Preliminary budget for the 1959-1960 fiscal yearOctober 23, 1959 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Village Council Village Hall North Palm Beach, Florida Gentlemen: Each year current operations are evaluated and a financial plan. for next year's municipal operations is prepared. This document is a report of the estimated financial expenditures for the fiscal year ending October 31, and a preliminary budget for the fiscal year 1959- 1960. It is presented for your consideration and guid- ance in formulating a financial program for the coming year, North Palm Beach began the current fiscal year with a deficit of $38, 867. This deficit consisted in the main of funds borrowed in anticipation of 1958 real property taxes and necessary for the operation of the village during its beginning period. With the receipt of 1958 real property taxes this deficit was paid. The proposed budget for the next fiscal year.-" itefnizes expenditures in the amount of $ 160,850. for village government operations. A contingency fund of $12 983 is provided. Duffing the coming year the volume of building activity is expected to remain at 300 homes. Budget estimates are based on 300 homes being constructed. No income has been anticipated from any commercial construction due to the difficulty in estimating the volume. The expanded activity within the village is expected to increase village revenue from $ 138,516 during the current year to $1.60,850 next year. Page 2 a Anticipated revenue other than that derived from property taxes is difficult to predict for the coming year. The anticipated revenue listed in the budget is considered conservative and is based on the expected continued growth of the village. The village has borrowed $10,000 in short term notes in anticipation of 1959 tax receipts. These notes will be paid from funds set aside as a contingency fund. The expenditures recommended in the budget are considered necessary to continue operation of the village at the current level. Pay increases have been recommended in order to bring the pay level of .. , employees more in line with that paid by other communi. ties in the area. Funds have been provided in the budget for continua- tion of the street lighting program, for the purchase of a garbage collection truck, for development of the boat facility area, and for the construction of shuffle- board courts. The budget document has been broken down into account detail to coincide with the accounting procedure now in use. It is hoped this breakdown will also assist any interested citizen in understanding the document for the budget is citizen property and to be of benefit it must be understood. Respectfully submitted C ( I&Iza5 ALBIN R. OLSON Village Manager VILLAGE OF NORTH- PALM BEACH. FLORIDA Detail of Antici aced Revenue 1959 - 1960 Source of Revenue Revenue 1958-59 _Estimated} .�Y/tom Heai Estate Personal l'ro ert Taxes Real Estate Taxes Total Taxes Licenses and Permit Fees Building'Permits Dog Licenses Individual. Registrations Occupational Licenses Total Licenses and Permit Fees Fines Forfeits & Penalties Fines and Forfeitures Total Fines , 'enalties Franchise Revenues ill 30,000 95 45 169000 1.75 Florida Power and Light Co. 39526 Southern Bell Telephone Co. 105 Greens Fuel 510 Total Franchise Revenues Revenues from Other Agencies Village Share, Road & Bridae Fund 970 Village Share, Cigarette Tax Fund 18,203 Total Revenues from Other Agencies GRAND TOTAL 46,140 175 42141 .199173 $138, 516 Revenue 1959--60 (Anticipated) $ 81,750 30,000 100 50 15,000 200 6,000 250 1,000 1,500 22$000 $ 81,750 48,150 200 7,250 23,2500 $.1610 850 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Summary of Proposed Expenditures 1959 - 1960 Apor-ouiate Title . 1958-59 • Estimated Expenditures 10 - General Government $ 91900 20 - Village Manager 92562 30 - Village Attorney 2,425 40 - Village Clerk 675 50 Finance Department 61765 60 Dept of Public NSIafety 309281. 70 d Engineering Dept. 12,298 80 Parks & Recreation 13,120 90 Operations 31,860 Contingoncy -800-ftwwftavw� $116,886 1 1959-60 Village Manage:nl.s Recommendation 122760 109205 2 , 650 460 69910 339022 149350 199800 4 -?10 7$/ 120 ,.�8q $1609850 Expenditure Classifications 10 Q GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1958-59 Estimated Expenditures 1959 - 60 Village Manager's Recommendation Personal Services $ . 0 $ _ 0 Contractual Services 1,400 L690Materials and Supplies 7o I00 Fixed Charges 89050 10 ,spa Interest 380 100 T ota 1 s $ 92900 $12s 760 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 213 Postage $ 200 214 Telephone 840 2.15 Travel. and Subsistence 2O0 231 Street Light Power � MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 311 Forms and Stationary $ 100 $1.9690 $ 100 10 - - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ,S c ont Id FIXED CHARGES 410 Rent $ 52580 420 Insurance 35437 430 Contributions 100 442 Memberships 62 451 Social Security Taxes 12616 452 Awards, Keys, Certificates 75 INTEREST 800 Interest on Notes $ 100 Page 2. +mnrr'��.r�rrr $10,870 $ 100 20 - VILLAGE 94NAGER 1958-59 1959-60 Expenditure Estimated Village Manager's Classifications Ex�nditures Recommendations Personal Services $ 71950 $ 89745 Contractual. Services 1,100 12050 11iaterials and Supplies 350 225 Fixer-, Charges 72 85 Capital. Ou..lad. 90 100 Totals $ 92562 $ 10,205 PERSONAL SERVICES 1.10-V.illaae h4anager $ 82.745 $ 81745 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 211 Postage $ 20 212 14ileage Allowance 720 215 Travel & subsistence 100 222 Blueprinting & Maps 75 223 Printing and Binding 50 242 Maintenance of Off 'ice Equipment 50 259 Management Information Service 35 $ 12050 20 - VILLAGE MANAGES _.(c ont Y d Page 2. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 311 Forms and Stationary $ 100 319 Office Supplies 125 own FIXED CHARGES 441 Periodicals, Subscriptions 35 442 Professions' Organizations 25 459 Other Charges 25 CAPTIAL OUTLAY 610 FILE CABINET $ 225 85 $ 100 30 - VILLAGE ATTOPNEY. 1958-59 1959-60 Expenditure Estimated Village blanc-Ager's ClassificationE3. Exoenditures Recommendations Personal Services Materials and Supplies Totals $ 21400 25 $ 2 9 422 5 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Village Attorney MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES $ 2,400 250 $ 21650 $_2 9 400 319 Nliscellaneous, Supplies 250 $ 2 F400 $ 250 Expenditure Chas s ifications Personal Services Contractual. Services Materials and Supplies Capital Outlay Totals 40 - VILLAGE CLERK 1958-59 Estimated Expenditures $ - 0 . 400 275 0 $ 6-75 1959-60 Village Manager I s Recommendations $- 0 - 260 100 $ 460 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 213 Postage $ 35 221 Advertising (Legal) 50 223 Printing 175 $ 260 l MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 311 Forms and Stationary $ 100 (inc. Election Materials) $ 100 CAPITAL OUTLAY 610 File Cabinet $ 100 $ 100 Expenditure Cic-issifications Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Fixed charges Totals 50 - FINANCE DEPARTMENT (Treasurer & Tax Collector) 1958-59 Estimated Ex2enditures $ 31900 21500 I I " )_ 250 $ 61765 1959-60 Village 11anagerts .Recommendations $ 4$200 29335 -125 250 $ 61910 PERSOINAL SERVICES 110 Bookkeeper -Secretary $ 41200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 213 Postage 100 221 Advertising, (Legal} 35 223 Printing 200 252 Audit MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 311 Forms and Stationary 50 319 Office Supplies 75 FIXED CHARGES 419 Rental of Off ice Equipment 250 *-SOON" $492.00 29335 125 250 Expenditure Classifications Personal Services Contractual. Services 11iiaterials and oupplies Fixed Charges Capital Outlay 60 - DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1958-59 Estimated Expenditures $ 19,546 1. 275 31650 2 ,170 3 640 1959-60 Village ManagerIs Recommendations $ 20,520 19925 2,920 3,135 41522 Totals $ 309281 $ 33,022 61 - POLICE DEPARTMENT 1958-59 Expenditure Estimated Classifications Exoen,a tares 1959-60 Tillage Manager's Recommendations Personal Services $ 19 , 080 $ 193800 Contractual Sorvi.ce s 1, 225 1.4465 Materials and Supplies 3$075 23595 Fixed Charges 350 310 Capital Outlay 540 14500 Totals $ 24,270 $25 , 670 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 chief $ 59600 110 Patrolmen (2) 9,000 120 Relief Patrolman O'Time 4.4800 120 School Patrolwoman 400 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 211 Freight and Express $ 20 213 Postage 20 214 Telephone and Telegraph 175 215 Travel 100 216 Radio Service 800 222 Photography 25 223 Printing 25 243 Maintenance (vehicle) 125 244 maintenance (Street Si. ns ) 100 294 Subsistence (Prisoners 75 $ 19,800 $11465 60 -- POLICE DEPARTMENT Lont y d Pa e 2 . iMiATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 311 Forms and Stationary $ 35 32,E Rotor= Fuel and 01.1 19800 324 Materials for Repairs 150 325 Uniforms 1.500 329 Flashlights, Batteries 15 331 Cleaning Supplies 20 342 First Aid Supplies 75 FIXED CHARGES 422 Insurance, Equipment $ 300 441 Subscriptions 10 CAPITAL OUTLAY $2t595 310 690 Remote Radio Receiver $ 11500 $1,500 Expenditure Class 'if ication Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Fixed Charges Capital Outlay Totals 62 - FIRE DEPARTMENT 1958-59 Estimated Expenditures �.o�wrwss.wsw.r�.+�rrww � ..vo.�c �arrrw $ 466 50 575 19820 3,100 $ 65011 PERSONAL. SERVICES 120 Firemen (18) CONTRACTUAL _SERVICES 211 Freight and Express 214 Lease Telephone Lime 223 Printing 243 Maintenance, Vehicle MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 311 Forms and Stationary 321 Motor Fuel and oils 324 Materials for Repair 325 Uni.firms 351 cleaning Supplies 1959-60 Village Manager' s Recommendation $ 720 460 325 2 , 825 3_,022 $ 7,352 $ 720 $ 25 360 25 50 $ 10 125 75 90 25 $ 720 $ 460 $ 325 62 - FIRE DEPARTMENT _(contdL FIXED CHARGES' 419 Hydrant Rental (40) 422 Insurance, Equipment 441 Subscriptions CAPITAL OUTLAY 620 Contract Payment (Fire Engine) 630 Other Equipment (e.g. Tools, Coats, Hose) Page 2. 600 210 15 $ 2, 692 330 $ 2,825 A $ 3,022 Expenditure Classifications Contractual Services Materials and Supplies 71 - VILLAGE ENGINEER 1958-59 Estimated Expenditures $ I , 200 150 1959-60 Village -Manager's ece mendations $ 11200 250 Totals $ 11850 $ ft 450 5 0 Expenditure Classifications 72 - BUILDING OFFICIAL 1958-59 Estimated Ekoetdai. ture s 1959-60 Village Manager's Recommendation Personal Services $ 82988 $ 11,220 Contractual Services 19200 13,300 Materials and Supplies 210 200 Capital outlay 550 200 Totals $10,948 $ 129900 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Building official $ 71-020 110 Secretary - License Clerk 4,200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 213 Postage 25 212 b"lileage Allowance 960 214 Radio Service 300 223 Printing 75 220 $ 1,360 72 - BUILDING OFFICIAL cont'd MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 311 Forms and Stationary 100 319 Office Supplies 100 CAPITAL OUTLAY 610 Office Files (2) 200 Page ;', 200 200 Expenditure Classifications Fersona1', Services Contractual - Services Materials, and Supplies Capital Outlay M Totals i 80 Q PARKS AND RECREATION 1958-59 Estimated Expenditures $ 3,640 41780. 310 4,1390 $ 13.-S120 PERSONAL SERVICES 1959-60 Village t4anager Is Recommendation $ 4 000 5;00Q 300 9.500 .. Supervision and Instruction Recreation Program CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 259 Transportation, Rental of Facilities, Instruction MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 349 Miscellaneous Supplies CAPITAL OUTLAY �2Q Shuffleboard Courts 690 Recreation Equipment 720 Boat Area Development $ 4,000 $ 59000 $ 300 $ 2,500 31000 4--2-500 $ 4,000 $ 50000 300 $10 , 000 Expenditure clas sif .cations N�- Personal Services contractual Services Materials and Supplies Fixed Charges Capita. Outlay Totals 4.. 90 OPERATIONS 1958-59 Estimated Ex2enditures $ 19 1200 1,400 780 0 - - 109480 $ 31,860 1959-60 Village Manager's Recommendations $ 299120 29350 1,660 1,080 13.500 $ 47,710 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Maintenance Porsonnel (10) $ 29,120 $ ''9,120 CONTRACT UA L SERVICE :244 Mosquito Spraying $ l 5�00 243 Maintenance, Vehicles a 250 293 County Dump 600 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES oft $ 21350 321 Gas and Oil $ 750 322 Tires 125 324 Materials for Repairs 200 325 Uniforms 585 $ 1,660 90 - OPERATIONS jcourt' d) FIXED CHARGES. 410 -dent (Garage) CAPITAL OUTLAY 540 Street Lights 620 Garbage Collection Truck I $ 11080 41500 ...94000 Paqe 2 0 $ -I s 080 $13,500