Sect. 13 B Future Land Use Map AmendmentsAPPENDIX B FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENTS 2010 - 2015 M j Palm ,Worth 1 i k a4c llavc r 7North Palm Beack f��� �s��r� 1�� 1� in, I� , �A.Ilffiill l Riverside Dr ,v Future Land Use Designations t- LDR Low Density Residential LR -3 PBC Low Residential, 3 units per acre 71 $ #r HR -8 PBC High Residential, 8 units per acre - CL -0/3 PBC Commercial Low Office, with an FExIsbng —y - underlying LR -3 Urr PBC Utilities 8 Transportation R..im. Dee, Mica° Village of North Palm Beach CmYcf Jemn DemmecFLWh PdmM.:NPaFLJ_P...163]am.d amus1FL334 8Savicea'1.Yitl ReaeaM Malgemnl, INL. e:dm, le, BatA, F�33408 rnu e.nM,emo.>innm.e. Sven. Phone l'-611 841 -3380 d y 17 Orth Pati a each