NPB Council votes to demolish Winter Club (WD) 8-3-83WL'- L K DAY Accw:# 993 ZZ 91 ff-3-&3 North alill Beach Council, votes to demolish Winter Club By Steve Uman At the July 28th regular session of the North Palm Beach Village Council, the governing body voted to demolish the historic Winter Club/ Oaks mansion building. By a majority vote of 4 to 1 the Council approved demolishing the building and going out immediately to get bids for the demolition work. Mayor Tom Valente was just starting to say, "The next item on the agenda is... " He may or may not have even said the words `Winter Club' when Vice -Mayor V.A. , Marks interrupted. Marks immediately made a motion to den-iolish the building and go out to bid to get the cost of demolition. Ile went on to say that anything beyond doing the building completely over would be wrong for the Village, adding it would allegedly take too much money to fix it up and then maintain it. . Councilman Craig Mundt went back over everything that has been talked about before, at former meetings: the questionable historical significance of the building, the unavailability of Federal or State restoration funds, the liability of an old building that just "sits there as a potential hazard" , etc. Mundt said that the proposals from outside sources, to utilize the building primarily for commercial ventures, contained ` `unknown cost factors." What this really means is that the Council did not even give any serious consideration to the Crystal Tree or Luke Taylor proposals. Some of their ininds had been made up for a long time. STE V E UMAN Mundt also mentioned a Federal Bill just proposed which would prevent cities Iroin engaging in. sales and leasebacks to private developers. Later oil, when it .was Councilman Al Moore's turn to speak, Moore brought this argument into perspec- tive by reminding Mundt and the audience that a long, long time passes between the finie a bill is f rst introduced and the tirne the bill is passed (if it does pass). Mundt let everyone know he is "ill favor of removal of the, building. , s Councilwoman Harriet Nolan said that she ahvays supported the fifty percent who originally voted to demolish the building. Al Moore injected a bit of humor into the proceedings by responding to Nolan s comment and saying that he ``represents the other fifty percent who wanted to save the building." Moore has been known for months to be the only council member in favor of saving and preserving the Winter Club. He talked about the beauty of the building, in a beautiful tone of voice. He did say that `beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,' and the other 4 people up on the podium - with him obviously don't like `that kind of beauty.' Moore stated that the Winter Club is "the only thing, or the only building, in the Northern County, except for possible the Jupiter Lighthouse, that represents old Florida as it used to be. " He gave one good argument that has been heard before, but, as before, nobody listened. "Where can you find a building so strong ... that can be built for $500,000...to withstand hurricanes like this building..." Moore made two other important comments. But they were only important, or only listened to, by people who cherished the old building. He blamed the rest of the Council for "throwing away $80, 000 of the taxpayers money" by taking away "this one beautiful building. " And in closing, Moore stated that ` we still don't know what the people in the Village really want. " He blamed special interest groups for coming to the meetings and for inciting the people to remove the Winter Club. In any case, a vote was taken on Mark's motion to demolish the club and to go out for bids for the demolition work, and the vote was 4 to 1 in favor. If you want to say goodbye to the Winter Club, or if you want to take some photographs of the building that caused so much controversy for such a long time, you'd better take those pictures soon. Because the Winter Club will cease to be shortly. It has been so ordained.