Merit Award Given Village of NPB 1958f VILLAGE WINS AWARD --Mayor Richard E. Ross of the Vil- lage of North Palm Beach is shown at the left receiving the merit award certificate in the 1958 Neighborhood Development Contest in Chicago at the convention of the National Assn. of Horne Builders from Ray Cherry of Los Angeles, Calif., ehair- m.an of the Land. Planning Committee. Herbert A. Rose, * com- missioner of the village, is in the center. Merit Award Given Village Of North PB The Village of North Palm Beach is the first community in Florida to win the merit award offered by the National Assn. of Home Builders. The certificate was presented in Chicago .at the national convention on Jan. 22. The contest has been sponsored since 1948. North Palm Beach was in com- petition with community develop- ments throughout the nation. Twenty-two were considered and seven, including the local village, were awarded the merit award certificate in the 1958 Neighbor-1 hood Development Contest. The items considered were: Land use, street layout and engi- neeAng, water and sewer systems, storm drainage facilities, archi- tectural design and building con- struction, and the village govern- ment. Commissioner J. A. Schwencke pointed out that the committee in issuing the award commented, "We like the idea of 16 different buila-ers taking part in one devel- opment and that you had an unique idea -of incorporating all utility and municipal organizations and had excellent community fa -