NPB Residents Presented Certificates Of Appreciation July 1981At City Hall Ceremon�
N.P.B. Residents Presented Certificates Of Appreciation
By Susan Thomas
Eleven hard working
and dedicated residents
of North Palm -Beach
were presented with
certificates of ap-
preciation during
ceremonies at the
village hall Thursday
night. Receiving a the
awards were members
of the 25th anniversary
committee: Peggy En-
ders, chairman, Patsy
Love, Bob Allen, Marian
Little, Emily Peterson,
Russel Ruskay, Bob
Huey, Charmaine Back.
Margaret 'rurney, bill
Young, village historian
and Ray Howland,
Village manager.
Dr. V.A. Marks,
Mayor, presented the
certificates, which
thanked each individual
for °`unselfish and
devoted service to make
the village . of North
Palm Beach the `Best
Place To Live tinder
The Sun'. This personal
dedication is exemplary
and worthy of the
highest and sincerest
praise and gratitude. "
They were signed by all
council members.
The committee mem-
bers planned and
executed an entire week
of well prepared
festivities that appealed
to all ages and interests
of the community. Many
hours, days and weeks
went into the planning
of the activities. A 25th
anniversary book was
also written by historian
Bill Young, and sold in
conjunction with the
week long celebration.
Members of the North Palm Beach 25th Anniver-
sary Committee take time to show the awards they
received in a ceremony at the Village Hail Thurs-
day night. Front Row (Seated): Emily Peterson;
Peggy Enders, Committee Chairman; Patsy Love;
(Rear): Harriet Nolan, Commissioner; Dr. V.A.
Marks, Mayor; Marion Little, Al Moore, Council-
man; Margaret Turney; Bill Brown, President Pro
Tern of Council; Tom Valente, Vice Mayor; Bob
Huey, Ray Howland, Village Manager; Bob Allen
and Bill Younq, Village Historian.
�" U L'
Shown (L to R) at the North Palm Beach Village
Hall: Ray Howland, Village Manager, James Mims,
holding a certificate of appreciation for. 20 years of
service with the Village Sanitation Dept.; Charles
O' Meilia, Public works Director; Steve Garvey,
Supervisor of Sanitation; Dr. V.A. Marks, Mayor.
The presentation was made during a short cere-
mony Thursday night.