1994-031 Wabash Drive Water LinesRESOLUTION NO. 31 - 94 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, DECLARING THE NECESSITY TO MAKE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 170, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND TO DEFRAY THE EXPENSE THEREOF BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, STATING THE NATURE AND LOCATION OF THE WATER LINES TO BE CONSTRUCTED, THE ENTIRE EXPENSE THEREOF TO BE PAID BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, THE MANNER IN WHICH ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE MADE, AND WHEN THE ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE PAID; DESIGNATING THE LANDS UPON WHICH THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE LEVIED; STATING THE TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT; PROCLAIMING THE COUNCIL'S DECLARATION AND FINDINGS; ADOPTING THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 170, FLORIDA STATUTES; ANNEXING APPENDIX A THERETO; DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO CAUSE THIS RESOLUTION TO BE PUBLISHED AS ' PROVIDED BY LAW; DIRECTING AN ASSESSMENT ROLL TO BE MADE, COMPLETED AND FILED WITH THE VILLAGE CLERK; PROVING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. COUNCIL'S DECLARATION AND FINDINGS: The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, has determined to make public improvements by constructing public potable water lines along Wabash Drive, Circle Aire Subdivision (Unrecorded Plat) as shown in Appendix A, attached hereto and made part hereof, in accordance with Chapter 170, Florida Statutes; and The Village Council has determined that those properties ' benefitted by the improvements should bear the total cost of such improvement by assessing such property for the entire cost of the improvement; and That there is on file with the Village Clerk an assessment plat showing the area to be assessed, with plans and specifications, and an estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, which assessment plat, plans and specifications and estimate shall be open to the inspection of the public; and Said assessment plat showing the area to be assessed, with plans and specifications, and an estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement showing the lots and lands proposed to be assessed and the method of payment thereof is part of the Resolution, and referred to as Appendix A; and The provisions of Chapter 170, Florida Statutes, are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as part of this Resolution. 1 wabwater.res - 1 - BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, has determined and declared to make the following described improvement in the Village: Construction of potable water lines, including the necessary appurtances thereto, running along Wabash Drive, as specifically set forth in Appendix A, on file in the Village Clerks office, 501 U. S. No. 1, North Palm Beach, Florida. and open to inspection by the public during regular working hours of the Village. Section 2. The cost of the entire project is estimated to be approximately Thirty Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Dollars (530,150.00); that special assessments against the properties specially benefitted by the improvement will be levied against such properties and will bear one hundred (100) per cent of the entire cost of the improvement in proportion to the benefits received. The special assessments will be levied against each of the eleven (11) lots abutting, adjoining and contiguous and prorated equally at the rate of 1/11th of the total cost. Section 3. The special assessments shall be payable within ten (10) years as follows: ' 1. 1/10 of the total assessment within thirty (30) days after completion of the improvement. 2. 1/10 thereof each and every year thereafter until the full assessment plus interest have been paid. 3. All outstanding balances on such assessments shall bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum. 4. If the full assessment is paid within the first thirty (30) days after completion of the improvement, no interest shall be charged thereon. Section 4. The lands upon which the special assessment shall be levied are described as lots 2 through 12, Circle Aire Subdivision (Unrecorded Plat) as delineated on Appendix A. Section 5. That said assessment shall be payable at the time and in the manner stipulated as provided for in this Resolution providing for the improvement; shall remain liens, co-equal with the lien of all state, county, district and municipal taxes; superior in dignity to all other liens, titles, and claims, until paid; and if not paid when due, there shall be added a penalty at the rate of one (1) per cent each month until paid; shall bear interest at the rate herein provided. Such lien may be foreclosed by the Village ' the same as any other lien, by proceeding in the proper court and shall include court costs and other reasonable attorney's fees. wabwater.res _ 2 _ Section 6. ' Resolution Palm Beach Section 7. upon its a The Village Clerk is directed to publish this once per week for a period of two weeks in the Post. This Resolution shall take effect immediately 9option. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 28th DAY OF,JULY 1994. V MAYOR ATTtsST: ~ ~~ Village Clerk 1 J wabwater.res - 3 - 1 ~~ ~~: 1 -~~~P~AIX ~ - IgIMIIO aY UWYMa 11TLr OYAq.tNTY IYMD. OgLANDp. I~Oglea , R'ILLUM J. 6050 Warranty deed ~f~l 35s rac1210 RIYIrItA agACll. alA/Rtt1A /TATUTORY , ZBahl~IlaPIIlUYt, lladetlds o?9~ day of May .A. U. 14159 I61f1WPPt1 JOIB7 CIWtLE8 DUHY and SALLY DUHY, hie vlfe, of dlc manly of Palm eeach ,Slate of Florida , partkee of thr lust p.ql .unl GLENN A. ZO01C and LDCILLB M.' ~2j001(, hie wife, whoa Poet office addreu 4~ ,l~qf G.9 9 • ~a.Et- r,/;va,(_ ~,Cet of Ihr Couory o! Palm Beach . io the State o7 Floridlt .'part of 1LI~ uroud p..I I. 1 V ~I1tItDDtlb Thal the Wd grtlea of Iha Snt part, Iw and In romldrlation „f thr cum of I \ ----TSN and iko/100•aa• Ikdlar, aryl utbrr guod and valwbM rcroldentlolu to them In Iwrd paid by utd partl emf Ihr lecorYl path the Ira~lpt _ whereof b Mreby ac6wwhdged, haW granted, bargaloed and veld to Ule Wd partie/ of the remnA p.nt. 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