Mayor expresses pride in NPB (WD) 6-24-81pre or. fiA ai y Wee ay DATE &%-Z Im B t. or prid.e..in N Dr. V.A" Marks" Tom Valente W.H. Brown ' Hamet Nolan CURRM VILLAGE COUNT of North pWm ybrksBeach includes: Dr. V.A. , Mayors ce oq WeHeBro'%mi Tom Valente, Vice -Mayor, 9 . Pro-tem; and council members,Hg age also" and. Al Moore. Moore and Bro'hm formpr-, w1yors Beache. of Norte 064OUrgOemitnent has:'. never been . corrapte..pubBe services an secoid to CLUB, also known as theOakes.. ansifallen no UtNorhMon has ... ............. pain, Beach recently repaired the ri�of.,andplgm a full re in the co6iW9 iews novation y Suggestions for future use include, mflverd'W the buff into a �ultural centere Accession #19?1 Al moore'! . I The Village has come a long way in the ' past 25 years, when it -was created by the Ross Brothers, John ,Schwencke and Jay white. I am extremely proud of North, balm Beach. This is nay fourth term of office on the Village Council, and my second term as Mayor, ,and I have watched . the Village grove into what I think is the . finest eoutnmunity in. Northern Palm 9, Beach County. It is an extremely weld plannied community and was chosen 'by the. Unlver lty of North Carolina for a Community Profile in 1973 because it was -one of the few planned communities of our size in the U ted ,States. a,� North PalmBeach is, and desires to remain, a residential community offering 'a diversity, of housing choice, a full range of : municipal services, commercial development sufficient. t® satisfy the needs of the resident population, and a choice of recreational opportunities. The environment" of . North Palm Beach has been enhanced through plannih.g , and responsible municipal management.. These principals will continue to guide Village growth. On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary. of North, Palm Beach, its citizens can take pride in a Viliag that, has retained its aesth* is image and has no. depressed neighborhoods. Deal estate values, have .remained. stable, Our local government has never been corrupt, our public services are second to, none, and., we have outstanding recreational facilities-. It. is -truly, as our slogan indicates, "'T%o Pest Place to Live Under the Sun V.A.larks,.M.D. Mayor,of Norte. palm Beach V coup 0 V1016 ON "can .0 in CL 0 0 .-C CL Cindy Kuhn C-M-Y KMN— ftkn, wUMAjq NORTH PALM BEACH POLICE OFFICER— "In the fall of 1974, the first raid on Air Force Beach was a little bit different than your average police case. We had had a lot of previous problems,' and --the raids weredesigned to stop the nude j bathift.g. We -thought if we cr acked dow"n'' -on the nude sun-bathing9 it L would CUtL'..dqwn,, on crime — there were lots of auto -;burglaries there — we all ' went down' - to :the .beach in our bathing suits wit-b- portable radios and .made several arrests." ,t,gY enders John LaCer& f�n_c -4t qFy , JOFFB LenCERDA: "As a foreign ' coiTesponde'nt, I reported from 52 countries. My wife Bert, was v. ith me in 30 countries. We aci-ce that North Palm is one of the world's finest places. Our only regret— and one of our outstanding recollections — is. that we didn't buy more real estate when we first came. here .20 years, ago. For instance, we could have bought for $60,000 the 25 or so acres lying north of the Country Club across, the.., Intracoastal. gut the real estate agent .said that as ca friend he wouldn't recommend.' the purchase because the..' ground was mostly swamp and would take a. fortune to fill. Actually it ''was, and is, one of the highest areas .m,:,the Village (Gemini, Everglades and such are there) and today the land might be worth $60 million. .LEGGY ENDERS- CHAUMOMAIN OF. TBIE N.F.B. ANN.T11,TRSARY COMMTTEE- "When Tom Lewis was mayor, the.. Garden's Club wrote a letter asking that the Village be declared a bird sanctuary. The response from the Nlillage was that, a charter change was necessary to do it, Finally, the, Village appbinted � a, charter revision board and the voters voted for the new charter and the bird sanctuary provision was, included when- it passed in 1-968. Lewis often kids me abobt the bird sanctuary issue changing the charter of the Village., I I Lt. B.F. Serkeres'.' John Atwater Dolores Walker LIEUTENANT BRUCE F. SEKEREES BEACH.P,,"�­. N SAFETYCIFFICER- "The first bank robbery e, -erl-41his North -Palm-- Beach --hAppe_ned--�,. ght"d. noon Jan-uary 20, 1981, and w:e got!,, -.a' call just a few minutes after it happened.. The call came, in by alarm and they told us 4t a Y 0 was the real 1g... W, e get hund . reds' of false' alarms. The robbery was at the Financi-al Federal, Savingsand Loan office in the T-vvin City Mall. A man entered the bank and overpowered a security ;guard 'and took his .revolver. With the gunm hand, he appro . ached the tellet9 s vc�dow and demanded money; he got approxi ' mately. five thousand dollars and then .left. About three hours later, the same. person pulled an arined. robbery of Boca Raton drug store And the' Boca police . made an arrest. est, So, from -the time of our first bank robbery to the arrest was three hours, and a majority of the cash and the revolver were recovered. The perpetuator is now.1n. the Florida State Prison. JOHN ATWATER— PUBLIC SAFE- -ICHIE 'We recently -h' d a thing TY: F. a .which .- didn't., really involve pol ice work, but a local man's young son was bitten by a cat and it was a pretty bad bite.. It got to the point - wher'--e the kid .was going to. h.-ave,to -;have rabies shots because the cat couldn't be found. So we called all the local.radio 'stations -with a description off the cat, . asking anyone who,had seen it to let us know. The. little. boy was in the - doctor,'s e,officgettingeteadyto begin th shots when we -got a call -from a lady `who said. she found - a cat behind a i restaurant near the office building. in which .she worked. We picked up- the" boy and went to Palm' Beach Gardens and identified the cat, then took it to be tested and it was found not to have rabies. We' still -don't inov-v who actually owned the cat, but it was returned to the lady who found it,,"', -1 DOLORES WALKER—. C.ITY CLERK, I , NORTH PAL M-,BEACH- ``One of the things I will always recall Will be when we had a ...$325,000 revenue..bondAssu�, all of :which was purchased by theFirst Ainerican Bank, to finance the' library and. the., two -wing additioq:,to,the Village Hall...., ..'Mayor'Tom Lewis an ;J -had to sign. 325. one -thousand 'doll' bonds. H dollar o e .had to sigh them an'd.-I had to attest them. Needless to Say, our. hands'. were tired. We 'sort of had to pa use between to rest our hands'. Villkac of Noftb Po. Im Beach �.iisrory