Sect. 13 A Future Land Use AtlasFY 2018
Village of North Falai Beach Florida
I Ordinance: I Date: I
Village of North Palm Beach
Future Land Use Atlas (FLUA)
Table Of Contents
Section Pape'
Exhibit 1 — Planning Area Map Key.................................................................................1
Table 1 -- Land Use Classification System...................................................................... 2
FLUA Map 1 - Future Land Use Planning Area 1 ............................................................ 3
FLUA Map 2 - Future Land Use Planning Area 2 ............................................................ 4
FLUA Map 3A - Future Land Use Planning Area 3A ....................................................... 5
FLUA Map 313 - Future Land Use Planning Area 313 ....................................................... 6
FLUA Map 3C - Future Land Use Planning Area 3C ....................................................... 7
FLUA Map 4A - Future Land Use Planning Area 4A ...................................................... 8
i"O'\ FLUA Map 413 - Future Land Use Planning Area 413 ...................................................... 9
FLUA Map 5 - Future Land Use Planning Area 5 ..........................................................10
FLUA Map 6A - Future Land Use Planning Area 6A .....................................................11
FLUA Map 613 - Future Land Use Planning Area 613 .....................................................12
FLUA Map 7 — Future Land Use Planning Area 7 .........................................................13
For purposes of the Comprehensive Plan, the following land use classifications, which are applicable to
North Palm Beach, are used to describe existing land uses in the Village The classifications are
consistent with those defined in Chapter 9,15,F.A.C. and concurrent with the Village's perception of use
Residential: Land uses and activities within land areas used predominantly_ for housing and excluding
all tourist accommodations.
Commercial: Land uses and activities within land areas which are predominantly related to the sale
rental and distribution of products and the provision or performance of services
Light Industrial/Business: Land uses which are predominantly related to providing office flex, light
industrial and warehouse space for the purposes of light manufacturing assembly and processing of
products, office uses, research and development, and wholesale distribution and storage of products In
addition, commercial uses that serve the projected workforce and neighboring residential populations and
which encourage internal automobile trip capture may also be permitted."
RecreationlOnen Space: Land uses and activities within land areas where recreation occurs and lands
are either developed or vacant and concerned with active or passive recreational use
Conservation/Open Space: Land uses and activities within land areas "designated" for the primary
purpose of conserving or protecting natural resources or environmental quality, and includes areas
designated for such purposes, or combinations thereof, as primary recreation flood control protection of
quality or quantity of -ground water or surface water, flood plain management. fisheries management
and/or protection of vegetative community or wildlife habitats. Permitted land uses shall include single-
f°"� family units.
Public Buildings & Grounds: Lands and structures that are owned, leased, or operated by a
government entity, such as libraries, police stations, fire stations post offices, government administration
buildings, and areas used for associated storage of vehicles and eauipment Also lands and structures
owned or operated by a private entity and used for a public purpose such as a privately held but publically
regulated utility.
Educational: Land use activities and facilities of public or private primary or secondary schools
vocational and technical schools, and colle-ges and universities licensed by the Florida Department of
Education, including the areas of buildings, campus open space dormitories recreational facilities or
Other Public Facilities: Land uses and activities within land areas_ concerned with other public or private
facilities and institutions such as churches, clubs, fraternal organizations homes for the aged and infirm_
and other similar uses.
Transportation: Land areas and uses devoted to the movement of goods and people including streets
and associated rights-of-way.
Water: All areas covered by water or any ri-ght-of-wav for the purpose of convevina or storina water.
SOURCE: Florida Administrative Code; LRM, Inc.; NPBCP Amendment 09-1.
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