1994-026 Equipment Lease Agreement - Golf Club Cars1 RESOLUTION N0. e=gg A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENT WITH ASSOCIATES LEASING, INC. ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" FOR THE LEASE OF SIXTY (60) 1994 DS ELECTRIC CLUB CAR GOLF CARS; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida is desirous of entering into an Equipment Lease Agreement with Associates Leasing, Inc. for the lease of sixty (60) 1994 DS electric club car golf cars. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL'OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Equipment Lease Agreement with Associates Leasing, Inc. for the lease of sixty (60) 1994 DS electric club car golf cars which Agreement is attached as Exhibit ..A.. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized ' and directed to execute the Equipment Lease Agreement with Associates Leasing, Inc. set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf ' of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 74th DAY OF JU1V 1994. ('~ilJ:~gi~ ,Seal) ! R raa ILLAGE CLERK 1 DIR/MAINT/L10P0 ASSOCIATES LEASING, INC. EWIPMEMT LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by end between Village of North Palw Beach, hereinafter celled the °lessee~' and Associates Leasire, Inc, hereinafter called the "Lessor". YITNESSETN: For and In consi deretion of [he mutual promises and e9reemente, end the rent for herein, the lessor hereby leases to Lessee eM the Lessee hereby lessee from Lessor the golf Dare eat forth in paragraph 3 hereof, hereinafter referred to es the "Equipment", upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. The term of this lease shall coot roue for Forty-eight (68) Months, eo long as Lessee carries out the terms end conditions of this lease on Lessee's pert to be kept end performed. The Equipment is described as follows: Ql1ANTITY DESCRIPTION SERIAL NLMBERS Sixty (60> 1994 DS Electric Club Car Golf Cere with begwell protectors, sweater baskets, numbers, campy tops, power rib tires, accu-chargers, rake holders, Bend bucket kits, and permanent towing; LOGTION OF EWIPMENT Address: 951 US Highway City: North Palm Beach County: Palm Beach State: fL Zip: 33408 RENT: As rental for Equipment, Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor the aggregate of the followire sums es follows: 54.065.00 upon Lessee's execution of this Lease, es the advance rental for the first month's rent, then 54.065.00 per month for 47 consecutive months, eammeneire one month of ter delivery, as evidenced by the epplieable Certlf leate of Delivery end attached Schedule A, if delivery occurc on the first through the fifteenth of the month, or conmencin9 two months after delivery of the Equipment if delivery occurc on the sixteenth through the test day of the month; provided, however, that the test rental payment shell be payable no later than the lest day of the term of the Lease. Total Aggregate Rentals: 5195,120.00 All payments oust be received within ten (70) days of the due date by ASSOCIATES LEASING, INC., Galleria i Towers at Erieview, 1301 E. 9th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 141 7 4-1817, or et such other location as Assocl etas Leasing, Inc. shall specify in writing from time to time, and shall not be deemed to have been made until actually recel ved by lessor. Dellrxiuent installments of rental shall bear fnterest at the lower of (a) eighteen percent (78X) per amun, or (b) the highest per emum interest rate allowed by law. In the event this lease is placed 1n the hard of an attorney to recover any navies due and to become due hereunder, or for the possession of the Equipment or otherwise to enforce Lessors rights hereunder, Lessee shall pay Lessors reasonable expenses and attorneys' fees in connection therewith. 5. (a) LESSEE SHALL, AT ITS SOLE COST AND EXPENSE, MAINTAIN AND KEEP IN EffECT VALID AND COLLECTIBLE PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE IN AN AMOUNT NOT LESS THAN f1,000,000.00 YHICH INSURANCE SHALL BE PRIMARY. ALL SUCH INSURANCE SHALL PROTECT, AS TNE[R INTERESTS MAY APPEAR, THE LESSOR AND THE LESSEE, WITH THE LESSOR MANED AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED, AND LESSEE SHALL FIIRIIISN LESSOR YITN A CERTI FIGTE OF SAME UPON REQUEST. ALL SUCH POLICIES PROVIDING SIICN INSURANCE SHALL PROVIDE THAT THE COVERAGE THEREUNDER NAY NOT BE TERMINATED YITHOUT TNtRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR YRITTEN NOTICE TO LESSOR. ' (b) Lessee shall also, et its Bole expense, keep the Equipment fully insured for the full replacement cost egai nst loss, theft, damage, fire, destruction or, vandalism with respond ble companies in a form satisfactory to Lessor. All such Insurance by lessee chap name Lessor end any assignee of lessor as an edditf oval Insured and shall provide that any loss shell be payable to lessor or its essi gnee. Lessee shall furnish Lessor with a eertif lcate of came upon request. All such policies providing such insurance shall provide that the coverage theretAxler may rat be terminated without thirty (30) days prior written notice to Lessor. Lessee assumes the anti re risk of loss, damage or destruction of the Equipment from any cause whatsoever. Lessee has selected the Equipment end represents to Lessor that each item thereof is, in the opinion of Lessee, of the design, size, fitness end capacity satisfactory for Lessees purposes, end Lessee agrees that Equipment 1s suitable end fit for th! purpose intended. LESSOR'S SOLE AND E%CLUSIVE WARRANTY TO LESSEE IS THAT THE EWIPMENT WILL BE IN NORMAL OPERATING ORDER WHEN RECEIVED BY LESSEE. IN THE EVENT OF A BREACH OF MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY, LESSEE'S SOLE AND E%CLUSI VE REMEDY WILL BE THAT MANUFACTURER SHALL MAKE ANY EQUIPMENT ADJUSTMENTS, REPAIRS OR PART REPLACEMENTS TO ANY EQUIPMENT WHEN li DETERMINES THAT THE EWIPNENT DOES NOT CdIFORN TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT WILL LESSOR HAVE ANY OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLlA 1NG BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION 41TN THE USE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE EQUIPMENT. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLW ING ANY ALLEGED IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WILL APPLY IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER. LESSOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO LESSEE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND OR NATURE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY ANY EQUIPMENT LEASED HEREUNDER OR THE USE, OPERATION OR MAINTENANCE THEREOF, OR THE FAILURE OF OPERATION THEREOF, OR THE ADJUSTMENTS, REPAIRS, OR PART REPLACEMENTS, OR BY ANY DELAY OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE ANY THEREOF, OR BY ANY INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE OR LOSS OF USE THEREOF, OR FOR ANY LOSS OF BUSINESS OR DAMAGE WHATSOEVER OR HOWEVER CAUSED. NO ALLEGED DEFECT OR UNFITNESS OF THE EQUIPMENT SHALL RELIEVE LESSEE OF THE OBLIGATION TO PAY RENT OR OF ANY OTHER OBLIGATION OF LESSEE TO LESSOR UNDER THIS LEASE. TITLE OF LESSOR: Title [o Equipment shall at all times remain in Lessor and Lessee will protect and defend, et its own cost end expense the title of Lessor from and against ell claims, liens end legal processes of creditors of Lessee and keep all equipment free and clear from ell such claims, liens and processes. Lessee shell glue Lessor inmediate notice of any attachment or other judicial process affecting equipment. Equipment is end shall remain personal property irrespective of its use or manner of attachment to realty. Upon the expiration or termination of this lease, equipment shall be returned unencumbered to lessor et its nearest branch office of dealer at Lessee's expense. Lessee will not change or remove any i~ignie or Lettering on equipment indicating Lessor's ownership. The Equipment shall not be removed from the address of the location of Equipment as provided in paragraph 3 hereof without lessor's prior written consent except for ran-routine mei ntenance end necessary major repairs pursuant to a golf ear mai ntenaroe agreement between Lessee and Club Car, Inc. Lessor may, for the purpose of inspection, at all reasonable times enter upon any job,bul lding or piece where Equipment is located. Lessor shall give Lessee twenty-four (24) hours rats ee of its intentions to make an inspection of the Equipment. Lessee agrees to safely store the Equipment order roof or tarp when rat in use end to properly secure the same at night and such other times when the golf course(s) on which the Equipment is used is closed to play, and Lessee agrees to be solely responsible for such etorege end safekeeping. If the Equipment is electrical, Lessee agrees that such etorege shall include sufficient and adequate electrical charging outlets and watering facilities for the batteries which ere a pert of the Equipment. Lessee further agrees to be solely responsible for the cost of ell electrfcfty, fuel, and routine maintenance for or to the Equipment. The Equipment shell be used aM operated only as golf care on the golf course(s) at the address specified in paragraph 3 hereof in careful mamer and fn eompl Lance with all applicable laws. The Equipment shell rat be used or operated 1n manner subjecting it to depreciation above the normal depreei ation associated with the use speeif Ted above. Lessee shell be solely responsible for damage to the Equipment from any accident, vandalism, user abuse, collision, fire or act of God. 10. Lessee shell irdennify end save Lessor, its agents, servants and enployees, harmless from any and ell claims, anti ons, proceedings, damages, liebi ll ties, judgments, orders, decrees, euards, costs, expenses, attorneys' fees, end claims on account of damage to property or injuries to person (including death) which may be sustained by Lessee, its egente, eervente, employees, licensees, Invitees, operators, users, individual lessees, or any other person arising out of or in correction with the lease, maintenance, opereti on, possession or use of the Equipment, except that Lessee shell have rw liability to lessor for damages or costa incident thereto caused by the sole negligence of Lessor. 11. ASSIGNMENT: This lease and ell rf Bhts of Lessor hereunder, including ell monies and claims for navies due end to become due to Lessor hereunder, shall be fully assignable at any time by Lessor without the consent of Lessee. Upon written mtlee from either lessor or its assignee to Lessee of any assignment, Assignee chaff thereafter be entitled to alt rights end remedies herein conferred on Lessor, tncludi ng the rights of Lessor upon the default of Lessee; but Lesaor wilt not thereby become such assignee's agent. Lessee Nill settle ell disputes and claims (including lwt not limited to disputes and claims relating to warranty, maintenance eM proper usage) against Lessor directly with Lessor, Lessor hereby agreeing to remain responsible therefor; end Lessee will rat refuse to pay, or set up any claim or defense whatever against any assignee of Lessor based on erry disputes or alai ms with Lessor. Without the prior written consent of Lessor, which may be withheld under any circumstances, Lessee shall not directly or indirectly, by operation of law or otherwi ee, sell, assign, sublease or otherwise transfer the Equipment, this lease or ell of arty pert of Lessee's interest hereunder. 12. iA%ES AND ASSESSMENT: Lessee shall be liable for end shall pay promptly Nhen due, to whomever payable (or reimburse Lessor for), all taxes, assessments end goverrmentel fees end charges whetscever, including but not limited to any sales, use, personal property, privilege, excise, license and gross receipts taxes end filing and recording fees, in correct ions with Equipment of this Lease, excluding only franchise taxes and taxes measured by lessoNS income. Lessee shall irdennlfy and hold Lessor harmless against end from any loss or cost arising from non-payment of such taxes, assessments or governmental fees end charges, whether such loss or cost {e levied against Lessee or Lessor. where personal property taxes are rat billed on a unit basis by the respective governmental authority, Lessor shall determine the appropriate tax liabilities ettrlbuted to the Equipment on a reasonable basis. If Lessee faf is to pay promptly when due any such taxes, assessments or poverrvnentel fees or charges, Lessor may, in its di aeration, pay any such amount; and Lessee agrees to reimburse Lessor inediately upon demand. for any such payments made by lessor with interest thereon at the maximum rate legally chargeable until paid. Lessee agrees to collect and remit any end ell sales, use and other taxes payable in any state, county, or city where Lessor~e Equipment is located, used and operated by Lessee. 73. Lessee agrees, at its sole cost end expense, to employ a mechanic to provide for routine maintenance of the Equipment including, but not limited to, keeping the Equipment clean and orderly, changing flat tires, charging and watering the batteries, fuel, and other routine maintenance procedures recommended by Club Car, Ina. Club Car, Ina. agrees that its sole cost end expense, to furnl sh a periodic intervals a mechanic for performance of ran routine maintenance procedures end mayor repairs not resulting from accident, vandalism, user abuse, collisions, fire or act of God order the terms and conditions of the Maintenance Adderdun dated end attached hereto. 14. Lessor retains the right, without Judicial process, to withdraw the Equipment covered by this lease agreement for non-payment of the rent provided for in paragraph 4 hereof or for user abuse beyond ordinary and reasonable wear and tear. Lessee acknowledges that Club Car, Inc. may from time to time withdraw certain (tens of the Equipment for maintenance order this agreement, but Club Car, Inc. will endeavor to furnish a like replacement of some if any of the Equipment will be out of service for any extended per{od of time. 75. lessee agrees during the life of this lease, at its own cost and experee, to maintain Equipment in the condition it is race( ved by Lessee, make all necessary repairs, end to return Equlpn~ent to Lessor at the end of this lease in the same condition es received, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for any loss due to damage to or destruction of Equipment from any cause whatsoever. Lessee shall cause Equipment to be operated only for Its use and by coopetent operators and shall pay all expenses of operation. If Lessee does rat return the Equipment as provided for herein, Lessor may repossess the same at any time without demand or notice and wherever same may be located end without any court order or other process of law, and may enter upon the premises of lessee for that purpose. In such event, Lessor shell hold the Equipment so repossessed free aM clear of this lease end any rights of Lessee hereunder. 16. This lease end the interpretation thereof shall be construed in accordance with the taus of the State of Ohio. 17. DEFAULT: Time shall be of the essence in Lesseers performance under this Lease. Lessee shall be in default order this Lease if (a) Lessee fails to pay any amolxlts due hereunder promptly when due, (b) lessee fails to perform promptly any of its other obligations hereurxler, (c> any proceeding is instituted by or against Lessee or its property under any etete or federal tau dealing with bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or other relief of debtors, (d) Lessee makes an arrangement, extension or asst grtnent for the benefit of creditors, (e) Lessee becomes insolvent, (f) Lessee dissolves or otherwise ceases to exist, or liquidates all or substantially ell of its assets, (g) if it is discovered that any representation, or other information made or furnished by Lessee was false or misleading when made or furnished, (h) if any Equipment is (in Lessors judgement) eubstanti ally destroyed, stolen or otherwise lost, or (i) Lessee ettenpts to remove, sell, enclmber or sublet any Equipment or assign, or otherwise dispose of any of Lessee~e rights hereunder. Upon any such default, Lessor shall be entitled to exercise the riphte and remedies described in Paragraph 18 hereof. If, at any time when rentals are due hereunder, lessee chaff have paid rentals due for certain items of Equipment or other property leased to Lessee from time to time but shall not have paid in full rentals due for other such items end property, the aggregate rentals paid shall be apportioned ~r9 ell items and other property for which rentals are then due, end Lessee shall be deemed to be in default in the payment of rentals with respect to all such items end other property. 18. REMEDIES AND wA1VERS: Upon any default by Lessee order any provision hereof, Lessor may retain all prior rental payments as compensation for Lessee~e use of Equipment, exercise any rights end remedies provided in this Lease and/or by few end, at Lessor~e option: (e) by notice to Lessee, demand payment of ell amounts then due, whereupon all such amounts shall become immediately due and payable with e late charge equal to 5X thereof end interest et the maximum legal rate without prejudice to any other rights of Lessor hereunder, and/or (b) by entice to Lessee, demand payment of ell amounts due and to become due from Lessee, whereupon ell such amounts shall become immediately due end payable ui th interest at the maximum legal rate end without demand, prior hearing or legal process, enter any premises where Equipment may be found and repossess the same, whereupon ell further rights and interest of Lessee fn Equipment and under this Lease shall terminate and Lessor may C1> sell Equipment, without ratite to Lessee where permitted by few, et public or private sale et which Lessor may be the purchaser, (ii> natal or otherwise dispose of Equipment or (iii) retain Equipment in eat isfacti on of Lessee's remaining obligations hereunder. If Lessor shall sell, relet or otherwise dispose of Equipment, Lessor shall credit upon all amounts then declared to be due the proceeds of such sale, reletting or other disposition and any insurance proceeds received by Lessor for damage, destruction, theft or other loss of Equipment, less (1) the amount of the purchase option price, if any, hereinabove provided or the projected value of Equipment at the end of the term, as determined by Lessor, (2) the expenses of repossessing, repairing and selling, reletting or otherwise disposing of Equipment and (3) reasonable attorney fees (where permitted by law). Any surplus shall be paid to Lessee and/or such persons, if any, who may be entitled by law to receive such surplus prior to Lessee. Lessee shall remain liable for any deficiency with interest at the maximum legal rate. If any Equipment, in violation of this Lease, is sold, encumbered, sublet, attached, stolen, concealed or removed from those premises specified above, Lessor or any assignee of Lessor shall have a security interest in alt other personal property then owned by Lessee (including inventory, accounts, equipment, furniture, fixtures and vehicles) to secure the performance of Lessee's remaining obligations hereunder, which security interest will attach, without notice to Lessee, upon the first such event to occur. No failure of Lessor to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right or remedy available to Lessor shall operate as a waiver thereof, and no single or partial exercise of any such right or remedy shall preclude any other or further exercise of the same of any other right or remedy. No waiver by Lessor of any such right or remedy in connection with any default by Lessee shall operate as a waiver of the same or any other such right or remedy in connection with any other further default. 19. NOTICES: All notices relating hereto shall be delivered in person to an officer of the Lessor or Lessee or shall be mailed registered to Lessor or Lessee at its respective address shown below or at such other address furnished to the sender by the other party. No remedy of Lessor or Lessee hereunder shall be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by law provided, but each shall be cumulative and in addition to every other remedy. Failure on the part of Lessor or Lessee to exercise any remedy hereunder shall not be a waiver of any default and a waiver of a default shall not be a waiver of any other or a subsequent default. 20. TERMINATION FOR NON-APPROPRIATION: It is the Lessee's intention to make all Lease payments as required under this Equipment Lease Agreement. The Lessee represents that the equipment and its use is essential to the performance of a necessary governmental function of the municipality. However, if the Lessee does not appropriate funds for any fiscal year of Lessee during the term hereof sufficient to pay the amounts due hereunder in such fiscal year and Lessee has exhausted all funds appropriated for payments due under this Lease, Lessee may, by written notice given to Lessor no less than 30 days after adoption of the budget for such fiscal year, terminate this Lease with respect to payments due beyond the end of the then current fiscal year. Upon such termination, Lessee shall return the Equipment to Lessor in accordance with section 7 hereof and pay all rents and other payments due to Lessor, to the extent of funds appropriated therefor. Lessee agrees not to thereafter purchase, lease or rent Equipment performing functions similar to those performed by the Equipment, and agrees not to permit functions similar to those performed through the use of the Equipment to be performed by any agency or entity hired by Lessee during the originally scheduled term of this lease. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: Lessor has not made any representations of any kind, nature or description except as are in this lease specifically set forth and this lease contains all the terms and agreements entered into between the parties. Lessor is irrevocably authorized to insert herein serial numbers and any further description of Equipment and the date of this lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessee and Lessor have executed this Agreement this 1 4th day of July 19 94 Lessee Village of North Palm Beach US Highway 1 ~~~~-v~ , North P Beac 9 ~~~ By: ~\ ~ Title: ~ Lessor Associates Leasing, Inc_ 1301 East Ninth Street ClevelpGd, Oh io 44114-18171 ~ ~ i y: - Title: +~- `~s^ ~;~`~ ~`~~-'-;~ . 1~ 1 Federal ID# ~~ y Lessee's remaining obligations hereunder. If Lessor shall sell, relet or otherwise dispose of Equipment, Lessor shall credit upon all amounts then declared to be due the proceeds of such sale, reletti ng or other disposition end any insurance proceeds received M' Lessor for damage, destruction, theft or other loss of Equipment, less (1) the amount of the purchase option price, if any, hereinabeve provided or the projected value of Equipment et the end of the term, es determined by Lessor, (2) the expenses of repossessing, repairing end selling, reletting or otherwise dieposl ng of Equipment and (3) reasonable attorney fees (where permitted by law). Any surplus shell be paid to Lessee and/or such persons, If any, who may be entitled by tau to receive such surplus prior to Lessee. Lessee shall remain liable for any deficiency with Interest et the amxlmun legal rate. If any Equipment, in violation of this Lease, Is sold, encumbered, sublet, attached, stolen, Concealed or removed from those premises specified above, Lessor or any esslBnee of Lessor shell have a security Interest in all other personal property then owned by Lessee (including inventory, accounts, equipment, furniture, fixtures and vehicles) to Becure the performance of Lessee's names ning obligations hereunder, which security interest will attach, without notice to Lessee, upon the firer such event to occur. No failure of lessor to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right or remedy available to Lessor shalt operate as a waiver thereof, and ra single or partial exercise of any such right or remedy shalt preclude any other or further exercise of the same of arty other right or remedy. No waiver by Lessor of any such right Or remedy in comection with any default by lessee shall operate es a waiver of the same or any other such right or remedy in connection with any other further default. 19. NOTICES: All notices relating hereto shall be delivered in person to an officer of the Lessor or lessee or shall be mailed registered to Lessor or Lessee at its respective address shown below or at such other address furnished to the sender by the other party. No remedy of Lessor or Lessee hereunder shall be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by law provl dad, but each shall be cumulative and in addition to every other remedy. Failure on the part of Lessor or Lessee to exercise any remedy hereunder shall not be a waiver of any default end a Naiver of a default shall rat be a waiver of any other or a subsequent default. 20. TERMINATION FOR NDN-APPRGPRIATION: It is the Lessee's intentf on to make all Lease payments as required under this Equipment Lease Agreement. The Lessee represents that the equipment end its use is essential to the performance of a necessary goverrnx:ntal function of the munleipality. However, if the Lessee does not appropriate fads for any fiscal year of Lessee during the term hereof sufficient to pay the amounts due hereunder in such fiscal year end Lessee has exhausted all funds appropriated for payments due under this Lease, Lessee may, by written notice given to Lessor no less than 30 days after adoption of the budget for such fiscal year, terminate chic Lease Nith respect to payments due beyond the end of the then current fiscal year. Upon such terml nation, Lessee shall return the Equipment to Lessor in accordance with section 7 hereof end pay ell rents and other payments due to Lessor, to the extent of funds appropriated therefor. Lessee agrees rat to thereafter purchase, lease or rent Equipment performing functions si mi ler to those performed by the Equipment, and agrees not to permit functions similar to those performed through the use of the Equipment to be performed by any agency or entity hired by Lessee during the originally scheduled term of this lease. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: Lessor has not made any representations of any kind, nature or description except as are in this lease specifically set forth and this lease contains all the terms aid agreements entered into between the parties. Lessor ie irrevocably authors xed to insert herein serial nunbers end any further description of Equipment and the date of this lease. IN WITNESS YNEREOF, Lessee and Lessor have executed this Agreement this 19 ~r~~r. Lessee Village of Month P Beach US Ni ghway 1 North Pel each F 4 By: Title: Federal IDN Lessor Assoclatee Leasing, Iric. 1301 East Ninth Street Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1817 By: Title: of ~0. W.IP R. ' IiMMI\ Wt1\NI Nff1 \ll~f„f NOTE: This is a two-pan form. Send bbth parts to the Depanment of State for filing. If a Dopy of Ihis form is needed prior to filing, make photocopies for your records. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IMPORTANT_ Read instructions on back before filling out form. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE OF FLORIDA UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FINANCING STATEMENT FORM UCC-1 (REV. 1993) This Finandrg Statement is presented b a filirq officer for filing pursuant b the Unkorm Commerdal Code' Debtor (Lest ame first tan In iv ua - a. ale o rt or Village of_North Palm Beach _ _ Mallirig AAddress 1c. fete - 1 p e 951 US Highway 1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Additional De for or rade ame sl ame rst an v ua a. ate o rt or Mallirig Address c. ty, fate Ip Secured PartyZLasti~lameFlrs~(fan Ivdua Associates Leasing, Inc. _ h1alllrig Atldiess y, to p 1301 East Ninth Street Cleveland, OH 44114-1817 Assighee of SewredT'artyTlast ame F~f Irst If en Indiv ua ) - - - fAalling Address fete c. ip ode - This Finsncing $tatemenl covers the following typos or tams or property u e scr pt on oTrea pro-f pe ony gny n wfiTcfiTocated end owner of record wberi required. If more space is required, attach additional sheet(s)]. SEE ATTACHMENT A Check only If Applicable: ^ Products of collateral are also covered. ~ Proceeds of collateral era also covered. ~ Debtor is transmitting utility. Check appropriate boz: ®All documentary stamp fazes due and payable or to become due and payable pursuant to e. 201.22 F.S., have been paid. (One boz must be marked) 0 Florida Documentary Stamp Tex Is not required. In accordance with s. 679.402(2), F.S., this statement Is Illed without the Debtor's elgnature 9 Number of additional cheers presented: 1 to perfect a security Interest In cellateral: already sub)ect to a security Interest in another lurisdictlon when h was brought Into this ' Thls Space for Use of Filing Officer slate or debtor s location changed to this state. which is proceeds of the original collateral described above In which a security Interest was perfected. es to which the filing has lapsed. Date Illed end previous UCC-1 file number ' acquired alter a change of name, Identity, or corporate structure of the debtor. Sign lure(s) of Detilor( ~~~ ~ ~~ I i Villa a North aim Beach ___ SlgnatuFe~) of red arty or i signed, y Ass gne s Associate Le asing, Inc. s _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ pelum Copy to: ne ~ Associates Leasing, Inc. 1 cress 1301 East Ninth Street Cl evel anrt_ Ohin 64114-1 R17 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please type this form using black typewriter ribbon. 2. If the space provided for any item is inadequate, please use additional 81/2" x 11"sheets. Be sure to indicate the total number of attached pages in Block 9. There is an additional fee for attached pages. 3. Processing fees are set by the Florida Legislature, are non-refundable and are subject to change. To verify processing fees contact the Department of State, UCC Filing Section at (904) 487-6055. Make checks payable to the Department of State. 4. Send the two-part form to the Department of State at the following address: 1ST CLASS MAIL: OVERNIGHT COURIER SERVICE: Florida Department of State Florida Department of State. UCC Filing Section UCC Filing Section~~ ~• "';• P. 0. Box 5588 409 E. Gaines Street Tallahassee, FL 32314 .Tallahassee, FL 32399 •~ 5. All tees submitted for filing UCC documents are processing fees and are. non-refYndable.ip accordance,with 5.15.091, F.S. ~ ~ .. .. .. 6. The acknowledgment copy will be stamped with the date, time, and place of filing and show the file number assigned to the UCC-1 document. It will be returned to the address indicated in Block 12. A-self addressed envelope may be sent for the return of the acknowledgment copy. Blocks 1-2: Enter Debtor business or personal name, mailing address, city; state and zip code in blocks 1 and 2. This Financing Statement will be indexed in the official record according to the name(s) listed in the debtor name Block(s). Do not enter more than one name per line. Include date of birth or FE I number in the appropriate space. Disclosure of date of birth or FEI number is optional for filing of this statement. Itwill be used to identify individuals with thesame or similar names. Block 3: Enter Secured Party business or personal name, mailing address, city, state, and zip code in Block 3. If Secured Party assigns its interest to an assignee, enter assignee name and address in block 4. Block 4: If assignment is made at the time of filing the Financing Statement, enter assignee name and address in block 4. This party becomes the current secured party of record. Block 5: Enter a description of collateral by indicating the types or by describing the items covered: If additional space is needed attach 81 /2" x 11" sheet(s). There is an additional charge for attached pages. - Block 6: If products or proceeds of collateral are the covered, check the appropriate box. If the Debtor is a transmitting utility check the appropriate box. A Financing Statement for a transmitting. utility does not expire until a termination is filed... - Block 7: Indicate by checking off the appropriate box, if Florida Documentary Stamp-Tax is required and has been paid or is not required. One of the boxes must be checked off. For information regarding Documentary Stamp Tax . contact the Florida Department of Revenue`at 1-800-352-3671. Block 8: AUCC-1 Financing StatementissufficientwhenitissignedbylheSecuredPartyalonelfitisfiledinaccordance with one of the statements in Block 8. If the collateral was originally filed on a Financing Statement which h'as lapsed, enter the original UCC-1 file number and date filed in the space provided. Block 9: Enter the number of additional pages attached to the UCC-1 form. If Secured Party wants a copy of the attached page(s) returned with the acknowledgment copy, a duplicate set of attachments must be submitted and marked „copy .. Block 10: Enter Debtor's signature(s) in space provided. Each Debtor listed on the Financing Statement must sign the UCC-1 form. Signature(s) must be original and in ink. ' Block 11: If one of the statements in Block 8 is checked off, enter the Secured Party signature(s) in the space provided. Otherwise, signature of the Secured Party is optiorial. Signature(s) must be original and in ink. >. Block 12: Enter the name and complete address of the party to whom the filed aclcriowledgment copy is to be returned. NOTE: If using this form to file with a Florida County Clerk's office, check with the appropriate office for fee and filing Information. To n McCreary Corporation (In urance Ageot) 700 Central, Parkway Stuart, FL 34994 ~y) (State) (ZIP) 407/287-7650 Qfelephone) (Fax) Gentlemen: Date We have entered into an Equipment Lease Agreement ('Lease") with ASSOCIATES LEASING, INC., VENDOR FINANCE DIVISION ("ALI"), 1301 East 9th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1817 whereby ALI has an interest in the following described property: Sixty (60) 1994 DS Electric Club Car Golf Cars NorthSPalmhBeach, FL 33408 S, 195,120.00 (Location of Property) (Value) Under the terms of the Lease we are required to insure the property against all risks and obtain General Liability Coverage in the minimum amount of 51,000,000. Please place the necessary coverage and provide ALI with a copy of the complete Policy or a Certificate of Insurance showing the following information: Name of Insured Policy Number Name of Insurance Agent Descriptioa of Property Insured Name of Insurance Company Description of Limits of Coverage Effective Date of Coverage Any Exclusions and Special Conditions of Coverage Expiration Date of Coverage In addition to the above Policy or Certificate, please execute and send to ALI a standard Long Form Loss Payable Endorsement and a copy of as Endorsement naming ALI as Additional Insured and Loss Pavee for the Coverage. Sincerely, Village of North Palm (1-essee By 951 US wav 1 (Address) North Palm Beach. FL 33408 625072 rev 6-93 (PLPD) (City, State, Zip) ATTACHMENT A VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH LESSEE ASSOCIATES LEASING, INC. LESSOR sixty (60) 1994 D8 Eleatrio Club Car Qolf Cara with bagwell proteotors, sweater baskets, numbers, canopy tops, power rib tires, accu-chargers, rake holders, sand bucket kits, and permanent towing; together with all future attachments, accessories, replacement parts, additions, and all chattel paper, documents, general intangibles, instruments, accounts, contract rights and leases now existing or hereafter arising with respect to the above collateral, and all rental payments, and other income relating thereto or arising therefrom, and all cash and non-cash proceeds thereof. Lessee: Village of North Palm Beaoh Fed ID # / ~ y -6Q17484 BY: TITLE: Mayor .i .'' ~ r '! ~ ~ 1 'G ~ ~ ~ '~~ ,~~',a x , y SN ' .`:CUSTOM `'ADDREE ,,, t;;, ,;: ,: .~~ ~~, ;; 'S p.~fi i`i~. ~ i si .!N'*~ rv hW 't L CLUBCAR;INC("CLUBC _ to maintain; as provided 6 ("CUSTOMER"); The EQU that EQUIPMENT.is cover; .a!, 2. CLUBCARand%oritsconti perform non-routine main right; to remove affecte2 maintenance-and repairs; CUSTOMER as expeditioV fashion w 3. CUSTOMER agree$ to pe performed by ,CLUB. CAF CUSTOMER agrees at its ~ maintenance onxhe EQUI and Malntenarice and CUSTOMER agrees that' nealiaence in the prevent EQU 4. CLUI MAINTENE A s';' ;: i. E ,1 ,r ~' MAINTI A:, > ; P `in a, id shall have the .; . o' provide such o be returned to od workmanlike; .;> r!;' 'ied below to be nanlike fashion:'. and preventative, ; ' . )wner's Manuals ie EQUIPMENT.: ' EQUIPMENT or,.' vith CLUB CAR'S'~':~' -' ale for proyldmg ; ; :. ''` ~' • + t ,~ Greasin ofy r n~ s -u^'~° , , . w , >xy~~~s~~: Repairs io`and/or repla en t a ssg by ~8hd,, ~ •z,~;,a H,~~ ~ ;' ~, `"~ l Selvicb on a ~s~sisE~mati~+a~yn} tirr,~e s~ag`~~`ed=, d tfi part es r= ~ ` ` s i t-. w.:e w M1~ + f k° l'y'xJw~}' r 4 ~,..! E ~ k., {-~ ."rS {i ff qY'' ! t .fir yyyry{yy4 ) ' ` "~° ~If electnbal powered CQUIP E T ~ " ~ a ~ e, i T;}i.~ e z ~ + v~rt r , acs' ~ ~° i '.+.a ~' z~i• rc ~ A ^f te'! ,~ r` ° ~~yRepairslo c~iarger r e'. ~ ,, z ' ~ r A ~. '~~ ReplaCe~iB~f bf ~ e ie~ ~ • ' ~ p ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ '' u~ ~~Repairstoahd/or~repla e`~h8ii o~ of , r rR ~~~~~' c e~ j?"~,, ~' ; ~~~:I~gasoline" •owe d Q; P N ~,~~rF~ w '1 , f ~~i v*~t~X ~rvry' e ~.fi >f , r dY a\'-~ Li ' ~ "., ,, , Repairs to and/o .rep ce a ~o , ,~ r) r _ F t, _, • ~ + ~; Repairs toand/or;r=eplacemept 0 iu ~ ys e _ ^3'f ~.~~ r~, n ~~ ~ , , + p ~fa" cS V'Cx $ " a k ~ e '} + =~tRepairsto~nd/orreplacem$'ntAt~ ,.~eE~rs ~, ~~k„p _ -Replacement of 6iijtene~, ~: ~ ., :;~~ ~ ~ ~ , r ~,, i~-~,, a. ' ~~`Replacementoffilters~and~ ,~~ ~;,,~ "_, `Repairs 4o and/or replacemeht of rarl?;m ssi n3 ~a „~~ s . d'°` r~~ ', a v ~~4 ,.gd ig ,x kJ pY ,K }~ 5. ~ CUSTOMER agrees to report to CLUB CAR and/or it~on rabtor and malfu .ion of,EQUIPMENT; identifying sepal numbers and nature of complaints CUSTOMER also agrees to report°anjr damage, accidents, wrecks or vandalism to CLUB CAR and/or its contractor within ~enty four (24j hours~of.discovery.'L , _ r'~~ t 4 `, e T ~ ~ + 6 +. wr~f~~~§~{ 5'+r{~°Q°'~e s 2,~ fi 'fl ~a kf 6. This Agreement shall terminate upon,fhe expiration of 'fte hu~mbbero~ montF~s;ated in Paragraph 1 hereof. ~ ~ fi > 7. SPECIAL STIPULATIONS service once a weekmi imTf~~`orswi'thl=n ~ ours of notification, " ` '~ 3da e.~-~ Batteries' tb Pe`re laced~ad5re fired to-hdndle play > yy~r P .,r . ., k~~sk ..~a y.~y ~s~ . c ,..4. t`: s a fxr,~7~.~~,°v . ha,e .y'.!, n e° ~f after .. ~ ~ let Yfi }~.,~ l ty~p0.~v + '~. ~ a4';~i •y 4 T , I~l~`P i ]' )t:i tv r , ~ ,fir '' r k ,~, 8 This Agreement may be terminated by C~~~S at i = _ .{ia CUS70M~R <,~.~,~ 'ti ~ ~ ~ y.~a~ 4Hyyy." , u ~ , ! 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JGnt.-~ a ''^ ~ a : 'art ~'t`° i, y e ~, ~ kr ' 7010008/911001 t ,::. s t^4.k ' ~, ~ r'y `a a `rr x t, \~ xg, s