Chapter 07-Coastal Management7.0 COASTAL MANAGEMENT
The Coastal Management element is required to be included within the Comprehensive
Plan per requirements of State planning law and rule criteria. Specifically, Chapter
163.3177(6)(a), Florida Statutes, establishes the Coastal Management element
requirement and Chapter 9J-5.012, Florida Administrative Code, establishes minimum
criteria to guide its preparation.
A summary of the data, analysis and support documentation necessary to form the
basis for the Coastal Management goal, objectives and policies is presented in Chapter
7 of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Comprehensive Plan Support
Documentation report dated 9Gtober, 1999 Village of North Palm Beach Evaluation and
Appraisal Report dated 2007 the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor Study, dated 2008, and the
EAR -Based Amendment Support Documentation dated 2009.
Protect, conserve and enhance coastal resources while providing for water -dependent
land uses in a manner consistent with the general health, safety and welfare of Village
residents and visitors.
OBJECTIVE 1: Maintain or improve the environmental integrity of existing wetlands,
marine habitats and coastal resources, including historical sites.
Policy 1.1: By implementing Special Policy 5.4 of the Future Land Use element, prohibit
development in the coastal area that will adversely impact existing marine habitats and
Policy 1.2: All planned improvements to John D. MacArthur Beach State Park shall be
reviewed by the Village for consistency with the Village Goal Statement and Objectives
4, 6 and 7 of this element.
Policy 1.3: Adhere to the Palm Beach Countywide Manatee Protection Ordinance,
including signage.
Policy 1.4: Historic sites in the Coastal Area shall be protected by implementing Policy
1.1 of the Future Land Use element.
Policy 1.5: The Village marina siting, and regulatory policy shall consist of the following:
1. Commercial marinas, including their accessory uses, such as wet and dry
boat storage acilities, gasoline supplies, and minor repair facilities that are incidental to
wet boat storage shall be located in areas with a commercial future land use
designation, per the Future Land Use Map Series, and a commercial zoning
2. Commercial marinas shall be located with directly adjacent to one of the
following water bodies: Lake Worth; Intracoastal Waterway; C-17 Canal (Earman River);
or North Lake.
3. Major repair facilities involving large boats, or businesses performing engine
overhaul shall be prohibited.
4. All new marinas, and major improvements to existing marinas shall provide
sewage pump out service to boats seven meters in length, or more.
5. An application for approval of a new marina shall include an environmental
assessment consistent with the current requirements of Section 36-38.1 of the Village
Code, including and assessment of water depth, water quality impacts, and needed
mitigation actions.
6. An application for approval of a new marina shall include a hurricane
contingency plan.
OBJECTIVE 2: Maintain or improve estuarine environmental quality.
Policy 2.1: The Village shall ensure that marinas are sited to minimize impacts upon
coastal and estuarine resources by coordinating with Palm Beach County in the
development of a marina siting ordinance and by amending land development
regulations to assure consistency with regional policies related thereto.
Policy 2.2: Require the use of urban Best Management Practices (BMP's) to reduce
non -point source pollutant loadings to estuarine waters via the Village's stormwater
drainage system.
Policy 2.3: Any discharge to the stormwater system containing any sewage, industrial
waste, or other waste materials, or containing any materials in violation of federal, state,
county, or municipal rules, regulations, orders or permits, is prohibited.
Policy 2.4: Continue to review the results of the Lake Worth Lagoon Study and any
future studies to determine the need for Comprehensive Plan amendments by the
Village to further protect marine resources and/or improve water quality.
OBJECTIVE 3: The Village shall retain water -dependent recreational land uses which
are accessible to the public.
Policy 3.1: The Village shall continue to support the State's efforts to increase public
use of, and access to the John D. MacArthur Beach State Park facility in Planning Area
Policy 3.2: The Village shall continue to provide public access by maintaining the
following facilities: Anchorage Marina (active boating facility); and Lakeside Park
(passive recreational facility).
Policy 3.3: Redevelopment proposals that include an existing water -dependent land
use may be allowed, via the planned unit development or variance procedure, to exceed
the maximum intensity standards listed in Policy 1.A.4 of the Future Land Use Element,
provided that: (1) such redevelopment proposals are found by the Village to be
compatible with neighboring land uses; (2) the water -dependent land use is retained
and/or enhanced; and (3) public access is retained or provided.
OBJECTIVE 4: Protect beaches and dunes and minimize impacts of man-made
structures while providing public access to the entirety of the beaches and shoreline
areas in Planning Area 1.
Policy 4.1: Future development in Planning Area 1 shall consistent with the John D.
MacArthur Beach State Park Master Plan.
Policy 4.2: Erosion control measures shall be limited to those that do not interfere with
normal littoral processes, sea turtle nesting and hatching activities or negatively impact
coastal natural resources.
Policy 4.3 Allow only native dune vegetation to be used in landscaping of dune systems
in Planning Area 1 consistent with the criteria established in the John D. MacArthur
State Park Master Plan.
Policy 4.4: Beach and dune alteration and construction shall be consistent with the
John D. MacArthur State Park Master Plan.
OBJECTIVE 5: Maintain or reduce hurricane evacuation times by implementing the
Future Land Use and Capital Improvements elements and increasing the data base
regarding special needs populations and continuing to participate in the County
Peacetime Emergency Plan.
Rev: 7/09
Policy 5.1: The Village shall identify through notice in the Village newsletter and/or
utility bills, residents who need special assistance during emergency evacuation and
notify the appropriate civil and emergency management agencies of the same.
Policy 5.2: Provide constant input to the Emergency Management Center with respect
to road conditions, accidents, flooding, and the status of evacuation activities, during
hurricane evacuation periods through the Village Public Safety Department.
Policy 5.3: Urban development in Planning Area 1 shall be discouraged by
implementing the "Conservation/Open Space" Land Use designation.
Policy 5.4: North Palm Beach shall continue to participate with Palm Beach County
and other local municipalities in developing and executing an ongoing unified strategy
(Local Mitigation Strategy) for reducing the Village's vulnerability to identified natural,
technological and societal hazards.
OBJECTIVE 6: Regulate development and limit public expenditures that subsidize
development in coastal high hazard areas, (i.e. The area below the elevation of the
category 1 storm surge line as established by a Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from
Hurricanes (SLOSH) computerized storm surge model, T e at*n zGne fGr
Category 1 hUFFiGaRe, as illustrated on Figure 34-7 33=7 of the Future Land Use Map
Policy 6.1: The repair, relocation, or replacement of infrastructure within the coastal
high hazard area shall be prioritized when State funding is needed as follows: (1) When
the general health, safety and welfare of the community is directly impacted, the use of
State funding shall be used for repair, or replacement of infrastructure; (2) When the
general health, safety and welfare is not directly impacted, repair of infrastructure can
be considered; and (3) relocation of infrastructure shall be given the lowest of priority.
Policy 6.2: As part of this Comprehensive Plan, the Village shall designate Planning
Area 1 as a "non -service area" (Ref: Objective 6, Capital Improvements element).
Policy 6.3: A development shall not be approved unless all land intended for use as
building sites can be used safely for building purposes, without danger from flooding or
other inundation. In order to determine potential danger from flooding, or other
inundation in the coastal high hazard area, the Village Public Services Department may
require the submittal of a Flood Hazard Report, pursuant to Section 36-11(24) of the
Village Code, prior to issuing a development order.
Policy 6.4: The Village shall discourage expenditure of public funds in the coastal high
hazard area, unless funds are to be used to upgrade existing facilities or infrastructure,
or to replace damaged infrastructure.
OBJECTIVE 7: Level -of -Service Standards in the Coastal Area shall be defined by the
application of Policies 5.1, 6.1 and 6.2 of the Capital Improvements element. Phasing
of infrastructure shall be defined by the application of Policy 5.2 of the Capital
Improvements element.
Policy 7.1: Through citizen advisory committees, evaluate the need for additional
water -dependent and water -related uses in the coastal area; . Additional needs should
be identified in conjunction with the recommendations generated in Objective 1;
Recreation and Open Space element.
OBJECTIVE 8: The Village shall provide for post -disaster redevelopment plans which
will reduce or eliminate the exposure of human life and public and private property to
natural hazards.
Policy 8.1: The Village shall provide for repair, relocation, or structural modification of
damaged infrastructure and services, according to the priorities established in Policy
6.1, and consistent with federal funding requirements. Priority shall be given to
immediate clean-up actions, and the maintenance of critical municipal services in the
coastal high -hazard area, including but not limited to local roadways, drainage systems,
and solid waste collection service that are the operational responsibility of the Village.
Policy 8.2: The Village shall limit development in Planning Area 1 to
Conservation/Open Space uses. Further, the Village shall require redevelopment in the
coastal high -hazard area to conform to current building pad elevation standards.
Policy 8.3: The Village, where possible and economically feasible, shall: (1)
Discourage the expenditure of public funds to build new facilities and infrastructure
within the coastal high hazard area; and (2) locate public infrastructure and facilities
outside of the coastal high -hazard area.