Village Manager Happy At Budget Deadline Time (Miami Herald) 8-28-67VILLAGE - MA-NIAGERS 'Truly'W'' "U OUS cor"Jill'unitv V'11a of I ge Manager Lawrence Robbirts views North Palm Beach By -61-LL CHARNLEY Herald Staff Writer NORTH PALM BEACH — Ws budget deadline -time, and Larry Robbins, new vil- lage manager, couldn't be happier. "I can't think of a, better way to become thoroughly knowledgeable about the econo-m- i le health and Philosophy of a, community in the shortest Possible time," he said, riffling a three-inch thick packet of departmental reports. Si nce takHi I fWir, over the post July 17, Rob- bins has been deeply huniersed ill the budget, which will presented to the village council Sept. I. And he has attended dozens of � committee Meetings during the evenings after his 8 a.m. to 5 P. M-. working day. ijym a great believer in board and cony- mittee Id s, meetin9" he said. "From them, YOU get the real pulse of the community.,, Michigan born, Robbins recelved. a bach- elors. degree In business administration at I 3/fichigan State University before to University 1-110ving Florida 11 years ago with his ivife, Janice, and their five children. His en'tiT,e. career has been one of public service. and. government. "Municipal government is service to peo- ple, the residents,. and it is that aspect which makes, It interesting, challenging," he said, explaining his philosophy. In tnuiiiOpal worlk there is great saris ­ faction in getting thing's done, doing things for other people," he added. it Is obvious that he has been successful in Iniplenienting that philosophy. For the three: years prior to his move here he had n-ianaged the municipal affairs of Palm Day, r whose councilmen thought so highly of his work that they recently read a resolution of glowing tributes for him into their minutes, then sent a copy to him here. Gzing out the window of his office In the village hall, Robbins said, "This is truly a fabulous Community. The residents are vital- ly community minded, active and, interested. And they have ali impressive and well rounded set of activities for everyone, chil d , ren and adults alike a cultural art cen- ter, ballet school, senior citizens center, beautification committee and a municipal' golf. and country club.'" Admitting that he ".likes golf, but haveWt had time to play for many years," he pre- dicted that it would eventually be "one of our activities here. "This is the first time we have lived in the tropical portion of Florida, and we are looking for -ward to enjoying it thoroughly, he AN said. ro � �. Larry Robb -ins NP Beach..M.anager Unique Larry Robbins, manager of 0"the Village of. North Palm Beach, is unique in modern city government. Robbins is unique, first, because he has been manager of North Palm Beach five and one half years. He's been there longer than any other manager has remained with a ­ i munici ty or city in Palm Beach taliounty. Most city managers "grow out" of their towns quickly, movina on to bigger cities —or they develop rifts with their city councils, causing their moves to be hastened. Larry Robbins is in no hurry to move anywhere. "No," lie lays, with definite feeling, "I don't want to go anywhere else. . 1)d like to Itay in city management and 'd like to stay right here. . .this is the greatest community in the country." Nor has Larry Robbins ever been in serious disagreement with city council. The councilmen, and the people they represent, just don't kick .about the kind of city management that has created a surplus in the Village treasury every year since Robbing took the job —and caused taxes to be education." Unlike most city managers flow, Robbins did not study. Public Administration in college -to- become a manager. He's much older (50) than he looks, it seems, and they didn't even have Public Administration courses when he took his BA at Michigan State. He started, in, fact, with a career in the electro lowered last year. mechanical field in his home "Oh., the councilmen have state of Michigan. all been wonderful people," "Having journeyed to Robbins says, "'They're easy to Florida' several times with an work with Highly elect ro-mechanical firm cooperative." finally asked myself, 'Why wait Second, Larry Robbins is for retirement?' and came here unique in that, as 'he puts it, to stay 16 years ago," he "he's a *city manager by recalls,, "My first job here was experience, not by formal 'M'' law enforcement in Brevard County. I stayed there four years." Robbins became noticed as a lawman by the city manager where he worked. That manager suggested he would make a good city manager himself and, accordingly, Robbins soon went, to work- as a city clerk. He worked his way up in city administration until he reached the North Palm Beach Village manager's chair. Now, Larry Robbins is one of the busiest men around. The manager of North Palm Beach is responsible for v i r t it a I I y the entire administration of the community. He's a purchasing agent, a personnel director, a budgeter, a consultant on programs for the city council, and . supervisor of the total operation of the community. Some of the load may have been taken Off with the hiring of a- full time manager for the Village Country Club. Robbins was handling that job on top of his regular duties until this week. But he's still a mighty busy man. The phone on his desk seems to never stop ringing and there's nearly always someone in his office. But Larry Robbins likes it that way. "I definitely encourage young people to get into city management," he says, "I personally find great Continued on page 4 a —Flerald Staff Photo by BATTLE VAUGHAN Asysen mand MUG Wlyd HIHON