Chapter 05-Housing5.0 HOUSING
The Housing element is required to be included within the Comprehensive Plan per
requirements of State planning law and rule criteria. Specifically, Chapter
163.3177(6)(f), Florida Statutes, establishes the HOUSING element requirement and
Chapter 9J-5.010 Florida Administrative Code, establishes minimum criteria to guide its
A summary of the data, analysis and support documentation necessary to form the
basis for Housing Goal, Objectives and Policies is presented in Chapter 5 of the Village
Df North Palm Beach, Florida Comprehensive Plan Support Documentation report dated
1999, Village of North Palm Beach Evaluation and Appraisal Report dated 2007, and
the EAR -Based Amendment Support Documentation dated 2009.
Ensure the provision of safe, decent and sanitary housing and living conditions in
designated residential neighborhoods consistent with: (1) density levels indicated on
the FUTURE LAND USE Maps Series; and (2) the current residential character of the
Village and individual Planning Areas. Further, ensure that character of new housing
stock remains consistent with that currently in evidence while accommodating the needs
of projected population levels.
OBJECTIVE 1: Conserve existing standard condition housing stock and residential
neighborhoods by assuring that substandard housing conditions are prevented.
Policy 1.1: Adopt, and maintain, minimum housing regulations that shall contain
specific and detailed provisions necessary to implement the adopted Comprehensive
Plan and which, at a minimum:
a. Require all new development or redevelopment to be served by central
sanitary sewer, and water supply within the urban service area, and heating and
cooking and garbage disposal facilities throughout the Village;
b. Establish minimum requirements for light and ventilation;
c. Establish minimum requirements for electrical systems;
d. Establish general requirements for the exterior and interior of structures; and
e. Establish minimum dwelling space and sanitary requirements.
Policy 1.2: Adopt, and maintain, administrative and enforcement procedures
necessary to implement minimum housing regulations and which, at a minimum:
aK Designate a Village housing official;
b. Establish the following definitions of housing condition:
• Standard Condition - A residential structure meeting all minimum standards
for basic equipment and facilities, as set forth in the Standard Housing Code,
4-995 1997 Edition.
• Substandard Condition - A residential structure which does not meet all
minimum standards for basic equipment and facilities, as set forth in the
Standard Housing Code, 4-9a 1997 edition, as determined by the Housing
Official, where the costs of rehabilitation, renovation or code compliance are
valued at less than 50% of the total value of the structure.
• In Need of Replacement - A residential structure which does not meet all
minimum standards for basic equipment and facilities, as set forth in the
Standard Housing Code, 4-95 1997 Edition, as determined by the Housing
Official, where costs of rehabilitation, renovation or code compliance are
valued at greater than 50% of the total value of the structure.
c. Establish administrative procedures to require rehabilitation and/or demolition
of housing, if necessary.
OBJECTIVE 2: Code enforcement activities shall be maintained through annual
windshield inspections by the Public Services Department, oriented to conserving 100%
of the current "Standard Condition" housing stock. However, if the identification of
residential structures in need of rehabilitation or demolition as a result of an unforeseen
disaster (e.g. fire, hurricane, etc.) is necessary, the definitions of "Standard",
"Substandard" and "In Need of Repair" (Ref: Policy 1.2) shall be used as the basis for
defining rehabilitation or demolition needs. Further, the designation of historical housing
shall be used as a method to conserve housing stock.
Policy 2.1: Assist any efforts on the part of Village residents to upgrade neighborhood
housing conditions by providing Code Enforcement assistance.
Policy 2.2: Review and amend, when necessary, the Village Housing Code to
incorporate updated criteria oriented to: (1) conserving existing housing stock; and (2)
establishing principles to guide rehabilitation and demolition activities.
Policy 2.3: At the time of each required Comprehensive Plan update, evaluate the
need to designate any housing structures as locally historically significant and in need of
special consideration under the provisions and criteria cited in the Standard Housing
OBJECTIVE 3: Adequate and affordable housing, consistent with the current character
of the Village, shall be provided for the existing population and anticipated population
growth, including housing to accommodate any defined specialized needs of low and
moderate income, workforce (as annually defined by Palm Beach County), elderly or
handicapped or displaced residents. Also, provisions shall be made for foster care
housing and mobile homes.
Policy 3.1: Support residential beautification which is in conformance with the Village
Appearance Plan by annually providing native plant materials, at reduced cost, to
Village residents.
Policy 3.2: Require housing construction that is compatible with natural resources and
service capabilities as defined in the Transportation and Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste,
Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Recharge elements and which does
not adversely impact environmental features by implementing Objectives 1, 3, 4 and 5;
Future Land Use element and Objectives 3 and 5; Capital Improvements element.
Policy 3.3: Require developers to coordinate with the Village, through implementation
of North Palm Beach Land Development Regulations, during the design and completion
of residential developments to assure that the Village and Planning Area characteristics
are maintained, and defined special housing needs (i.e. determined at the time of
required Comprehensive Plan updates) are accommodated.
Policy 3.4: Provide innovative housing alternatives congregate living, zero -lot line
developmentJ oriented to facilitating reduced housing costs.
Policy 3.5: Allow for a broad range of housing densities and types in residential
environments consistent with the Future Land Use Map Series, and Future Land Use
Policy 3.6: Require that standard housing, at affordable cost, is available to persons
displaced through any public action prior to their displacement by maintaining such a
requirement within Village Land Development Regulations
P011cy 3.7: Maintain provisions in the Village Zoning Code to permit mobile home park
development with the C-1 Zoning District. Further, continue to allow the placement of
individual mobile homes within single-family and multiple -family residential districts
provided that: (1) mobile homes must comply with all Village building, construction,
design and housing codes that apply to all housing types and U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development manufactured home construction and safety
standards; and (2) they shall be subject to any Council, Board or staff reviews as
provided in the Village Code of Ordinances.
Policy 3.8: Adopt and maintain an adult congregate facilities ordinance oriented to
meeting the needs of elderly or handicapped Village residents.
Policy 3.9: Maintain land development regulations and permit review processes related
thereto for the purpose of eliminating excessive requirements and supplementing
existing requirements in order to increase private sector participation in meeting defined
housing needs.
Policy 3.10: The designation of sites for mobile home placement shall be considered at
the time of any annexation action. However, placement of mobile homes within the
oastal high hazard area shall be discouraged.
Policy 3.11: Due to high land values, and the lack of vacant land, it is not feasible to
construct very -low income housing within the Village. Low and moderate income
housing efforts shall be oriented toward the maintenance of existing family and elderly
occupied units in standard condition. Further, the Village shall support regional efforts
to address low income and workforce housing by working with the Palm Beach
Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review Committee (IPARC) to develop an
Interlocal Agreement whereby coastal municipalities could iointly pursue a
comprehensive approach and solution to this county -wide issue within two years from
the date of this policy.
Policy 3.12: Mixed-use developments shall be encouraged to contain alternative living
accommodations such as lofts, second story apartments and live -work arrangements to
facilitate the supply of workforce housing.
Policv 3.13: Density bonuses within mixed-use projects shall be considered by the
Village, consistent with Policy 1 B.2 of the Future Land Use Element.
3.14: Future density increases allowed by the Village, through the Future Land
Use Map amendment process shall include a workforce housing allocation consistent
with alternatives (a) and (b) of Policy 1 B.2 of the Future Land Use Element.
OBJECTIVE 4: Provision shall be made for the location of daycare and group home
facilities licensed by the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services in a
manner consistent with the character of existing neighborhoods, and state law.
Policy 4.1: The Village %,) d plur U duct y ruiriq= , arl--carti%�Mt„-r�NT r1l"t
E)RiTg-Code so +4"+ continue to permit different classes of group home facilities that
foster non-discrimination and encourage the development of community alternatives to
institutionalization, as required by state law, aFe peer ,itt in appropriate residential
neighborhoods, and that no appropriate residential neighborhoods are closed to such
Policy 4.2: The building official shall monitor the development and distribution of
daycare facilities and group homes to insure that adequate sites and infrastructures are
provided and that over -concentration (i.e. to be defined by implementing Policy 4.1) in
any residential area is avoided.
Policy 4.3: "Foster Care Facility" and "Group Home Facility" shall be defined as a
residential unit, otherwise meeting the requirements of the Village Zoning Code, where
a family living environment is provided for individuals not related by blood or legally to
the householder.
Policy 4.4: The total number of residents within a foster care or group home facility,
including permanent residents and foster care or group home residents shall not exceed
1.01 persons per room, excluding bathrooms, kitchens and utility rooms.
Policy 4.5: The Village shall permit Daycare facilities, for up to five persons, within
single-family residential areas as required by Florida Statutes, Chapter 402.302(5),
OBJECTIVE 5: The private sector delivery process shall continue to be relied upon as
the means for providing 100% of the housing necessary to accommodate Village
residents. The need to formulate alternative housing implementation programs shall be
reassessed at the time of each required Comprehensive Plan update.
Policy 5.1: A determination shall be made by the Village at the time of each required
Comprehensive Plan update as to whether or not the private sector delivery process is
adequately functioning, in terms of implementing Objective 3. If it is determined that the
private sector is not properly functioning, in terms of this criterion, alternative
mechanisms, including government and non-profit sector participation shall be
considered, including the use of available Federal, State and local assistance programs.
Policy 5.2: Provide information, technical assistance, and incentives (Ref: Policy 3.4)
to the private sector to maintain a housing production capacity sufficient to meet
projected needs.
Obiective 6. The Village shall support energy efriciency and the use of renewable
energy resources in existinq housinq and in the desiqn and construction of new
Policy 6.1: The Village shall encourage support for residential construction that meets
the United States Green Buildinq Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) rating system the Green Building Initiative's Green
Globes rating system, the Florida Green Building Coalition standards or other nationally
recognized, high performance green building rating system as recognized by the Florida
Department of Management Services.
Policy 6.2: The Village shall educate residents on home energy reduction strategies
Policy 6.3: The Village shall not prohibit the appropriate placement of photovoltaic
Policy 6.4: The Village shall provide educational materials on the strategic placement
of landscape materials to reduce energy consumption.