Ed Eissey new Mayor of North Palm Beach (WD) March 17-23, 199932nd YEAR - ' MARCH 17-23, 1999 NUMBER 11 kl--- i PALM MAGti CUMMISSIUN MEEfiiNG-THURSDAY, MA�iCH t1„1999 MEET DOUG SMITH, North Palm Beach's new Assistant Village Manager. Doug just moved here from Athens, Georgia, after earning his Master's Degree in Business Administration. Doug's starting salary will be $35,000 for a six-month probation period, after which it will be raised to $38,000. DR. EDWARD EISSEY will hold the office of Mayor for North Palm Beach this year, after being sworn in during last Thursday's council meeting. Eissey recognized outgoing Mayor David Norris as "one of the best the Village has ever had," and thanked his fellow council members for their support and dedication. Ed Eissey new Mayor of North Palm Beach by Denise Jaegers The North Palm Beach Village Council reorganization took place last Thursday, after Tuesday's municipal election. Charles O'Meilia was re-elected to his seat, defeating his sole opponent, Jim Peterson. Outgoing Mayor David Norris addressed the Council and residents, reflecting on his last year serving the Village. "I appreciate the support of this council --you've shown me nothing but confidence," he said with heartfelt warmth. "I've always believed North Palm Beach is the best place to live, and I wanted to contribute to make sure it stays that way. I've seen the community really get involved in the last two years ... it's the best thing I've seen happen." After Mayor Norris was applauded by council members and residents, Tringali becomes Vice -Mayor, Councilman Joseph Tringali nominated Edward Eissey, President Pro Tem, for the office of Mayor during the next year. The motion was seconded, and Eissey was unanimously voted in as new Mayor. Dr. Eissey then nominated Tringali for Vice Mayor, followed by O'Meilia's nomination of Norris as the same officer. Although Norris thanked O'Meilia for the nomination, he declined the office. Tringali was subsequently unanimously voted in as Vice Mayor. For the office of President Pro Tem, Councilman Gail Vastola was nominated and unanimously voted in by her fellow council members. At the close of nominations, Village Clerk Kitty Kelly swore in the new officers, and the nameplaces and seating arrangements were switched. Vastola, Pres. Pro Tem Mayor Ed Eissey conducted the remainder of the meeting, beginning with the comment, "In all my years of public service, I've never worked with a more sincere, agreeable, congenial group of people," referring to his fellow council members. During his report to the Council, Village Manager Dennis Kelly introduced the Assistant Village Manager, Doug Smith, who was just completing his second week in his new job. "His job description is three -fold," explained Kelly. "Top-heavy in Human Resources, followed by grant writing and purchasing." In other action, Council: • Approved and enacted second reading of a proposed ordinance amending the NPB General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1998-99, appropriating funds in the amount of $50,488 for beautification of Alternate AlA medians located north of Northlake Boulevard within the Village. (Half of the funds supplied by a Beautiful Palm Beaches Grant from the Department of Transportation.) • Approved first reading of a proposed ordinance amending the General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1998-99 to appropriate funds in the amount of $11,112 for,;expanded bicycle patrol, of which $10,000 is funded by the DCA, the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program. • Adopted a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a highway beautification grant agreement for landscaping on Alternate AIA medians north of Northlake Boulevard and located within the Village.