generator at Public Works facility ■ Serves as secondary EOC ■ All emergency equipment centrally located here Discussion ensued regarding alternate EOC locations or relocating EOC. ■ Backup generator ■ Retain current generator o Replace sanitation truck ■ Front end loader ■ Opportunity to expand service with new truck ■ Allow for service delivery ■ Recycling collection poorly done ■ Could eliminate commercial dumpsters ■ Currently can't provide this service ■ Reviewing private hauling companies/accounts in Village ■ Future discussion item requested by Public Works Director ■ Franchise agreements/revenue sharing ■ Tipping/dumping trucks ■ Council requested additional information later o Dumpster truck "quick tip attachment" - additional equipment o Small trucks in poor condition and high mileage, declare surplus o Reroof Public Works facility o Replace case tractor • Administration o Contractual services o Tracking work orders o Safety assessment completed and changes to be implemented o IG visiting PW offices weekly o Vehicle maintenance ■ Vehicles aged and out of warranty ■ Fuel usage ■ Piggyback off larger agency Discussion ensued regarding procurement and an opinion from the IG regarding piggybacking. • Repairs and maintenance • Management changes • Professional services fees o Consultant to review infrastructure o Long-term Village projections o Assessment to evaluate to provide condition to Council o One time cost/ongoing costs o Condition of stormwater system o Projects to be prioritized • Replacement of field management system o Current system cannot be upgraded o Reaching out to other municipalities for comparison pricing. Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 28, 2013 Page 5 of 5 MILLAGE Mr. Green said that the current year millage rate was 6.9723. The total budget was $17.5 million with $9.8 million in Ad Valoremroceeds. The current recommendation for the upcoming fiscal p p g year was 7.283, with a roll back rate of 6.80. Mr. Green recommended using the same rate of 6.9723, using $442,000 placed in reserves to defray costs, with $10.0 million in Ad Valorem proceeds. Fund balance would remain the same at 11.29. Additional discussion ensued. Mr. Green stated, and Finance Director Janjua confirmed that the rate could still be lowered after first reading. Consensus was to establish a rate of 7.283, which was subject to change. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:42 p.m. Co leted by Jessica Green, MMC, Village Clerk