Council appoints Joseph Tringali new Mayor of NPB (WD) 3-29-2000NORTH PALM BEACH COUNCIL MEET!Nr, 2-23-00 � h fir. � ,{ Counclia. O1ilts , l �=��d Tringali new Mayor of N.PB Councilman Don Noel sworn in forfirst meeting by Denise Jaegers Once Councilman Don Noel was sworn in for his first meeting last Thursday, the first order of business on the agenda was the appointment of a new Mayor, Vice Mayor and President Pro Tenn for the Village of North Palm Beach. Mayor Edward Eissey "passed the gavel" to Vice Mayor Joseph Tringali, nominating him to hold the office of Mayor for the next year. Although Councilman Charles O'Meilia nominated Councilman David Norris for the same office, Norris respectfully declined the nomination. The nominations and voting for officers in North Palm Beach produced the following results: • Joseph Tringali - Mayor ® Dr. Edward Eissey - Vice Mayor ® David Norris - President Pro Tern. Tringali's opening remarks as Mayor included the following statements: "This council has achieved many notable goals during the past twelve months, including the rebirth of the Country Club and the opening of new retail businesses on Northlake Boulevard and US 1. Many other projects are underway, among them traffic calming in the Village and improved landscaping of out public areas. "(But) If we are to survive the "Let's do it on our own special Heritage Day with picnics and parades, block parties and events at our Country Club. And let's make sure the youngest members of our community are involved in this, because they are the ones who benefit most from a good dose of heritage. "After heritage, water is our most unique asset ... We need to improve those waterways; most of all, we need to improve our thinking about our use of those waterways to benefit our community —Let's finally get moving on the development of Anchorage Park...(making) it into the jewel it deserves to be and always should have been. "Here's one goal I would like us to achieve even if it takes twenty or thirty iears...Someday I would like to know that a traveler visited North Palm Beach and called it 'The Nantucket of the South:' a traditional American community, caressed by the sea, without, the Northern cold and snow. ,purely that would be 'The Best Place to i-iv� under the Sun.," In other action, the council: ® Approved, 5-0, first reading of a proposed ordinance providing that :mooring buoys, anchors, boat davits and other boat lifting devices shall be owned and constructed only by the upland land owner; requiring building permits for mooring buoys and anchors; NPB'S NEWEST COUNCILMAN - Don Noel won the race for Gail Vastola's seat during the March 14 election, defeating his opponent, Sue Smith. Noel wants to bring his experience in business and the community to the Village Council, with the emphasis on Government operating "within its means." and amending requirements for mooring buoys and anchors in Lake Worth and the Atlantic Ocean. • Adopted, 5-0, a resolution amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Village to require vacation time to accrue on a. weekly basis. Y Accepted a proposal from SignCraft to fabricate and install a monument sign for the North Palm Beach Country Club restaurant; funds to be expended from Clubhouse Construction and Major Renovation. (Councilman O'Meilia cast the lone vote against this action.) population boom that threatens to engulf us, we must identify the things that make our Village unique and build on them. Although we are being copied, we haven't been duplicated. We still have one of the best golf courses and some of the best recreational assets in the county —Our citizens, the owners of those assets, must come first when we allocate our resources. "There are two things about North Palm Beach that no one can copy: our heritage and our waterways... Our Village is unique in that the children and the grandchildren of our founders are moving back and driving their roots ever deeper into North Palm Beach soil ... This year, let's do something to welcome them back. NPB'S NEW MAYOR - Joseph Tringali was sworn in as the Mayor:: `for the next year, following: nominations and appointments for: officers dosing last Thursday's meeting. In his opening remarks as Mayor, Tringali stressed "heritage and waterways" as the Viiiage's most unique assets.