Sect. 04 Transportation
The Transportation element is required to be included within the Comprehensive Plan
per requirements of State planning law and rule criteria. Specifically, Chapter
163.3177(6) (j), Florida Statutes, establishes the Transportation element requirement
and Chapter 9J-5. .019 Florida Administrative Code, establishes minimum criteria to
guide its preparation.
A summary of the data, analysis and support documentation necessary to form the
basis for Transportation goal, objectives and policies is presented in the Village Of
North Palm Beach Evaluation And Appraisal Report (1996), and Chapter 4 of the Village
of North Palm Beach, Florida Comprehensive Plan Support Documentation report dated
1999, Village of North Palm Beach Evaluation and Appraisal Report dated 2007, and
the EAR-Based Amendment Support Documentation dated 2009.
A safe, convenient and efficient motorized and non-motorized transportation system
shall be available to all residents and visitors to the Village.
OBJECTIVE 1: Existing roadway deficiencies will be corrected by implementing the
following projects:
1. Parker Bridge repairs and rehabilitation (MPO #4212971 and 4124921);
2. Northlake Boulevard safety project (MPO #430151);
3. Resurfacing of U.S. Highway No. 1, from north of the Parker Bridge to SR 706
(MPO #4229641); and
4. Resurfacing of A-1-A and replacement of the Burnt Bridge (MPO #4190191,
4312971, 4229841, and 4202351).
All of the above improvements are scheduled for implementation by Palm Beach County
in the FY 2010 - 2014 Five-Year Transportation Improvement Program.
Policy 1.1: Village roadways shall be functionally classified based upon the Florida
Functional Highway Classification System, as follows:
a. County Road A-1-A - Urban Collector
b. Prosperity Farms Road - Urban Collector
c. Lighthouse Drive – Urban Collector
d. U.S. Highway 1 – Urban Minor Arterial
e. Northlake Boulevard – Urban Minor Arterial
f. Alternate A-1-A – Urban Minor Arterial
Further, in order to maintain the residential character of the Village, Lighthouse Drive
and all roadways not identified above shall be maintained as two-lane local roadways.
Policy 1.2: Consistent with the adopted Palm Beach County traffic performance
standards, the Village shall maintain a peak hour Level-Of-Service (LOS) standard of
"D" for all Arterial and Collector roadways within the corporate limits, consistent with
Article 12, Chapter B of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code (Ref:
Table 4-1). with these exceptions:
• Prosperity Farms Road between Northlake Boulevard and Burns Road, which is
designated as a Constrained Roadway at a Lower Level of Service (CRALLS) facility
(see Figure 4-5, Policies 1.3 and 1.4, and Table 11-1).
• Transportation concurrency exception area(s) that are designated in the
comprehensive plans of the Village of North Palm Beach and Palm Beach County.
Policy 1.3: The Village of North Palm Beach finds the following is a constrained facility,
and development orders shall be evaluated using the following specific level of service
standards, instead of the general level of service standards listed in Policy 1.2.
a. Prosperity Farms Road, between Northlake Boulevard and Burns Road is
hereby designated as a Constrained Roadway at a Lower Level of Service.
Policy 1.4: Before Prosperity Farms Road, between Northlake Boulevard and Burns
Road may be constructed as a 4 or 5 lane facility:
a. The CRALLS volumes (Ref: Table 11-1) on this segment shall be reached; and
b. The parallel segment of Alternate A1A shall be a 6-lane facility and shall operate
below its adopted level-of-service; or
c. The parallel segment of U.S. Highway No. 1 shall operate below its adopted level-of-
Policy 1.5: The Village shall annually evaluate the need for roadway improvements to:
(1) maintain level-of-service standards; and (2) to implement measures to reduce
accident frequency.
OBJECTIVE 2: Projected transportation system needs through the year 2014 will be
met by implementing the following projects (Reserved for future transportation system
improvements, as needed):
1. Reserved.
Further, the Village shall maintain its annual program of resurfacing local streets.
Policy 2.1: The Village shall enforce traffic performance standards by incorporating
level-of-service (LOS) standards within the North Palm Beach Land Development
Regulations consistent with Policy 5.2 of the Capital Improvements element.
Policy 2.2: The Village shall review all proposed development for consistency with
Policy 2.1 and coordinate with the agencies responsible for implementing road
improvements to assure that roadways are in compliance with the LOS standards.
Policy 2.3: The Village shall request that Palm Beach County evaluate the effects of the
improvements to SR A1A (Alt.) on traffic volumes on Prosperity Farms Road prior to the
time that the conditions of Policy 1.4 are met.
OBJECTIVE 3: The provision of motorized and non-motorized vehicle parking and the
provision of bicycle and pedestrian ways will be regulated.
Policy 3.1: Village regulations shall be maintained that prohibit on-street parking on all
arterial and collector roads.
Policy 3.2: During the land development approval process, the Village shall review all
proposed development for its accommodation of bicycle and pedestrian traffic needs.
OBJECTIVE 4: The Village shall continue to provide an energy efficient, multi-model
transportation system that is efficiently managed and which circulates traffic safely and
conveniently and which separates motorized and non-motorized transportation modes.
Policy 4.1: The Village Public Safety Department shall prepare accident frequency
reports for all collector and arterial roads periodically, and on an “as needed” basis.
Based upon the results, the Village shall consider the need for additional road
improvements or traffic control devices to reduce the frequency of accidents.
Policy 4.2: The Village shall support and coordinate with Palm Beach County to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by promoting alternative modes of transportation.
Policy 4.3: Village Land Development Regulations shall require that, as development
occurs, sidewalks be constructed along all publicly maintained roads. Further, the
construction of sidewalks shall be the responsibility of the developer.
Policy 4.4: The Village shall coordinate transportation demand strategies with land use
strategies by requiring that facilities for bicycles and pedestrians are provided for in
future development and redevelopment proposals and these requirements be made a
part of the site plan review process.
Policy 4.5: The Village shall work with the MPO toward reducing per capita vehicle
miles traveled (VMT) and discourage single occupant vehicle trips, recognizing that
these programs assist in reducing the overall air quality emissions. This can be
accomplished through municipal representation on the MPO and providing for Tri-Rail,
alternative fuels, ride sharing, alternative work hour programs, public transit, parking
management and other transportation control measures that are being continually
developed as part of a Countywide effort.
Policy 4.6: The Village shall consider intermodal terminals and access to intermodal
facilities, where applicable, in its assessment of future transportation needs.
Policy 4.7: Support Transportation Systems Management (TSM) strategies that include
optimization of traffic signal systems, turning lanes, ride sharing and other innovative
transportation system management activities that are implemented by the appropriate
agencies within Palm Beach County.
Policy 4.8: The Village shall strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing
traffic congestion and air pollution by cooperating with Palm Beach County in
developing improved transit alternatives.
Policy 4.9: The Village shall ensure that new developments and redevelopment along
major transportation corridors are transit-ready.
OBJECTIVE 5: Transportation planning will be coordinated with the FDOT Five-Year
Transportation Plan, transportation plans of the Palm Beach County MPO, and Palm
Tran, and comprehensive plans of neighboring jurisdictions.
Policy 5.1: The Village Public Services Department shall review future updates of the
FDOT Five-Year Transportation Plan and coordinate with the Palm Beach County
Metropolitan Planning Organization and Palm Tran in order to update or modify this
element, if necessary.
Policy 5.2: The Village shall continue to review for compatibility with this element, the
traffic circulation plans and programs for of the County and neighboring municipalities
as they become available.
OBJECTIVE 6: The Village shall preserve all currently designated rights-of-way (i.e.
federal, state, county and municipal) within the Village by requiring all yard setbacks to
commence from said rights-of-way lines.
Policy 6.1: The Village Land Development Regulations shall contain language (i.e.
setback requirements and dedications) oriented to preserving currently designated
OBJECTIVE 7: Continue current high level of roadway maintenance.
Policy 7.1: The Village shall annually program maintenance and repair efforts on local
streets, as determined by the Public Services Department.
Policy 7.2: The Village will provide for emergency maintenance and repair funding, on
an as-needed basis, in the annual budget process. Further, all potholes shall be
repaired within 14 days of being identified.
Policy 7.3: The Village program of road maintenance and repair shall result in the
resurfacing of all locally maintained streets as conditions warrant.
OBJECTIVE 8: Continue to insure adequate traffic circulation and access to new
developments by requiring adherence to Florida Department of Transportation design
Policy 8.1: The Village shall strictly enforce subdivision and zoning regulations, which
currently provide for safe and convenient traffic flow, during the plan review and
implementation process.
Policy 8.2: The Village shall discourage excessive curb cuts including the control of the
connections and access points of driveways and roads to roadways on arterial and
major collector streets by conforming to Florida Department of Transportation design
specifications during the land development approval process.
OBJECTIVE 9: Maintain adequate public transportation systems for residents of North
Palm Beach.
Policy 9.1: The Village shall, when an identified need exists, request that Palm Beach
County Palm Tran review bus schedules and stops within the Village to determine the
need for additional service, including the need for shuttle bus service to serve John D.
MacArthur Beach State Park.
Policy 9.2: The Village supports the development of the Tri-County Rail System on a
self-supporting basis.
Policy 9.3: Encourage development activities which promote public transportation,
within developing areas, as well as in redevelopment areas.
Policy 9.4: Require building and site design guidelines that assure accessibility to
existing and potential future public transit routes.
OBJECTIVE 10: Encourage the use and provision of mass transit facilities in Palm
Beach County by supporting Palm Beach County’s efforts established in the
Transportation Element of their Comprehensive Plan by implementing the following
Policy 10.1: The Village shall work with the County and support the efforts of the
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), through municipal representation on the
MPO, to increase the efficient use of mass transit services in the County through: (1)
The modification of existing routes, (2) increase of service in areas with a high
propensity for transit use, and (3) increase in service to the coastal communities,
including North Palm Beach.
Policy 10.2: The Village supports the County’s effort, through municipal representation
on the MPO, to declare guidelines by the year 2000 to improve design and functionality
of transit stations/stops. Attention should be given to the relationship between the
location of stations/stops and the character of the surrounding area, and how they
promote use by pedestrians. Design should include transit user amenities, sidewalks,
and bicycle paths that link activity nodes.
Policy 10.3: The Village shall support the efforts of the MPO to investigate the use of
transit services to promote efficient development patterns by increasing service in the
coastal communities, including North Palm Beach.
Policy 10.4: The Village shall support the County’s effort to encourage additional Palm
Tran bus routes to serve new development.
Policy 10.5: The Village shall support the efforts of the MPO to promote the use of rail
modes in order to create a more efficient countywide transportation system.
Policy 10.6: The Village shall support efforts of FDOT, to the extent possible, in
securing Federal, State and County funds for continued expansion of the South Florida
Rail Corridor.
OBJECTIVE 11: Encourage Palm Beach County, through Palm Tran, to provide public
paratransit services to eligible persons who qualify under the “Americans with
Disabilities Act” (ADA).
Policy 11.1: The Village shall support efforts of Palm Tran to maintain an adequate fleet
of sedans, vans, and min-buses for individuals who qualify for ADA paratransit.
OBJECTIVE 12: Support the coordination responsibilities of the MPO regarding the
provision of services to transportation disadvantaged persons pursuant to Chapter 427,
Florida Statutes.
Policy 12.1: Support the programs of the MPO to provide service to qualified
individuals, including the coordination of provider organizations, and management of
transportation system operators.
Policy 12.2: Support the MPO, designated Community Transportation Coordinator, in
its efforts to integrate the use of public school transportation with public fixed route or
fixed schedule transit service in order to better meet the needs of the transportation
Policy 12.3: Encourage Palm Beach County, through the MPO, to coordinate with the
School Board to assist in providing vehicles for the transportation disadvantaged,
provided that vehicles are not being used to transport students (per Chapter 427,
Florida Statutes).
OBJECTIVE 13: The Village shall promote the increased use of the bicycles and
walking as viable alternate means of transportation.
Policy 13.1: The need for bikeways shall be given full consideration in the planning of
Village transportation facilities, including site plan review of development activities.
Policy 13.2: The Village shall determine the need for additional pedestrian and bicycle
linkages between residential and non-residential land uses, as part of its annual capital
improvements programming activities.
Policy 13.3: The Village shall require that the design of mixed use developments, per
Special Policy 5.2 of the Future Land Use element, to be of a pedestrian scale and
design by incorporating transit stops and bicycle and sidewalk connections.
Policy 13.4: The Village shall require all new mixed-use development, per Special
Policy 5.2 of the Future Land Use element, or redevelopment proposals to include the
consideration of interconnection to adjacent uses.
Policy 13.5: The Village shall review the recommendations of the MPO’s Long Range
Bicycle Facilities Concept Plan and implement appropriate recommendations as
alternative means of transportation.
Policy 13.6: The Village shall work toward increased mobility by providing for bicycle
paths where appropriate, and sidewalks in new development and redevelopment areas.
Policy 13.7: Pending a determination of need by Palm Tran, redevelopment proposals
shall provide for public transit access. Further, such proposals, when feasible, shall
provide for connectivity among developments, and additional opportunities for
pedestrian and bicycle access from adjacent residential neighborhoods.
OBJECTIVE 14: The Village shall coordinate plans and programs with land use and
transportation planning entities in adjacent jurisdictions on a continuing basis.
Policy 14.1: The Village shall continue to participate and utilize intergovernmental
programs, such as the Countywide Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review
Committee (IPARC) and the Mutli-Jurisdictional Issues Forum, to implement the goal,
objective and policies of the Village’s Transportation element.
Policy 14.2: To ensure the availability of adequate regional transportation facilities, the
Village’s development activities shall be coordinated with adjacent local governments.
Policy 14.3: The Village shall continue to coordinate with FDOT, MPO, DCA, Treasure
Coast Regional Planning Council, and the Governor’s Commission for a Sustainable
South Florida, and other municipalities to promote sustainable transportation principles
within Palm Beach County.
The Village Future Road System Map is displayed on Figure 4-1. The public transit
system, consisting of designated bus routes, and bus stops, is illustrated on Figure 4-2.
Designated Palm Beach County Bikeway Corridors are illustrated on Figure 4-3.
Designated local and regional transportation facilities within the Village critical to the
evacuation of coastal population prior to an impending natural disaster are illustrated on
Figure 4-4. The Prosperity Farms Road CRALLS designation is illustrated on Figure 4-
5. The following are not currently located within the Village, nor are they planned:
1. Limited and controlled access facilities;
2. Parking facilities that are required to achieve mobility goals;
3. Public Transit rights-of-way, or exclusive public transit corridors;
4. Transportation concurrency management areas, pursuant to Chapter 9J-5
5. Transportation concurrency exception areas, pursuant to Chapter 9J-5
6. Port Facilities;
7. Airport facilities, including clear zones, and obstructions; and
8. Intermodal terminals.
Lanes/Type ADT Peak-Hour 2-Way Peak Season, Peak-hour, Peak Direction
Class 1 Class 11
2/undivided 12,300 1,170 690 650
2/one-way 19,600 1,870 2,230 2,050
3/two-way 15,400 1,460 860 810
3/one-way 29,500 2,810 3,350 3,080
4/undivided 24,500 2,330 1,400 1,280
4/divided 32,700 3,110 1,860 1,710
5/two-way 32,700 3,110 1,860 1,710
6/Divided 49,200 4,680 2,790 2,570
Source: Table 12.B.2.C-1 1A – Link Service Volumes, Palm Beach County ULDC.