Village begins search for new manager 2004W r- r-. K 04Y Auq Search begins for NPB town manager The village Council of North Palen Beach has launched a statewide search for a new town manager to replace .Dennis Redmond who resigned after only eight months in office. Colin Baenziger and Associates, the company that led the search that brought Redmond, has agreed to lead this search for free. They had guaranteed Redmonds employment for at least one year. Although Baenziger gave the council a list of eight possible candidates immediately interested in the position, the council voted to do a wider search to create a larger Pool of candidates. The process could take as long as 90 days. The search for village manager is on Mayor Don Noel said the village has received 15 resumes for the position of village manager. "We have to go through them and have the consult- ant do background checks," he said. Mayor Noel is pleased at the response the search has yielded. "We've got a lot of interest from a lot of great. candidates." The position was left empty when former manager Dennis Redmond resigned, sighting health concerns and job -related stress as reasons. For now, assistant manager Doug Smith is at the helm. "Doug Smith is running the show quite capably," Mayor Noel, said. m.ar�ager By Michelle Kaplan staff writer NORTH � PALM BEACH The search for a replace- ment for the North Palm Beach Village Manager has begun, after last month's resignation of former Vil- lage manager Dennis Red- mond, who served North Palm Beach for eight months. A contract with recruiter MANAGER Continued from page Al mier recruiter in Florida, when it comes to munici- pal executive recruiting," Mayor Noel said. The position will be advertised heavily in trade publications and the league of cities publica- tions. Mayor Noel said that no one person is being consid- ered yet for the position, saying the search is wide open. "We've got a good group of candidates that Colin Baenziger has presented," Mayor Noel said. "We've Acap #7aroY446 Colin Baenziger last year pro-vided a guaranteed the Position would be filled with a candidate for at least one year. Since that requirement was not ful- filled, the additional search by Mr. Baenziger will come at no additional cost to the Village, Mayor Don Noel said. "(Baenziger is) the pre ♦ See Manager A4 decided to make sure that we advertise the position statewide, so that we're sure we have the best group of candidates possible." Mayor Noel said the Vil- lage expects to be in the interview process in five weeks. The Village seeks a candi- date that can wear many hats due to the various operations the village man- ager oversees. "Someone that has good budget experience, experi- ence with a public safety department and experi- ence with country club operations," Mayor Noel said.