NP plan makes better use of village hall (PBP) 4-19-00The Palm Beach Post Date: q _ 1 � _. 010 Im an Norlth. Pa. P1. malies b,tt r use Of villa ge hall Proposed renovations will incorporate space formerly occupied by the city's public safety division. By Thomas R. Collins Palm Beach Post Staff Miter NORTH PALM BEACH Look no farther than behind an unassuming closet door next to the village clerk's office in the village hall here to understand why officials soon will spend nearly a million dollars to re- vamp the place. Therein, near the office sup- plies, sits a typewriter on a shelf about waste -high. And it is there that Village Clerk Kitty Kelly stands when she has to fill out a pre-printed form, such as a Fed- eral Express document she wants to look nicer than it would hand-written, or some other doc- ument for which she can't use the computer. She has more space there than in her cramped office, she says. "We're closet typists," she hesitantly admits. Not for long. Tomorrow, an architect is expected to submit two options for village hall renovations that are sorely needed. The village council is expected to discuss the plans at its April 27 meeting. The renovations, which are esti- mated to cost $900.,000, will mean a thorough gutting of the interior and replacement with a new layout that uses all of its space. more than 10,000 square feet of space has gone unused since the public safety department moved to its own building across the street on U.S. 1. last year. Those offices, including the police de- partment's holding cells and the fire department's lockers, now sit dormant behind locked doors on the south side of the building. It's like a museum that's never visited. The renovations will make each of the hall's offices in- cluding the clerk's office, city manager's office, and the finance department about 30 percent bigger, said the town's architect, Anderson Slocomb of Gee and Jenson in West Palm Beach. He said it's been a challenge work- ing with the village's configura- tion, which roughly. is a horse- shoe pattern. Some may suggest building a new village hall. Advice to those people: Ssshhhh village offi- cials don't like to hear that. Even Kelly can hardly bring herself to say a disparaging thing about village hall, so affec- tionate is she toward the build- ing, one of the first to be built in the early 1950's in what is now North Palm Beach. Until now, even .council members didn't know about the typewriter situation because she's kept it to herself, she said. "It's as nice today as it was when it was built," Kelly said. "A lot of people tend to take this building for granted as just an- other building, but it's not just Accession # 2006���6� Access for disabled a priority- Continuedfrom page I another building." "I love it, I think it's great," Councilman Charles O'Meilia said. "I fought to keep the colors the same throughout the years." Care was taken to preserve the building's look when sections have been added occasionally, he said. So there never was talk about replacing the building. Officials say they'll have enough space to work with once the old public safety space is put back into commission. Mayor Joseph A. Tringali said "the first thing" that needs to be done with the renovations is to give the disabled a way to get to the restrooms during council meetings. The only way to get to them now involves climbing steps. He'd also like a council dais that isn't as high as the current one, which he said is "kind of like you're looking down on vot- ers from the heights of Mt. Olympus or something." Finance Director Shaukat Khan proudly points out that the renovations will be done with lit- tle or no increase in taxes. Khan, too, is eager for more space. When he hired his admin- istrative secretary a few years ago, he had to displace an ac- countant. "She's sitting in the storage room right now," he said. And storing bulky financial documents has been a chore. "Some of the stuff is in here, some of the stuff is in there," he said, pointing first at a closet across from his office, then to the other side of the building. "It would be good to have more el- bow room, you know?" ® tomas collins0pbpost.com 0 bt the ; of tl�ie }a 's