Chapter 12-Public School Concurrency12.0 PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY 12.1 INTRODUCTION The Public School Concurrency element is a required element, imposed by local option via the execution of an Interlocal Agreement by local government jurisdictions in Palm Beach County. Specifically Chapters 163.3180(13), and 163.3177 (12) Florida Statutes establish the PUBLIC School Concurrency requirement and, Chapter 9J-5.025, Florida Administrative Code, establishes the minimum criteria to guide its preparation. The following definitions shall be applicable to the Public School Concurrency element: Ancillary Plant - Facilities to support the educational program, such as warehouses, vehicle maintenance, garages, and administrative buildings. Core Facility - Those facilities which include the media center, cafeteria, toilet facilities, and circulation space of an educational plant. District Schools - All District owned regular, elementary, middle, high schools, magnet and special educational facilities. Educational Plant Survey - A study of present educational and ancillary plants and the determination of future needs to provide an appropriate educational program and services for each student. Florida Inventory Of School Houses (FISH) - The report of permanent school capacity. The FISH capacity is the number of students that may be housed in a facility (school) at any given time based on using a percentage of the number of existing satisfactory student stations and a designated size for each program according to s. 235.15, Florida Statutes. In Palm Beach County, permanent capacity does not include the use of relocatable classrooms (portables). Public School Concurrency Service Area Or "Concurrency Service Area" - The specific geographic area adopted by local governments, within a school district, in which school concurrency is applied and determined when concurrency is applied on a less than district -wide basis. 12.2 VILLAGE GOAL STATEMENT It is the Goal of the Village of North Palm Beach to: (1) Provide for future availability of public school facilities consistent with the adopted level of service standard. This goal shall be accomplished recognizing the constitutional obligation of the school district to provide a uniform system of free public schools on a countywide basis; and (2) maintain and enhance joint planning processes and procedures for coordination of public education facilities for planning and decision-making regarding population 12-1 projections, public school siting, and the development of public education facilities concurrent with residential development and other services. 12.3 OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OBJECTIVE 1: The Village shall ensure that the capacity of schools is sufficient to support student growth at the adopted level of service standard for each year of the five- year planning period and through the long term planning period. Policy 1.1: The LOS standard is the school's utilization which is defined as the enrollment as a percentage of school student capacity based upon the Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH). The level of service (LOS) standard shall be established for all schools of each type within the School District as 110 percent utilization, measured as the average for all schools of each type within each Concurrency Service Area. No individual school shall be allowed to operate in excess of 110% utilization, unless the school is the subject of a School Capacity Study (SCS) undertaken by the School District, working with the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) which determines that the school can operate in excess of 110% utilization. The SCS shall be required if a school in the first student count of the second semester reaches 108 % or higher capacity. As a result of an SCS, an individual school may operate at up to 120% utilization. Policy 1.2: If, as a result of a School Capacity Study (SCS), a determination is made that a school will exceed 120% utilization or cannot operate in excess of 110% utilization, then the School District shall correct the failure of that school to be operating within the adopted LOS through 1) program adjustments 2) attendance boundary adjustments or 3) modifications to the Capital Facilities Program to add additional capacity. If, as a result of the SCS a determination is made that the school will exceed 110% and can operate within adopted guidelines, the identified school may operate at up to 120% utilization. If as a result of one or more School Capacity Studies that demonstrate that the schools of a particular type can operate at a higher standard than the 110% utilization standard of the CSA, the Comprehensive Plan will be amended to reflect the new LOS for that school type in that CSA. Policy 1.3: The School Capacity Study (SCS) shall determine if the growth rate within an area, causing the enrollment to exceed 110 percent of capacity, is temporary or reflects an ongoing trend affecting the LOS for the 5 year planning period. The study shall include data which shows the extent of the exceedance attributable to both existing and new development. Notification shall be provided to the local government within whose jurisdiction the study takes place. At a minimum, the study shall consider: 1. Demographics in the school's Concurrency Service Area (CSA); 2. Student population trends; 3. Real estate trends (e.g. development and redevelopment); 4. Teacher/student ratios; and 12-2 5, Core facility capacity; Policy 1.4: The adopted LOS standard shall become applicable to the entire County at the beginning of the 2004-05 school year, by which time as the School District has achieved the countywide adopted level of service for all schools of each school type -.4n Policy 1.5: Concurrency Service Areas (CSA) shall be established on a less than district -wide basis, as depicted on Map PS 1.1 Figure 12-1 and described in the Concurrency Service Area Boundary Descriptions in Table 12-3-121. 1. The criteria for Concurrency Service Areas shall be: Palm Beach County is divided into twenty-one CSAs. Each CSA boundary shall be delineated considering the following criteria and shall be consistent with provisions in the Interlocal Agreement: a. School locations, student transporting times, and future land uses in the area. b. Section lines, major traffic -ways, natural barriers and county boundaries. 2. Each CSA shall demonstrate that: a. Adopted level of service standards will be achieved and maintained for each year of the five-year planning period; and b. Utilization of school capacity is maximized to the greatest extent possible, taking into account transportation costs, court approved desegregation plans and other relevant factors. c. Consistent with s.163.3180(13)(c)2.,F.S., changes to the CSA boundaries shall be made only by amendment to the PSFE and shall be exempt from the limitation on the frequency of plan amendments, Any proposed change to CSA boundaries shall require a demonstration by the School District that the requirements of 2(a) and (b), above, are met. 12-3 Policy 1.6: The Village of North Palm Beach shall consider as committed and existing the public school capacity which is projected to be in place or under construction in the first three years of the School District's most recently adopted Five Year Plan, as reflected in Table 11-2.6 (Six Five Year Capital Improvement Schedule of the Capital Improvement Element of the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan), when analyzing the availability of school capacity and making level of service compliance determinations. Policy 1.7: The Village of North Palm Beach shall amend Table 11-2.13 (Six Five Year Capital Improvement Schedule) of the Capital Improvement Element when committed facility capacity is eliminated, deferred or delayed, to ensure consistency with the School District Five Year Plan. Policy 1.8: For purposes of urban infill, the impact of a home on an existing single family lot of record shall not be subject to school concurrency. Policy 1.9: The Village of North Palm Beach shall suspend or terminate its application of School concurrency upon the occurrence and for the duration of the following conditions: 1. School concurrency shall be suspended in all CSAs upon the occurrence and for the duration of the following conditions: 2, The occurrence of an "Act of God'; or 3. The School Board does not adopt an update to its Capital Facilities Plan by September 15th of each year; or 4. The School District's adopted update to its Capital Facilities Program Plan does not add enough FISH capacity to meet projected growth in demand for permanent student stations at the adopted level of service standard for each CSA and ensures that no school of any type exceeds the maximum utilization standard in any CSA; or 5. The School District Capital Facilities Plan is determined to be financially infeasible as determined by the State Department of Education, or as defined by the issuance of a Notice of Intent to Find an Amendment to a Capital Improvement Element not in compliance as not being financially feasible, by the Department of Community Affairs; or by a court action or final administrative action; or 6. If concurrency is suspended in one-third or more of the CSAs pursuant to Policy 1.9.2 below. 12-4 7. School Concurrency shall be suspended within a particular CSA upon the occurrence and for the duration for the following conditions: a. Where an individual school in a particular CSA is twelve or more months behind the schedule set forth in the School District Capital Facilities Plan, concurrency will be suspended within that CSA and the adjacent CSAs for that type of school; or b. The School District does not maximize utilization of school capacity by allowing a particular CSA or an individual school to exceed the adopted Level of Service (LOS) standard; or c. Where the School Board materially amends the first 3 years of the Capital Facilities Plan and that amendment causes the Level of Service to be exceeded for that type of school within a CSA, concurrency will be suspended within that CSA and the adjacent CSAs only for that type of school. d. Service Areas in which the School District has notified the County that the application of concurrency has been suspended. e. Once suspended, for any of the above reasons, concurrency shall be reinstated once the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) determines the condition that caused the suspension has been remedied or the Level of Service for that year for the affected CSAs have been achieved. e. If a Program Evaluation Report recommends that concurrency be suspended because the program is not working as planned, concurrency may be suspended upon the concurrence of 33% of the PARTIES signatories of the "Palm Beach County Interlocal Agreement with Municipalities of Palm Beach County and the School District of Palm Beach County to establish Public School Concurrency'. g. Upon termination of the Interlocal Agreement the County shall initiate a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to terminate school concurrency. OBJECTIVE 2: To provide for mitigation alternatives which are financially feasible and will achieve and maintain the adopted level of service standard in each year of the five- year planning period. 12-5 Policy 2.1: Mitigation shall be allowed for those development proposals that cannot meet adopted level of service standard. Mitigation options shall include options listed below for which the School District assumes the operational responsibility and which will maintain the adopted level of service standards for each year of the five-year planning period. 1. Donation of buildings for use as a primary or alternative learning facility; and/or 2. Renovation of existing buildings for use as public school facilities; or 3. Construction of permanent student stations or core capacity. The site plan for buildings being renovated pursuant to number 2 above, that are fifty years of age or older, shall demonstrate that there are no adverse impacts on sites listed in the National Register of Historic Places or otherwise designated in accordance with appropriate State guidelines as locally significant historic or archaeological resources. Policy 2.2: A development order shall be issued and mitigation measures shall not be exacted when the adopted level of service standard cannot be met in a particular concurrency service area, as applied to an application for a development order, if the needed capacity for the particular CSA is available in one or more contiguous CSAs. OBJECTIVE 3: To ensure existing deficiencies and future needs are addressed consistent with the adopted level of service standard. Policy 3.1: The Village of North Palm Beach, in coordination with the School District and other local governments, shall annually amend Table 11-2.13 of the Capital Improvement Element (School District of Palm Beach County Six Year Five -Year Capital Improvement Schedule), to maintain consistency with the School Board's adopted Five Year Plan and to maintain a financially feasible capital improvements program and ensure that level of service standards will continue to be achieved and maintained in each year of the five year planning period. OBJECTIVE 4: To establish a process of coordination and collaboration between the County, local governments, and the School District in the planning and siting of public school facilities in coordination with planned infrastructure and public facilities. Policy 4.1: The Village of North Palm Beach shall coordinate and provide for expedited review of development proposals with the School District during the development review process to ensure integration of public school facilities with surrounding land uses and the compatibility of uses with schools. 12-6 Policy 4.2: There shall be no significant environmental conditions and significant historical resources on a proposed site that can not be mitigated or otherwise preclude development of the site for a public educational facility. Policy 4.3: The proposed site shall be suitable or adaptable for development in accordance with applicable water management standards, and shall not be in conflict with the adopted or officially accepted plans of the South Florida Water Management District, or any applicable Stormwater Utility or Drainage District. Policy 4.4: The proposed location shall comply with the provisions of the Coastal Zone Management Element of the comprehensive plan, if applicable to the site. Policy 4.5: The Village of North Palm Beach shall encourage the location of schools proximate to urban residential areas by: 1. Assisting the School District in identifying funding and/or construction opportunities (including developer participation or Village of North Palm Beach capital budget expenditures) for sidewalks, traffic signalization, access, water, sewer, drainage and other infrastructure improvements; 2, Providing for the review for all school sites as indicated in Policy 4.1 above; and, 3, Allowing schools as a permitted use within all urban residential land use categories. Policy 4.6: The Village of North Palm Beach shall coordinate with the School District for the collocation of public facilities, such as parks, libraries, and community centers with schools, to the extent possible, as sites for these public facilities and school are chosen and development plans prepared. OBJECTIVE 5: To establish and maintain a cooperative relationship with the School District and municipalities in coordinating land use planning with development of public school facilities which are proximate to existing or proposed residential areas they will serve and which serve as community focal points. Policy 5.1: The Village of North Palm Beach shall abide by the 'Palm Beach County Interlocal Agreement with Municipalities of Palm Beach County and the School District of Palm Beach County to establish Public School Concurrency', which was fully executed by the parties involved and recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County on January 25, 2001, consistent with ss.163.3177(6)(h)1.and 2. F.S. and 163.3180, F.S. 12-7 Policy 5.2: The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) shall be established by the County, participating local governments, and the School District. The five member TAG will be comprised of a certified public accountant, a general contractor, a demographer, a business person, and a planner, nominated by their respective associations as indicated in the Interlocal Agreement to establish Public School Concurrency mentioned in Policy 5.1 above. The Technical Advisory Group shall review and make recommendations including but not limited to the following: 1. The Capital Facilities Plan; 2. The Ten and Twenty Year work programs; 3. Schools that trigger a School Capacity Study; 4. Concurrency Service Areas boundaries; 5. School District Management Reports; 6. Operation and effectiveness of the Concurrency Program; and 7. Program Evaluation Reports. Policy 5.3: The Village of North Palm Beach shall provide the School District with annual information needed to maintain school concurrency, including information required for the School District to establish: 1. School siting criteria; 2. Level of service update and maintenance; 3. Joint approval of the public school capital facilities program; 4. Concurrency service area criteria and standards; and 5. School utilization. Policy 5.4: The Village of North Palm Beach shall provide the School District with its Comprehensive Plan, along with the five-year land use and population projections, to facilitate development of school enrollment projections and shall annually update this 10 information. The Village of North Palm Beach shall coordinate its Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map with the School District's long range facilities maps (Ref: Table 42-4 12-2; Figures oc 3.1 and PS 32 12-1 and 12-2), to ensure consistency and compatibility with the provisions of this Element. Policy 5.5: The Village of North Palm Beach shall advise the School District of a proposed public school site's consistency with the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations, including the availability of necessary public infrastructure to support the development of the site. Policy 5.6: The Village of North Palm Beach shall provide opportunity for the School District to comment on comprehensive plan amendments, rezonings, and other land - use decisions which may be projected to impact on the public schools facilities plan. 12-8 Policy 5.7: The Village of North Palm Beach shall coordinate with local governments and the School District on emergency preparedness issues which may include consideration of: 1. Design and/or retrofit of public schools as emergency shelters; 2. Enhancing public awareness of evacuation zones, shelter locations, and evacuation routes; 2. Designation of sites other than public schools as long term shelters, to allow schools to resume normal operations following emergency events. OBJECTIVE 6: To establish a joint process of coordination and collaboration between the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County and the School District in the planning and decision making on population projections. Policy 6.1: The County shall convert the BEBR projections into both existing and new residential units and disaggregate these units throughout incorporated and unincorporated Palm Beach County into each CSA, using BEBR's annual estimates by municipality, persons -per -household figures, historic growth rates and development potential considering the adopted Future Land Use maps of all local government Comprehensive Plans. These projections are shown in Exhibit E of the Interlocal Agreement as "Projected Units Table" which shall be amended annually and provided to the School District, unless the interlocal agreement is amended accordingly. Policy 6.2: The Village of North Palm Beach commits to working with the School District and Palm Beach County to improve this methodology and enhance coordination with the plans of the School District and local governments. Population and student enrollment projections shall be revised annually to ensure that new residential development and redevelopment information provided by the municipalities and the County as well as changing demographic conditions are reflected in the updated projections. The revised projections and the variables utilized in making the projections shall be reviewed by all signatories through the Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review Committee (IPARC). Projections shall be especially revisited and refined with the results of the 2000 Census. The responsibilities of local governments and the School District on population projections are described in Section VIII -B of the Interlocal Agreement. Rev.: 7/09 12-9 C91t C....:I:... T...... 2000 of 200i 02 LWTtM SV VY-VJ YtlMJtlV 1-20 M �,,1� Middle R30 1-M ,,^ -I w High 1Ttl r �n *�W 1'n �11 tl 1' �tl 440t 414 4-�5 541-5 tYtl Cle.......... i-}8 3 Middle 130 130 1448 4-43 145 1-15 +1H Eleinen4aw 1445 1-40. 4 Middle 1-30 130 +18 1-FtQh 1-I S 113 1-43 4-48 €1€me k48 3 {+Riddle 130 130 1-45 1-40 High 433 133 130 -438 +±0 4sle� 4-18 Middle 130 130 1-28 140 Huh 128 4-28 1-28 1-40 4-}0 J Middle 130 130 123 1-45 1-40 High 4-?3 1-25 128 1-43 1-48 Elemeniaw 110 ', . 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Im 33 Middle 448 Hieh 14,0 iwde terna nphoBl5 ••^ -148 s 12-12 12-13 12-14 I=Mmmmmm 12-14 12-15 TABLE 42--3 12-1 Concurrency Service Area Boundaries The Palm Beach County School District is divided into twenty eae-three CSAs for school concurrency. The Palm Beach County School CSA boundaries, described in the following paragraphs, are bounded by Section lines, major traffic -ways, natural barriers and county boundaries consistent with Section 163.3180(13)(c)2.,F.S. Changes to the CSA boundaries shall be made by plan amendment and exempt from the limitation on the frequency of plan amendments. CSA Boundaries NORTH -The Martin / Palm Beach County Border SOUTH -Donald Ross Rd EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Florida's Turnpike CSA Boundaries #2 NORTH -The Martin / Palm Beach County Border SOUTH -Donald Ross Rd and the South Section Line of Sections (using T -R -S) 41-42-21, 41-42-20, 41-42-19, 41-41-24, and 41-41-23, then Southwest along the centerline of the C- 18 canal to the Bee Line Hwy EAST -Florida's Turnpike WEST -Bee Line Hwy CSA Boundaries #3 NORTH -Donald Ross Rd SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-43-10, 42-43-09, 42-43-08, 42-43-07, and 42-42-12, East of Military Trl, then South along Military Tri to Northlake Blvd, then West along Northlake Blvd to Florida's Turnpike EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Florida's Turnpike 12-16 CSA Boundaries #4 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 41-42-21, 41-42-20, 41-42-19, 41-41-24, and 41-41-23, then Southwest along the C-18 Canal to the Bee Line Hwy, then Northwest along the Bee Line Hwy until the intersection of Bee Line Hwy and the West Section Line of Section 41-41-18 SOUTH -Northlake Blvd West to Grapeview Blvd, North along Grapeview Blvd to the South Section Line of Section (using T -R -S) 42-41-08, then West along the South Section Line of Sections 42-41-08 and 42-41-07 EAST -Florida's Turnpike WEST -The West Section Line of (using T -R -S) 41-41-18 South of the Bee Line Hwy, and the West Section Lines of Sections 41-41-19, 41-41-30, 41-41-31, 42-41-06, and 42-41-07 CSA Boundaries #5 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-43-10, 42-43-09, 42-43-08, 42-43-07, and 42-42-12 West to Military Tri SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-43-34, 42-43-33, 42-43-32, 42-43-31, and 42-42-36 West to Military Trl EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Military Trl CSA Boundaries #6 NORTH -Northlake Blvd SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-42-36 West of Military Trl, 42-42-42-42-34, 42-42-33, 42-42-32, and 42-42-31 EAST -Military Trl WEST -The West Section Line of Sections 42-42-18, 42-42-19, 42-42-30, and 42-42-31 CSA Boundaries #7 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-43-34, 42-43-33, 42-43-32, 42-43-31, and 42-42-36 West to Military Trl SOUTH -The North Line of the South Half of Sections 43-43-23, 43-43-22, 43-43-21, 43-43- 20, 43-43-19, and 43-42-24 East of Military Trl EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Military Trl 12-17 CSA Boundaries #9 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 42-42-36 (West of Military Trl), 42-42-35, 42- 42-34, 42-42-33, 42-42-32, and 4242-31 SOUTH -The North Section Line of Sections 43-42-24 West of Military Trl, 43-42-23, 43-42- 22, 43-42-21, 43-42-20, and 43-42-19 EAST -Military Trl WEST -The West Section Line of Sections 43-42-06, 43-42-07, 43-42-18, and 43-42-19 North of the South Line of the North Half CSA Boundaries #10 NORTH -Northlake Blvd West to Grapeview Blvd, North along Grapeview Blvd, then West along the South Section Line of Sections 42-41-08, and 42-41-07, then South along the West Section Line of 42-41-18 until intersecting with the Canal generally delimiting the Northern extent of The Acreage and the Southern extent of the J. W. Corbett preserve, West along the centerline of the Canal through the center of Sections 42-40-13, 42-40-14, 42-40- 15, 42-40-17, and 42-40-18, then North along the East Section Line of Section 42-39-13 to the North Line of the South Half of Section 42-39-13, then West along the North Line of the South Half of Section 42-39-13 to the West Section Line of Section 42-39-13 SOUTH -Southern Blvd West of 441, West to the West Section Line of Section 43-40-33 EAST -The East Section Line of Sections 43-41-01, 43-41-12, 43-41-13, 43-41-24, 43-41- 25, and 4341-36 South to Southern Blvd WEST -The L-8 Canal South of the South Section Line of Section 42-40-31 and West of the West Section Line of Section 43-40-08, the West Section Line of Section 43-40-08 South of the L-8 Canal, the West Section Line of Sections 43-40-16, 43-40-21, 43-40-28, and 43-40- 33 South to Southern Blvd CSA Boundaries #11 NORTH -The North Line of the South Half of Sections 43-43-23, 43-43-22, 43-43-21, 43-43- 20, 43-43-19, and 43-42-24 East of Military Tri SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-43-02, 44-43-03, 44-43-04, 44-43-05, 44- 43-06, and 44-42-01 East of Military Tri EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Military Trl 12-18 CSA Boundaries #12 NORTH -The North Section Line of Sections 43-42-24 West of Military Trl, 43-42-23, 43-42- 22, 43-42-21, 43-42-20, and 43-42-19 SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-42-01 West of Military Trl, 44-42-02, 44-42- 03, 44-42-04, 44-42-05, and 44-42-06 EAST -Military Trl WEST -The West Section Line of Section 43-42-19 South of the North Line of the South Half, and State Rd 7 CSA Boundaries #14 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-43-02, 44-43-03, 44-43-04, 44-43-05, 44- 43-06, and 44-42-01 East of Military Trl SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-43-26, 44-43-27, 44-43-28, 44-43-29, 44- 43-30, and 44-42-25 East of Military Trl EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Military Trl CSA Boundaries #15 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-42-01 West of Military Trl, 44-42-02, 44-42- 03, 44-42-04, 44-42-05, and 44-42-06 SOUTH -The L-14 Canal EAST -Military Trl WEST -State Rd 7 CSA Boundaries #16 NORTH -Southern Blvd West of 441, West to the West Section Line of Section 43-40-33 SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-41-25, 44-41-26, 44-41-27, 44-41-28, 44- 41-29, and 44-41-30 East of the L-40 Canal EAST -U.S. Hwy 441 / State Rd 7 WEST -The L-40 Canal and the West Section Line of Section 43-40-33 South of Southern Blvd 12-19 CSA Boundaries #17 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 44-43-26, 44-43-27, 44-43-28, 44-43-29, 44- 43-30, 44-42-25, 44-42-26, and 44-42-27 East of Jog Rd SOUTH -The Boynton Canal EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -Jog Rd CSA Boundaries #18 NORTH -The L-14 Canal West to the Florida Turnpike, then North along the Turnpike to the South Section Line of Section 4441-29, then West along the South Section Line of Sections 44-42-30, 44-41-25, 44-41-26, 44-41-27, 44-41-28, 44-41-29 and 44-41-30 East of the L-40 Canal SOUTH -The Boynton Canal EAST - Jog Rd WEST -The L-40 Canal CSA Boundaries #19 NORTH -The Boynton Canal SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 46-43-03, 46-43-04, 46-43-05, 46-43-06, 46- 42-01, 46-42-02, 46-42-03, 46-42-04, 46-42-05, 46-42-06, State Rd 7 South to the South Section Line of Section 46-41-01, West along the South Section Line of Section 46-41-01 extended to the L-40 Canal EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -The L-40 Canal CSA Boundaries #20 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 46-43-03, 46-43-04, 46-43-05, 46-43-06, 46- 42-01, 4642-02, 46-42-03, 46-42-04, 46-42-05, 46-42-06, State Rd 7 South to the South Section Line of Section 46-41-01, West along the South Section Line of Section 46-41-01 extended to the L-40 Canal SOUTH -The South Section Line of Sections 46-43-28, 46-43-29, 46-43-30, 46-42-25, 46- 42-26, 46-42-27, 46-42-28, 46-42-29, 46-42-30, 46-41-25, and 46-42-26 East of the L-40 Canal, the portion of the line formed by these Section Lines West of 1-95 generally approximates the C-15 Canal EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -The L-40 Canal 12-20 CSA Boundaries #21 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 46-43-28, 46-43-29, 46-43-30, 46-42-25, 46- 42-26, 46-42-27, 46-42-28, 46-42-29, 46-42-30, 46-41-25, and 46-42-26 East of the L-40 Canal, the portion of the line formed by these Section Lines West of 1-95 generally approximates the C-15 Canal SOUTH -The Palm Beach / Broward County Border EAST -The Atlantic Ocean WEST -The L-40 and L-36 Canals CSA Boundaries #22 NORTH -The Martin / Palm Beach County Border SOUTH -The Palm Beach / Broward County Border EAST -From the Martin / Palm Beach County Border, the Bee Line Hwy South to the West Section Line of 41-41-18, the West Section Lines of Sections 41-41-18, 41-41-19, 41-41-30, 41-41-31, 42-41-06, 42-41-07, and 42-41-18 until intersecting with the Canal generally delimiting the Northern extent of The Acreage and the Southern extent of the J. W. Corbett preserve, West along the centerline of the Canal through the center of Sections 42-40-13, 42-40-14, 42-40-15, 42-40-17, and 42-40-18, then North along the East Section Line of Section 42-39-13 to the North Line of the South Half of Section 42-39-13, then West along the North Line of the South Half of Section 42-39-13 to the West Section Line of Section 42- 39-13, then South along The West Section Line of South Half of Section 42-39-13, The West Section Line of Section 42-39-24, 42-39-25, and 42-39-36 North of the L-8 Canal, the L-8 Canal South to the West Section Line of Section 43-40-08, then South along The West Section Lines of Sections 43-40-08 South of the L-8 Canal, 43-40-16, 43-40-21, 443-40-28, and 43-40-3 then South along the L-40 Canal and the L-36 Canal to the Palm Beach / Broward County Border. WEST -The Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee South to the South Section Line of Section (41- 37-22, East along the South Section Line of Sections 43-37-22, and 41-37-23, then South along the East Section Line of Sections 41-37-26, 41-37-35, 42-37-02, 42-37-11, 42-37-14, 42-37-23, 42-37-26, and 42-37-35, then West along the South Section Line of Section 42- 37-35 to the East Section Line of Section 43-37-02, then South along the East Section Line of Sections 43-37-02, 43-37-11, 43-37-14, 43-37-23, 43-37-26, and 43-37-35, then in a Southerly direction to the East Section Line of Section 44-37-02, then South along the East Section Line of Sections 44-37-02, 44-37-11, 44-37-14, and 44-37-23 to the L-16 Canal, then West along the L-16 Canal and the L-21 Canals, also referenced as the Bolles Canal, to the West Section Line of Section 44-35-34, then North along the West Section Line of Sections 44-35-34, 44-35-27, 44-35-22, 44-35-15, 44-35-10, 44-35-03, 43-35-34,and 43-35- 27 to the Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee, then Westerly along the Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee to the Palm Beach / Hendry County Border, South along the Palm Beach / Hendry County Border to the Palm Beach / Broward County Border 12-21 CSA Boundaries #23 NORTH -The South Section Line of Sections 43-37-22 East of Lake Okeechobee, and 41- 37-23 SOUTH -The L-16 and L-21 Canals, also referenced as the Bolles Canal EAST -The East Section Line of Sections 41-37-26, 41-37-35, 42-37-02, 42-37-11, 42-37- 14, 42-37-23, 42-37-26, and 42-37-35, then West along the South Section Line of Section 42-37-35 to the East Section Line of Section 43-37-02, then South along the East Section Lines of Sections 43-37-02, 43-37-11, 43-37-14, 43-37-23, 43-37-26, and 43-37-35, then in a Southerly direction to the East Section Line of Section 44-37-02, then South along the East Section Line of Sections 44-37-02, 44-37-11, 44-37-14, and 44-37-23 to the L-16 Canal WEST -The West Section Line of Sections (using T -R -S) 43-35-27 South of the Shoreline of Lake Okeechobee, 43-35-34, 44-35-03, 44-35-10, 44-35-15, 44-35-22, 44-35-27, and 44-35- 34 South to the L-21 or Bolles Canal TABLE 12 412-2 PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY MAP SERIES The followinq school concurrency data are exhibited on Maps 12-1 through 12-3 through 12-3: Figure No. Title Page PS1 1- 12-1 Concurrency Service Areas 12-27 PS 2.1 12-2 School Facility Locations 12-28 PS 3.1 12-3 Planned Additional Capacity Locations Shown For Confirmed Sites 12-29 PS 3.2 Planned AdditiGnal GapaGity Sshoo'. Without GGRfiFFned Sites 12 nn 12-22 PS i.i FIGURE 12-1 12-23 PS 2.1 FIGURE 12-2 12-24 Y Aorth Palm Beach PS 3A FIGURE 12-3 12-25 _North Palm Beach 12-26 12-27 12-28