Five Opinions on Election ResultsNORTH PALM BEACH FUBtC U&M To all the conserva- tives in South Florida, the elections were all. but completely disap- pointing. However, ma- jority does rule and residents queried seemed pretty satisfied 1'he reoP le Speak: Five Opinions On Election Results By Angel Downe with the election re- in droves it seems. s. Most of the ._residents here, .A lot - of ' people ques- now, are from some- tioned didn't feel the where else anyway so were qualified to Y the question, "how q answer do because of recently mov- you feel about the elec- ing to the area. The tion results?" was an - northerners are arriving swered the I following way. T Jim North P .. . . ..\\„ Weis , Palm 4... ~ ._:... Beach - "In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . general, I IXwas satisfied with the 413 ::....:::: r e s u I t s• I� 'y .......::::. ..::.....::. don't vote al ong 0 1 a r t li nes, 1neS p I Y vote for the person. was Particularly ease <:{::::>:>:: se }: e t ....:. h co unty p n4 r a' 1 S e ......... ............ ..................... r ... ........... ... .KW..... retained. t a' p i n. e d I th ink n e p sons a elected will probably do ....:.......::......::.:..:::.::.::.:::: as well as everyone who Elvi Wright we ll ran. I think the Gover- Elvi Wright, palm nor did a good job and Beach Gardens didn't see any reason to really don't know, bas- change the Governor ically because I real1v now. Sharon Leiter, Glen - ridge, - "I'm delighted Tom Lewis was elected. He helped build the North Palm .Beach Lib- rary and he has been a '...: good friend of the lib- rary. ,\ rary Generally, Gover- \ i `:::�.�:::: nor Graham and Secre- tary of State firestone ::.. y ff, :; :.. . � •�����::: are very supportive o library y services:,, Richard Robert Richard Robert, Nest Palm Beach - "The elections went just as I hoped they would. I expected they would turn out the way they did and I am real happy!", ua�c� are. Sharon Leiter