Winter club to be demolishedThe he prime mover in getting these things done was Charlie Boy nrian, who. was one of the first Councilmen and Vice Mayor for the Village of NPB. He was also the first President of the NPB Shuffleboard and Recreational Board. We -feel the council erred wn their decision. The building should have been named the Charles Bowman Building. Loreto completed his statement. The most lively discussion occurred when the council took up the question of authorizing the Director of - Public Safety to establish the position of -Corporal. in the niblic. Safety Department at a starting salary of $18,500. The chief defender* of this motion was Councilwoman Nolan who stated, "My position is to create a Corporal in., the Public Service Department with a sahat-y of $18,500. " In response to her, Councilmen Ntoore and Valente pointed out to Nolan that the council has received a request from the Public Safety Department asking to create a position for one man. The "one man" was identified at the last Council meeting as Clay Walker, the - current Crime Prevention Officer. Moore's objection at the last Council meeting was that the union might object, since Walker does not have the seniority that some of the other officers do. It was stated at this evening's meeting that the union has since declared it 'has no objection's. Valente warned the council that if at some later date the council should' decide to abolish the Cot,Tpral position, they might then 'be prevented. from doing this because it v�as. part of the union contract. Moore . commented' that, the council "should be . able to compensate officers without creat- ing a new position, " Moc ore asked Nolan, "Will it (the . Corporal's position.) be postedon the bulletin board, anal will there be tests for the job.? Nolan replied that she was for 6 6 whatever their the Public Safe D(--.-partinent) procedure is." Valente, agreeing with Moore,, said "-it's not fair not tc- open it (tbe Corporal's position) up to testing,. " With -Moore and Valente voting no the passed motion 3-2. . In a 4-1. vote (Moore -voting "Do")., the 'Council vvlfi let out Continued on Page 4 Winter*C1ub . to be clert►olis" eel. Continued from Page I bids for the demolition of the Winter Club Building. However, not before Moore got Charlie Omelia, Director of Public Servicts, to return the chandelier to the Winter Club Building. This is required under the current bid specifications; The council made the following appointments: Margaret Davison and Reg Grant to the County Club Advisory Board; Helen Aniendola and Libby Greene, to the Library Advisory "Board; Patti Wiesenec,k and Qharles W 'fight to thf- ri , Recreation. Advisory Board; 'rom Kelsey and Carroll Smoot to the ssion; George Planning Commi* . Baldwin and George Finney to the Code Einfor . cement Bt-yard: and Thomas McCathey Jr. and Neat Neff to the Contractors -Bc�a-rld