Sect. 13 Annexation�Q
The Annexation element is not required by the Florida Legislature. However, Chapter
163.3177, (7) (k), Florida Statutes permits a local government to include additional
elements, which are deemed necessary by the local government, upon
recommendation of the Local Planning Agency (LPA). The Village Planning
Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency (LPA), as part of the Evaluation and
Appraisal Report (EAR) process, recommended that an optional Annexation Element be
added to the Comprehensive Plan.
A summary of the data, analysis and support documentation necessary to form the
basis for the Annexation goal, objectives and policies is presented in Chapter 1: Major
Issues Analysis of the 2006 Village of North Palm Beach Evaluation And Appraisal
Annex areas through a process that considers the effects upon public services, as well
as benefits to the Village as a whole, and ensures that development within the annexed
area is consistent with the North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan.
Objective: 13.1 The North Palm Beach Annexation Area shall be within officially
designated geographic boundaries as established by the Village Council.
Policy: 13.1.1 The North Palm Beach Annexation Area shall consist of the area defined
on Figure 13-1. The Annexation Area defines the area in which the Village of North
Palm Beach shall actively pursue annexation actions.
Policy 13.1.2 North Palm Beach Target Annexation Areas are depicted on Figure 13-2.
Target Areas shall be used as the basis to define specific Village annexation policies
and programs.
Policy: 13.1.3 Avoid the creation of an "enclave" or "pocket" of unincorporated area
when annexing parcels of land; however, an annexation may occur if it is determined by
Palm Beach County that a reduction of an "enclave" or "pocket" would occur as a result
of an annexation.
Objective 13.2 Annex areas within the designated Annexation Area that can be
economically provided with municipal services and will serve to enhance the Village's
fiscal condition.
Policy: 13.2.1 At the discretion of the Village Manager, an applicant for annexation may
be required to provide a fiscal impact analysis statement demonstrating that such
annexation is fiscally responsible and in the best interests of North Palm Beach.
Policy: 13.2.2 Implement plans for the extension of community facilities at the time
annexed areas are developed. Upon a determination that improvements are necessary,
the Village shall amend the Five -Year Schedule of Improvements, including a funding
source, to program any improvements necessary to maintain adopted level -of -service
Objective 13.3 Utilize the range of annexation options available to the Village under
Florida law, including voluntary and involuntary alternatives, as appropriate, in order to
maintain the integrity of existing neighborhoods, and promote logical municipal service
Policy 13.3.1 Should annexation of residential properties occur in the area west of
/004� Ellison Wilson Road, in Target Area 2, an RM- Medium Density Residential Future Land
Use Map designation shall be applied.
Policy 13.3.2 Coordinate with Palm Beach Gardens to de -annex the Ellison Wilson
Road right-of-way and "flag lot" located in Target Area 2b from the City so that they may
be incorporated, via annexation, within North Palm Beach.
Objective: 13.4 The Village shall encourage economic growth by diversifying the
property tax base through annexation.
Policy 13.4.1 Encourage the annexation of appropriately located areas that will
increase the Village's supply of commercial land.
Policy 13.4.2 Add to the land use diversity of North Palm Beach by incorporating light
industrial/business land uses through annexation in Target Area 4b, in the area west of
the Florida East Coast (FEC) Railroad right-of-way. At the time of annexation of
properties in Target Area 4b, a Light Industrial/Business land use category, per Table 3-
1 of the Future Land Use Element shall be among those considered.
�4 �
Further, related density and intensity standards for the Light Industrial/Business land
use category shall be incorporated within Policy 1.A.4 of the Future Land Use Element.
Objective: 13.5 The following procedure shall be followed in order to administratively
review and evaluate annexation proposals prior to formally accepting an annexation
1. Preliminary meeting or meetings with homeowners and/or property owners to
determine the level of interest in annexing to North Palm Beach.
2. Preparation of a preliminary staff annexation report consistent with the
requirements of Florida Statutes, Chapter 171.
3. Meeting with the Palm Beach County Planning Division and/or Attorney to
determine whether or not there any objections to the annexation.
4. Site inspection to determine the following: (1) Compliance with the Village's land
development regulations; (2) evidence of any existing code violations and (3)
evidence of needed infrastructure insufficiencies or repairs.
5. Review and comment by Village operating departments regarding the potential
service impacts of the proposed annexation.