Sect. 06 Infrastructure6.0 SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, POTABLE WATER AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE (INFRASTRUCTURE) 6.1 INTRODUCTION The Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water And Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge (Infrastructure) element is required to be included within the Comprehensive Plan per requirements of State Planning law and rule criteria. Specifically, Chapter 163.3177(6)(c), and Florida Statutes, establishes the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water And Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge element requirement and Chapter 9J-5.011 Florida Administrative Code, establishes minimum criteria to guide its preparation. A summary of the data, analysis and support documentation necessary to form the basis for the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water And Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge element Goal, Objectives and Policies is presented in the Village Of North Palm Beach Evaluation And Appraisal Report (1996), and Chapter 6 of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Comprehensive Plan Support Documentation report dated , 1999LVillage of North Palm Beach Evaluation and Appraisal Report dated 2007, Village of North Palm Beach Water Supply Facilities Work elft� Plan dated 2008, and the EAR -Based Amendment Support Documentation dated 2009. 6.2 VILLAGE GOAL STATEMENTS Existing and needed future public facilities shall be provided and maintained in a manner to: (1) provide consistent service levels throughout the Village; (2) protect public and private investments; (3) promote orderly, compact urban growth; and (4) assure the health, safety and welfare of Village residents. 6.2.1: Sanitary Sewer: Adequate sanitary sewer facilities shall be available to all residential and non-residential land uses in the Village. 6.2.2: Solid Waste: Adequate solid waste collection and disposal services and facilities shall be available to all residential and non-residential land uses in the Village. 6.2.3: Stormwater Management: Adequate Village -wide drainage and stormwater management facilities shall be available to all residential and non-residential land uses. 6.2.4: Potable Water: Adequate potable water supply facilities shall be available to all residential and non-residential land uses in the Village. 6-1 /0� 6.2.5: Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge: A safe and dependable supply of potable water shall be available to all residential and non-residential land uses in the Village. 6.2.6: Coordinate with Seacoast and Palm Beach County in the preparation of their Ten -Year Water Supply Work Plans, consistent with the directives of the Lower East Coast Water Supply Plan. 6.3 OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OBJECTIVE 1: Subsequent to the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Village shall require, through the land development approval process that, as a condition of the issuance of any development order or permit, public facilities and services which meet adopted level -of -service standards are available or assured to be available concurrent with the impacts of development. The latest point in the application process for the determination of concurrency is prior to the approval of a development order or permit which contains a specific plan for development, and which contains densities and/or intensities of development. Policy 1.1: Public facility level -of -service standards as displayed on Table 6-1 are hereby adopted, and shall be used as the basis for estimating the availability of capacity and demand generated by a proposed development. However, potable water level -of - service (LOS) standards used for Water Supply Facilities Planning purposes shall be consistent with those used by Seacoast Utility Authority. Further, coordinate with Seacoast Utility Authority in developing appropriate residential and non-residential LOS categories should they become necessary to better project future water supply needs. Policy 1.2: The Village Land Development Regulations shall continue to require that all development and/or redevelopment activities comply with concurrency criteria. Policy 1.3: The Public Services Department shall, in cooperation with public utility service providers, maintain procedures to update facility demand and capacity information, as development permits are issued. Policy 1.4: Village Land Development Regulations shall prohibit the installation of additional septic tank systems within the Village. Further, all new developments within the Urban Service Area shall be served by the central wastewater and potable water systems. The provisions of water and wastewater services within Planning Area 1 shall be governed by Policy 6.2 of the Capital Improvements Element. 6-2 /410\ Policy 1.5: Village Land Development regulations shall prohibit the installation of individual potable water or irrigation wells in Planning Area 5, west of Northlake, and Planning Area 7, south of Lighthouse Drive, due to proximity to the Zone 4 contour (Ref: Figure -3-9, FUTURE LAND USE element). TABLE 6-1 NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES LEVEL -OF -SERVICE (LOS) STANDARDS Facility Sanitary Sewer: * (Urban Service Area Only) Potable Water: * (Urban Service Area Only) Level -Of -Service Standard Average Day Generation Residential - 66 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential - 1,060 gallons/acre/day Maximum Day Generation Residential - 104 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential -1,721 gallons/acre/day Average Day Generation Residential - 99 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential -1,874 gallons/capita/day Maximum Day Generation Residential - 147 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential - 2,782 gallons/acre/day Storage Capacity Av. Daily Flow x 0.5 * - The above rates are to be used only as a planning guide for the Village. Actual determination of flow rates used as a basis for plant capacity, main extension and tax charges shall be negotiated by individual property owners and Seacoast Utility Authority by Developer's Agreement. 6-3 TABLE 6-1 (Continued) Facility Solid Waste: Drainage: (Interim LOS: Ref: Policy 2.1) Groundwater Recharae 6-4 Level -Of -Service Standard Average Generation Rate Residential: Single -Family - 0.926 tons/capita/yr. Multiple -Family - 0.58tons/capita/yr. Non -Residential: 6.0 tons/acre/year Design Storm 3 -Year frequency, 24 hour duration (one -day); Rainfall intensity curve, as established by the South Florida Water Mg. Dist. Impervious Area Residential Single-family - Main bldg. first floor area shall not exceed 40% of the total lot area. Multiple -family - Main bldg. first floor area shall not exceed 35% of the total site area. Non-residential_- Main bldg. first floor area shall not exceed a minimum of 35% of the total site area; however, specific district regulations as per the Village Zoning Code shall apply. to� OBJECTIVE 2: The Village shall maintain a five-year schedule of capital improvements needs, to be updated annually, in conformance with the Capital Improvements element. Capital improvements needs are defined as: (1) Those improvements necessary to correct existing deficiencies in order to maximize the use of existing facilities; or (2) those improvements necessary to meet projected future needs without encouraging urban sprawl. Policy 2.1: Existing deficiencies will be addressed by undertaking the following activities: Sanitary Sewer - Programming and financing of system improvements shall be the responsibility of Seacoast Utilities Authority. Solid Waste - No existing deficiencies identified. Stormwater Management - Maintain a program of annual inspections, on a Drainage Basin basis, as a means of monitoring the efficiency of the system. Assess the results of the annual program each five years to determine whether or not corrective action is needed. Potable Water Programming and financing of system improvements shall be the responsibility of Seacoast Utilities Authority. Groundwater Recharge - No existing deficiencies identified. Policy 2.2: A Capital Improvements Coordinating Committee headed by the Village Manager, shall be maintained for the purpose of evaluating and ranking capital improvement projects proposed for inclusion in the five-year schedule of needs. Policy 2.3: Proposed capital improvement projects will be evaluated and ranked according to the following priority level guidelines: Level One - Whether the project is needed to: (a) protect public health and safety in order to fulfill the Village's legal commitment to provide facilities and services; and (b) to preserve or achieve full use or efficiency of existing facilities. Level Two - Whether the project: (a) prevents or reduces future improvement costs; or (b) provides services to developed areas currently lacking full service or promotes in -fill development. Level Three - Whether the project represents a logical extension of facilities and services within a designated Village Planning Area. 6-5 W &� OBJECTIVE 3: The Village of North Palm Beach shall continue to provide solid waste collection and drainage services at current levels -of -service to meet existing and projected future demands. Policy 3.1: The basic solid waste collection service policy shall consist of the following components: 1. Maintain the current level of collection service for the residents of the Village. 2. Annually review the need for a contractual agreement for the collection of wastes from commercial establishments presently provided by private haulers in order to assure uninterrupted service and the maintenance of sanitary conditions. 3. Periodically, enlist the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County to analyze the efficiency of collection routes in the North Palm Beach area. 4. Maintain a public information service in order to keep the citizens of the Village aware of collection schedules and placement of refuse containers, yard clippings, and other special wastes for collection. 5. Through an annual review, associated with the yearly budget process, maintain a collection system that best serves the residents of North Palm Beach. 6. Maintain regulations which should address, but not be limited to, the location of containers and other solid waste to be collected, requirements of residents to place solid waste for collection at a reasonably determined time prior to collection, and the enforcement of said regulations to avoid potential health hazards from solid waste being scattered about. 7. Maintain an annual service program of all vehicles and equipment used in the collection service in order to minimize breakdown which may result in interruptions to service schedules. Policy 3.2: The basic drainage policy shall consist of the following Village responsibilities: 1. Continue annual, routine maintenance of catch basins and conduits. 2. Maintain design criteria within the subdivision ordinance to regulate swale plantings so that their design and function is not compromised. 3. Continue solid trash removal from dead end waterways. 6-6 (ONN 4. Continue regulation of maintenance dredging of waterways through permitting processes. 5. Encourage appropriate land use activities in flood prone areas by implementing the Flood Protection Ordinance. 6. Protect the environmentally sensitive areas defined on Figure 3-13A, Future Land Use element, by limiting post -development runoff rates for stormwater exiting the area to pre -development levels. 7. Continue to require the use of the following water quality Best Management Practices (BMPs): Grass swales; vegetative cover; diversion/retention; erosion control; on-site retention; and catch basin cleaning. 8. Maintain regulations within the Village Land Development regulations to require use of such techniques as vegetation, mulches and berms for the control of pollutants from construction sites. 9. Maintain regulations within the Village Land Development regulations to require: (1) Maintenance of flood protection levels provided by natural drainage features; and (2) implementation of Chapter 17-25 (Regulation of Stormwater /OftN Discharge), Florida Administrative Code. 10. Within the 5 -year planning period the Village shall endeavor to maintain current pollutant levels at all outfalls within its jurisdiction as part of the "Wet Weather" sampling program regulations of the NPDES stormwater permitting process. 11. Within the 5 -year planning period the Village shall endeavor to maintain levels of pollutants at all dry weather sampling areas (i.e. areas with three days of no rain) as part of its "Dry Weather" sampling program regulations of the NPDES stormwater permitting process. 12. The Village shall establish water quality standards consistent with the timing of NPDES permit program requirements. OBJECTIVE 4: The Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority shall continue to provide solid waste disposal services to the Village of North Palm Beach to meet existing and projected future demands. 6-7 /Amk\ Policy 4.1: Maintain a liaison with the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County in order to ensure the Village's input to the management of established landfill sites and the purchase/development of any future landfill sites, or other alternative manner of solid waste disposal. Policy 4.2: Annually, in conjunction with the yearly budget process, evaluate the Village's resource recovery program (i.e. paper collection) to determine whether expansion of the program is economically feasible. Policy 4.3: Encourage the community to become involved in a local resource recovery program by providing information for this cause. Policy 4.4: The Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority shall be responsible for financing needed transfer and disposal facilities to serve the Village. OBJECTIVE 5: Seacoast Utilities Authority shall continue to own, operate and maintain sanitary sewer and potable water facilities to meet existing demands and coordinate and administer the extension of, or increase in, the capacity of facilities to meet future needs within the Village of North Palm Beach. Policy 5.1: The Village shall assure continued service for the residents of the Village /"°N by requiring property owners to execute a Developer's Agreement with Seacoast Utilities Authority prior to issuing a Development Order. Policy 5.2: Annually monitor rate structures by participating on the Authority Governing Board, so that the lowest possible cost results to Village users. Policy 5.3: The Village shall maintain a high level of coordination with the Authority, by participating upon its Governing Board, as regards the provision, maintenance and operation of the sanitary sewer and potable water supply systems including the programming and financing of capital improvements. Policy 5.4: The use of existing properly constructed and functioning septic tank systems within the Village is acceptable; however, when analysis indicates that septic tank systems are adversely impacting the environment based upon the application of state water quality standards (i.e. Chapter 62-302, F.A.C. for surface water, Chapter 62- 520, F.A.C. for groundwater, and Chapter 100-6, F.A.C. for bathing places), and that public health standards are compromised, septic tank systems causing or contributing to the situation shall be repaired or replaced. /"'t\ /4� Policy 5.5: When central sanitary sewer service becomes available to currently unsewered areas, and existing septic tank systems fail to meet state water quality standards and/or endanger the public health, connection to the central system shall be required. Policy 5.6: The Village of North Palm Beach hereby adopts the 2015 — 2025 Ten Year Water Supply Plan Update (Work Plan) dated July 2015 for a planning period of ten years. The Work Plan addresses issues that pertain to water supply facilities and requirements needed to serve current and future development within the Village's water service area. The Village shall review and update the Work Plan at least each five years after the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District approves an updated regional water supply plan. Any changes affecting the Village's Work Plan shall be included in an update to Capital Improvements Element of the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan to ensure consistency with the Work Plan. OBJECTIVE 6: Village stormwater drainage regulations, incorporated within the Subdivision Regulations Ordinance, shall provide for protection of natural drainage features and ensure that future development utilizes stormwater management systems in a manner to protect the functions of recharge areas and natural drainage features. Policy 6.1: Limit post -development runoff rates and volumes to pre -development /Oft#� conditions consistent with Chapter 40-E, Florida Administrative Code and preserve existing natural drainage features. Policy 6.2—Village Land Development Regulations shall require the protection and preservation of water quality by use of construction site Best Management Practices (BMP's) and the incorporation of techniques such as on-site retention, use of pervious surfaces and native vegetation. OBJECTIVE 7: The Village shall continue to actively participate in potable water conservation programs both on an ongoing and an emergency basis. Policy 7.1: The Village shall implement and enforce Water Shortage Emergency Provisions, established under Chapter 40E-21, Florida Administrative Code, upon declaration of a water shortage emergency by the South Florida Water Management District. Policy 7.2: Xeriscape Landscaping practices shall maintained within the Village Land Development Regulations as a means of minimizing future irrigation water needs. Policy 7.3: By implementing the Plumbing Code, the Village shall require the use of low volume fixtures. 6-9 /anbN Policy 7.4: As a means of conserving potable water resources, the Village shall continue to use surface water from the C-18 canal to irrigate the following areas: Parks and recreational areas; municipal areas; median strips along U.S. Highway No. 1 and Northlake Boulevard; and the North Palm Beach Country Club. 6-10