Editor's Comments (Gulf Stream News) 7-29-61Y ,. Z9
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The Gulf Stream News
arjd The Riviera Beach Press
1127 Broadway Riviera Beach, Florida
Publisher Managing Editor
ll ounded as The Booster, December, 1945; renamed the
Riviera Beach Press, July 1, 1949; merged \with The Gulf Stream
Ne Ns, August 10, 1956. Published continuously since 1945.
Second-class Postage Paid at Riviera Beach, Florida.
Member of Florida Press Association.
By: Lawrence J , Nunn
` A wel I informed public wil I turn out and vote
in a referendum election. This was proved this
week. in North Palm Beach where 75 percent of
the village's 1,000 registered voters approved a
charter change that will pave the way for a new
recreation area .
This forward thinking community government,
without acting under the
s mp t a su ion that only one
percent of the voters would
understand the proposition,
presented each member of
the community with the
full story of their plans,
In addition they (cooper
ated to the highest degree
with the area press in providing information con-
cerning the referendum.
Nothing was held back because the residents
might not understand it. The proposition was listed
in deta i I without attempting to tel I the population
how to .vote .
The results-75 percent of the registered voters
turned out to participate in the charter referend-
um . Compare this with the 15 or 26 percent vote
turned out in other area recent charter elections.
Of course, in no way is this to take any credit
Away from the residents of this fine community.
�No matter what efforts had been made by the
T v i I I a ge gove rnme n t, newspa pe rs, e tc ., i t wou I d
have a I I been in vain if the residents of the town
were not the type of good citizens who turn out
and vote. Their voting record should stand out as
an example for many other communities.