NP won't rush to replace manager (PBP) 7-23-04P113-PI, OuLy Z3,? 2004 Aecl:'F2001 /-, 7 �.Oz V47 NANA,, �9,5 North Palm won't rush to ace-., Manager.. By-JENNIFER SORENTRUE Palm Beach Post Staff Writer NORTH PALM BEACH -- Council members said Thursday that they'd rather wait and see whether Village Manager Dennis Redmond follows through. with a public resignation he made this week before they- discuss re-, placing him. Village Attorney George "Baldwin will send Redmond a letter asking him to submit hisresignation in writing; if he still intends to leave the post he has held for 'about. eight months. Redmond abruptly re- signed during' a public meet- ing Monday night, citing ..health problems and the stress of the job. He said he would submit, his resignation "effective when I fund out what my medical condition is." Redmond is on ,medical` leave. His employment con- tract requires a written resig- nation! Councilman Charles O'Meilia said Thursday . that he wants Redmond- to have the chance to identify his ail- ment before the council de- cides how to replace him. "I think it's 'a little prema- ture,."'. O'Meilia said during a special meeting to discuss Redmond'.s resignation. "I-' think it leaves the perception we are accepting something that's not so." On* Monday, Redmond took: aim at'village'leaders, citing complaints of sexual harassment in the public safety department. The allegations have prompted ,two investigations. One ,found there was "insuffi- cient information" to support the clams. The results of the second weren't 0 ediately available Thursday. The resignation ,has caused quite a stir in this small town, which spans about 4 square miles. During the invocation at the Co' uncil's regular meeting Thursday, Mayor Don Noel asked for help dealing with "rumor and innuendo." 0 jennifer sorentrue@pbpost.com