07-15-2021 VC B WS with attachmentsNotice Posted July 9, 2021 Public Notice Notice is hereby given that the Village Council shall conduct a special meeting for the purpose of discussing the Manager’s proposed budget overview.  Thursday  July 15, 2021  7:00 p.m.  Village Hall Council Chambers INSTRUCTIONS TO JOIN MEETING ELECTRONICALLY To join meeting by computer (video & audio) click or type the following link in address bar: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83530473310?pwd=ZnU2UGgwWnMrZmphTXBkbHNNd0kvdz09 Meeting ID: 835 3047 3310 Password: 651656 To join meeting by phone (voice only) 877-853-5257 US toll-free 888-475-4499 US toll-free Village of North Palm BeachFY 2022 Preliminary BudgetJuly 15, 2021 FY 2022 Preliminary Budget SummaryCategoryGeneral Fund Country Club TotalMillage Rate$7.10 N/A $7.10Personnel$16,846,843 $2,016,551 $18,863,394Operating6,788,104 3,318,960 10,107,064Debt Service 1,849,047 433,689 2,282,736Capital Outlay 10,000 200,000 210,000CIP Transfer 660,000 0 660,000Contingency/Reserve 135,000 125,000 260,000Transfer to Country Club 399,000 0 399,000Total$26,687,994 $6,094,200 $32,782,194Position TypeGeneral Fund Country Club TotalFull-Time 140 10 150Part-Time 47 62 109 FY 2022 Personnel CostsDescriptionFY 2022 FY 2021Increase / (Decrease)Total Personnel Costs $18,863,394 $18,933,241 ($69,847)# PositionsFull-Time 150 152 -2Part-Time 109 104 +5Health Insurance$2,129,063 11%Life & LTD Insurance$63,818 0%Payroll$13,741,632 73%Payroll Taxes$1,051,246 6%Pension$1,571,999 8%Workers' Comp Insurance$305,636 2%Total FY 2022 Personnel Costs = $18,863,394 FY 2022 Budgeted Debt ServiceDescriptionGeneral FundCountry ClubTotalVehicle Lease (see vehicle lease schedule in General Fund)$554,950 $554,950Clubhouse Loan(2 loans: $8.9m + $6.1m = $15m)1,294,097 1,294,097Initial Golf Course Loan ($4,893,673)398,159 398,1592018 Golf Course Restoration ($1.7m)35,530 35,530Total$1,849,047 $433,689 $2,282,736Detailed loan repayment schedule on next slideDescription $8.9m $6.1m $4.89m $1.7mYear Issued2017 2017 2006 2018Term15 years 8 years 18 years 10 yearsInterest Rate3.19% 3.78% 4.11% 2.09%MaturityJune 2032 June 2025 April 2024 Sep 2028Loan Information Loan Repayment ScheduleFYGolf Course($4.89m)Golf Course($1.7m)TotalCountry ClubClubhouse($8.9m)Clubhouse ($6.1m)Total General Fund (*)Total(both funds)2022398,159 35,530 433,689 283,910 1,010,187 1,294,097 1,727,7862023398,159 35,530 433,689 283,910 1,011,167 1,295,077 1,728,7662024199,080 35,530 234,610 283,910 1,010,824 1,294,734 1,529,3442025447,436 447,436 1,178,910 114,158 1,293,068 1,740,5042026447,436 447,436 1,295,3601,295,360 1,742,7962027447,436 447,436 1,292,1841,292,184 1,739,6202028447,436 447,436 1,293,0511,293,051 1,740,48720291,292,801 1,292,801 1,292,80120301,296,435 1,296,435 1,296,43520311,293,793 1,293,793 1,293,79320321,295,035 1,295,035 1,295,035Total$995,398 $1,896,334 $2,891,732 $11,089,299 $3,146,336 $14,235,635 $17,127,367(*) Currently paid by General Fund; Share between Country Club & General Fund based upon area allocation (review at workshop) FY 2022 Country Club Highlights• Golf revenues– Reduction in overall membership and preference to Village residents– Increase in outside rounds – Capital investments• Pool and Tennis– Revenue increase anticipated• Greater investment in building and grounds maintenance to better meet expectations• Transfer from General Fund– Community share of operating and capital purchases – Initial Renewal and Replacement contribution FY 2022 Country Club Preliminary Budget SummaryRevenueActual 09/30/2018Actual 09/30/2019Actual 09/30/2020 FY 2021 BudgetFY 2022 Budget% increase / (decrease)$ increase / (decrease)Golf Greens/Cart/Walking Fees $1,236,194 $684,582 $2,181,361 $2,251,100 $2,510,000 11.50% $258,900 Golf Shop revenues 217,148 109,562 325,038 359,000 462,500 28.83% 103,500 Driving range revenues 276,244 164,020 314,177 335,000 375,000 11.94% 40,000 Membership revenues (all divisions) 496,634 334,560 832,888 1,047,481 1,070,500 2.20% 23,019Restaurant revenues 0 4,611 79,638 305,150 333,000 9.13% 27,850 Tennis revenues 0 0 0 550,200 596,300 8.38% 46,100 Pool revenues 0 0 0 95,000 117,000 23.16% 22,000 Interest revenues 13,874 804 0 0 10,000 0.00% 10,000 Sale of Surplus 19,448 0 1,458 0 0 0.00% 0 Transfer from General Fund 0 0 0 274,000 399,000 45.62% 125,000 Appropriated Retained Earnings 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 0.00% 0 Miscellaneous 28,419 108,976 35,350 26,700 20,900 -21.72% (5,800)Total Revenues $2,287,962 $1,407,113 $3,769,909 $5,443,631 $6,094,200 11.95% $650,569 ExpensesPersonnel Costs$568,794 $546,089 $977,836 $1,850,013 $2,016,551 9.00% $166,538 Operating CostsGolf Course Maintenance 1,159,940 1,340,158 1,507,686 1,721,600 1,781,900 3.50% 60,300 Golf Shop 310,952 438,926 629,160 555,919 665,100 19.64% 109,181 Food & Beverage 46,201 23,943 31,318 20,000 15,000 -25.00% (5,000)Country Club Administration 17,192 15,619 21,516 29,390 28,500 -3.03% (890)Clubhouse & Grounds 68,350 75,859 326,298 370,200 434,615 17.40% 64,415 Tennis 0 0 0 155,900 176,150 12.99% 20,250 Pool 0 0 0 157,420 182,695 16.06% 25,275 Insurance & General Liability 42,711 27,035 28,139 40,000 25,000 -37.50% (15,000)Attorney Fees 13,772 5,402 4,044 10,000 10,000 0.00% 0 Capital OutlayCapital Outlay 1,363,664 370,003 36,661 99,500 200,000 101.01% 100,500 Debt ServiceDebt Service 405,942 430,850 433,689 433,689 433,689 0.00% 0 Reserves Reserve - Future Capital Improvements 0 0 0 0 125,000 0.00% 125,000 Total Expenses $3,997,519 $3,273,883 $3,996,348 $5,443,631 $6,094,200 11.95% $650,569 Revenues over (under) expenses ($1,709,557) ($1,866,770) ($226,438) $0 $0 FY 2022 Country Club Preliminary Budget Summary (by Profit Center)Description Golf Tennis Pool F&BAdmin & GroundsTotalTotalRevenue$4,235,400 $818,300 $354,500 $333,000 $353,000 $6,094,200ExpensesPersonnel 842,390 636,121 171,357 0 366,683 2,016,551Operating 2,447,000 176,150 182,695 15,000 498,115 3,318,960Capital 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000Reserves 0 0 0 0 125,000 125,000Debt Svc 433,689 0 0 0 0 433,689TotalExpenses3,923,079 812,271 354,052 15,000 989,798 6,094,200Net $312,321 $6,029 $448 $318,000 ($636,798) $0 FY 2022 Country Club Preliminary Budget Summary (Revenues)RevenueActual 09/30/2018Actual 09/30/2019Actual 09/30/2020 FY 2021 BudgetFY 2022 Budget% increase / (decrease)$ increase / (decrease)Golf Greens/Cart/Walking Fees $1,236,194 $684,582 $2,181,361 $2,251,100 $2,510,000 11.50% $258,900 Golf Shop revenues 217,148 109,562 325,038 359,000 462,500 28.83% 103,500 Driving range revenues 276,244 164,020 314,177 335,000 375,000 11.94% 40,000 Membership revenues (all divisions) 496,634 334,560 832,888 1,047,481 1,070,500 2.20% 23,019 Restaurant revenues 0 4,611 79,638 305,150 333,000 9.13% 27,850 Tennis revenues 0 0 0 550,200 596,300 8.38% 46,100 Pool revenues 0 0 0 95,000 117,000 23.16% 22,000 Interest revenues 13,874 804 0 0 10,000 0.00% 10,000 Sale of Surplus 19,448 0 1,458 0 0 0.00% 0 Transfer from General Fund 0 0 0 274,000 399,000 45.62% 125,000 Appropriated Retained Earnings 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 0.00% 0 Miscellaneous 28,419 108,976 35,350 26,700 20,900 -21.72% (5,800)Total Revenues $2,287,962 $1,407,113 $3,769,909 $5,443,631 $6,094,200 11.95% $650,569 FY 2022 Country Club RevenuesTotal Revenues = $6,094,200DRIVING RANGE$375,000 6.15%MEMBERSHIPS$1,070,500 17.57%GOLF GREENS/CART/WALKING FEES$2,510,000 41.19%PROGRAM FEES / LESSONS$702,300 11.52%MERCHANDISE SALES$340,000 5.58%FOOD & BEVERAGE$333,000 5.46%TRANSFER FROM GEN FUND$399,000 6.55%MISCELLANEOUS$164,400 2.70%APPROP. RETAINED EARNINGS$200,000 3.28% FY 2022 Country Club Preliminary Budget Summary (Expenses)ExpensesActual 09/30/2018Actual 09/30/2019Actual 09/30/2020 FY 2021 BudgetFY 2022 Budget% increase / (decrease)$ increase / (decrease)Personnel Costs$568,794 $546,089 $977,836 $1,850,013 $2,016,551 9.00% $166,538 Operating CostsGolf Course Maintenance 1,159,940 1,340,158 1,507,686 1,721,600 1,781,900 3.50% 60,300 Golf Shop 310,952 438,926 629,160 555,919 665,100 19.64% 109,181 Food & Beverage 46,201 23,943 31,318 20,000 15,000 -25.00% (5,000)Country Club Administration 17,192 15,619 21,516 29,390 28,500 -3.03% (890)Clubhouse & Grounds 68,350 75,859 326,298 370,200 434,615 17.40% 64,415 Tennis 0 0 0 155,900 176,150 12.99% 20,250 Pool 0 0 0 157,420 182,695 16.06% 25,275 Liability Insurance 42,711 27,035 28,139 40,000 25,000 -37.50% (15,000)Attorney Fees 13,772 5,402 4,044 10,000 10,000 0.00% 0 Capital OutlayCapital Outlay 1,363,664 370,003 36,661 99,500 200,000 101.01% 100,500 Debt ServiceDebt Service 405,942 430,850 433,689 433,689 433,689 0.00% 0 Reserves Reserve - Future Capital Improvements 0 0 0 0 125,000 0.00% 125,000 Total Expenses $3,997,519 $3,273,883 $3,996,348 $5,443,631 $6,094,200 11.95% $650,569 FY 2022 Country Club Expenses (by Function)Total Expenses = $6,094,200Personnel$2,016,551 33.09%Operating$3,318,960 54.46%Capital$200,000 3.28%Reserves$125,000 2.05%Debt Service$433,689 7.12% FY 2022 Country Club Expenses (by Department)Total Expenses = $6,094,200GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE$1,981,900 32.52%GOLF SHOP$1,507,490 24.74%CLUBHOUSE GROUNDS$513,067 8.42%FOOD & BEVERAGE$15,000 0.25%COUNTRY CLUB ADMINISTRATION$326,731 5.36%TENNIS$812,271 13.33%POOL$354,052 5.81%INSURANCE & GENERAL LIABILITY$25,000 0.41%RESERVES$125,000 2.05%DEBT SERVICE$433,689 7.12% FY 2022 Country Club Operating Cost BreakdownDescription CostAccounting & Auditing $7,000Charge Card Fees 144,500 Contractual Services ①1,909,415Cost of Merchandise 184,500 Club Relations 7,500F&B Property Tax Assessment (Lease Operation) 15,000 Golf Handicap Expense 6,000Legal Fees 10,000 Marketing & Advertising 26,250 Materials & Supplies 270,450 Memberships & Dues 8,600Printing & Binding 3,000Professional Services 43,500 Program Expense 65,800 Property/General Liability Insurance 25,000 Rental 10,500 Repairs & Maintenance 206,650 Special Events 6,000Travel, Training & Conferences 14,295 Uniforms & Shoes 17,500 Utilities 334,600 Other Operating Costs 2,900Total Operating Costs $3,318,960①Contractual Services:•Golf Cart Lease $169,000•GC Maintenance $1,515,000•Janitorial $55,000•Landscaping $100,000 FY 2022 Country Club HighlightsGolf Operations• Increase in course maintenance expense to foliar program (improved fertilization)• Reclassify an “Assistant Golf Professional” to a “Teaching Professional”• Additional Part-Time staff (2)• Capital Items– Pumphouse renovation -- $80,000– Weather Station -- $20,000– Pond Bank Stabilization -- $100,000 (additional funding in future years as well) FY 2022 Golf Membership FeesDescription FY2021 FY2022 % Increase Special Offers or NotesResidentSingle $2,903.00 $3,002.00 3%Installment billing option is available for these membership categories only Family $4,390.00 $4,802.00 9%Non-ResidentSingle $4,184.00 $4,327.00 3%Family $5,665.00 $6,127.00 8%Golf Plus Resident (Golf, Tennis & Pool)Single $3,254.00 $3,684.00 13%Family $4,918.00 $5,782.00 18%Golf Plus Non-Resident (Golf, Tennis & Pool)Single $4,657.00 $ 5,275.00 13%Family $6,344.00 $ 7,388.00 16%N.P.B BusinessSingle $3,476.00 $3,594.00 3%Eligibility: Non-Residents owning a business or rental property within the Village.Family $4,893.00 $5,394.00 10%RestrictedSingle $1,600.00 $1,700.00 6%Allows Residents unlimited summer accessFamily $1,900.00 $2,000.00 5%JuniorsResident $375.00 $400.00 7%Non Resident $400.00 $425.00 6%CorporateSilver (Par) $10,000.00 $10,350.00 3%Allows up to four named individuals employed at a company to join under one membershipGold (Birdie) $14,000.00 $14,490.00 3%Same program as Silver, but also gives company 50 & 100 prepaid rounds respectively (Greens Fee + Cart Fee + Tax) which can be used for other employees, clients or guestsPlatinum (Eagle) $17,500.00 $18,112.00 3%Each Additional $2,500.00 $2,600.00 4%Additional individuals may be added for $2,600 each FY 2022 Golf Walk-In RatesSeason Time18-Hole Rates 9-Hole RatesWeekday1RateWeekend2RateWeekday1RateWeekend2RateFall Season(Oct. 1, 2021 -Nov. 17, 2021)Morning $85.00 $95.00 $55.00 $60.00After 12pm $75.00 $85.00 $55.00 $60.00After 2:00pm $60.00 $65.00 $45.00 $45.00After 4:00pm $55.00 $60.00 $45.00 $45.00Holiday Season(Nov. 18, 2021 -Dec. 31, 2021)Morning $115.00 $120.00 $60.00 $65.00After 12pm $100.00 $110.00 $55.00 $60.00After 2:00pm $70.00 $80.00 $50.00 $50.00After 4:00pm N/A N/A $45.00 $45.00Peak Season(Jan. 1, 2022 -April 10, 2022)Morning $140.00 $155.00 $85.00 $90.00After 12pm $130.00 $140.00 $75.00 $80.00After 2:00pm $80.00 $85.00 $65.00 $70.00After 4:00pm N/A N/A $55.00 $65.00Spring Season(April 11, 2022 -May 31, 2022)Morning $95.00 $105.00 $60.00 $65.00After 12pm $85.00 $95.00 $55.00 $60.00After 2:00pm $75.00 $85.00 $50.00 $55.00After 4:00pm $65.00 $65.00 $45.00 $45.00Summer Season(June 1 , 2022 -Sep. 30, 2022)Morning $70.00 $75.00 $50.00 $55.00After 12pm $65.00 $65.00 $45.00 $50.00After 2:00pm $55.00 $55.00 $35.00 $40.00After 4:00pm / 5:00pm$45.00 $45.00 $35.00 $35.00Holidays include: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day¹ Weekday = Monday – Thursday² Weekend = Friday – Sunday & Holidays FY 2022 Country Club HighlightsGolf Operations – Capital Outlay• Pond Stabilization ($100,000):– Stabilize the banks of the golf course ponds in locations where structural integrityhas been poor. This project would begin with the stabilization of 1,200 linear feet ofpond bank in 2022 with additional sections to be completed in subsequent years.• Pump House Renovation ($80,000):– The pump house is a critical component of the golf course infrastructure as itprovides the irrigation water necessary to maintain the course and landscapingaround the course and clubhouse. The interior is rusted with select valves notworking or in danger of failing. Additionally, the skid, which supports the pumps,has experienced significant deterioration and is in danger of collapse.• Weather Station ($20,000):– Accurate information regarding the amount of rainfall received at the club isimportant for the golf course superintendent in order to properly use irrigation water,especially given the course's sandy soils. Additionally, information regardingevaporation rates is critical in also determining the amount of water to apply to thegolf course. This is a standard tool used at most golf courses. FY 2022 Country Club HighlightsPool & Tennis Operations• Additional Part-Time Staff: 4 in Pool, 1 in Tennis– Pool: a Recreation Assistant and three (3) Seasonal Lifeguards– Tennis: one (1) Recreation Assistant for the tennis center• Anticipated increase in revenues due to events, public interest, elimination of COVID-restrictions. FY 2022 Tennis & Pool FeesResident Non-ResidentDescription FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2021 FY 2022Pool Membership Fees (Annual)Family $355.00 $375.00 $482.00 $502.00Single $180.00 $200.00 $268.00 $288.00Junior (17 years & under) $98.00 $118.00 $118.00 $138.00Masters (training only) $118.00 $138.00 $165.00 $185.00Summer Single $71.00 $120.00 $103.00 $155.00Summer Family $134.00 $195.00 $191.00 $270.00Pool Fees (Daily)Adult $5.00 $5.00 $8.00 $8.00Child (4 years – 13 years) $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 $5.00Child (3 years & under) Free Free Free FreeAfter hours full facility rental (3 hours) $550.00 $550.00 $550.00 $550.00After hours lifeguard (per guard per hour) $25.00 $35.00 $25.00 $35.00Tennis Membership Fees (Annual)Family $824.00 $850.00 $1,030.00 $1,065.00Single $618.00 $638.00 $824.00 $850.00Junior (17 years & under) $118.00 $138.00 $129.00 $149.00Junior Tennis Academy $75.00 $95.00 $75.00 $95.00Summer Single $412.00 $432.00 $464.00 $484.00Summer Family $464.00 $484.00 $515.00 $535.00Tennis & Pool Combined Membership Fees (Annual)Junior $184.00 $225.00 $210.00 $250.00Single $679.00 $730.00 $928.00 $990.00Family $1,003.00 $1,065.00 $1,286.00 $1,365.00Tennis Team League Fee (Annual)$680.00 $725.00 $680.00 $725.00Tennis Guest Fees (Daily)Junior (17 years & under) $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00Adults (18+) $12.00 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 General Fund Highlights• Overall increase in the operating budget is $980,000 or 3.8% • Ad Valorem revenues based upon a 7.1 millage rate – This is below the established roll back rate– Revenue growth increased but is less than an amount equivalent to what was generated last year plus new investment• Debt increased due to additional vehicle leases• Transfers to the CIP and Country Club increased– $125,000 more to the Country Club to begin funding R&R– $150,000 more to the CIP for investment in infrastructure General Fund Highlights• Overall, slight reduction in staffing levels and personnel expense• Eliminating Special Projects Director from Manager’s budget• Public Works:– Restructuring leadership positions to improve overall performance– Reducing two positions in Streets (attrition and elimination)– Reducing two positions in Facilities (attrition and elimination)– Increasing contractual services expense to replace positions• Changing a Part Time Administrative Assistant to Full Time to assist with Help Desk functions in IT• Changed a Full Time Accounting Clerk to a Full Time Clerical Assistant in Finance General Fund Highlights• Parks and Recreation:– Elimination of a Part Time Recreation Assistant and the Part Time Functional Manager.– Adding a Part Time Park Ranger– Reclassifying a Full Time Recreation Supervisor (not funded last year) to a Full Time Recreation Coordinator.• Police:– Adding two police officers FY 2022 General Fund Preliminary Budget SummaryFY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Adopted Budget FY 2022 Adopted Budget % increase / (decrease) $ increase / (decrease) Millage Rate $7.3300 $7.5000 $7.5000 $7.5000 $7.1000 RevenuesAd-Valorem Taxes $15,003,141 $16,185,283 $16,991,314 $17,367,422 $17,740,510 2.15% $373,088 Utility Service Taxes 2,511,876 2,521,955 2,558,092 2,408,078 2,586,000 7.39% 177,922 Franchise Fees 1,294,280 1,352,464 1,304,936 1,137,000 1,298,000 14.16% 161,000 Sales & Use Taxes 302,207 307,130 273,428 267,461 264,000 -1.29% (3,461)Licenses & Permits 1,222,594 1,522,912 1,320,361 1,102,200 1,310,200 18.87% 208,000 Intergovernmental 1,482,113 1,582,512 2,057,271 1,260,736 1,448,210 14.87% 187,474 Charges for Services 2,200,857 2,399,423 2,171,956 1,797,410 1,778,380 -1.06% (19,030)Fines & Forfeitures 100,139 99,937 195,198 116,900 121,112 3.60% 4,212 Interest 112,809 573,095 490,498 218,710 129,902 -40.61% (88,808)Appropriated Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 Debt Proceeds 0 343,299 1,009,529 0 0 0.00% 0 Miscellaneous 412,519 510,688 160,151 27,880 11,680 -58.11% (16,200)Total Revenues $24,642,535 $27,398,697 $28,532,733 $25,703,797 $26,687,994 3.83% $984,197 ExpendituresGeneral Government $3,053,627 $3,265,558 $3,262,340 $3,363,932 $3,425,309 1.82% $61,377 Public Safety 9,431,609 10,055,573 10,102,249 10,569,018 10,605,996 0.35% 36,978 Public Works 5,065,186 5,041,643 5,443,660 5,714,792 5,556,377 -2.77% (158,415)Community Development 1,435,769 1,542,421 1,385,314 1,658,019 1,746,907 5.36% 88,888 Library 835,984 815,951 754,409 849,389 883,109 3.97% 33,720 Parks & Recreation 1,777,676 1,848,733 1,550,903 1,124,647 1,427,249 26.91% 302,602 Debt service 1,293,101 1,371,563 1,436,689 1,640,000 1,849,047 12.75% 209,047 Capital Leases 0 343,299 1,008,489 0 0 0.00% 0 Reserves & Contingencies 635,579 341,547 350,367 0 135,000 0.00% 135,000 Transfers Out 4,963,307 405,000 644,475 784,000 1,059,000 35.08% 275,000 Total Expenditures $28,491,836 $25,031,288 $25,938,893 $25,703,797 $26,687,994 3.83% $984,197 Net Revenue Over Expense (3,849,302) 2,367,409 $2,593,841 $0 $0 $0 FY 2022 General Fund Preliminary Budget Summary (Revenues)FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Adopted Budget FY 2022 Adopted Budget % increase / (decrease) $ increase / (decrease) Millage Rate $7.3300 $7.5000 $7.5000 $7.5000 $7.1000 RevenuesAd-Valorem Taxes $15,003,141 $16,185,283 $16,991,314 $17,367,422 $17,740,510 2.15% $373,088 Utility Service Taxes 2,511,876 2,521,955 2,558,092 2,408,078 2,586,000 7.39% 177,922 Franchise Fees 1,294,280 1,352,464 1,304,936 1,137,000 1,298,000 14.16% 161,000 Sales & Use Taxes 302,207 307,130 273,428 267,461 264,000 -1.29% (3,461)Licenses & Permits 1,222,594 1,522,912 1,320,361 1,102,200 1,310,200 18.87% 208,000 Intergovernmental 1,482,113 1,582,512 2,057,271 1,260,736 1,448,210 14.87% 187,474 Charges for Services 2,200,857 2,399,423 2,171,956 1,797,410 1,778,380 -1.06% (19,030)Fines & Forfeitures 100,139 99,937 195,198 116,900 121,112 3.60% 4,212 Interest 112,809 573,095 490,498 218,710 129,902 -40.61% (88,808)Capital Lease 0 343,299 1,009,529 0 0 0.00% 0 Miscellaneous 412,519 510,688 160,151 27,880 11,680 -58.11% (16,200)Total Revenues $24,642,535 $27,398,697 $28,532,733 $25,703,797 $26,687,994 3.83% $984,197 FY 2022 General Fund RevenuesTotal Revenues = $26,687,994AD VALOREM TAXES$17,740,510 66.47%UTILITY SERVICE TAXES$2,586,000 9.69%FRANCHISE FEES$1,298,000 4.86%SALES & USE TAXES$264,000 0.99%LICENSES AND PERMITS$1,310,200 4.91%INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE$1,448,210 5.43%CHARGES FOR SERVICES$1,778,380 6.66%FINES AND FORFEITURES$121,112 0.45%INTEREST$129,902 0.49%MISCELLANEOUS$11,680 0.04% FY 2022 General Fund Preliminary Budget Summary (Expenses)FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Adopted Budget FY 2022 Adopted Budget % increase / (decrease) $ increase / (decrease) ExpendituresGeneral Government:Village Council $123,670 $123,245 $115,736 $132,285 $146,538 10.77% $14,253 Village Manager 635,682 716,563 712,610 692,132 547,855 -20.85% (144,277)Human Resources 382,413 393,212 390,226 417,894 444,940 6.47% 27,046 Finance 642,406 665,456 694,669 695,365 677,670 -2.54% (17,695)Information Technology 380,231 426,667 478,372 510,402 533,736 4.57% 23,334 Village Attorney 185,703 216,454 197,516 160,000 185,000 15.63% 25,000 Village Clerk 394,365 371,942 276,115 335,974 366,610 9.12% 30,636 Non-Departmental 205,174 252,518 287,919 300,000 405,000 35.00% 105,000 General Services-Village Hall 103,984 99,501 109,178 119,880 117,960 -1.60% (1,920)Public Safety:Police 5,948,290 6,396,774 6,532,675 6,376,671 6,762,639 6.05% 385,968 Fire Rescue 3,364,370 3,544,156 3,475,232 4,097,467 3,740,797 -8.70% (356,670)General Services-Public Safety Building 118,949 114,643 94,341 94,880 102,560 8.09% 7,680 Public Works:Public Works Administration 410,744 428,395 463,062 451,568 510,435 13.04% 58,867 Solid Waste 1,594,094 1,563,203 1,787,262 1,776,735 1,888,828 6.31% 112,093 Facility Services 863,635 930,826 856,712 873,669 834,290 -4.51% (39,379)Streets & Grounds 1,711,740 1,617,029 1,756,540 2,009,749 1,773,082 -11.78% (236,667)Fleet Maintenance 484,973 502,190 580,084 603,071 549,742 -8.84% (53,329)Community Development:Community Planning 464,295 441,567 430,817 472,692 451,256 -4.53% (21,436)Building 826,892 900,649 770,054 924,724 1,048,967 13.44% 124,243 Code Compliance 144,582 200,205 184,442 260,603 246,684 -5.34% (13,919)Leisure Services:Library 835,984 815,951 754,409 849,389 883,109 3.97% 33,720 Parks & Recreation 1,034,587 1,126,263 791,092 1,124,647 1,427,249 26.91% 302,602 Pool 206,249 144,181 248,150 0 0 0.00% 0 Tennis 536,839 578,289 511,661 0 0 0.00% 0 Other Government:Debt service 1,293,101 1,371,563 1,436,689 1,640,000 1,849,047 12.75% 209,047 Capital Leases 0 343,299 1,008,489 0 0 0.00% 0 Reserves & Contingencies 635,579 341,547 350,367 0 135,000 0.00% 135,000 Transfers Out 4,963,307 405,000 644,475 784,000 1,059,000 35.08% 275,000 Total Expenditures $28,491,836 $25,031,288 $25,938,893 $25,703,797 $26,687,994 3.83% $984,197 • Reduction in Fire was due primarily to a calculation error related to payroll that artificially increased costs last year as well as non-reoccurring uniform and PPE expenses.• Streets & Grounds reduction due to personnel reduction and shift of some maintenance expense to Parks & Recreation.• Non-Departmental increased due to a shift in insurance allocation from the Country Club.FY 2022 General Fund Operating Cost Breakdown FY 2022 General Fund Operating Cost BreakdownDescription AmountAccounting & Auditing $31,000Election Expense 47,500Contractual Services ①2,331,430Utilities 575,619Licenses, Fees & Membership Dues 58,425Materials & Supplies ②993,160Recreation Programs 144,000Property/General Liability 405,000Gas, Oil & Lubricants 235,100Repairs & Maintenance ③596,086Legal Fees 185,000Solid Waste Disposal 155,000Uniforms/Uniform Rental 114,300Travel, Training & Conferences 191,007Special Events 98,000Professional Services④387,740Newsletter, Postage, Printing & Binding 98,875Other 140,862Total Operating Costs $6,788,104Landscaping & Grounds Maintenance $570,000Consolidated Dispatch 469,480Community Development Lease 60,463Copier Lease 49,575Bermuda Grass Maintenance 199,673Contract Services for Public Works 300,000Janitorial Services 149,000Various software/system support items (i.e. MUNIS, Laserfiche, MPSCC, Cloud, Municode, iPAD Data plans, etc.)210,000①Contractual Services (key components)continued on next slide… FY 2022 General Fund Operating Cost Breakdown Continued…Materials & Supplies $263,210Library Materials 92,600Playground Supplies 44,000Medical & Safety Supplies 96,000Computer & Office Supplies 109,350Auto Parts, Tires & Supplies 205,000Trees, Sod & Irrigation Supplies 72,500Machinery & Equipment Supplies 110,500②Materials & Supplies③Repairs & Maintenance (R&M)R&M – Automotive $92,500R&M – Building & Grounds 279,500R&M – Machinery & Equipment 45,200R&M – P.A. & Communication Systems 47,886R&M – Irrigation Systems 50,000Tree Trimming 25,000Street Striping 30,000Exterminating 20,000④Professional ServicesResidential Code C3 re-write, etc. $100,000Salary Study 30,000Consulting/Planning Services 20,000Design & Engineering Services 35,000Building Inspection Services 100,000Lakeside Park Berm 30,000Grant Management Services 20,000EMS Director Fee 14,400 FY 2022 General Fund Expenses (by Function)Total Expenses = $26,687,994Personnel$16,846,843 63.13%Operating$6,788,104 25.44%Debt Service$1,849,047 6.93%Transfer Out$1,059,000 3.97%Contingency$135,000 0.51%Capital$10,000 0.04% FY 2022 General Fund Expenses (by Department)Total Expenses = $26,687,994General Government$3,425,309 12.83%Public Safety$10,605,996 39.74%Public Works$5,556,377 20.82%Community Development$1,746,907 6.55%Leisure Services$2,310,358 8.66%Contingency$135,000 0.51%Transfer Out$1,059,000 3.97%Debt Service$1,849,047 6.93% FY 2022 – FY 2026 Vehicle Lease Program Payments(General Fund Debt Service)DescriptionFY 2022FY 2023FY 2024FY 2025FY 2026TotalAnnual Payment$554,950 $724,162 $703,541 $736,436 $734,188 $3,453,277# New ReplacementsPolice44442Fire Rescue11Community Development1Public Works1311Recreation1Solid Waste Truck11Fire Apparatus 11Total New Replacements77973Annual payment amount recorded in FY 2022 General Fund Debt Service FYE 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 TotalBeginning Balance$300,000 $244,000 ($132,100) $70,094 $967,294 Unassigned Fund Balance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 General Revenue - Ad Valorem 660,000 679,800 700,194 721,200 742,836 3,504,030 Infrastructure Surtax300,000 720,000 720,000 720,000 720,000 720,000 3,900,000 Stormwater Fee 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grants 962,900 1,235,000 5,499,500 750,000 725,000 9,172,400 Country Club 200,000 339,500 155,000 0 0 694,500 Other 0 169,500 0 0 25,000 194,500 Total Project PROJECTS :$300,000 $3,342,900 $3,887,800 $7,442,594 $2,761,294 $3,680,130 $19,965,430 Cost Vehicles $351,000 $34,000 $0 $34,000 $0 $419,000 $419,000 Equipment 590,000 443,000 0 0 0 1,033,000 1,033,000 Information Technology 0 43,900 0 0 0 43,900 43,900 Village Facilities 522,900 60,000 250,000 0 50,000 882,900 882,900 Recreational Facilities 0 350,000 500,000 0 0 850,000 850,000 Park Development 250,000 1,829,000 525,000 0 1,400,000 4,004,000 4,004,000 Streets & Roads 885,000 860,000 5,685,000 1,260,000 510,000 9,200,000 9,200,000 Stormwater 500,000 400,000 412,500 500,000 500,000 2,312,500 2,312,500 Subtotal- $3,098,900 $4,019,900 $7,372,500 $1,794,000 $2,460,000 $18,745,300 $18,745,300 Estimated Ending Balance$244,000 ($132,100) $70,094 $967,294 $1,220,130 $1,220,130 $1,220,130 Capital Improvement Plan Cash Flow Summary FY 2022 - 2026①CIP Transfer assumes 3% annual increase General RevenuesCountry ClubStormwaterFundInfrastructure SurtaxGrant FundingTotal Beginning Balance $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $300,000 FY2022 660,000 200,000 500,000 720,000 962,900 3,042,900 Total Revenue $660,000 $200,000 $500,000 $1,020,000 $962,900 $3,342,900 Total Projects:Asphalt Resurfacing-Streets 360,000 360,000 Bridge Improvement - Prosperity Farms 200,000 200,000 Bridge Improvement - US1 150,000 150,000 Bridge Replacement & Streetscape Design -Lighthouse Drive100,000 100,000 Community Center Playground Replacement 50,000 50,000 Dry Storage 50,000 50,000 Fire Kitchen Remodel80,000 80,000 Grapple Truck Replacement 181,000 181,000 Kubota Replacement 170,000 170,000 Library Air Handler Replacement142,900 142,900 Osborne Park Basketball Court Renovation50,000 50,000 Parking Lot - Anchorage Park 25,000 25,000 Patrol Boat Engine 50,000 50,000 Pond Stabilization 100,000 100,000 Power Supply Replacement90,000 90,000 Public Safety Building A/C Automation120,000 120,000 Public Safety Building Air Handler Replacement90,000 90,000 Public Safety Building Emergency Generator 250,000 250,000 Pumphouse Renovation 80,000 80,000 Sidewalk Repairs50,000 50,000 Stormwater Repair & Replacement 500,000 500,000 Village Hall Air Handler & Chiller Replacement 100,000 90,000 190,000 Weather Station 20,000 20,000 Grand Total 551,000 200,000 500,000 885,000 962,900 3,098,900 Net Available $109,000 $0 $0 $135,000 $0 $244,000 FY 2022 Capital Outlay – by source FY 2022 Taxable Value & Millage SelectionFY 2022 FY 2021% Increase / (Decrease)$ Increase / (Decrease)Millage Rate $7.10 mils $7.50 mils -5.33% ($0.40)Gross Taxable Value $2,630,171,984 $2,433,243,145 8.09% $196,928,839Budgeted Ad-Valorem $17,740,510 $17,367,421 2.15% $373,088Description Millage RateBudgetary Ad-Valorem$ Increase / (Decrease) over 2021 Ad-Valorem% increase / (decrease) over FY 2022 RBRRetain FY 2021 Millage Rate $7.50 $18,739,975 $1,372,553 5.30%FY 2022 Rolled Back Rate (RBR) $7.1226 $17,796,873 $429,451 0.00%FY 2022 Majority Vote Rate $7.4381 $18,585,308 $1,217,886 4.43%FY 2022 Two-Thirds Vote Rate $8.1819 $20,443,814 $3,076,392 14.87%Manager’s Proposed Rate $7.10 $17,740,510 $373,088 -0.32%Manager’s Proposed Millage Rate is $7.10 mils…This sets the maximum millage rate allowed forthe Village. Council may reduce this rate for the FINAL Adopted Budget but may not increase it.Millage Selection Options Taxpayer Impact (4-year comparison)FY 2022 Taxable Value = $328,306Description FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021FY 2022 ProposedMillage Rate $7.50 mils $7.50 mils $7.50 mils $7.10 milsAssessed Value $350,221 $356,875 $373,083 $378,306Homestead Exemption (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000)Taxable Value $300,221 $306,875 323,083 328,306Increase in Taxable Value base year 2% 5% 2%Portion of Tax Bill to VillageAd-Valorem Tax $2,251.66 $2,301.56 $2,423.12 $2,330.97Non-Ad Valorem Assessment – Stormwater (*) $0 $0 $0 $93.36Total to Village $2,251.66$2,301.56 $2,423.12 $2,424.33Taxpayer Impactbase year$49.90 $121.56 $1.21(*) based on $7.78/month for single family Taxpayer Impact (4-year comparison)FY 2022 Taxable Value = $1,067,255Description FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021FY 2022 ProposedMillage Rate $7.50 mils $7.50 mils $7.50 mils $7.10 milsAssessed Value $990,931 $1,077,057 $1,101,829 $1,117,255Homestead Exemption (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000)Taxable Value $940,931 $1,027,057 1,051,829 1,067,255Increase in Taxable Value base year 9% 2% 1%Portion of Tax Bill to VillageAd-Valorem Tax $7,056.98 $7,702.93 $7,888.72 $7,577.51Non-Ad Valorem Assessment – Stormwater (*) $0 $0 $0 $93.36Total to Village $7,056.98$7,702.93 $7,888.72 $7,670.87Taxpayer Impactbase year$645.95 $185.79 ($217.85)(*) based on $7.78/month for single family Taxpayer Impact (4-year comparison)FY 2022 Taxable Value = $159,591Description FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021FY 2022 ProposedMillage Rate $7.50 mils $7.50 mils $7.50 mils $7.10 milsAssessed Value $198,283 $202,050 $206,697 $209,591Homestead Exemption (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000)Taxable Value $148,283 $152,050 156,697 159,591Increase in Taxable Value base year 3% 3% 2%Portion of Tax Bill to VillageAd-Valorem Tax $1,112.12 $1,140.38 $1,175.23 $1,133.10Non-Ad Valorem Assessment – Stormwater (*) $0 $0 $0 $93.36Total to Village $1,112.12$1,140.38 $1,175.23 $1,226.46Taxpayer Impactbase year$28.25 $34.85 $51.23(*) based on $7.78/month for single family FY 2021-2022 Budget Workshop ScheduleDay Date Time SubjectThursday March 25, 2021 Various Individual Virtual Council MeetingsMonday April 19, 2021 6-8 pm Council Strategic Planning WorkshopThursday May 27, 2021 7:30 pmCouncil MeetingFinal Presentation of Vision, Mission, GoalsThursday July 15, 2021 7-10 pm Manager’s Proposed Budget OverviewThursday July 22, 2021 7:00 pmCouncil MeetingSet Tentative Millage Rate & Date of 1stPublic HearingWednesday August 11, 2021 6-10 pm Council Budget Workshop with Departments #1Thursday August 19, 2021 6-10 pm Council Budget Workshop with Departments #2Wednesday September 8, 2021 7:00 pmCouncil Meeting – 1stPublic HearingAdopt FY2022 Budget & Final Millage on 1stReadingThursday September 23, 2021 7:00 pmCouncil Meeting – 2ndPublic HearingAdopt FY2022 Budget & Final Millage on 2ndReading Country Club Fee Schedule FY 2022 Pool and Tennis Fees Notes: 1. Programs offered by the Village of North Palm Beach (VNPB) are not taxable; however, rentals are subject to sales tax. The fees shown below do not include sales tax. Rental fees are hourly unless specified. 2. The VNPB reserves the right to change fees at any time with approval from the Village Council. 3. Programs may be offered by independent instructors that are not listed. These programs will be set and collected by the program instructor (sales tax applicable). 4. Non-profit 501C organizations and local schools will be charged at the Resident rate unless otherwise specified. Resident Non-Resident Description FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2021 FY 2022 Pool Membership Fees (Annual) Family $355.00 $375.00 $482.00 $502.00 Single $180.00 $200.00 $268.00 $288.00 Junior (17 years & under) $98.00 $118.00 $118.00 $138.00 Masters (training only) $118.00 $138.00 $165.00 $185.00 Summer Single $71.00 $120.00 $103.00 $155.00 Summer Family $134.00 $195.00 $191.00 $270.00 Pool Fees (Daily) Adult $5.00 $5.00 $8.00 $8.00 Child (4 years – 13 years) $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 $5.00 Child (3 years & under) Free Free Free Free After hours full facility rental (3 hours) $550.00 $550.00 $550.00 $550.00 After hours lifeguard (per guard per hour) $25.00 $35.00 $25.00 $35.00 Tennis Membership Fees (Annual) Family $824.00 $850.00 $1,030.00 $1,065.00 Single $618.00 $638.00 $824.00 $850.00 Junior (17 years & under) $118.00 $138.00 $129.00 $149.00 Junior Tennis Academy $75.00 $95.00 $75.00 $95.00 Summer Single $412.00 $432.00 $464.00 $484.00 Summer Family $464.00 $484.00 $515.00 $535.00 Tennis & Pool Combined Membership Fees (Annual) Junior $184.00 $225.00 $210.00 $250.00 Single $679.00 $730.00 $928.00 $990.00 Family $1,003.00 $1,065.00 $1,286.00 $1,365.00 Tennis Team League Fee (Annual) $680.00 $725.00 $680.00 $725.00 Tennis Guest Fees (Daily) Junior (17 years & under) $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 Adults (18+) $12.00 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 Country Club Fee Schedule FY 2022 Golf Membership Fees Notes: 1. The fees shown below do not include sales tax. 2. The VNPB reserves the right to change fees at any time with approval from the Village Council. 3. Installment Billing: $100.00 handling fee will be added for this option. 60% billed October 1st / 40% billed January 1st Description FY2021 FY2022 % Increase Special Offers or Notes Resident Single $2,903.00 $3,002.00 3% Installment billing option is available for these membership categories only (see Note 3 above) Family $4,390.00 $4,802.00 9% Non-Resident Single $4,184.00 $4,327.00 3% Family $5,665.00 $6,127.00 8% Golf Plus Resident (Golf, Tennis & Pool) Single $3,254.00 $3,684.00 13% Family $4,918.00 $5,782.00 18% Golf Plus Non-Resident (Golf, Tennis & Pool) Single $4,657.00 $ 5,275.00 13% Family $6,344.00 $ 7,388.00 16% N.P.B Business Single $3,476.00 $3,594.00 3% Eligibility: Non-Residents owning a business or rental property within the Village. Family $4,893.00 $5,394.00 10% Restricted Single $1,600.00 $1,700.00 6% Allows Residents unlimited summer access Family $1,900.00 $2,000.00 5% Juniors Resident $375.00 $400.00 7% Non Resident $400.00 $425.00 6% Corporate Silver (Par) $10,000.00 $10,350.00 3% Allows up to four named individuals employed at a company to join under one membership Gold (Birdie) $14,000.00 $14,490.00 3% Same program but also gives company 50 & 100 prepaid rounds respectively (Greens Fee + Cart Fee + Tax) which can be used for other employees, clients or guests Platinum (Eagle) $17,500.00 $18,112.00 3% Each Additional $2,500.00 $2,600.00 4% Additional individuals may be added for $2,600 each Country Club Fee Schedule FY 2022 Golf Walk – In Rates Season Time 18-Hole Rates 9-Hole Rates Weekday1 Rate Weekend2 Rate Weekday1 Rate Weekend2 Rate Fall Season (Oct. 1, 2021 - Nov. 17, 2021) Morning $85.00 $95.00 $55.00 $60.00 After 12pm $75.00 $85.00 $55.00 $60.00 After 2:00pm $60.00 $65.00 $45.00 $45.00 After 4:00pm $55.00 $60.00 $45.00 $45.00 Holiday Season (Nov. 18, 2021 - Dec. 31, 2021) Morning $115.00 $120.00 $60.00 $65.00 After 12pm $100.00 $110.00 $55.00 $60.00 After 2:00pm $70.00 $80.00 $50.00 $50.00 After 4:00pm N/A N/A $45.00 $45.00 Peak Season (Jan. 1, 2022 - April 10, 2022) Morning $140.00 $155.00 $85.00 $90.00 After 12pm $130.00 $140.00 $75.00 $80.00 After 2:00pm $80.00 $85.00 $65.00 $70.00 After 4:00pm N/A N/A $55.00 $65.00 Spring Season (April 11, 2022 - May 31, 2022) Morning $95.00 $105.00 $60.00 $65.00 After 12pm $85.00 $95.00 $55.00 $60.00 After 2:00pm $75.00 $85.00 $50.00 $55.00 After 4:00pm $65.00 $65.00 $45.00 $45.00 Summer Season (June 1 , 2022 - Sep. 30, 2022) Morning $70.00 $75.00 $50.00 $55.00 After 12pm $65.00 $65.00 $45.00 $50.00 After 2:00pm $55.00 $55.00 $35.00 $40.00 After 4:00pm / 5:00pm $45.00 $45.00 $35.00 $35.00 Holidays include: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day ¹ Weekday = Monday – Thursday ² Weekend = Friday – Sunday & Holidays Note: Last 18-hole tee time June thru September is 4:20pm General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Recreation Notes for Recreation Fee Schedule: 1. Programs offered by the Village of North Palm Beach (VNPB) are not taxable; however, rentals are subject to sales tax. The fees shown below do not include sales tax. Rental fees are hourly unless specified (*). The VNPB reserves the right to change fees at any time with approval from the Village Council. 2. Programs may be offered by independent instructors that are not listed. These programs will be set and collected by the program instructor (sales tax applicable). 3. Non-profit 501C organizations and local schools will be charged at the Resident rate unless otherwise specified. Description Fee Anchorage Park Activities Building (Hourly) Resident Non-Resident Room A $26.00 $37.00 Room B $37.00 $63.00 After hours building charge $106.00 $212.00 After hours staff charge $26.00 $26.00 Anchorage Park (Hourly) Anchorage Gazebo $25.00 $41.00 Volleyball (1 court) $25.00 $36.00 Volleyball (2 courts) $36.00 $51.00 Community Center (Hourly) Gymnasium $110.00 $210.00 Non-profit (W-501 C-3) Charge $110.00 $110.00 Multi-Use Village Rental $30.00 $30.00 Field (No Lights) $ 35.00 $70.00 Field (With Lights) $ 70.00 $100.00 Lakeside Park (Hourly) Resident Tiki Hut - Large $25.00 $25.00 Osborne Park (Hourly) Recreation Building $53.00 $159.00 Field (No Lights) $37.00 $74.00 Field (With Lights) $74.00 $106.00 After hours building charge $106.00 $212.00 After hours staff charge $25.00 $25.00 Sports Programs (Per/Player/League) Youth (All Sports) $75.00 $85.00 Marina Fees (Annual) Dry Storage 15 feet & under $700.00 16 - 20 feet $750.00 21 - 25 feet $800.00 26 - 30 feet $850.00 31 - 35 feet $900.00 36 feet & over $950.00 South Docks $2,500.00 $2,550.00 Ramp Decal $ 60.00 Temporary Day Launch Permit (Resident Only) $10.00 North Floating Docks $3,300.00 $3,366.00 General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Library Description Fee Overdue Fines (Maximum fine per item is $5.00) 7/14/28 day Books $0.25 a day Audio/CD Books / Music CDs / DVD / Interlibrary Loans / Magazines $0.25 a day Lost / Damaged Items Lost or Damaged Item Cost of item Lost Library Card Fee $1.00 per card Kindle $119.00 Kindle Case $30.00 Nook $100.00 Nook Case $35.00 USB Cord / Plug Adapter / Carrying Bag $10.00 T-Mobile Hotspot Device / T-Mobile Hotspot Case $84.00 per unit / $14.99 per case Memberships Library Cards-NPB Resident / PBC Resident No charge Library Cards-Non-Residents per Household $25.00 Services Black and White Copy / Print $0.15 $0.25 per copy Color Copy / Print $0.50 per copy Fax Service $1.00 per page Scanning No charge USB Drives $5.00 per unit Rental Fees Obert Room Rental $30.00 per hour Setup $10.00 Bob’s Garage Rental $15.00 per hour Setup $5.00 Cleaning Deposit (required if serving refreshments) $25.00 Finance NSF Checks: Face value of check does not exceed $50.00 $25.00 Face value of check does not exceed $300.00 $30.00 Face value of check exceeds $300.00 $40.00 or 5% of face value of check whichever is greater Clerk’s Office Copies: Single-sided page up to 8.5 x 14 $0.15 each Double-sided page up to 8.5 x 14 $0.20 each Single-sided page 11 x 17 $0.20 each Certified copies, plus per page cost for copies $1.00 Lien Certification each parcel number $75.00 Zoning Map (Cost of duplication, depends on size) Actual Cost CD Actual Cost Special Service Fee: For any request in which the nature or volume of the public records requested to be inspected or copied requires more than 15 minutes of clerical and/or supervisory assistance to research, locate, review for confidential information, copy, re-file, oversee the review of, print and or use of information technology resources there will be a special service fee which is hourly rate (excluding benefits) of the individual providing the public records. General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Public Works Description Fee Annual Commercial Disposal Fee (calculated by occupancy category and square foot of building as determined by Solid Waste Authority) Low Density 0.081 Medium 0.214 High 1.147 Residential Waste Removal Fees Disposal Fee per cubic yard $4.50 Equipment & Fuel Cost per cubic yard $2.50 Total per cubic yard $7.00 In addition to the charge per cubic yard set forth above, persons who violate the yard waste collection requirements shall also be assessed for personnel costs (less benefits) in the amount of $18.50 per hour based on the actual time incurred in removing the yard waste, with a two-hour minimum charge. Swale Tree Permit No charge Dumpster lease fees are applicable to Commercial Account customers utilizing Village owned and maintained dumpsters, customers utilizing Village owned and maintained dumpsters. 1 cubic yards $18/Month 2 cubic yards $20/Month 3 cubic yards $21/Month 4 cubic yards $22/Month 6 cubic yards $25/Month 8 cubic yards $27/Month Police Police Bicycle Registration $1.00 Accident Reports-per one-sided page $0.15 Accident Report-two-side page $0.20 Accident/Incident Report-CD $2.00 Fingerprinting-Village Resident $4.00 Fingerprinting-Non Resident $6.00 Fingerprinting – Employment in the Village $6.00 False Alarm-Residences $50.00 False Alarm-Businesses $100.00 Alarm Permit Account (New & Renewal) $25.00 Parking Fines $25.00 Parking Fines-No decal for marina parking $50.00 Parking Fines-Second Violation $100.00 Water Restriction-1st Violation Warning Water Restriction-2nd Violation $25.00 Outside Services (Special Details) $55.00 Forfeiture Revenue Varies continued on next page General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Right-of-Way Permitting Note: The Village reserves the right to refuse service to any construction or permitted work site based on non-payment of fees. The Village reserves the right to refuse service and permitting to business entities or individuals based on outstanding unpaid fees. Non-payment of fees shall constitute proper documented notification by the Village of fees due and failure of the receiving party to pay or appeal said fees within twenty (20) business days of receipt of notification. Note: Fees described wherein may adjust annually at a rate equal to the Consumer Price Index or three percent (3%), whichever may be determined more appropriate, each October 1st. Note: Refer to day charges shall be for calendar days, inclusive of weekends and holidays. Description Fee Right-of-Way Utilization Permit Application & Processing Fee ① $35.00 Residential Driveway Apron Construction $35.00 Sidewalk Repair/Construction, first 100’ $35.00 Each additional 100’ LF or fraction thereof $35.00 Crane/Lifting Equipment Placement, per day $25.00 Roll-off Dumpster Placement, per day $25.00 Construction Material Placement (Swale/Right-of-Way, per day) $25.00 Tree Trimming Operation (Rolling locations, per day) $35.00 Permit extension(s), 30 calendar days (Non-refundable) $35.00 Permit renewal (expired permit) $35.00 Maintenance of Traffic Plan Review (2 reviews) $135.00 Each additional review $60.00 Roadway Closure/Obstruction (per lane-foot per day) $0.50 Sidewalk Closure/Obstruction (per linear foot per day) $0.50 Roadway/Sidewalk Closure Work Completion Delay ② 2 x Special Events w/ Road Closure $265.00 Open Cut Roadway, Per Cut Location $218.00 Utility Pole Installation – Overhead Facilities, Each Pole $109.00 Franchise Utility Main / Cable / Line Install, Per 100’ Linear $20.00 Franchise Utility Cabinet Installation, Per Location $163.50 Permit Violation Charges (All Permits) Work Commencement (without valid permit) ③ 2 x permit fee Work Commencement (valid permit – without notice) $100.00 Work Outside Permit Limits (with valid permit) 2 x permit fee Work with a suspended or expired permit ④ $500.00 Closure/Obstruction (without valid permit) ⑤ $500.00 Closure/Obstruction (exceeding permit limits) ⑤ $150.00 Abandoned Barricade/Temporary Signage Collection/Storage Traffic Signage & VMS Board, per day $10.00 Barricade (all types), per day $5.00 Collection Fee (30 calendar days past due) ⑥ $35.00 Emergency Response Cost Recovery ⑦ Emergency Response – Street Maintenance Actual Cost ⑧     General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022     ① Right-of-way permits are valid for a maximum of 30 calendar days from date of issue. Permits may be extended in 30 calendar day increments at time of issuance. Additional work not authorized by the original permit terms will require a new permit or modification of existing permit. Fees are payable upon submission of permit application. ② Closure/Obstructions exceeding the prescribed permit time limits will be access fees equal to 2 times the daily closure rate for each day, or fraction thereof, of additional closure/obstruction. ③Violation charge is applicable in all cases where work commences without a valid Village of NPB right-of-way permit. Violation charges will not apply to emergency work, if permit is applied for within two (2) business days following the commencement of emergency work. Violation charges will be assessed separately and shall be equal to the total of the permit assessment, effectively doubling the permit fee. ④ Violation charges will be assessed for work completed with a suspended or expired permit in the amount of $500 per day, or fraction thereof, per occurrence. Work completed with a suspended or expired permit will be assumed defective without inspection and may be rejected in part or entirety. ⑤ Violation charges will be assessed for closure/obstruction of roadway, sidewalk, or public access in the amount of $500 per day, or fraction thereof, per occurrence. Violation charges will be assessed for closure/obstruction or roadway, sidewalk, or public access in the amount of $150 per day, or fraction thereof, per occurrence for incidents that exceed valid permit work limitations. ⑥ Fees assessed for additional work, time extension, late charge, or emergency response are due upon issuance. Fees are determined to be past due if not paid within 30 calendar days of issuance. ⑦ Emergency response cost recovery expenses may be assessed in association with capital construction, site development, right-of-way construction, and infrastructure maintenance activity that result in damage or disruption of service to a Village owned facility or utility. Additional fines, fees, or cost recovery expenses may be levied by other regulatory agencies. ⑧ Actual cost will include, but is not limited to: labor, overhead, equipment, materials, laboratory analysis, and municipal contractor cost. Fire Rescue Description Fee Emergency Medical Services Fees Basic Life (per transport) $610.00 Advanced Life Support Level One (per transport) $675.00 Advanced Life Support Level Two (per transport) $745.00 *plus $12.00 per mile Fire/Rescue (Special Details min. 3 hours charged per event) Hourly rate per firefighter (2 firefighters minimum) $50.00 $60.00 Vehicle operating cost per hour $30.00 $50.00 Annual Fire Inspection Fees Assembly (Type of Occupancy Use) 50-299 $75.00 300-999 $100.00 1,000-4,900 $175.00 5,000 or greater $275.00 Educational Day Care, Nursery Pre-school $35.00 $50.00 All others $75.00 $100.00 Healthcare/Instructional 5,000 square feet and under $50.00 5,001-15,000 square feet $100.00 15,001-30,000 square feet 150.00 30,001-100,000 square feet $250.00 100,001 square feet or greater $350.00 Transient Lodging, Apartment, Residential Board and Care, and Adult Living Facilities 24 units and less $55.00 $60.00 25-100 units $75.00 $80.00 101-500 units $150.00 $155.00 501 units or greater $250.00 $255.00 General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Description Fee Mercantile, Office, Storage, Industrial and Manufacturing 5,000 square feet and under $50.00 $60.00 5,001-15,000 square feet $100.00 $110.00 15,001-30,000 square feet $150.00 $160.00 30,001-100,000 square feet or greater $200.00 $210.00 100,001 square feet or greater $300.00 $310.00 Marinas and Boat Storage Facilities 50 boat slips and under $50.00 $55.00 51-200 boat slips $150.00 $155.00 101-250 boat slips $200.00 $205.00 251 boat slips or greater $300.00 $305.00 Tent & Temporary Structures All $50.00 All other occupancies not listed $50.00 Re-Inspections/Extra Inspections First No charge Second $100.00 Third $150.00 Fourth and subsequent $200.00 Unscheduled inspection by special request (subject to availability) $75/hr 1 hr min. 2 hr min after hours 4 hr min weekend & holidays per inspection Any unproductive trip (Work not ready, locked out, plans absent, etc.) $100.00 Plan Review Fees Inspection & Plan Review Fee (based on improvement cost) $2.25 $2.50 per $1,000 ($50.00 $75.00 minimum) Civil Drawing, DRC, Conceptual Design, Site Plan Review Fees $50.00 $100.00 Hood (excluding fire suppression system) $100.00 Pre-permit revision 10% of original fee Post permit revision $5.00 per page ($20.00 $25.00 minimum) False/Unintentional Fire Alarm Fees Residential 4-6 False/Unintentional Alarms (per occurrence) $75.00 7-9 False/Unintentional Alarms (per occurrence) $100.00 10+ False/Unintentional Alarms (per occurrence) $200.00 Commercial 4-6 False/Unintentional Alarms (per occurrence) $200.00 7-9 False/Unintentional Alarms (per occurrence) $400.00 10+ False/Unintentional Alarms (per occurrence) $800.00 continued on next page General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Planning, Zoning & Code Compliance Description Fee Code Compliance Annual Abandoned Property Registration Fee $150.00 Open Code Enforcement Searches (per address) $50.00 Reduction of Fine Request $100.00 Finding of Violation Fee $100.00 Code Citation Fees: First Violation $25.00 Second Violation $100.00 Third Violation 150.00 Fourth Violation Mandatory appearance before Special Magistrate Planning & Zoning (* Fees do not include advertising, legal, etc.) Zoning Variances * $500.00 Sign Variances * $500.00 Preliminary or final Plat filing fee * $300.00 Comprehensive Plan Amendments application fee * $2,500.00 Rezoning (amendments, modify, supplement or repeal) $2,000.00 Planned Unit Development (PUD) application fee * $2,500.00 Planned Unit Development Major Amendment application fee * $1,500.00 Planned Unit Development Minor Amendment application fee * $500.00 Planned Unit Development Waiver fee (per waiver request)* $100.00 Temporary Commercial Signage - For Sale or For Lease (each) $10.00 Temporary Banner Fee (each) $10.00 Portable Storage Containers & Roll-off Construction Dumpsters (Permit) $25.00 Portable Storage Containers & Roll-off Construction Dumpsters (Permit Renewal) $10.00 Special Event Permit - Profit $50.00 Special Event Permit - Non-Profit $25.00 Landscape Permit (which includes up to 2 zoning inspections) $150.00 Site Plan Major application fee - Multi-Family & Commercial $500.00 Site Plan Major application fee (With Waiver)-Multi-Family & Commercial $1,000.00 Site Plan Minor application fee - Multi-Family & Commercial $100.00 Site Plan amendment application fee for previously approved by Planning Commission and/or Council $100.00 Zoning Confirmation Letter $100.00 Zoning Re-inspection Fee $25.00 Peddlers and Solicitors Fee $250.00 Special Exception Fee* $500.00 Conditional Use Fee* $100.00 Painting Permit Fee $150.00 Similar Use Permit* $500.00 Dock/Seawall Major Application Fee* $500.00 Dock/Seawall Minor Application Fee* $100.00 General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Business Tax Notes for Business Tax Schedule: 1. LATE FEES All businesses tax receipts issued hereunder may be renewed without penalty no later than September 30 by application of the receipt holder. Receipts not renewed by October 1 shall be considered delinquent and subject to a delinquency penalty of ten (10) percent of the full year business for the month of October, plus additional five-percent for each month of delinquency thereafter until paid. The total delinquency penalty shall never exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the full year business tax for that applicant, in addition to the business tax set forth herein. 2. TRANSFER FEE a. New Owner: (At the time any such receipt is transferred, the person applying such transfer fee equal to ten (10) percent of the annual business tax but not less than three dollars ($3.00) and not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00). b. New Location: (At the time any such receipt is transferred, the person applying such transfer fee equal to ten (10) percent of the annual business tax but not less than three dollars ($3.00) and not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Classification Fee AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Veterinary Services: Veterinary service from a truck $132.00 Veterinary service to animal specialties $132.00 Animal specialty services, except veterinary $132.00 Landscape counseling and planning $132.00 Lawn and garden service $110.00 Ornamental shrub and tree service $110.00 Building construction-Contractors as defined by the Contractors Licensing Board of Palm Beach County $132.00 TRANSPORTATION Taxi cabs: Local Trucking $93.00 Each place or business $66.00 Each vehicle $66.00 Water transportation of passengers $66.00 Marinas (also see retail) each space (minimum $55.00 increased to $57.75); each $3.30 Water transportation services NEC $66.00 Arrangement of passenger transportation $164.50 Arrangement of freight/cargo transportation $164.50 COMMUNICATIONS Radiotelephone communications $176.00 Telephone company (franchise) $66.00 Telephone communication except radiotelephone $176.00 Telegraph $478.50 Radio television broadcasting $412.50 Cable and other pay television services $412.50 General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Classification Fee ELECTRONIC, GAS AND SANITARY SERVICES Electric services (franchise) $578.50 Natural gas transmission (franchise) $578.50 Natural gas distributors $578.50 Liquefied petroleum distributors $578.50 Water supply (franchise) $578.50 Sanitary sewer services (franchise) $578.50 WHOLESALE TRADE (See RETAIL) Wholesale-durable goods: Inventory value cost-not exceeding $1,000.00 $38.50 Each additional $1,000.00 $9.45 RETAIL TRADE Retail store: Inventory value cost-not exceeding $1,000.00 $38.50 Each additional $1,000.00 (Maximum cap $7,500) $9.45 Filing station, marine/auto/other: 1-4 dispensers $93.00 Each additional dispenser $27.00 Eating place ($54.50 increased to $57.00 minimum) each seat $2.70 Drinking place (alcoholic drinks) ($54.50 increased to $57.00 minimum) each seat $2.70 Food service-no seats $132.00 Non-store retail Catalog and mail order $132.00 Automatic merchandise machines operator $280.00 Each machine $32.50 Fuel oil dealer (bottled gas) $132.00 LP gas dealer (bottled gas) $132.00 Direct selling-each person/vehicle $132.00 Solicitor/canvasser each: Per year $346.50 Each canvasser $115.50 Retail store NEC: Florist $132.00 Tobacco store $132.00 News dealer/news stand $132.00 Optical goods store $132.00 Miscellaneous Retail Store NEC (Consignment, Pawn) $132.00 FINANCE, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE Depository institution $297.00 Non-depository institution $297.00 Security and commodity brokers/dealers $150.00 Brokers sales agent $37.50 INSURANCE Insurance carriers $132.00 Insurance agents, broker service $132.00 Insurance sales agent $132.00 General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Classification Fee REAL ESTATE Real estate operator ($54.50 increased to $57.00 minimum): Base (1-5 sleeping rooms) $15.75 Each additional room $3.30 Real estate agents and manager $132.00 Real estate sales agent (No Longer Applicable) $0.00 Title abstract office $132.00 Land sub dividers and developers $186.50 Holding and other investment offices $297.00 SERVICES Hotels, rooming houses, etc. ($54.50 increased to $57.00 minimum): Base (1-5 sleeping rooms) $16.50 Each additional sleeping room $3.30 Personal Services: Laundry, cleaning, garment service $132.00 Coin operated laundry, dry cleaning $132.00 Operator 1-20 machines $132.00 Each additional machine $6.50 Photographic studio, portrait $132.00 Beauty shop $132.00 Each state licensed operator $37.50 Barber shop $132.00 Each state licensed operator $37.50 Shoe repair shop $132.00 Funeral service $297.00 Additional for ambulance service $186.50 Tax preparation service $132.00 Miscellaneous personal service NEC $132.00 Advertising agency $132.00 Consumer credit reporting/collection $132.00 Mailing, reproduction. Commercial art and stenographic service $132.00 Service to dwelling $132.00 Miscellaneous equipment rental/leasing $132.00 Personnel supply service $132.00 Computer programming, data processing $132.00 Miscellaneous business service NEC $132.00 Business services NEC $132.00 Telemarketing $186.50 Plus each phone $37.50 General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Classification Fee AUTO SERVICE/REPAIR Auto Rental $132.00 Auto repair shop: 2 persons $37.50 3-4 persons $59.50 5-6 persons $110.00 7-10 persons $176.00 11-20 persons $220.00 More than 21 person $363.00 Car wash $132.00 MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR SERVICES Misc. repair services store $132.00 Misc. repair services from a truck $66.00 Misc. repair services with retail store $66.00 MOTION PICTURES Motion picture production/distributor $132.00 Motion picture theatre/drive-in $275.00 Plus per seat/per space $0.49 AMUSEMENT AND RECREATION SERVICE Dance studios $132.00 Theatrical producers $132.00 Bowling center (1-5 alleys) $132.00 Each additional alley $37.50 Commercial sports $186.50 Physical fitness facilities $132.00 Coin operated amusement devices operator $280.00 Plus each machine $32.50 Amusement and recreation services NEC $132.00 Fortune teller-fee charged $1,267.00 No fee charged-contribution $2,205.00 Phrenologist-fee charged $1,487.50 No fee charged-contribution $2,205.00 HEALTH SERVICES Licensed practitioner each $132.00 Nursing and personal care facility $186.50 Hospital $186.50 Medical and dental laboratory $186.50 Home health care $132.00 Miscellaneous health services NEC $132.00 LEGAL SERVICES Attorneys each $132.00 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Elementary and secondary school $132.00 Vocational school $132.00 Schools and educational services NEC $132.00 General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Classification Fee SOCIAL SERVICES Individual and family services $132.00 Job training service $132.00 Child care facility (Fla. Statute) $154.00 Family day care (Fla. Statute) $59.50 Community residential home (Fla. Statute) $154.00 Social services NEC $132.00 Membership organizations $132.00 ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTING, RESEARCH MANAGEMENT Engineering, architectural and surveying-each practitioner $132.00 Residential designer $132.00 ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Accounting/bookkeeping service $132.00 Certified public accountant each $132.00 RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING SERVICES Research, development and testing services $132.00 MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS SERVICES Management services $132.00 Management consulting services $132.00 Public relation services $132.00 Facility support management services $132.00 Business consulting services NEC $132.00 Building Description: Fee: Minimum Permit Fee $75.00 Minimum plus plan review fee if applicable Percentage of Valuation: Unit Value: 3.68% Up to the first $10,000.00 plus 1.85% The next $10,000.01 to $100,000.00 plus 0.95% The next $100,000.01 and up or fraction thereof Building Department Plan Review (Not applicable to over-the counter permits) 10% of permit fee. $25.00 Minimum. Third rejection of plans for the same comment shall incur a fee of four (4) times the plan review portion of the permit fee. Florida State Statues SS 553.80(2)(b) Sub-permit $10.00 applicable to all sub-permits that do not require an independent review Low Voltage Alarm $40.00 per label Surcharge 1% of the permit fee. Minimum of $2. Florida State Statues SS 553.721 Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Fund 1.5% of the permit fee. Minimum of $2. Florida State Statutes SS 468.631 Training Surcharge 1% of the permit fee and/or revision fee. $1 minimum Digitizing Plans $2.20 per page for pages over 11"x17" up to 24"x36" General Fund Fee Schedule FY 2022 Description: Fee: Building Relocation $290.00 Change of Occupancy without work being performed $75.00 Building Demolition $290.00 Parking lot overlay/re-striping $100 per lot up to 150 parking spaces $125 per lots over 150 parking spaces Construction Trailers $75.00 Re-inspection Fee $75.00, second re-inspection $100, four (4) times the amount of the fee imposed for the first re-inspection and for each subsequent re-inspection for an uncorrected violation after the second re-inspection. Florida State Statues SS 553.80(2)(c) Unscheduled inspection by special request (Subject to availability) $75/hr 1hr min, 2hr Min for after hours, 4hr Min weekends & holidays per inspector or inspection trade. Penalty for commencing work without first securing a permit or written approval Four (4) times the permit fee, plus $100.00 Administration Fee. (At the discretion of the Building Official) Change of contractor-same location $75.00 plus $25.00 per sub-contractor. Residential Revision Fee After plans are approved and permit issued, one and two family dwellings, $25.00 plus $10.00 per page. An additional fee of the estimated value of work will be charged for revisions that result in an increase to the original job valuation. Commercial Revision Fee After plans are approved and permit issued-includes multi- family dwellings, $50.00 plus $10.00 per page. An additional fee of the estimated value of work will be charged for revisions that result in an increase to the original job valuation. Renew or extend permit or application $50.00 Re-issuance Fee (after 180 days of expiration date) 30% of original permit fee, $75.00 minimum + plan review fee Temporary Signs or Temporary Tents (Each) $50.00 + plan review and Fire Department Fee if applicable Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Fee $100.00 Temporary Certificate of Completion Fee $100.00 Early Power Release (Commercial Projects Only) $100.00 Local Product Approval $250.00 and requires Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals review and approval Document Research Time & Material Fees after 15 minutes Actual Cost Palm Beach County Impact Fees Palm Beach County Impacts fees are collected by Village of North Palm Beach. Impact fee credit approval is required at the time of permit application submittal. Open Permit Search (per address) $50.00 Non-Domicile Business Registration $25.00 Refund of building permit fees: Refunds requested due to application error or canceling of a permit (All conditions must be met): 1. A maximum of 50% will be refunded. 2. Permit cannot be expired. 3. No-work has occurred or commenced on the project (Verified by the building inspector and plan review has processed the application). 4. Request must be in writing, addressed to the Building Official. 5. Plan review fees are not subject to refund.