NPB Signs $425,000 Bonds (Courier) 10-3-68eN r i .-., October PARTICIPATION IN ISSUANCE OF $425,000 of NPB R. Bell, Vice -Mayor - ]Dolores R. Walker, Village Village Bonds were: Seated: Roy Talmo, President of Clerk - William D. Kendrick, Executive Vice Presi- First American Bank; Standing left to right: David C. dent of First American Bank - Frank Peuser, Senior Clark, Councilman - Allan V. Everard, Councilman - Vice Presidentof First American Bank - Herbert Thomas R. Lewis, Mayor of North Palm Beach, Thomas A. Watt, Councilman and Lawrence J. Robbins, Vil- lage Manager. Ernie Histed Photo N.P.B. Signs $425,000 Bonds, Revenue bonds to finance $4250000 worth of muni- cipal construction were Isigned and delivered to ' the First American Bank of North Palm Beach at noon Monday, the 30th. Some $3250000 in bond money and a federal li- brary grant of $100,000 will pay for construction of three projects. Mayor Tom Lewis and Village Clerk Dolores Walker signed 325 bonds in $12000 denominations and turned them over to three bank officials -- President Roy Talmo, Executive Vice President William Kendrick a n d Senior Vice President Frank Peuser. The bond issue will be secured by revenues from Florida Power & Light Co. franchise taxes. Vil- lage Manager Lawrence J. Robbins said current income from that source exceeds the amounts which will be needed for bond payments. The issue will run for 19 years and bear 5 1/ 8 per cent in- terest, In announcing that First American Bank had pur- chased the entire bond i s s ue, Mayor Lewis praised the work of the council. "Councilmen devoted much time, effort and study to determine first how much money would be needed for the new facil- ities and then to deter- mine the best method of financing," the mayor said. "It also required con- siderable time and effort to obtain the federal grant from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare." Bond payments never can become a lien agar st property in the village, the mayor said, and there never will be the need to increase taxes to make bond payments. One project now is un- der way -- twin additions to the Village Hall, at an approximate cost of $90,- 000. A. new south wing will include a t w o-bay fire station and police com- plex. The north wing will have offices, a conference room and a combination council chambers a n d courtroom. Construct- tion began in August. Bids were received re- cently for a two-story public library building, to replace facilities in the old Country Club building. The library will cost an estimated $200,000 with one-half of that amount coming from the federal grant. The third project is a two - story community center building to serve all age groups. The esti- mated cost is $1253,000. Both the community center and library build- ings will be built immed- iately west of the Village Hall. Additions to the Vil- lage Hall should be com- pleted in November, and all construction should be finished one year later.