Chapter 01-General Requirementsf7 (Existing Chapter 1.0 General Requirements is deleted in its entirety and replaced by Revised Chapter 1.0 General Requirements commencing on the following page) 1.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Chapter 163.3161 - 163.3197, Florida Statutes (Local' Government Comprehensive Planninq and Land Development Regulation Act) and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code (Minimum Criteria for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Plan Amendments) establish basic requirements for the format and content Df the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. 1.1 FLORIDA STATUTES Chapter 163.3164(4), Florida Statutes defines comprehensive plan as "... a plan that meets the reauirements of Sections 163.3177 and 163.3178". Section 163.3177 lists required conditions, studies, surveys and elements of the Comprehensive Plan, including: 1. Written and graphic material necessary to support the principles, guidelines and standards for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental and fiscal development of the area. 2. Elements of the comprehensive plan must be consistent with each other and the plan shall be economically feasible. 3. A capital improvements element, designed to consider the need for and the location of public facilities to encourage the efficient use of such facilities. 4. Coordination of the comprehensive plan with: (1) those of adjacent municipalities; (2) Palm Beach County; (3) Treasure Coast Regional Planninq; and (4) the State Comprehensive Plan. 5. Two Planninq periods, one covering at least the first 5 -year period following the plan's adoption and one covering at least a 10 -year period. 6. Policy recommendations for the implementation of the various elements of the comprehensive plan. 7. The following elements: Future Land Use; Transportation; Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge; Conservation; Recreation and Open Space; Housing; Coastal Management; Intergovernmental Coordination; Capital Improvements; and Public School Concurrency. Section 163.3.77(7)(k) allows a local government to include other pertinent elements to the comprehensive plan, upon recommendation by the Local Planninq Agency. Further, the followinq two provisions of Chapter 163 Florida Statutes are emphasized by the State: 1. North Palm Beach is charged with setting levels of service for public facilities in the comprehensive plan in accordance with which development must occur and permits will be issued; and 2. Public facilities and services needed to support development in North Palm Beach shall be available concurrent with the impacts of such development. 1.2 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Chapter 9J-5.005, Florida Administrative Code establishes the general requirements for a Comprehensive Plan. 1.2.1 Format Requirements The Village's comprehensive plan must ...consist of the items listed below. All other documentation may be considered as support documents. Support documents need not be adopted unless the local government desires to include them in the comprehensive plan. Background data, including studies surveys and analysis and inventory maps not adopted as part of the comprehensive plan must be available for public inspection while the comprehensive plan is being considered for adoption and while it is in effect. At a minimum, the Village's comprehensive plan must consist of the following minimum components: 1. Goals, objectives, and policies. 2. Requirements for capital improvements implementation. 3. Procedures for monitoring and evaluation of the plan. 4. Required maps showing future conditions. 5. A copy of the local comprehensive plan adoption ordinance. In addition to the above general content requirements the Village's comprehensive plan is required to include the following format components: 1. A table of contents. 2. Numbered pages. 3. Element headings. 4. Section headings within elements. 5. A list of included tables, maps, and figures. 6. Titles and sources for all included tables, maps, and figures. 7. A preparation date. 8. The name of the preparer. 1-2 1.2.2 Data and Analysis Requirements All goals, objectives, policies, standards, findings and conclusions within the Village's comprehensive plan and its support documents shall be based upon relevant and appropriate data. All tables, charts, graphs, maps, figures and data sources, and their limitations shall be clearly described. The Village is not required to collect original data; however, it is encouraged to uze any original data necessary to update or refine the comprehensive plan data base, as long as methodologies are professionally accepted. Data used shall be the best available, unless the Village desires original data or special studies. Where data augmentation, updates, or special studies or surveys are deemed necessary, appropriate methodologies shall be clearly described or referenced and shall meet professionally accepted standards for such methodologies. The comprehensive plan shall be based upon resident and seasonal population estimates and projections. Resident and seasonal population estimates and protections shall be either those provided by the University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, those provided by the Executive Office of the Governor, or shall be generated by the Village. 1.2.3 Level of Service Standard Requirements Level of service standards shall be established by the Village to ensure that adequate facility capacity is provided for future development and for the purposes of issuing development orders or permits. North Palm Beach shall establish a level of service standard for each public facility located within its boundary. 1.2.4 Internal Consistency Requirements Required comprehensive plan elements shall be consistent with each other. All elements shall follow the same general format. Where data are relevant to several elements, the same data shall be used, including population estimates and projections. Each map depicting future conditions must reflect goals, objectives, and policies within all elements and each such map must be contained within the comprehensive plan. 1.2.5 Plan Implementation Requirements Recognizing that the intent of the Legislature is that comprehensive plans are to be implemented, sections containing goals, objectives, and policies shall describe how North Palm Beach's programs, activities, and land development regulations will be initiated, modified or continued to implement the comprehensive plan in a consistent manner. 1-3 It is not the intent of Chapter 9J-5 to require the inclusion of implementing regulations in the Village's comprehensive plan, but rather to require the identification of programs activities, and land development regulations that will be part of the strategy for its implementation. 1.2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation Requirements For the purpose of evaluating and appraising its implementation the Village's comprehensive plan shall contain a section identifying the monitoring updating and evaluation procedures to be followed in preparing the required periodic evaluation and appraisal report (EAR). That section shall address: 1. Citizen participation in the process. 2.__Updating appropriate baseline data and measurable objectives to be accomplished in the first five-vear period of the plan, and for the long-term eriod. 3. Accomplishments in the first five-vear period, describing the degree to which the goals, objectives and policies have been successfully reached. 4. Obstacles or problems which resulted in the underachievement of goals objectives, or policies. 5. New or modified goals, objectives, or policies needed to correct discovered problems. 6. A means of ensuring continuous monitoring and evaluation of the plan during the ensuing five-vear period. 1.2.7 Procedural Requirements The Village's comprehensive plan shall be adopted and amended pursuant to the procedural requirements of Sections 163.3161-.3215, Florida Statutes including but not limited to the followinq: 1. The comprehensive plan shall be prepared, and periodically evaluated and amended in accordance with a schedule adopted by the Florida Department of Community Affairs. 2. Comprehensive plans shall be prepared in accordance with Section 163.3174 and Subsection 163.3167(4), Florida Statutes, relating to the Local Planning Agency (LPA). Proposed plans and amendments shall be considered at a public hearing with due public notice by the LPA prior to making its recommendation to the governing body. 1-4 3. Comprehensive plan amendments shall be considered and adopted in accordance with the procedures relating to public participation adopted by the Village and the LPA pursuant to Section 163.3181, Florida Statutes, and Section 9J-5.004 Florida Administrative Code. North Palm Beach shall submit with its transmittal, pursuant to Subsections 163.3167(2) and 163.3191, Florida Statutes, a copy of the procedures for public participation that have been adopted by the Village. 4. The comprehensive plan and any amendments shall be transmitted after formal action by the Village in accordance with the provisions of Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes, and any procedural rules adopted by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Subsection 163.3177(9), Florida Statutes. 5. With the exception of small-scale amendments. which may be submitted at any time, the comprehensive plan shall not be amended more than two times during any calendar year except in the case of amendments directly related to a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) pursuant to Sections 380.05, 380.061, and 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutes or in the case of any emergency pursuant to Section 163.3187(1)(a), Florida Statutes. The comprehensive plan and amendments shall be adopted by ordinance and only after the public hearings required by Section 163.3184(15)(b), Florida Statutes, have been conducted after the notice required by Sections 163.3184(15)(b) and (c), Florida Statutes. Upon adoption, North Palm Beach shall transmit to the Department of Community Affairs a copy of the ordinance and the required notices. 6. The comprehensive plan shall be periodically evaluated and updated as required by Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code. A copy of the adopted report required by Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, shall be transmitted to the Department prior to the time of transmittal of related amendments pursuant to Section 163.3191(4), Florida Statutes. 1.3 COMPONENTS OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan is structured to meet all of the statutory and rule requirements as defined in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 above. 1-5 1.3.1 Goals, Objectives and Policies The following sections of this document shall comprise the goals, objectives and policies component of the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan: ELEMENT SECTION FUTURE LAND USE 3.0 TRANSPORTATION 4.0 HOUSING 5.0 INFRASTRUCTURE 6.0 COASTAL MANAGEMENT 7.0 CONSERVATION &0 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE 9.0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION 10.0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 11.0 PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY 12.0 ANNEXATION (Optional Element) 13.0 1.3.2 Capital Improvements Implementation Sections 1.3.5 and 11.4 of this document shall comprise the capital improvements implementation component of the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. 1.3.3 Monitoring and Evaluation The intent of this section is to meet that portion of the general reauirements reaardin monitoring and evaluation procedures. Specifically, Chapter 9J-5-005(7) Florida Administrative Code, states: "Each element of the comprehensive plan shall contain procedures for monitoring, evaluating and appraising implementation of the plan. Specific measurable obiectives shall be included to provide a basis for evaluatina effectiveness as required by Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes." Section 163.3161, Florida Statutes requires that the Village's planning program be a continuous and ongoinq process. In order to institute the ongoinq process, Section 163.3161 requires that a formal Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) be prepared and submitted to the state each seven years. Requirements of the EAR process include a detailed evaluation and assessment of the comprehensive plan, including statements to direct the updating process, as well as the following specifics: 1-6 • A brief description of the process used to prepare and adopt the EAR. • A discussion of changes in population since the plan was adopted, or last amended. • Identification of the amount and location of vacant land and its suitability for development. • A discussion of the extent to which the community has been able to meet the demands of growth on its infrastructure, maintenance of level -of -service standards, concurrency management, and financial feasibility of the plan. • A discussion of whether development has located where it was anticipated in the plan. • An assessment of the success of coordinating land uses and school facilities planning_ • An evaluation of the plan with respect to the Water Management District's Lower East Coast Water Suaaly Facilities Plan. • An assessment of the successes or shortcomings of each element. 1.3.4 Citizen Participation When the Village begins the adoption or amendment process, it is required by State law that appropriate public hearings be held. Procedures presented in Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes are closely followed and adhered to at that time. As particular issues or matters of an expressed community concern arise, the Local Planning Agency (LPA) may hold additional public meetings or hearings, to address such concerns. Copies of public meeting legal notices are published pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Depending upon the detail and need for summaries, the LPA may decide if, and when, to prepare Executive Summaries of comprehensive plan amendments, elements and/or support documentation. 1.3.5 Monitoring and Evaluating Capital Improvements In addition to the general requirements for monitoring and evaluation procedures identified in Chapter 9J-5.005(7), Florida Administrative Code, it is further required that the Capital Improvements Element, and particularly the 5 -Year Schedule of Improvements, be reviewed on an annual basis. Therefore, the Village shall review the Capital Improvements element of the Comprehensive Plan each year to assess the need for amendments thereto. Each defined capital expenditure and/or project will be reviewed to determine its current status. Any capital project that has been completed will be reported as implemented. Those projects that have not been completed or have 1-7 been partially accomplished will be reassessed for current applicability. If determined to be a valid current concern, incomplete or unaccomplished capital improvements will be re -prioritized and rescheduled. Those projects that are no longer valid Village concerns will be deleted from the list of projected improvements. 1. 3.6 Maps Showing Future Conditions Required maps showing future conditions are included within the Goal, Objectives and Policies components of the various elements of the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. 1.3.7 Comprehensive Plan Adoption Ordinance The comprehensive plan adoption ordinance is included herein as Exhibit 1-1. Copies of legal notices, published pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes are on file with the North Palm Beach Villaae Clerk, 1.4 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION The balance of the statutory requirements not specifically cited in Sections 1.3.1 through 1.3.7 shall be considered as support documentation. These requirements are addressed in the 1989 Village of North Palm Comprehensive Development Plan document, and updated by the North Palm Beach Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR), dated May 1996 and 2007, the Water Supplv Facilities Plan, dated July 2008 the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor Study, dated 2008, the 2009 Support Documentation for the Capital Improvements Element update, and the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Support Documentation report. Support documentation that forms the basis for the Comprehensive Plan should be updated, as necessary, during the preparation of the annual review and update of the Capital Improvements Element and 5 -Year Schedule of Improvements, the EAR, special studies commissioned by the Village, or as part of the EAR -based comprehensive plan amendments. 1.5 PLANNING PERIOD According to Chapter 9J-5.005(4), Florida Administrative Code, the Village's comprehensive plan must include at least two planning periods; one for at least the first five-year period subsequent to the adoption and one for an overall ten-year period. On this basis, the following two required planning periods are utilized in the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan: Short-range — FY 2009 to 2013; and Long-term — FY 2014 to 2018. The Village is projected to be fully developed, with no remaining vacant land, during the short-range planning period, with the exceptions of future redevelopment or annexation activities. As a result, buildout impacts upon infrastructure and services, as projected in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) are fully accounted for in the short-range 1-8 planning period. This conclusion will be reassessed at the time each subsequent Evaluation and Appraisal Report is prepared, and in the event of any Future Land Use Map amendments or annexation activity_ 1.6 POPULATION PROJECTIONS Population projections for North Palm Beach were prepared during the 2006 EAR process. It was projected that buildout of the Village will occur during the 2009 — 2013 period. Based upon analysis in the EAR, it is projected that North Palm Beach will reach its buildout population potential of 13,091 permanent residents and 1,535 peak seasonal residents durinq the Short-range planning period (FY 2009 — 2013) of this Comprehensive Plan. 1-9 EXHIBIT 1-1 (Adoption Ordinance) Ordinance will be included herein upon second reading