N. Palm Beach Village Manager Resigns Post (PB Times) 5-8-639,71
woft PAW BUM pUBuc uexnrn
lage Manama Vil- I ing as it is satisfying.
aTuesday Manager Albin R. Olson ful reflection After care- Olson said Tuesday
night submitted his res- tion, I find my philos.o- no im night he has f renting the library
ignation to a surprised 'village phies of admrnistra ' mediate plans for the - mi society, sub
council. g administration, which Lure. fu tted a detailed plan for munici-
have applied during the Pal an
of n
The village manages read his period of village growth past In other business library facil-
resignation during ineffective. Also gh' one now ss at the special advanced
Among recommendations
g a special meet- because I find session, councilmen approved a vanced by the society ing called during a workshop It no longer Possible resolution .form a were
ession to pass a p the attitudes and e to cope with tion by eminent municipal acquisl- appO1nting a Iibrary board., hiring
acquire land, resolution to desires of man domain of a plot full-time librarian and providing
village citizens Y of land located in the westernmost p ng
Olson asked that his resignation g r enjoyable. my work is no space in the dining room area of
lone Accordingly, I pr a of the � 14-acre tract on the old country club. Co
take effect at the earliest possible osperity Farms Commission -
conclude date Upon conclude the best interests of the Road recently err took the recommendations
the recommendation village will be served b purchased and under advisement dations
of May Warren P. T`atoul coup- resignation at Y mY village. Mayor annexed
nexed by the A
oilmen tabled action T to resi this time.�� Y atoul said the t present the society operates
p etas
without c the Olson's a plot will be used for access pur_ in a room in the country t�
:meet on the request until the 1956 when North
..time in :poses. try clues
next meeting, Palm Beach was building and has been receiv'
14. scheduleQ for May incorporated and granted Af ter the special session and cataloguing book mg ' g d a state missioners convened in worksh � �e g donations. �
i Olson stated in the letter: charter. He has been assistant session garden grou requested
port mane and heard re OP appoIn men o a
`It has been my privilege a,od Po toe ger at Port Everglades, she North P quests from beautification
p easure duringemployed d in the office of the city theSocPalm Beach Library beautification
to plan future village
years to have eene past severs manager of Pensacola an, and the Villa e Gard eautification and to
employed as as assistant � d acted Club. oversee
Village _ en maintenance of present plantings.
�' Manager of North Palm Daytona Beach.
manager at ` Attorney H, Councilmen al s
.beach. L. Gilden, re re- so took this matter
"The village began with a Olson r p under advisement.
a graduate of Florida' 1 g nas- State Universit
plan in 1956. It has been ynost ter's a Y, holds a, mas-
satisfying to have had a debree in city
developing part :gin He served in thmanagement.
p g this community wiC l i for 36 months-inyouth Pacific
the original planning. World war II
"Employment in an,i he held the rank of major;
tiger field is frequentlythe city man- � ; the Marine Co
as frustrat- Ke,9e�,n Conflict. Corps during the